Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Ron Weasley Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/10/2003
Updated: 06/24/2004
Words: 39,829
Chapters: 17
Hits: 15,725

The Catch


Story Summary:
By losing a chess game to Harry, Ron now has to answer to a bet made. The thing is... he has to take Snape out on a date!

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Ron experiences a little identity crisis as he tries to understand his feelings for Snape. "Am I gay or not? Aaaahhhrrrggghhh!!!"
Author's Note:
Sorry for the delay. I was ill for a while. Anyway, thanks to all those who've reviewed the previous chapters. =)

Chapter 2: Musings of a Confused Mind

Hermione cornered Ron later that afternoon, ten minutes before Charms class. She rushed to him at once, leaving Harry sauntering alone in the middle of the hall, smoothly ignoring his female (and male!) admirers swooning in the sidelines. Ron had been avoiding them the whole day after the Snape encounter that morning. He figured that he needed a few hours alone to think things over.

"So, how did it go?" Hermione asked excitedly, fastening her hand on Ron's sleeve.

He sighed in response. "I don't know Herm. He insults and compliments me at the same time, only his compliments sound like insults so I don't really know what to make of them. And he--"

"Whoa! Slow down, boy. Tell me in detail what happened."

"Yes, Ron. Do tell us..." This came from Harry, who had reached his two friends just now. He was interrupted for, at that moment, an overeager fourth year Hufflepuff girl passed them and clutched Harry's robe breathlessly as she tried to gasp out something that probably ran along reverent lines concerning the great Harry Potter's presence. The girl had to be led away by her friends when she wouldn't let go. Afterwards, Harry merely smoothed his robe calmly and smiled peaceably at Ron as if nothing of consequence occurred.

"...what happened when we left you?" He continued his question.

Ron shook his head with wonder. That was what made Harry amazing. He had this legion of fans and admirers dropping like flies on his feet and sending him flowers and bottles of cologne which he never used--and the guy still managed to lead a normal life as if they didn't exist. He had to ask him about that sometime. Meanwhile, back to the situation at hand...

Ron quickly related the sequence of events which took part that morning which didn't take very long considering the very limited conversation he exchanged with Snape. After he stated the professor's last words, Hermione's brow furrowed.

"Well, Ron..." She started. "They might mean that he likes your new look. But whether he likes it that way...you know, if he finds you cute and all... we really can't be sure. You see, he might be merely stating a fact and it really is a surprise to see you well-groomed--"

"Sheesh! Thanks a lot!" Ron huffily crossed his arms.

"You know I didn't mean it that way." She smiled kindly and continued. "But, seriously, we have to analyze every word. The Professor is a very cryptic person and there might be hidden meanings behind what he said and that almost-smile you told us about--"

"Did he look you up and down?" Harry asked suddenly, cutting Hermione short.

"What?" Ron turned to him.

"Did he look you up and down?" Harry repeated patiently.

Ron nodded, trying to remember. "I think so. Yes, I'm quite sure he did. It was before he asked me if I did something to my appearance. Why? Does it matter?"

"Slowly?" Harry asked again.

"Uh, yeah. In fact, he did it again when he said I looked better."

"It matters a lot." Harry grinned at his best friend, green eyes glittering. "It means that he was checking you out. He's interested, Ron."

"Interested... you mean, he might be interested in dating me?" Ron pointed to his chest disbelievingly.

"Wait, wait!" Hermione interrupted. "It can't be that easy. He might have been merely noticing Ron's appearance..."

"Herm," Harry began tolerantly, "straight men don't rove their eyes over another guy's body (twice!) just to notice them. Trust me... Snape was checking Ron out."

Ron didn't know if he should feel more flattered or sick at this statement.

Harry suddenly cackled evilly at the mixed expressions on Ron's face. "Now you know he likes the packaging, all you have to do is figure out a way to get into his pants."

He punched Ron's arm lightly before hauling off the stunned redhead and a doubtful Hermione into the Charms classroom.


Ron Weasley sighed as he fell into bed that night. It was only nine o'clock but he chose to tuck in earlier than usual. He could think better when he was alone in the bedroom. Luckily for him, the guys were still in the common room doing their usual stuff. He needed some time alone. Something Harry said earlier bothered him to no end.

Snape checked him out!

Ron turned over as he tried to fathom his feelings regarding the fact. Normally, he'd smirk and joke about something like this. He wasn't very partial to homosexual attractions and Snape, no matter how sexy he was to some Gryffindor girls, was no exception. In fact, the fact that it was Snape should make Ron shudder more. After all, he was the gang's most hated professor in Hogwarts throughout their seven years of studying in the school. Lockhart might have been a close contender but the git never lasted long enough to seep under Ron's skin the way Snape did. Nearly seven years of barbs and insults and detention robbed almost every possibility of endearing Snape to Hogwarts' most popular trio.

So, under normal circumstances, it would utterly disgust him--Ron Weasley--to discover that Professor Snape might possibly (even for just a little) be attracted to him. But these were not normal circumstances. Right now, Ron was the one trying to catch Snape's attention. Damn Harry for winning! Ron thought once again.

But what really bothered the young, redheaded wizard was the warm tingle that spread across his chest and traveled all the way to his fingertips that afternoon when Harry declared that Snape was interested in him. That was totally unexpected. Ron couldn't even move afterwards, surprised with his inner reaction. Lucky for him, Harry and Hermione didn't seem to notice anything unusual as they went to Charms. God forbid if they thought he was gay!

A tiny voice inside his brain sneaked some doubt into him.

Am I gay? Does the fact that I was pleased mean that I'm gay? Aaaaarrrrghhhh! No! I am not gay!!! Ron screamed to himself, clutching his hair and screwing his eyes shut, trying to block the tiny voice of doubt that wouldn't leave his head.

The voice insisted.

Ron released his death grip on his hair and tried to think rationally. Yes, he was pleased. But that was a normal reaction to any compliment. And the fact that Snape might possibly dig him was indeed a compliment to his physical appearance. If he felt all warm about it, this might merely signify that his ego reacted favorably to the compliment. He was straight, goddamit! He had slept with three girls repeatedly (his three ex-girlfriends) during the past two years! Take that, you tiny doubtful voice!

The voice slyly added.

"I am not gay!!!" Ron yelled and promptly tried to strangle his pillow, imagining it to be the source of the little voice in his head.

"Goodness, Ron. What's with all the noise?"

Ron released the pillow and faced the doorway, panting. Dean stood there with a puzzled look in his face surveying the unusual scene of a sweaty Ron trying to kill a pillow.

"Did you hear anything?" Ron asked fearfully.

"Nope... Just some muffled yelling and you making a din on your bed" Dean walked over. "What on earth have you done to the poor pillow?"

"Oh this?" Ron looked down. A few goose feathers had escaped. "Nothing. I was merely trying to transfigure it into something else and it didn't work."

Dean chuckled and headed towards his own bed. "Well, more patience and practice next time."

Ron mumbled a reply before settling down again under the covers. His tantrum was really silly. What was there to worry about? He certainly wasn't gay. He couldn't even remember what made him think of such a stupid idea. And there was certainly no little voice of doubt in his head that tried to tell him otherwise. His chasing Snape was merely a measure to make sure that he fulfilled the conditions of his agreement with Harry. Nothing more, nothing less. He assured himself as his eyes closed to sleep.


The next day, Ron woke a little earlier than usual. He needed time to primp and eat breakfast--something his usual waking schedule didn't allow. He didn't pay too much attention on prettifying himself since there was no Potions class that day. But he meant his grooming to make an impact, then he had better make it a regular habit.

He ruffled his red hair a bit and straightened his Gryffindor tie. Deciding to forego the cologne, he exited the bedroom and made his way to the Great Hall. As he neared the tables laden with food, he caught the scent of hot, crispy bacons strips. His stomach rumbled in appreciation. It was certainly a very hungry Ron that happily sat beside Harry that morning and quickly dug into his breakfast.

"It's nice to see you keeping the up with the work," Hermione said from Harry's other side. "I never thought I'd actually say this, Ron, but you are starting to look handsome."

Ron choked, blushing. "Nah! You're just being nice, Herm."

"No, really. I'm telling the truth. You do look good, Ron." She turned to Harry, who was minding his own breakfast. "I just wish a certain someone would decide to follow your example and actually show up at the breakfast table looking like a decent human being."

"I don't need to fix up, Herm. I have enough fans as it is." Harry patted his messy head, met Ron's eye, and the two burst out laughing.

"Humph! If I didn't know you well enough I'd think your head is starting to swell." Hermione huffed and turned back to her meal.

Ron shook his head, smiling. Of course Harry would never get conceited even with his increasing popularity among the student population of Hogwarts. His status had risen even higher after he had defeated Lord Voldemort last summer. He was simply too cool to let it all get to his head. At that moment, Ron felt the sensation of someone staring at him behind his back, breaking his line of thought.

He quickly turned around and met a pair of deep-set dark eyes. Severus Snape sat on his usual place in the teacher's table and he was looking straight at Ron! His expression was unreadable, eyes almost shuttered. He languidly raised his head and surveyed Ron through half-closed lids.

Then, he did something totally unexpected. One corner of Snape's mouth started to twitch, then raised itself slightly, just a little bit--but enough for Ron to recognize it as a smile. It lasted only a moment for Snape started talking to Flitwick almost instantly after.

Ron turned back to his plate and stared at his breakfast blankly. Snape smiled at him. But Snape never smiled. The thing yesterday didn't count, there was an element of Snapish-insult mixed in there. But, today... there was nothing nasty in that smile. It was a honest-to-goodness smile from Severus Snape to Ron Weasley. Good God! A very suspicious warmth started to creep down from his neck to his chest.

Ron groaned and buried his head in his hands. "Looks like I'll have to reconsider," he whispered hoarsely.