Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley Severus Snape
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Published: 04/15/2004
Updated: 07/21/2004
Words: 6,085
Chapters: 10
Hits: 5,497

On The Green


Story Summary:
I loved him ever since I first laid eyes on him. I will never forget it.``Snape/OC

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
I loved him ever since I first laid eyes on him. I will never forget it. Snape/OC

Chapter seven: Dumbledore

February 25th morning

Well, Sevvy had his talk with Dumbledore... he has to go back tonight and bring me with him. I guess I have to. But I can see where Dumbledore is coming from. There are so many pregnancies around school nowadays. It really must be something in the air. All the girls get Muggle birth control pills, except for the ones for which it is already too late. Like Ginny, like Hermione, like ME!

Well, it doesn't matter anymore. But they sure don't want any more pregnancies. And in times of need Muggle solutions can come in quite handy.

February 25th evening

Well, I've been to Dumbledore with Sevvy.

"Come in, Severus!" Dumbledore had said.

"Ms. Green!"

He motioned us to take a seat. Sevvy stood, but I sat down. Sitting was so much easier than standing.

"Ms Green, Professor Snape has informed me of your situation. Madam Pomfrey had already said that you were pregnant. Professor Snape informed me last night about the details about the baby's conceivement..."

I didn't know what Sevvy had said, so I just nodded.

"There are a lot of bets going on, there always have been about students daring other female students to sleep with Professor Snape. But you weren't one of them, I got that much out of what Severus told me!" Dumbledore said, surveying me through his half-moon spectacles.

"No, sir!" I said, "I did it out of my own accord. The twist that this tale got was somehow unexpected since I have always used Anti-Conceivement Charms."

"I saw what happened to Ginny and I didn't want to end up, like that. Instead I'm going to end up worse..."

"You are not, Ms. Green!" Dumbledore assured me. "Professor Snape has informed me that the two of you will marry as soon as you have finished at Hogwarts and the child shall grow up with the children of pregnant professors as well as the child of Mrs. Ginny Malfoy and Mrs. Hermione Weasley."

"Further more... Professor Snape hasn't lost his job. You are in great danger by being pregnant with his child. More than you'll probably know. He's spying on Voldemort on my orders..."

I flinched as Dumbledore said You-Know-Who's name. But I had to get used to a fiancé that was so close to the Dark Side that I could very well lose him to it. It wasn't in my plan though.

"...Voldemort would probably want to get you on to his side too, if he knew. Or he'd kill you and your baby!"

"No!" I said. Instinctively I put my hands in front of my stomach. Stupid thing to do really, I'm not even showing yet. But Sevvy's reaction amazed me. He stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. He squeezed gently as to say, it's going to be alright. I don't plan to die yet!"

"Therefore you won't stay in yourCommon Room any more, but in the same room with Professor Snape! He's the best safeguard I can give you against evil attacks!"

"What!" Sevvy shouted.

He hadn't expected to share his living quarters with me so soon... Neither did I, but I didn't mind.

Dumbledore silenced him with his hand.

"The House-Elves have already brought Ms. Green's stuff to your chambers Severus. She has her own bed, though if you wish to share the same bed, I won't stop you."

Sevvy was still moping and upset about his loss of privacy.

"Look upon it from the bright side, Severus. At least she can't get pregnant anymore, she already is..." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye. "You can teach her Occlumency..."

Dumbledore really was a very cool guy, even though he was so old. He was the coolest old guy she knew!