Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Published: 04/15/2004
Updated: 06/16/2004
Words: 4,327
Chapters: 8
Hits: 4,709

At Least It's a Pureblood


Story Summary:
They lay quite near to each other. They were knocked out in the struggle of the battle between Death Eaters and members of the Order of the Phoenix. They had been left, thought they had perished. They hadn't.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
They lay quite near to each other. They were knocked out in the struggle of the battle between Death Eaters and members of the Order of the Phoenix. They had been left, thought they had perished. They hadn’t.

Chapter two: Making the best of it

And there was! Sure the kiss had been wonderful, their love making had been magnificent. Faith lay in Ryan's arms. He held her tight as if he didn't want to lose her, like they had lost all their memories, except the ones that they were making at the moment. Their clothes lay draped upon them, to shelter them against the cold of the night.

Luckily they still had their wands. Ryan conjured a nice warm fire to drive away the cold some more, because their clothes were rather thin and didn't warm them up much. The fire would last well until the morning. It was a wizarding fire after all.


So they were woken by the rays off the sun. They put their clothes on and magically mad them warmer. The next thing was to built a shelter, a home for as long as it was necessary. They conjured some bricks and built a house.

"Impervius!" muttered Faith. Luckily their knowledge of spells and such wasn't gone. There probably was a spell to stop the wind from coming through too, but they didn't know that one and without spell books they were nothing.

They could of course summon some spell books, but neither of them thought about that. They both owned a lot of spell books, but at the moment they only had eyes for each other. The were attracted to each other much more than they both allowed themselves to admit. They searched for eatable plants, and animals in the neighbourhood. That's how they survived. It was not much and certainly not an environment in which they would get their memories back easily.

Faith had even found a way to update their clothes. She had told to someone in town that they had been mugged and had everything stolen from them. So they got some Muggle clothes and some Wizarding ones. It also helped them in the good graces of the Church of Godric's Hollow.

The Muggles who lived in Godric's Hollow didn't know why the place was called Godric's Hollow. Only the Wizards did. But the Muggles had an idea. They thought that it was a guy called Godric that started their town. They didn't know wether Godric was a first or a last name though. Every wizard knew that Godric Gryffindor had founded the town. It was Godric's home, after he retired from Hogwarts. But he had always been very generous. And the people of Godric's Hollow were usually also quite generous as Ryan and Faith very soon.


Every night they made love. It was not as if they had anything better to do. They had no board games they could play by the fire. And they never thought about the consequences there may be in making love. They were free to do what they wanted.

The two grew more closer over time and the more closer they got to each other the more they ventured into Godric's Hollow. It had a vast wizarding community and from time to time Ryan and Faith went to visit some of them.

But there was something that started to worry Faith. Her period stopped coming. One week turned into two months and then she knew. She was pregnant. The only thing now was to tell Ryan.

Author notes: Hope you liked it. Chapter three coming up!