Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Ron Weasley Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/10/2003
Updated: 06/24/2004
Words: 39,829
Chapters: 17
Hits: 15,725

The Catch


Story Summary:
By losing a chess game to Harry, Ron now has to answer to a bet made. The thing is... he has to take Snape out on a date!

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Who is Severus Snape? Is he really that cold? Or is Ron Weasley starting to get under his skin? Here, let's take a walk into the mind of the Potions Professor... And find out what Ron plans for the both of them. =)

Chapter 3: Severus Snape

Professor Severus Snape drummed his fingers on his desk, his mind wandering from his work. He looked back down at what he was working on and decided that he could make this list of new potions ingredients first thing tomorrow morning. It was too late to order them tonight anyway.

He glanced at the clock over his bookshelf. One o'clock in the morning. It was way past his usual bedtime and he still had an early class tomorrow but, unfortunately, sleep was the farthest thing from his mind right now.

He sighed as he thought about what happened earlier that day. He had seen the young Ron Weasley this morning at breakfast. Usually, he never took notice of the Gryffindors, except to sneer at Harry Potter once or twice during the day. The boy annoyed him almost as much as his father did before when they were both students. But, ever since yesterday, he couldn't take his eyes off Potter's redheaded friend. For the past six and a half years, Ron Weasley had never really existed for him. He was just one of Potter's goody-goody friends, together with that insufferable know-it-all, Ms. Granger. He was just a distant irritation to Severus, only noticed when the trio made enough trouble for him like that incident with Sirius Black four years ago. But, on an everyday scale, Ron Weasley did not make himself conspicuous enough like his troublemaking older brothers, Fred and George.

But yesterday... when he held Severus' wrist in that hallway, the normally irascible Potions Professor felt a jolt of electricity travel up his arm--which was why he only reacted when the young man had already pulled him several meters across the hall. Maybe it was his scent... Ron smelled like winter in the middle of September. Or maybe it was the rather endearing helpless brown eyes... there was just something in him that made Sev delay his usual reply and made him almost kind to the boy before he left him alone in that hallway.

Afterwards, he felt irritated with himself for letting a cute little thing affect his composure. And Ron Weasley was certainly pretty! It had been quite a surprise for Severus to realize that but he had never stood that close to the boy before.

Didn't he already learn the hard way that it was better to be alone? All his life, Severus Snape had kept himself distanced from everyone else, even Dumbledore whom he trusted with his life. His lifestyle did not have room for any attachments or friendships. His detachment with the world at large made him rather unpopular and made him seem mean, especially to the younger students, but that was just his way of keeping them away. Nastiness became an easy habit after a lifetime.

But the feel of Ron's long, tapered fingers on his wrist shocked him, made him long for what he didn't have... what he convinced himself he didn't want. And this angered him, this momentary weakness. That was all it was. A momentary weakness. After all, he had not been touched in such a way for a long time.

He had resolved to forget the incident soon after. It wouldn't do to think of appealing young men when one was trying to keep to one's business. But this morning, he had seen Ron again. He had looked charming, his red hair rumpled stylishly, but still manage to retain that innocent, helpless demeanor that attracted him to Severus the day before.

While he was admiring the view, the boy just had to turn and look at him in the eye. Severus had surprised himself by returning that questing glance with a small smile, he had been quite powerless to stop it. Instantly, he felt mortified at what he did and quickly turned to Professor Flitwick, hoping that Ron didn't notice anything. When he sneaked a glance at the Gryffindor table later, Ron had turned back to eating his breakfast and did not venture another look at the teacher's table that morning. Severus didn't know if he should feel relieved or disappointed.

He left his office and walked to his quarters in the dungeons. It was dark here, and a little colder than the rest of the castle. He preferred it this way. It seemed... more private. He took off his cloak and hung it. He glimpsed himself in the mirror as he turned. Just then, he felt a sudden desire to see his own face... he had quite forgotten what he looked like.

Slowly, with shaking fingers, he took his hair and slipped it behind his ears. The shoulder-length tangles covered half his face. As he stared at his pale oval face, Severus felt a little surprised. He didn't look bad. Just a little... distant. He blinked his large deep-set, black eyes. He was a little vulnerable at the moment. But he knew that as soon as he went out and walked the halls of the school, his features would rearrange themselves back to the same frowning mask he always wore. The habit got tiring sometimes.

He turned his back to the mirror. The habit also protected him. He must never forget that.


Next morning, at Potions class, Ron found himself unable to concentrate on Professor Snape's lecture. This wasn't so surprising in itself since he almost never paid attention to any of the Professor's lectures during his past years in Hogwarts. But today, the reason for his inattention differed slightly from the usual.

He found himself very interested in Severus Snape like he had never been before.

He always had an image of his most hated professor, and he always stuck by the frowning nasty person in his mind whenever he thought of Snape. But, now, looking at the real thing, he was a little surprised to find that his image of Snape was more than a little erroneous. He must be more careful with looking at people next time.

He leaned on his desk to get a closer look. Snape was holding a branch of eucalyptus in his right hand and was currently explaining its merits in making a relaxing potions and aphrodisiacs. Ron found himself watching the Professors mouth as he spoke. His lips looked soft. And they were pale... a pale, pale pink like the underside of petals. Ron found himself grinning at the metaphor. He didn't know he could be so poetic.

And his eyes. He loved Snape's lashes. They were long, and curved. In the dim light of the dungeon classroom, they cast shadows on his pale cheeks. And his nose... Ron narrowed his eyes. He didn't deny that Snape's nose was rather hooked and over-long though it was narrow, but it didn't seem as unattractive as before. He thought they added character to his face. In fact, if he had a smaller nose, Snape would look rather girlish and ordinary. Ron decided that Snape's current looks were much sexier.

"Mr. Weasley, I just asked you a question."

Ron was startled from his reverie. Snape was looking at him with his left brow raised.

"I'm sorry, Professor. Could you repeat the question again?"

Snape's nostrils flared in annoyance.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for not paying attention, Weasley. I just asked you what potion does eucalyptus leaves make particularly potent when they are added."

Ron took a deep breath. "I believe it's the Amore, commonly known as the Love Potion. This particular strain was developed by the French alchemist Pierrepont in the twelfth century due to his desire to capture the love of the beautiful witch Míenna. With its standard ingredients, the Amore acts well but with two finely-chopped eucalyptus leaves added, the potion makes the drinker obsessed, not just loving, towards the person intended."

Two black brows rose in surprise with Ron's accurate answer. "Very well, Mr. Weasley. Five points to Gryffindor. Now, class..." Professor Snape turned back to the students to continue his lecture.

"Very impressive. You actually studied Potions?" Harry whispered to Ron.

Ron grinned, abashed. "I decided to use a few minutes last night to read up on the lesson. It never hurts to impress."

"Hmmm." Harry smiled. "Well done. Have you thought of a good plan, by the way? About you know..."

"Yes. I'll speak to him after class. Now shut up before he deducts more points."

Harry withdrew just as Snape turned to them. He glanced at them suspiciously before concluding the lecture and dismissing the class.

As the students gathered their things and pushed their way out the door, Snape sat behind his desk, moving pieces of parchment around while massaging his right temple with his fingers. Clutching his book bag nervously, Ron approached him.


"What, Mr. Weasley?" Snape's dark eyes flitted slightly over him before turning back to the papers on the desk. He seemed to be looking for something.

"I wonder if I could arrange for regular consultation hours with you. You see, I find this class more challenging than the rest and I would really appreciate it if you could help me understand some of the concepts better."

Ron held his breath as he waited for Snape to answer. The Professor's hand stilled. The seconds ticked by. It was so quiet that Ron could almost hear the trickle of nervous sweat drop from his brow. Then, Snape raised his head and met his eyes.

"I don't usually agree to regular consultation hours. Under normal circumstances, I would have someone else tutor you on a regular basis. However..." He drummed slender fingers on the table. "In this case, I am quite pleased with your sudden interest and dedication towards the subject. I think this merits tutorial sessions with me. I'll send word when I have arranged my schedule."

"Th-thank you, Professor." Ron turned around slowly. He agreed! It had been a far shot but he actually agreed!

As he was just about to walk away from the desk, he heard Snape mutter behind him and the sound of parchment being noisily pushed around.

"Where in Merlin's name is that list?"

Ron looked down. He had stepped on something, a piece of parchment. He picked it up and dusted it lightly. It had Snape's long, spidery handwriting. He turned back to the Professor.

"Umm, sir, is this what you're looking for?" He handed the parchment to Snape.

"Yes. Thank you, Mr. Weasley." He reached for it. As his fingers closed over the parchment, his hand brushed Ron ever so slightly.

Ron's eyes widened. "I... I..." Did Snape feel that?

Snape's looked at him curiously. "What is it now?"

"Nothing." Ron stepped back. "I was just leaving." He ran out of the classroom.

A pair of black eyes followed his retreating back before they returned their troubled gaze to the desk.

Severus Snape sighed when Ron left. He could still hear the boy's footsteps running outside in the hall. Once again, he had disappointed himself. Or hadn't he? He touched the parchment where Ron's fingers touched them previously. He was getting weak. He could have easily assigned another Potions-gifted student, probably Ms. Granger or Draco Malfoy, to tutor Ron. But no... he had, in a moment of weakness, volunteered to do it himself. That meant human interaction.

Well, the boy needs a teacher's supervision. He was certainly pleased that Ron was showing interest in Potions. Of course, it may have come surprisingly late since the boy was already in his seventh year but Snape was pleased nonetheless. Yes, of course, that was it. He was just pleased with the student's interest in his lessons. What else could be the reason for the sudden warm feeling he was experiencing now?

He sniffed. There was still a touch of pine in the air.