The Dark Arts
Suspense Romance
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Published: 01/17/2006
Updated: 01/27/2006
Words: 2,545
Chapters: 2
Hits: 280

Someday My Prince Will Come


Story Summary:
This is a glimpse into the life of Joy. When best friend Cay tells her that her prince has landed, things will start to get very interesting...

Chapter 01 - Chapter 1

Chapter Summary:
Someday her prince will come...
Author's Note:
One Big Beaver is my sister's nickname (one of a long list). Joy is based a little upon myself; at that age I was in the same position as she was, though I never had an admirer. Please review!

"Someday my prince will come," she sang. The tiled walls echoed the words back to her, filling the steamy bathroom with song. She was always honest with herself, and though she wasn't one of those girls who was always flipping their hair whenever any boy got within twenty feet, she did want someone of her own, someone to love her and for her to love back. She'd never been kissed, and she was almost fourteen. She was definitely mature enough, but none of the boys seemed interested. They were too busy hitting each other and making trouble. They sometimes reminded her of her uncles, some of the biggest jokers she knew.

Turning the water off after a shower she knew had been way too long, she stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself, squeezing her long, brilliantly red hair to rid it of excess water. Still humming, she made her way back to her room and got dressed for dinner, coming down to the table with her hair still in a towel.

"Hello, dear," said her mother absentmindedly as she descended the stairway. She was trying to stir the sauce boiling on the stove, keep watch on whatever was in the oven so it didn't burn, and scold her husband all at the same time. Her daughter ran over to help, taking charge of the sauce and the oven. Her mother, meanwhile, turned to face her husband, who was sopping wet from having walked through the gathering snow outside.

"Running off at three in the morning, I worried myself sick, no note, didn't bother to wake me up when you left, oh no, I'm just supposed to sit and wait like a good girl..."

"Relax, honey! I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you that early, you would have been crabby all day."

"At least I would have been able to see you! What if something had happened? What if I never got to say goodbye?"

"It's okay, nothing's happened. I promise I'll wake you next time, okay? Calm down, dear, I think your sauce is done." He went over and enveloped his wife tenderly in his arms, rubbing her back gently.

"Come on, let's eat. It smells delicious," he said, smiling down at her. The three of them sat down at the table to eat.

"It looks wonderful, Mum," she said enthusiastically. Her Mum was a fantastic cook. She had inherited it from her mother, and it looked like the skill had been passed down to her daughter as well.

"Joy, darling, how was your day?" her father asked. "Ginny, dear, can you pass the pepper?"

"Fine, Dad. How was the trip? Were you looking for another Horcrux?"

"Yes, I was."

"And?" asked Ginny and Joy at once.

Harry's face split in a grin. He reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a small, shining golden cup with a beautifully carved badger upon it. It was the very same cup that once belonged to Helga Hufflepuff that Harry had seen so many years ago in Dumbledore's Pensieve. Ginny gasped, and her daughter's mouth fell open.

"Only two more left to go," Harry said happily. "That dratted snake, and the bit that's still left in Him."

"That's wonderful, dear!" said Ginny. She leaned over and kissed her husband.

Suddenly there was an almighty crash. A large, handsome Great Horned Owl was tapping impatiently on the window. Joy rushed over and wrenched it open, allowing the owl to fly in out of the snow. She tried to untie the scarlet envelope attached to its leg, but it soared over her head, straight towards her mother.

Ginny wasn't at all surprised. She looked at the address: Mrs. Ginevra Potter. Howlers had been coming for her all this week, as little Bea Skeeter had been up to no good. She had the same unfortunate knack of writing awful stories about people that her mother, Rita, did. The owl flew off, and Ginny merely threw the letter in the fire, watching with contempt as it squealed in protest. Pointedly ignoring it, she turned to her daughter.

"Now Joy dear, I know you're home for the holidays but that's no excuse to neglect your schoolwork. Please stop daydreaming and singing in the shower about your Prince Charming..."

Joy blushed. She didn't realize she was so loud her voice carried all the way downstairs.

"... and do some work. I would like you to please finish your Arithmancy homework tonight, and your Transfiguration if you can, okay?"

"Sure Mum," Joy muttered, still embarrassed about finding out her mother knew she had been singing in the shower.

They finished dinner, and after waving his wand so the dishes flew gracefully over to the sink and began washing themselves, Harry went to care for his elderly owl, Hedwig. Hedwig had been with Harry since he was at Hogwarts himself, and had been his faithful friend for many years. Even though Joy had an owl of her own, a particularly beautiful Barn Owl named Jasmine, she liked Hedwig, too. The two were good friends, and Hedwig never hesitated about delivering anything Harry or Ginny might want to send out. Joy especially liked it when Hedwig came to visit her at Hogwarts, which was rare, as she usually sent Jasmine home instead of having the snowy owl come to her.

Joy walked upstairs to her room, threw a few owl treats to Jasmine, and got to work. After a few hours, she came downstairs to talk to her mother.

"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" she asked. The three of them were going to see Joy's godparents, Ron and Hermione Weasley. Ron was Ginny's elder brother, one of many, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been best friends when they were at Hogwarts. Ron had been best man at Harry and Ginny's wedding, and was now Head Of The Auror Office at the Ministry Of Magic. Hermione was Head Of The International Magical Cooperation. She saw a lot of her old friend and star Quidditch player, Viktor Krum, there.

"Seven thirty," her mother replied. "They wanted us to have breakfast there for some reason..."

Joy giggled at her mother's tone, then asked, "Can I go out with Cay tonight? She asked me to but I told her I'd ask you first."

"Of course dear. Is all your homework finished?"

"Yes Mum. What time do you want me back?"

"What time is it now?" her mother twisted around in her seat to look at the clock hanging above her rocking chair. "Eight fifteen. All right, be back by... hmmm... how about ten?"

"Mum! That's much too soon! Can't I...?"

"Absolutely not! You know how dangerous it still is out there."

"Mum, they've caught almost all the Death Eaters already. There's just that maniac's son, Lestrange, still out there. I'll be fine!"

"Ten o'clock and that's final! Unless you want to stay home?"

"No thank you! I'll see you later Mum. I just have to go grab some money for the Knight Bus."

"Make sure you wear your cloak, hat, gloves, and boots, okay?"

"Sure Mum." Joy ran to grab her outerwear and her money bag. "Tell Dad where I've gone, will you?"

"Yes dear. Be careful! Don't talk to strangers, and..."

"I know Mum. Bye!"

Joy walked out the front door and down the pathway to the sidewalk. Flinging out her right hand, she barely flinched when a violently purple, triple-decker bus appeared out of thin air in front of her. A young girl leaped out, looking about eighteen and with an unfortunate number of pimples, wearing a uniform the same bright purple as the bus.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus. Emergency..."

"Yes, I know, thank you. I would like to go to London please, quickly, I have a date I have to meet."

"Got to meet your sweetheart, eh?" The girl chuckled. "Nine Sickles, hop on."

Joy paid her fare and didn't smile. She sat down on one of the comfortable down beds that lined the Knight Bus's first floor, and didn't move an inch when the bus started up again. This was a big improvement from what her father told her. Back when he was her age, the beds weren't nailed to the floor, so they slid everywhere.

She thought about what the girl had said when she got on. She wished she had a sweetheart, but her big date was just with a friend who lived far enough away that she couldn't walk, and she didn't feel like flying.

She wondered what it would be like to have one of those fairy-tale relationships, when Wonder Boy would spot her in a crowd, ignoring the prettier girls and only having eyes for her. He would come and sweep her off her feet; they would dance, and wouldn't step on each other's toes or stumble; he'd lead her out onto a balcony and they'd watch a shooting star race across a star-filled sky; they'd kiss, and they would always be together. They would chat in the hallways between classes and know each other's deepest secrets; they would lie on their backs in a grassy field for hours, watching the sun set and the stars come out; he'd take her out to the beach at night and they'd build sand castles by moonlight, laughing when the waves washed their intricate creations away.

The girl who Joy had paid tapped her on the shoulder.

"Whereabouts in London, Miss?"

"7 Stonewall Road, please."

"Sure thing, Miss."

The bus leaped to London, but Joy didn't blink.

"Here we are, Miss. Have a nice evening."

She thanked the girl and stepped off the bus, hearing a loud bang as it disappeared behind her. She knocked on the door of Cay's house, and a voice was heard through the door.

"Who's there? Declare yourself!"

"Oh gosh Cay, it's me, Joy! Mum said I could come, but I can only stay until ten."

"Joy?" Cay threw the door wide with a huge grin. She was tall, slender, and had long, straight hair that was a light brown but had caramel and blonde highlights. Her brown eyes sparkled as she exclaimed, "Excellent! I was afraid she was going to say no, you know how mums get."

"Do I ever." The girls raced each other to Cay's room, and collapsed onto her bed, laughing.

"Guess what?" Cay asked.


"I know who likes you!" Cay had obviously been bursting to spill this hot gossip ever since Joy walked in the door.

Joy's heart skipped a beat. "Who?"

Please review! It means so much to me.