Astronomy Tower
Original Female Muggle/Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 01/14/2006
Updated: 08/04/2006
Words: 20,298
Chapters: 24
Hits: 32,945

Forever Yours

Minerva Evenstar

Story Summary:
Life in your Muggle school is stressful enough until the Marauders show up as new students and you start falling for one of them.

Chapter 20 - Intuition

Chapter Summary:
After you find out Remus is a werewolf your sister comes to visit with a creepy boyfriend.


"Aren't you looking forward to this at all?" Lanette, whom you had forgiven as instantly as Gabby for irritating you, questioned almost pleadingly at your flat two months later.

You answered, "I know you love my sister. I love her, too. The difference is that you also like her. I don't. She's so perfect in Mum and Dad's eyes and critical of me that I wish I didn't have to spend time with her when she visits from college."

"She's bringing her new boyfriend for the family to meet," she attempted to console you.

"That makes it worse," you responded curtly.

Lanette opened her mouth and shut it again when the doorbell rang. It wasn't long until you heard your parents' gleeful exclamations that supplied you with the regretful knowledge that there were many hugs going around. Edith had arrived.

If Remus can deal with transformations I can cope with this...I think. With a resigned sigh you left the safety of your room and entered the commotion of the sitting room with Lanette behind you.

Edith broke away from your mother's embrace and scrutinised you with her nose scrunched up. "That outfit is unfashionable," your sister reproved in disgust with a swish of her dyed blonde hair.

"I didn't ask you what you thought of my clothes, Edy," you snapped, angered by the rude way she had greeted you.

"I know. If you took my advice you wouldn't look so..." She shrugged dramatically, causing her large breasts to bounce in a distasteful manner. "You don't have to listen to me, but if you did you might get a boyfriend."

"She already has one," commented your father disapprovingly.

"Really?" Edy was obviously stupefied. "Well, that's a surprise. Congrats! Give your big sister a hug."

You would rather have eaten aluminium foil, yet the look your mother gave you convinced you to act otherwise. Once the quick embrace with Edy was over you wanted to bathe, fearing that the scent of her cheap perfume had rubbed off on you.

"Who's he?" asked Lanette eagerly to divert everyone's attention from you. You shot her a grateful smile before glancing at the bloke Edy had brought home.

He had a head of short, luxurious brown hair that matched the colour of the goatee on his pointed chin. He held out a tanned hand to you, which you shook to be polite, and found that it was strong and cold, like his black eyes. A negative vide from his aura coursed through you with such force that you barely heard Edy inform, "This is Isaac, the love of my life. Isaac, this is my mum, dad, cousin named Lanette, and baby sissy." You detested when she referred to you by that label.

"What's her name?" Isaac queried after shaking hands with everyone else. His voice was charming, yet the underlying authority in it sent shivers up your spine.

Edith laughed. "Does it matter?"

Your fists clenched in fury, yet you bit your tongue to prevent yourself from saying something you may regret.

"Everyone calls her Fantasy because of the books she reads," your father matter-of-factly stated.

I don't want Edy's sex toy calling me by my nickname, you thought, annoyed. This vexation caused you to remain silent whilst the rest of your family chatted animatedly. When Isaac and Edy were finally ready to return to the hotel they were staying at (The flat was too small for them to reside there, thank God!) Isaac departed first to start their car.

"Edy, he's delightful!" exclaimed your mother.

"And handsome," added Lanette.

"And he seems to have good goals for life," completed your father. "You have excellent judgment when choosing a boyfriend."

Dad meets some creep for a few hours and adores him, but knows Remus for over half of a year and still can't decide if he's a good person just because Edy 'has excellent judgment!' you raged internally. I make better choices than Edy. I'm a drug-free virgin; she's not.

"I don't like Isaac," you told Lanette decisively once the pair of you had returned to your room.

"Why? He takes advanced classes in college and he's hot."

"No, he isn't."

She cried, "Are you crazy? Did you see those muscles of his?"

"Sirius could take him," you confidently remarked.

Lanette sighed. "Probably, but that doesn't have anything to do with it. What d'you have against Isaac?"

"I don't know. My instincts tell me he's a git."

"You just don't like him 'cause he's dating Edy," she argued.

"He does have bad taste in women," you conceded, "but that isn't why he bothers me."

After your cousin went home you rang Remus and told him the same thing, and he did not disagree with you as she had. "Listen to your intuition. It's usually right for most people," he counseled. "Anyway, can I come see you?"

Frowning, you said, "No. My parents said I have to 'spend time with the family' till Edy goes back to college in four days."

"Oh...You see, my intuition tells me I shouldn't leave you alone. Even if it didn't I would not want you to be forced to be with people that make you feel uncomfortable."

You smiled at the concern in his tone. "You're the best, Remus."

"Why? What did I do?"

"You're just being yourself; that's the best. Well, don't worry about me. I'll be okay."

Would you be?