Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Published: 04/15/2004
Updated: 06/16/2004
Words: 4,327
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,709

At Least It's a Pureblood


Story Summary:
They lay quite near to each other. They were knocked out in the struggle of the battle between Death Eaters and members of the Order of the Phoenix. They had been left, thought they had perished. They hadn't.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
They lay quite near to each other. They were knocked out in the struggle of the battle between Death Eaters and members of the Order of the Phoenix. They had been left, thought they had perished. They hadn’t.

Chapter three: Family affairs

Narcissa Malfoy sat in Malfoy Manor. Her husband Lucius had been killed. Her son Draco supposedly died with him in the same battle. But at least they had found Lucius' body. Draco's body wasn't found. And a Malfoy needed a proper burial. Her Lucius had been kind to her. He had given her a life full of wealth. But his assets didn't belong to her. They belonged to Draco. She couldn't move on, until Draco was found, dead or alive!


Molly Weasley was looking at her clock once again. Her only daughter Ginny was supposed to be death. But the clock still said that she was alive and well. She wasn't at Hogwarts, she wasn't in mortal peril, nor was she travelling. She wondered why her only daughter didn't came home. She didn't imagine that she had lost her memory, and didn't know her own family, or her name for that matter. Molly didn't know that she was a grandmother to be!

Arthur Weasley wasn't busy with his daughter Ginny, or the malfunctioning of his wife's clock. As the new Minister for Magic he had other responsibilities. He had to organise the rebuilding of the whole Wizarding community. He had only gotten the job after the last Minister, Amelia Bones, had been killed in the final battle. Amelia had only been Minister for two years at the time.


It took a while before Faith had the courage to tell Ryan what was troubling her. She just couldn't set herself to tell him. She knew this wasn't a secret she could keep secret for long. Pregnancies were things that showed themselves sooner or later. And she thought that Ryan would want the child to have his last name, whatever that last name was.

They still slept together every night. Nothing changed. But Ryan noticed that Faith had other things on her mind, besides sleeping with him.

"What's going on, Faith!" he demanded to know one night.

"Are you sure you want to know?" she asked.

"Er... as sure as we make love every single night," said Ryan.

"Ok... I'm pregnant!" she said.

The air was silent. No birds sang, there even wasn't a gust of wind. Time had momentarily stopped as the earth was swept away from under Ryan's feet.

"Pregnant... as in having a baby?" he asked with fearful eyes.

"That's what is usually meant with having a baby..." she said. "Oh, Ryan! What are we supposed to do! We are to young to be having children!"

"Don't worry, Faith! I'll marry you! Say you'll be my wife..." It sounded strange to him. He remembered not wanting to marry ever. A memory... but there was no reason to be happy about the memory. There was no other solution out of the mess the two of them had landed themselves in. He had to stick by her. At least it was his Faith. His own dear Faith. His Faith gave him back a memory and even a hope for the future.

"Yes, I'll marry you Ryan!" she said. "But we better get the wedding over as soon as possible. Before I have to wear maternity robes to my own wedding!"

"I wish we could invite our parents. If only I knew who they were!" Ryan said. "But tomorrow we'll go to the church and have the priest consent to marry us!"

"Tomorrow," Faith said as she fell asleep in Ryan's arms.

Author notes: Please join my Yahoogroup: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ninotsjkawrites/