Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley Severus Snape
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Published: 04/15/2004
Updated: 07/21/2004
Words: 6,085
Chapters: 10
Hits: 5,497

On The Green


Story Summary:
I loved him ever since I first laid eyes on him. I will never forget it.``Snape/OC

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
I loved him ever since I first laid eyes on him. I will never forget it. Snape/OC

Chapter Eight: Occlumency

February 26th

Dumbledore told the rest of the school the next day that there was another pregnancy. He also said things about my altered accommodations. Draco looked bewildered. Ginny was so pleased now that her child would have someone to play with when it was born. Of course that was not so difficult as we still had McGonagall, Trelawney and Hermione besides me and Ginny. I just happened the only one that wasn't married.

But I knew everyone guessed that the baby was Sevvy's because I now slept in his Private Chambers. They didn't know why I had to sleep there. But so far this child has brought me nothing but good. At least it got me away from those nasty, giggly gossipers in my Gryffindor dorm.

I wanted to use Sevvy's bed, but he wouldn't have it. He wanted to create some distance between us, so that he could think about all that was going on in his life. He had possible fathered two children, of which one was a certainty. He was living with his fiancée, a Gryffindor for Merlin's sake!

March 30th

I have had a month's worth of Occlumency lessons. It seems like I have a natural ability that helps me against mental attacks from outside. I train with Harry now. I even managed to get Sevvy away from his loathing of Harry. I make him calmer, more relaxed. He still doesn't let his guard down. But he can at least stand to be in the same room with Harry. Harry doesn't know that I'm pregnant with Sevvy's lovechild. I don't know what Sevvy told him about why I was there too, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't suspect a thing.

But Harry does know that I'm pregnant off course.

Harry cornered me after our lesson with Sevvy.

"Are you pregnant by Snape?" he asked.

"No," I said.

Luckily Harry wasn't a Leglimens or he wouldn't have bought my white lie.

"Why are you staying at his quarters then?"

"Dumbledore thought it would be for the best, since he thinks You-Know-Who is after me!"

I probably shouldn't have said that, but it made sense to Harry.

"Then why aren't I there too?"

"You don't get along with Snape, Harry! And besides you are much stronger than I am! You can deal with these things yourself."

Harry's face lighted up at my words of praise.

"But if you want to join the ranks of expecting fathers... I think Luna will be able to help you!" I said with a smile.

"I do not want to join their ranks, yet. Maybe later. Otherwise Luna and the possible child will be in grave danger. I'm not willing to risk that. I love her!"

"I know you do!"

And with that I turned around and walked back to the rooms I shared with Sevvy; my future home!

Sevvy did let me back in his bed again. I know when he sneaks out at night, getting some special gear and taking a Portkey out of the castle. He has to meet his other boss!