Astronomy Tower
Cho Chang Harry Potter
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/26/2004
Updated: 02/26/2004
Words: 504
Chapters: 1
Hits: 587

Going Under


Story Summary:
Cho is thinking about her feelings for Cedric, Harry and Michael.

Chapter Summary:
Cho is thinking about her feelings for Cedric, Harry and Michael

Going under

Now I wil tell you what I've done for you

50,000 tears I cry



And bleeding for you

And still you won't hear me

... go away...

Don't want your hand this time

I'll save myself

Maybe I'll wake up for once

Not tormented daily defeated by you

Just when I thought I'd reach the bottom

I have cried all those tears for you. For you and Cedric. And just to see you is part of my defeat. I loved Cedric, I love you. You brought Cedric back, dead. Seeing you, makes me think that you indirectly killed Cedric. But there was no chance of his making a nobler way into the other world, than this way dying for the cause of good.

I cried thousand tears more, because of what you said about Marietta. You and I don't seem to agree on that, and I guess we never will.

But everyday at school, I see you and I am defeated once again.

Is there any way of saving myself, without taking your hand? Is there anyway that I can ever be happy again?

Blurring and stirring the truth that comes out

I don't know what's real and what's not

Always confusing the thoughts in my head

So I can't trust myself anymore.

That's the hardest part of it all. I can't seem to trust myself at all. My feelings for the one that is dead drive me, but so are the feelings for the one that brought the other back... He would have wanted to be brought back by the survivor. And I guess so would you.

It's getting confusing. What is real, what is not? The feelings for you, Harry. I can't see then lose from my feelings for Cedric. I knew you loved me from the moment you asked me out to the Yule Ball. But back then he was still alive. The truth is mixed up with the fantasy web that I have spun in my mind.

I dive again

I'm going under

Drowning with you

I'm falling forever

I've got to break through

I'm going under

I see the Snitch, but I can't get it. The Snitch is you. And it's drowning me. My hunger for your love keeps me going. I keep falling further in the water of the lake. Tying myself to the statue with the merpeople. Wanting you to save me once again. But this time I know you will not come. You love Luna. I envy her for that. She has what I couldn't keep. She has what I didn't want to lose, but lost my grip on.

I save myself. I break away from my feelings for you. They are destroying me, one by one. Thank God for Michael. He is here to comfort me. He says the one he loved also loved you. Ginny she's called. How long will this last? My relationship with Michael, my feelings for you. Will I ever get you out of my mind completely?