Astronomy Tower
Original Female Muggle/Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 01/14/2006
Updated: 08/04/2006
Words: 20,298
Chapters: 24
Hits: 32,945

Forever Yours

Minerva Evenstar

Story Summary:
Life in your Muggle school is stressful enough until the Marauders show up as new students and you start falling for one of them.

Chapter 23 - Farewell

Chapter Summary:
There's a good-bye party since Remus, Sirius, James, and Lily are leaving.


"What's wrong, Fantasy?" Lanette queried six weeks later at the Farewell Fiesta that Bree was throwing for the exchange students. "You should be happy; Isaac is in prison, Edy is back at college, and 'cause Remus saved you from Isaac your dad loves him."

"Yes, but Remus is leaving," you muttered dejectedly, staring into your cup of juice instead of at your cousin. It would be a long time before you drank alcohol again.

Lanette gave an understanding smile. "You love him, don't you?"

You nodded. "More than you can imagine." You had refrained from informing Lanette that you and Remus had become intimate because you were aware that she would be displeased. It was certain that your parents would detest him as well if they learned that he had taken your virginity. The only person you had told was Gabrielle, whom you had sworn to secrecy. You had readily given Remus permission to let his friends know, and though none of them had spoken to you about it you speculated that he had told them since Sirius had developed a habit of picking you up and gleefully spinning you around for no apparent reason. He was clearly as enthused by your activities as Gabby had been.

Where is Gabby now? After glancing around briefly you spotted her outside talking to Sirius. They both appeared atypically solemn. Were they breaking up?

"Fantasy!" A shout interrupted your thoughts.

You ambled over to respond to the speaker. "Yeah, James?"

"Could you help me and my flower settle an argument?"

Gazing between him and Lily, who was rolling her emerald eyes, you answered, "I'll try."

James gestured to a nearby lamp. "I asked her where electricity comes from and she said, 'Electrons.' So, if electricity comes from electrons doesn't morality come from morons?"

"Why ask her when she is a moron?" Marge screeched from the opposite side of the room.

"Come and say that to my face!" you demanded.

The crowd of guests parted and Marge gaited clumsily up to you. "Your face? I don't want to say anything to something that ugly."

Logically, you knew that you were not the most beautiful woman in the world, though ever since you had experienced the sensation of Remus' velvety lips over every inch of your skin you felt as if you were. "You're just jealous of me," you retorted. Realising the truth of your words, you added, "And you always have been."

"What?" Marge shrieked indignantly, turning purple with vexation.

"The only reason you're getting angry is that you know I'm right," you commented, wittily using Marge's own words against her.

"I don't have to stand around and listen to this rubbish," she spluttered. Marge turned on her large heel and stomped out of the flat, tripping ungracefully over the threshold as she did so.

Everyone laughed at her, yet the aspect that brought you pleasure was not their mockery; it was the fact that naught she said would bother you again.

Next, the chuckles in the room were directed at another individual. Sirius was standing adjacent to the television and pretending to put on ad.

"Parents, are you tired of giving your kids baths? Kids, are you tired of giving your pets baths? Be unconvinced no more! But yourself a Washman. The Washman is easy to use; just put the child or animal inside, pour in the soap, close the lid, and turn it on. It works like a washing machine! They're guaranteed to be clean in ten minutes or less. Side-affects may include dizziness, nausea, and brain damage if used on infants or small pets. Get your Washman in a non-existent store near you. If you're not totally satisfied...Well, get over it. Act now and get smelly soap ABSOLUTELY FREE. Buy a Washman and improve your life today!"

Maybe he and Gabby didn't break up, you contemplated as you giggled at Sirius' idiocy. Then, you witnessed Gabrielle heading towards the exit anxiously twirling her flawless chestnut hair between her manicured fingers. Or maybe Sirius is just better at hiding his stress.

Rapidly, you strolled over to her. "Did something happen between you and Sirius?"

She sighed. "Yeah, we're over."

"I'm sorry. Did he dump you?"

Straightening herself up proudly, she volunteered, "No one ever dumps me. It was a mutual decision. Me and Sirius both know that long distance relationships don't work."

"They can," you insisted quickly, thinking of yourself and Remus.

Ere she could reply a familiar voice called you.

Gabby gave you an encouraging smile. "Go talk to him. I'm gonna go home."

"Will you be okay? Do you need me to come with you?"

"Thanks, but I'm fine."

"All right." You bestowed her with a compassionate embrace before rushing over to Remus. "Yes, love?"

He seemed extraordinarily serious. "I need to give you something."

Surely not a 'last kiss' because he doesn't believe in long distance relationships either? We're in love; I have faith we could make it work!

"It's important to me. After all, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Oh no, he is dumping me! What'll I say to him after he does it?

Remus reached into his pocket and produced a piece of paper, which he held out to you. "You can't send Muggle mail directly to Hogwarts, but if you send them to this address Amara will get them and bring them to me." He only wanted to give you an address, presumably to his parents' house! He wasn't dumping you! You felt foolish for thinking that he would do any such thing. Taking the paper, you questioned, "Who's Amara?"

"My owl." He chortled at the look of sheer incomprehension those two meager words put on your face. "It's how we deliver the post."

Knowing perfectly who the 'we' he referred to was, you nodded in understanding.

"We still have quite a bit to learn about one another, don't we?"

You nodded again.

Remus wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you nearer to him, though not too close, for both you and Remus found intense public displays of affection distasteful. "I look forward to memorising every little detail about you."

You took a deep breath to inhale the delicious scent of Remus' skin and exhaled it on a well-aimed course towards his lips. When the air met its mark you were ecstatic to see Remus' entire handsome face flush. "Me too," you said. "Me too," you said.

I love all of your reviews, so please review this chapter! There's one chappie left!