Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Alternate Universe
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Published: 04/14/2008
Updated: 04/14/2008
Words: 1,200
Chapters: 1
Hits: 221

The Thin Line Between Love & Hate


Story Summary:
In a tangled web of twists, turns and misunderstandings, Draco's scorn towards Hermione turns into pure hatred. Watch this hatred weave itself on the other side of the thread-- love, in the most dramatic and uncliched manner.

Chapter 01 - Murmurs Left Unheard

Author's Note:
A/N: This is my 2nd shot at writing a fanfiction. I had started writing this other one, but after writing two chapters I did not receive a single review and thought well heck yeah, the story was going nowhere! I won’t be updating much since I can only sit at the PC for a restricted time but of course, as soon as possible. Duh. I love fanfictions too. Oh and yeah, I also will keep on “reading” fanfics so hah, u people have to wait for updates. But you know, i would always update faster if u people REVIEWED!


Chapter One: Murmurs left unheard

Draco Malfoy carefully looked down at the bare spot on his bicep where the Dark Mark should have been. He had always wanted that coveted Dark Mark. But that could not happen anymore could it? The Boy-Who-Bloody-Lived had killed the Dark Lord. Ronald Weasley, his crony, had killed Pansy Parkinson, the girl who although had seemed like a clingy parasite to him before had recently caused feelings for her to rise in Draco. She had changed; less clingy and needy, and somehow a little smarter actually. But mostly, he loathed Hermione Granger.

The mudblood who killed his father in the Final Battle. And who actually killed the Dark Lord. Potter was just an impostor "Saviour of the Light from Darkness," or whatever fancy language the tabloids had described him in.

Draco's veins scathed with hatred and vengeance coursing through them. He would avenge himself...he would kill those three. And that was a pureblood's word.

Hermione Granger stretched out her limbs after a long sleep. Like the other Hogwartians, Hermione had joined the Higher Voluntary Education Program that Hogwarts had opened after seventh year. It was her fourth year and she was training to be an Auror. Hermione also had a bigger event to look forward to -- her wedding. Though Harry hadn't asked yet, Hermione was sure he would find the words soon. She was so in love in him! And she was more than sure than Harry did too.

Harry and Hermione had been together for four years now. After the Final Battle Harry had blurted out that he liked her, and Hermione had accepted with a long endearing kiss. This, however, caused Ron to break away from the Trio, since he himself had a soft corner for her. He now had had gone through two breakups and now had a girlfriend of two years, but he had yet to forgive his former best friends. Hermione did not get how he could hold something as silly as that against them for so long. Besides, he should have known better, Ron was never her type.

But was Harry?

Hermione dismissed the thought immediately. Of course Harry was her type, or else why would they fall in love with each other? And these thoughts had no bottom to them, so it was very futile thinking as such on such a happy and joyous background.

She was walking her way down the hall, when her past came crashing down on her mind. Lucius Malfoy.

Hermione had to kill him. She still remembered the drops of blood spraying at her after she had mouthed the Killing Curse. The smell of death and murder had haunted her for days. But she had good reason to. Hermione Granger--the voice of practicality---would never even hurt--forget kill--something or someone without a logical reason. She had been tried in Wizengamot but after a week she was released, free of all charge.

She also remembered being at Harry's side and helping him kill Voldemort. Although people don't really know but she was the actual killer of Voldemort. Harry had just been playing captive, and since everybody saw him holding the wand while standing by Voldemort's corpse, or last Horcrux to be specific, people of course had taken him to be the hero. But although Harry really enjoyed the fame, Hermione did not really care. She was just happy that he was happy. And moreover, Hermione did not like the paparazzi pressure and all that--it was very stressing. Maybe some people were just not cut out for the limelight. And who am I, to steal great Harry Potter's fame? He was always the one to deserve that, not me? I'm just a plain witch who killed Voldie by accident, Hermione thought.

Hermione suddenly recalled having heard Draco Malfoy scream out "NOOOO" when she had killed Voldemort. Then she heard Lucius murmur to Draco, saying that the mudblood Granger had killed him when he had turned his back, and Ron had killed Pansy. Now as big a lie as that would be, Hermione knew it was pointless explaining to Draco Malfoy. In fact she would be a little scared now, if she had not been the bravest person in all of Hogwarts.

She was walking down the hallway when she saw him. Draco Malfoy. She felt sorry for the boy, but then again, she felt that he was better of not having a rapist as his father. Yes, Lucius Malfoy had tried to rape Pansy.

NOOOO! Pansy screamed.

Devil's hunger lingered in Lucius's eyes. But before he could commit the sin, Hermione shot the Killing Curse at him. The curse although was weak worked after some time. But in his dying state Lucius shot a Killing Curse at Pansy, calling her a traitor. Everything became clear as crystal to her. Pansy had been on their side all along. This again was confirmed by the last words of Pansy. Ron had his wand pointed at Malfoy for Hermione's defense, but it looked like being pointed towards Pansy.

Then a witnessing Crabbe must have reported this to Draco Malfoy, for whom Ron's uncommitted crime would have been confirmed.

Her thoughts snapped. Draco Malfoy was standing there, right there. He glowered like a hyena about to kill his prey. "You are going to pay for all, Mudblood," he hissed.

"But Malfoy--"

Malfoy raised a hand as a sign of dismissal. But the chill and scath of his voice had created such an impact on Hermione that she could not avoid a quick shiver. She quickly ran away from the place, and on to her Higher Arithmancy class.

**********************************************************************************The mudblood again.

Draco smacked the dorm wall in frustration. How could the Mudblood live in such peace after killing his father and his Lord??


Draco's mother, Narcissa, was in hospital. He assumed she could not take the shock of her husband's death. Another reason to hate Mudblood.

He pulled on a cloak. Classes could go to hell. He would go to visit his mother.

Hermione was a total blunder in class that day. She knew she had done nothing wrong, but a twinge of guilt meandered through her heart. I'm sorry Draco, but it wasn't my fault, Hermione kept telling herself. But she knew she could never apologize to him on his face; he would not let her speak to him at all. Sometimes Hermione was scared. What if he took revenge?

"Miss Granger? Miss Granger!"

Hermione was snapped out of her reverie...daydream (or day-nightmare, to be more specific, she thought) by Professor Vector's stern shout. Vector seemed to have acquired quite a pitch of voice over the days, she mused.

"All you feeling alright?"

"Yes Professor, indeed I am."

"I hope so, since you're the best and most attentive in Arithmancy and daydreaming is not likely of you."

At the compliment, Hermione blushed and was flattered. Everyone grunted. She heard somehow mutter Give us some new information and someone else say Bushy-haired ugly-shorty nerd.

Bushy-haired ugly-shorty nerd.

Most people could not see past that, could they, Hermione thought and was slightly put off. But she was lucky that Harry did, didn't he?

A/N: Like it? Hate it? REVIEW! That little button is waiting... And suggestions are always welcome. Reviewers will receive a cupcake and a lot of candies (I will make sure reviewers are honoured for their good taste in fanfics in my next chapter! =D) Next update would probably be by May 20th to the max. So cross your fingers!