Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/02/2003
Updated: 01/13/2004
Words: 154,435
Chapters: 29
Hits: 55,745

Luna's year


Story Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers.

Chapter 27

Chapter Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers

"Bloody Hell!" yammered Ron yammered, both hands tucked under his armpits. "They're doing this on purpose! They're stalling!"

"Oh come off it, Ron," admonished Hermione. "It won't kill us to stay outside a while longer, besides, it's not even that cold anymore."

"That's not the point!" grumbled Ron. "We all agreed to rotate every fifteen minutes; They're abusing the system!"

"There's a system?" asked Neville in between sips of butterbeer.

"Too right there is! Fifteen minutes each, remember?! That's it, I'm getting them," said Ron resolutely and turned to go.

Hermione called Ron back furiously, stopping him in his tracks. "Will you come off it? Why can't you let them be?!"

He rounded on her. "We all agreed, Hermione! We each take our turn inside, blimey, you're the one who came up with the idea!"

Hermione threw her head back and let go a growl of frustration. "Oh honestly, Ron," she said disbelievingly, "even you can't be so blind. Just leave them alone for a while, all right?"

Ron blinked. "Blind? Me? What are you talking about?" he asked. "Blind to what exactly?"

Hermione sighed, seeing Ginny observing her curiously. "Do I really have to spell it out for you?"

"I'd like that, seeing as I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about!"

Hermione was tempted to pull her hair out. "Harry likes Luna, Ron!!" she blurted out a bit more loudly than she'd really intended, a few nearby third year Hufflepuffs glancing in her direction. "I can't make it much clearer!"

Ron stared at her, mouth open. "W-what?" he asked disbelievingly after several seconds of speechlessness. "Say that again?"

Ginny took a step closer, eyes widening.

"You heard me," said Hermione obdurately.

"YES!!!" shrieked Ginny, leaping into the air and punching the air with her fist triumphantly, prompting students mingling in the street to abandon their conversations to gape at her.

"HEY!" Ron shouted at his sister. "Easy there! What are you talking about, Hermione? Harry likes Luna? You're joking, right? Y-you're just trying to pull my leg right?"

Hermione crossed her arms and glared at him.

Ginny was dancing all around him, her red hair and Gryffindor scarf flying wildly with every bounce. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"STUFF IT!" Ron barked at her, though he might as well have been blowing soap bubbles for all the effect it had. "He...but he can't...I mean what about..."

Neville looked rather nonplussed. He took a sip from his butterbeer, his other hand in his pocket as he looked on interestedly as though watching a busker's performance.

"But...but we're his best mates!" blurted Ron desperately in a high pitched voice.

"He likes her! He likes her! He likes her!"

"BUGGER OFF!!!" roared Ron after Ginny had pressed her nose against his while voicing another He Likes Her!

"Look," said Hermione, moving forward and taking hold of Ron's arm in an attempt to settle him down lest Ginny's exuberant glee polarize Ron further, "that hasn't changed, Ron. You're looking at this all wrong."

"I am? How??" asked Ron, exasperated. "I know Harry! He would've told me something if - "

Hermione sighed again, running her hand through her hair. "Well, to be honest, I don't know if Harry even realizes it himself, really. At least not yet, anyway."

Ron's shoulders went limp. "You're...serious, aren't you?"

"Ron! For goodness' sake, stop acting like such a prat!" shot Hermione. "It's good that they've gotten close, I happen to think it's very sweet!"

"Sweet...yeah..." said Ron, looking thoroughly depressed.

"You know," said Ginny excitedly, her russet hair all askew after her energetic dance, "I had a feeling Harry might be taking a liking to her. I think she's rubbing off on him a little, did you notice?"

"Okay look," said Hermione, motioning them all close, "let's not go pressing them about this, all right?"

"What?? Why? You just said it yourself - " asked Ginny.

"Well...I'm not sure if Luna has any idea about how Harry feels either," said Hermione thoughtfully.

"Then there's hope!" said Ron optimistically.

Hermione shot him a withering look. "Look," she said, addressing Ginny, "I know Harry feels something for Luna, even if he won't admit it. Or realize it. And anyway, I don't know how Luna would react if she knew...she's not exactly the most conventional sort, is she?"

"Why, do you think she'd get scared?" asked Neville, jumping into the conversation for the first time.

"Luna? Hah!" laughed Ginny, "Not likely!"

"But we just don't know, really," pleaded Hermione. "There's no way to tell with Luna...she's just, well...so..."

"Nutters," muttered Ron.

Hermione ignored him. "She might not be looking for that right now, is what I meant, Neville. I think she's happy just to have friends. Haven't you noticed how rarely she reads the Quibbler when she's with us anymore?"

Neville looked contemplative. "Well, now that you mention it..."

"I think that she's enjoying the company right now," said Hermione. "And Ron, I really think we should be happy that she and Harry are getting along so well. They're good for each other. Even if they don't realize it."

"Well, mum's the word, then," said Neville. "So long as they're happy, then that's all that matters."

"Thank you, Neville," said Hermione graciously. "I knew I could count on you at least to be a gentleman."

Ron looked insulted. "I can be gentlemanly!"

Hermione looked at him. "Ron, you kept calling those first years Munchkins at breakfast this morning!"

"Yeah, well," he muttered, tracing circles in the snow with the tip of his boot, "this is something else...I want Harry to be happy too, you know."

Hermione blinked, her heart suddenly sinking in her chest. For one of the few times since they'd known each other, Ron had actually managed to surprise her. Even his sister looked stunned.

"I...that's really nice of you to say, Ron," said Hermione, feeling chagrined for having chastised him. "We're not losing anyone, just think of it as gaining a new friend, that's all."


"Oh, come on," said Ginny, nudging Ron in the ribs playfully. "Weren't you the one telling Zacharias Luna was all right the other day when he was putting her down?"

"She's fine when she's talking Quidditch, sure!" said Ron. "And besides, that guy's a total git anyway. It's when she starts going on about her Snorkbeaks - ""

"Snorkacks," corrected Hermione automatically.

They all gaped at her.

"What?" she asked nervously, seeing their stunned expressions. "Oh look...don't any of you go thinking for a minute that I actually believe in those things!"

"Oh, absolutely not," said Ron shaking his head with greatly exaggerated seriousness.

"Never crossed my mind," said Ginny, rolling her eyes with her hands clasped behind her back.

"Oh...you...okay look," said Hermione heatedly, "It's just good decorum to pronounce them correctly, all right? For Luna's sake!"

"But of course," said Ron regally.

"Snor...kacks, then?" asked Neville.

Hermione sighed in frustration and turned her back on her tormentors, gazing out towards the hill rising up from the edge of town, becoming momentarily alarmed at the sight of Malfoy/Tonks lying prone in the snow, though she quickly breathed a sigh of relief once she saw her arms and legs flapping back and forth, contentedly making snow angels.

"Hey," a sullen voice sounded behind her. She turned and saw Seamus Finnegan marching up to them, looking rather piqued.

"Oh, hi Seamus," said Ginny cheerfully, trying to head him off.

"You guys know where Harry is?" asked Seamus brusquely. "You know what that idiot Smith is going around telling people now? That I'm an incompetent buffoon! Can you believe that? He's telling people I'm a clown! I just made one little mistake - "

"That happens to me a lot," said Neville sympathetically, nodding.

"I'll have Harry talk to him, Seamus," reassured Hermione. "For one thing, he shouldn't be going around telling people about the DA, if some Slytherin should overhear they might find out about it - "

"Maybe we can get him kicked out for that!" Ron suddenly piped up, looking hopeful.

"Well, somebody better talk to him," said Seamus. "I'm done apologizing to that twerp. Anyway, didn't Harry come to Hogsmeade today? I thought I saw him standing near the carriages this morning."

"He's here," said Neville, nodding towards the Three Broomsticks. "He's just inside getting warmed up with Luna."

Ginny looked at him and giggled.

"What?" asked Neville.

"Well, he's not there now," said Seamus. "Justin and I were just in there. Anyway, you'll tell him about Smith, won't you?"

Hermione promised she would, and Seamus finally marched off. She turned to Ron once he was safely out of earshot. "Did you see them leave?"

"Not that I noticed," said Ron. "Hang on."

He marched over to one of the windows and peered inside, startling a group of third year Slytherin girls sitting at the window table.

"Nope," said Ron upon returning. "They're not in there. Think they've flown the coop?"

Hermione shook her head. "No," she said darkly. "Harry wouldn't just leave like that without saying anything...let's go see Madam Rosmerta, maybe they went upstairs or something..."

Ginny giggled again.

"What?" asked Neville, "I'm missing something here, aren't I?"

* * *

"Avada - " blurted Harry, shaking wand leveled at Voldemort.

Luna reached from behind and tugged his arm back. "That's an Unforgivable Curse, you know," she said serenely.

"I KNOW, IT'S VOLDEMORT!!" he yelled, spinning back around and fully expecting to get hit with the killing curse in turn. He'd missed his only chance at destroying the Dark Lord, but as the two wands could not duel simultaneously he might still be able to swing a stand-off -

"It's a Boggart," said Luna airily. "And I can hear you quite well, actually."

Harry took a cautious step back and stared at the now stationary figure of Lord Voldemort standing before him; it hadn't spoken or otherwise uttered a single word, though it certainly looked convincing. So much so that he found himself hesitant to lower his wand.

"Well, I suppose we can just leave it there," said Luna. "She's gone the other way, anyway. That's a broom closet."

Luna became pensive for a moment, before suddenly leveling her wand at the figure of Voldemort.

"Riddikulus," she said, as Harry watched the Dark Lord suddenly transform himself into a shockingly pink bunny rabbit slipper.

Luna pulled her empty book bag from her coat pocket and flicked her wand at the slipper-shaped Boggart. It glided forward, Luna holding the gaping bag before it, until it had slipped inside and Luna drew the string tightly shut.

"Mobilicorpus," she said, tapping the bag with her wand and slipping the now lightweight sack over her shoulder.

Harry stood confused. "What are you going to do with that?" he asked.

Luna stared at him blankly for several moments. "Well, I don't know, actually," she said. "But it could come in useful, don't you think? Your friend Tonks isn't here, so this might be the next best thing."

"Er, well, okay, I guess. It can't break out of there, can it?"

"I shouldn't think so," said Luna serenely. "Professor Lupin told us it usually goes dormant when captured, as I recall."

Luna gazed at the other door but showed no signs of moving. Harry strode past her, stopping when she took hold of his arm. "Luna, we'd better hurry," he said. "We can't let her get too far ahead!"

"You know," she said slowly, looking sideways at him, "I rather get the impression that we're being led on, don't you?"


Harry thought. It did seem that way, he suddenly realized. Lestrange had seemed to slow down just prior entering the house, as though making sure the were following. "You think she knows about the plan?"

Luna turned to face him. "I think she's the lure, Harry," she said solemnly. "Not Draco Malfoy."

Harry tightened his grip on his wand reflexively. If that was true -

"Luna," he said softly, "you have to go back."

She slowly shook her head, her eyes widening.

"Please," pleaded Harry, unwilling to drag Luna into what might now be a potential trap. "You've got to warn professor Dumbledore. I'll keep after Lestrange."

"You're not going alone, you know," said Luna in a strangely resolute voice.

"There's no time!" countered Harry desperately, moving for the door. "Even if we - "

"She's not trying to get away," Luna assured him. "She's leading us on..."

Harry looked at her. Luna's dreaminess had vanished, her large silver eyes gazing back at him with a very earnest look. He briefly wondered if he could get through the door and lock it from the other beside before she could react; but then, nothing would prevent her from simply unlocking it from the other side with her wand...

Hi shoulders sagged as he realized he wasn't going to be able to convince her to turn back. "Well...what do we do then?"

She stared at him. "Well, I have to go on, you know," she said. "But Harry...you don't have to - "

"Let's not even have that discussion," said Harry quickly, cutting her off. He was distraught enough that he was dragging her into this; the thought of letting her continue without him was unfathomable. "You're not going alone either."

Luna gazed at him, and for a moment Harry thought she was going to protest. She seemed to be contemplating something until a slight smile formed on her face. "This is your 'saving-people thing', isn't it?"

Harry look at her in surprise. "I do not have a saving people thing!"

"Of course you do," said Luna serenely. "Hermione told me."

Harry opened his mouth but closed it just as quickly. He recalled quite vividly the heated argument he'd had with Hermione about going off the rescue Sirius...if he'd only listened...

But this was different.

He moved to the other door and pressed his ear against its dark wooden surface. Detecting no sound emanating from the other side, he gently turned the antique pewter handle, grimacing with every little metallic sound the locking mechanism made.

Thankfully, the door itself opened silently on its hinges. Before him lay a wide corridor, dimly lit by a single Victorian-era lamp hanging from the ceiling, leading to another door at the far end. To the right was a white marble pedestal, surrounded at its base by broken shards of something that had obviously once been a large porcelain sculpture. He drew forward slowly, being mindful not to step on any broken pieces.

"Statuarius Reparo," voiced Luna softly behind him. Harry permitted himself an inward smile; she was so curious, she just had to see what the sculpture had been prior to its fragmentation.

He crept along quietly and listened at the far door; just as the first, it provided no clue as to what might lie beyond. He turned the handle and slowly pushed it open. A darkened room opened up before him, the only source of light stemming from the corridor he stood in, so all he could see were vague shadows and large dark shapes.

"Nox," he said. At the same moment, Luna said something behind him that he didn't quite register.

"Catch!" a female voice cried from somewhere up ahead. Harry caught a glimpse of what looked to be an old sock flying straight for his face, his Seeker's reflexes kicking in as he swatted it away smartly.

Harry immediately lurched off his feet, feeling himself being drawn upwards as though a giant had pulled him up roughly by the collar. He came to the sickening realization that he'd more than likely just swatted a Portkey, and to make matters worse, he hadn't kept a grip on it. Wherever he was going, it was now a one-way trip. A myriad of colors swirled about him, dizzying him for a moment, when suddenly his vision cleared and he found himself momentarily blinded.

He stumbled slightly as his feet sank in the snow, though he managed to keep his balance. The brightness which now engulfed him made him squint, his eyes still acclimating themselves from the darkness of the manor house he'd just left behind. A chilling breeze lapped at his robes; Harry pulled his scarf snugly around his neck.

The area around him was surrounded by snow-covered, gently rolling hills. He slowly turned on the spot, gazing at a series of massive, roughly rectangular stones standing on end, forming a large circle around him. This was no recent construction, that much was obvious; the stones were worn as though having endured several millennia of erosion. Some of them had apparently toppled over ages ago, though several still supported massive horizontal blocks between them. He'd seen something like this before, in a book he'd read once years ago, though its significance escaped him at the moment. He gazed into the distance dispiritedly; apart from this ancient structure, there was no sign of civilization in sight.

Harry's thoughts quickly shifted to Luna. What was happening back in that house at this very moment? Was Luna now facing off against Lestrange on her own? And what had Luna said as he'd opened the door? Had she tried to warn him? There were too many questions -

He had to get back somehow. He turned his wand flat on his palm, cast the four-point charm and took a reading. He oriented himself to face due North, deciding he may as well head in that direction until he reached a town or a road. He took off at a run, the thoughts of having abandoned Luna to fend for herself lending speed to his legs.

His trek had lasted only a few steps when he was startled by a loud crack! just ahead of him. He skidded to a stop before the horrid figure which had materialized before him; a deathly white hand clutched a wand pointing right at his chest.

No!! Harry screamed inwardly, terror threatening to overcome him as he scrambled backwards, raising his own wand at the horrible visage of Voldemort. He knew this was no Boggart -

The only thing that kept him from sheer panic was the knowledge that Voldemort couldn't use his wand against him so long as Harry retained his, and his wits. If he could just stay alert -

"Stop!!" he shouted at Voldemort, noting a quiver in his voice. "We can't duel! The wands - "

"Oh, but I no longer need to try, Potter," voiced Voldemort malevolently, waving his empty hand around him.

Harry saw with surging apprehension at least twenty or so black robed figures emerge from behind the massive stone lintels, coming to form a circle around him. Every wand was trained on him.

"Protego," uttered Harry, pointing his wand at himself. He knew it was virtually useless; there was no way he could deflect all of these -

"Yes, cast your pitiful defensive charms," chided Voldemort. "For all the good they will do you. Now then - " he motioned to his henchmen.

"Wait!!" yelled Harry, desperately seeking a way out and seeing none. No one even knew he was here -

"Take his wand," said Voldemort.

"Expell - "

He'd managed to disarm one Death Eater when multiple spells hit Harry simultaneously; his arm jerked violently in several directions as he tried valiantly to keep his grip on his wand, but the combination of so much magical energy was too much. He watched in horror as his wand jerked free of his fingers and sailed into the outstretched hand of one of the hooded figures.

"Now," said Voldemort, advancing on Harry, his wand still leveled at his chest, "you will tell me where your little companion may be found. I should like to know why have you come in her stead?"

Harry's eyes widened. He could feel his heart racing. This was all too well prepared, too elaborate; it was as though Voldemort had known of their plan all along...his apprehension mixed in with despair; not only had he failed Luna, he'd come perilously close to leading her here, into the Dark Lord's waiting hands.

"W-what companion?" he stammered.

"Don't spout falsehoods at me, wretched boy," said Voldemort ominously. "You are a truly pitiful Occlumens. Only distance prevented me from glimpsing your thoughts, certainly no special talent on your part. The Enchanter's wand will come into my possession wether you cooperate or not. Now tell me...where is she?"

Harry thought furiously. He was getting a definite impression that his appearance here had not been part of Voldemort's plan; but why was he trying to lure Luna here when he already held her father as a hostage?

Something didn't make sense...but he had to throw him off the track, somehow.

"S-she stayed behind," said Harry, trying to keep his mind clear though the image of Luna filled his thoughts. "She didn't come to Hogsmea - "

"Bah!" said Voldemort, extending his wand in preparation to strike. "Your attempt at deception is both obvious and pathetic. But there are other ways to - " he cut off abruptly.

He was looking at Harry with a look of astonishment.

"YOU!!" bellowed Voldemort, taking a step backwards. Harry saw the circle of Death Eaters shuffle back nervously. What was going on? He hadn't done anything -

Then he saw a shadow looming across the snow next to him. He spun around -

His spirits rose as though having been delivered from the abyss; there, standing just behind him, was Albus Dumbledore, serenely gazing at Lord Voldemort, wand in hand.

"PROFESSOR!!" cried Harry. He couldn't recall ever being happier to see anyone in his life.

Dumbledore walked forward, Harry hastily stepping out of the way. He could see the Death Eaters shifting very nervously as they backed off. They seemed on the verge of taking flight, Harry thought.

"OLD FOOL!" screamed Voldemort, leveling his wand at the Headmaster. "AVADA KEDAVRA!!"

Harry had expected some sort of miraculous counter spell from Dumbledore, but to both his astonishment and horror, the old Headmaster just stood his ground and muttered not a word, his gaze serene as one sitting at the breakfast table. The intense green bolt that flashed past Harry struck the Headmaster full in the chest, Dumbledore exploding in a flash of thousands of tiny flame-colored lights, the force knocking Harry onto his backside.

He stared at the tiny bits of flaming embers drifting to the ground around him in shock. He hadn't even tried to defend himself...he'd done nothing...nothing at all...

And yet...the Killing Curse shouldn't cause such an explosion. Harry glanced at Voldemort, who was staring at the spot Dumbledore had stood with apparent consternation.

"What was that?" the Dark Lord spat, turning his attention back to Harry. "That wasn't your noble protector, Potter! How did you manage to conjure up such an apparition without your wand! Explain quickly!"

Harry was also at a loss to explain it...but if he could somehow bluff...

"I...I have...it's a power I..."

Voldemort pointed his wand at him. "ENOUGH LIES!!"

Harry braced himself for what he knew would come. He closed his eyes tightly. Luna...


A searing pain shot through Harry, so intense that he thought his head would explode at any moment. He screamed out loud, quite unable to help himself, as he grasped his throbbing skull with both hands to hold it together. His vision clouded over with unbearable agony...

And then, just as suddenly, it receded. His vision slowly returned. Harry raised his head, becoming acutely aware of a strange tingling sensation running through his still aching body. He could feel his hair standing up on end, the air around him crackling with energy. He remembered experiencing this once before...

The Death Eaters around him were also being affected, from the looks of it; they were glancing about agitatedly, wands pointing in very direction; Voldemort was eyeing the sky overhead with uncertainty.

A low, reverberating rumble began to build, growing in intensity with every second until the very ground itself was shaking. The Death Eaters were fighting to keep their balance. Voldemort levitated himself a few inches off the ground, though he looked no less perturbed.

"This cannot be," said Voldemort. "This isn't Potter's doing...this is ancient magic! There's an intrud - "

A series of simultaneous, deafening cracks of energy nearly burst Harry's eardrums as a multitude of blinding white tendrils of light burst forth from the sky to strike all around him. They hit with such force that he felt himself lift off the ground momentarily; had he been standing, he would certainly have been knocked off his feet.

The ground where the tendrils of crackling energy struck exploded violently, sending screaming Death Eaters flying through the air, the frozen earth erupting skyward, sending large chunks of dirt, rock and ice flying in every direction. Harry hastily threw his arms over his head protectively.

Then, within seconds, it was over. Harry peeked through a fold in his sleeve, seeing no one standing. He scrambled to his feet, his ears still ringing. Not a single Death Eater seemed untouched. Where each of them had stood, a large, blackened crater now lay, wisps of steam rising from the charred earth. Some of the ancient stone lintels had toppled over, one lay atop an unmoving black-clad figure.

He looked to where Voldemort had been seconds before; a steaming crater marked the exact spot, though he was nowhere to be seen. Harry hardly dared to hope...


There was no answer. Harry decided he'd best retrieve his wand; but the Death Eaters had been scattered in every direction...where was it now?

He'd just started searching around the shattered clearing when he felt something lightly touch his shoulder.

He spun around. Luna was standing there, eyes wide and face as pale as the Grey Lady's. Her expression made it apparent she was not at all well.

"By Merlin!" exclaimed Harry, taking her by the shoulders. "How'd you get here? Did Lestrange - what's wrong? Luna?"

Her gaze was strangely distant, even though she was staring right into his eyes. Harry noticed her mouth was slightly open, her breathing very shallow; the energy that always glowed in her large silver eyes was conspicuously absent now. She looked exhausted...no, it was more than that, Harry saw...

"Look..." she said weakly, her voice a bare whisper, waving a pale hand feebly around her, "what I did..."

Harry swallowed hard. He felt an almost irresistible urge to pull her close and tell her it was all right; they were Death Eaters, after all; each of them were murderers many times over, and would certainly have gone on killing had she not stopped them. But it would have to wait; Lestrange was still on the loose in Hogsmeade. They had to get back.

At that moment he heard a loud crack! behind Luna. She spun around, her long dirty blonde hair flying wildly and whipping Harry in the face. Voldemort had re-apparated.

"INCURSO!" yelled Voldemort.

Harry leapt in front of Luna just as a dark violet ray struck him full force. A blinding pain shot through his chest, sending him flaying backwards through the air and knocking Luna over. He rolled several times before coming to a stop face down in the snow. He could hardly breathe; it was as though someone had hit him in the chest with a mace. He tried to push himself up, but his hands only managed to feebly pat the snow. He turned his head, just making out the vague form of Luna through his snow-encrusted glasses. She'd somehow managed to get to her knees, her wand still in her grasp.

"EXPELLIARMUS!!" she cried.

Voldemort deflected the spell easily with a quick flick of his wand, the fiery beam of light harmlessly striking one of the nearby stone lintels.


Luna jerked forward violently, grasping her wand with both hands as she slid along the snow towards the Dark Lord.


A silvery platypus erupted from Luna's wand and bolted straight for Voldemort. The Dark Lord took a step back and leveled his wand at the approaching figure.


The platypus disintegrated into a silvery mist, drifting away in the breeze. But it had given Luna time to counter the Accio charm; she'd slid to a halt, her wand quickly drawing upwards.


Voldemort was unable to raise his wand in time. The beam from Luna's wand struck him near the shoulder, and he staggered back a step. He nevertheless managed to draw his wand as though to strike; the spell wasn't having its full effect. Harry desperately tried to get up; all he got for his trouble was a mouthful of snow.

"EXPELLIARMUS!!" shouted Luna.

Voldemort went flying backwards, flipping end over end several times in the air. Just as he'd been about to fall back to earth he suddenly vanished with a loud crack!

Luna staggered to her feet. A bare moment later Voldemort reappeared at her back, between her and Harry, wand in the strike position.

Luna spun around, hair flying and wand leveled. "ELECTRO - "

She'd barely had time to open her mouth before getting struck with the same spell that had hit Harry. She cried out as she blasted off her feet and spun like a top through the air, hair spinning wildly. Her blue and bronze Ravenclaw scarf spun loose and dropped silently to the ground.

She crashed near one of the fallen Death Eaters, falling face down into the snow, unmoving.

"ACCIO WAND!" shouted Voldemort.

Harry saw Luna's arm jerk violently as she somehow managed to hold on. He tried once more to push himself up, his breathing starting to return with frustrating sluggishness, air finally trickling into his oxygen starved lungs. He just managed to roll himself onto his side.

"Bah!" said Voldemort irritably, becoming piqued at Luna's unyielding determination. He muttered something that Harry didn't quite catch, a yellow beam of light from his wand enveloping Luna. As Voldemort raised the tip of his wand, Luna's form rose up in the air accordingly.

Voldemort flicked his wand sharply.

Luna flew through the air with alarming speed, quite unable to stop, slamming with bone-crunching force against one of the upright stone monoliths. Her wand dropped at last from her lifeless hand as she fell limply to the ground.

"NO!!!" screamed Harry.

He inched forward in desperation, his strength returning with maddening lethargy.

"Accio wand," said Voldemort, Luna's wand at last flying freely through the air. He reached up and caught it easily; Harry was still too far away -

"AARGGHH!" cried Voldemort, quickly dropping Luna's wand as though holding a poker just drawn from a fire. He glared at it lying in the snow at his feet.

Harry was within an arm's length of him now; only one more push and -

Voldemort spun around and flashed his wand. "Conquiesco!"

Harry collapsed back on the snow. He felt as though a three hundred pound weight were pressing on his back; already greatly weakened by the spell he'd absorbed, he had no energy left to try and force his way free.

The Dark Lord's gaze returned to Luna's wand. "Of course," he said unusually calmly, "I should have suspected as much..."

He levitated Luna's wand using a Leviosa charm, being mindful not to touch it. He walked over to where Luna lay sprawled in the snow, pointing his own wand down at her.

Dear God, no!! thought Harry desperately, his lungs gasping for air. Luna she was completely helpless now; she couldn't even defend herself.

"Enervate," said Voldemort, to Harry's surprise.

It took several long moments for Luna to come around; Harry could hear her pained, ragged breathing from where he lay; she was alive, at least, though he could tell something was terribly wrong. He saw her hand grope blindly for her wand in the snow...

"I have your wand, girl," sneered Voldemort. "Now get up!"

Luna's pale hand fell limply to the snow.

"Get up!" he repeated shrilly. "Or Potter dies now!"

Luna slowly stirred. She gradually drew herself into a sitting position and quickly doubled over, her arms clutching her sides, a grimace of pain overcoming her usually serene features. Harry feared she'd broken some ribs, as he gave a mighty heave, his arms shaking with strain against the snow. His body rose not an inch from the frozen ground as he collapsed, exhausted once more.

"Now then," said Voldemort, paying no heed to Luna's obvious agony, "as I'd suspected, the Enchanter's wand has been warded against Dark Magic. You shall therefore bring it along - "

"Go away," said Luna in a tiny, strained voice without looking up, slowly rocking back and forth and clutching her sides tightly.

"What?!" blurted Voldemort angrily, obviously unused to being addressed in such a manner.

"I don't think...I like this game...anymore..." said Luna weakly in between ragged breaths, "I'm going home..."

"I think not!" seethed Voldemort, flicking his wand and lifting her abruptly to her feet.

Luna doubled over painfully, her long disheveled hair drifting to the snow, obscuring her face. Harry could tell from her labored breathing that her injuries were serious. His apprehension slowly gave way to frustration and then anger...he had to help her, somehow...

Voldemort walked over to him, and Harry instantly felt the invisible weight lift from his back. He scrambled to his feet and was about to lunge furiously at the Dark Lord when he felt his feet float up off the ground, depriving him of mobility.

A sinewy green flame emerged from Voldemort's wand and wrapped itself around Harry several times like a heavy binding rope, the tip taking on the form of a snake's head, two glowing red embers serving as its eyes. The head stood off to one side while its tail finished wrapping itself around Harry's midsection.

Strain as he might, Harry found he couldn't move his arms in the slightest. His legs were free and he could flail away with them, but Voldemort was well beyond reach.

Voldemort then turned back to Luna and flicked his wand once more. Luna's hovering wand suddenly dropped from the air to land in the snow at her side.

"Pick it up," commanded Voldemort. "But be forewarned that should you attempt anything other than what I command you, Potter dies instantly. One strike from the Binding Asp will more than suffice."

Luna slowly raised her head to peer at Harry from her doubled over stance. Harry saw her eyes widen as she caught sight of him.

"Harry..." she gasped.

"Pick it up!" ordered Voldemort.

Harry was in possibly the worst predicament of his life. He knew they were both as good as dead, though Luna still had a slim chance at escape, her wand just at her fingertips. He was at a loss, however; she was in no condition to try and duel Voldemort, though it offered her the only chance at survival, regardless of the consequences to himself.


Luna dropped to her knees, doubling over so far that her forehead pressed against the snow. Harry gave a scream of rage, straining with all his might against the shimmering green serpent that held him, to no avail. Voldemort casually turned to him and flicked his wand.


With the casting of that charm Luna gave a sharp gasp, the Cruciatus Curse having lifted. One trembling hand was planted on the ground, another clutching her ribs.

"Now pick it up!!" screamed Voldemort, his wand still trained on Harry. "Or watch Potter die now!"

A pale, shaking hand slowly reached over and grasped the ancient wand. It was a agonizingly heart-wrenching sight for Harry to watch Luna struggle painfully just to get to her feet.

Harry's heart bled as she looked at him with eyes full of tears of pain. Harry tried to call out to her, though all he managed was to steam up the cold air with his breath.

Voldemort extended his wand skyward, chanting something in a language Harry was quite unfamiliar with; beams of blood red light shot out from its tip to the surrounding stone monoliths, forming a pattern akin to that of a spider's web...the symbolism not lost on Harry. He truly did feel trapped like a bug in an Acromantula's nest. The monoliths began to glow a reddish hue, though they apparently gave off no heat.

There was a loud crack! as everything went dark for a brief moment. When light returned, Harry found himself in a completely different environment. He was still, he noticed dismally, bound by the shimmering green serpent.

Voldemort and Luna were still with him; the strange chant must have been some sort of mass apparition spell, he suspected. They were in a clearing in the midst of what appeared to be an ancient bog; the smell and sounds were more than enough to convince Harry he'd been here before, having accidentally stumbled upon the place the night he'd been snooping through the Slytherin Common Room.

Though it was daylight, the place looked no less foreboding than at night. The drooping mosses, dank fog and twisted, gnarled branches gave the place an air of distinct malevolence that reflected itself in the Dark Lord.

"Bring him," commanded Voldemort. Harry felt himself drift along, hanging several feet above the ground. The snake was apparently capable of obeying Voldemort's commands as well as keeping him tightly bound.

They were heading down the twisted path leading, Harry recalled, to the mysterious shrouded archway they'd encountered during their previous foray here. He twisted his head to look back at Luna following behind; she looked ready to drop, though she was somehow managing to keep up with them, though Harry could clearly see every step was a painful exercise.

Their eyes met. Harry tried to voice 'Attack' with his mouth while nodding towards Voldemort. In this place, where wands were useless, even a Muggle would be a threat to the Dark Lord.

Luna had the only working wand; If she could strike quickly -

Luna shook her head. Harry groaned in frustration. Luna had a chance at escape, Harry wishing she would take it, even if it meant his own life would be forfeit. He knew he'd be killed anyway; he wished stridently that Luna could realize that...

He had but one hope left. If the Heliopaths were still there, they just might have a chance -

The march was tedious. Harry was continuously craning his neck back to keep an eye on Luna, who was still managing to keep up, though her face was devoid of color, and her breathing was becoming increasingly pained and labored, blankly staring at the ground before her. Harry wished with every fibre of his being just to get his hands around Voldemort's skeletal neck for just a few seconds -

After what seemed like a half hour had passed Harry took notice that the sounds of birds and other small denizens of the bog had gradually died down and had finally grown conspicuously silent. His breathing quickened; if he remembered correctly, there should be a Heliopath guarding the trail not much further along the trail.

His heart sank as he glimpsed the clearing up ahead. Not only was the Heliopath gone, there was no sign of any of its kin that had stood guard around the inner circle of green flames that night.

He glanced back one more time at Luna as they approached the inner circle. She was staring ahead of her as though in a trance...

"Now then," said Voldemort, addressing Luna, "you will dispel this ward." He pointed at the wall of flames. "Any attempt to cast any other charm will result in Potter's immediate death. Do you understand me, girl?"

Harry tried to scream out, though his voice was still frustratingly muted.

Attack him!! I'm dead anyway!! Get away! he mouthed desperately. But she wasn't looking at him. She was standing at barely arm's length of the glowing green flames, as though mesmerized by them...

As the glowing serpent was carrying Harry several feet higher than he would normally stand, Harry could glimpse the top half of the mysterious Veil beyond the flames; Luna was staring right at it through the wall of fire.

"Answer girl!" ordered Voldemort after Luna showed no signs of stirring.

But Luna did not answer. Instead she continued to gaze transfixedly at the flames before her, when suddenly, she took a halting step forward, her wand held loosely at her side.

LUNA NO!!! Harry screamed in his mind - did she intend to just walk right into the flames??? NO! NO! NO! PLEASE DON'T!!

"STOP!" bellowed Voldemort.

Luna stopped inches from the flames, though Harry couldn't tell if it was due to Voldemort's demand or some other inexplicable reason. She was staring at the archway with an unfathomable expression, her gaze very distant, her mouth open slightly. She raised her wandless hand hesitantly, as though longing to reach out for something...


Harry saw Luna slowly mouth something silently; her head slowly gave just a wisp of a nod -

She took a step back and raised her wand -

And threw it through the flames. Harry watched it emerge on the other side and sail through the archway; it did not reappear on the far side.

He swallowed hard. The wand was gone.

"You...you fool..." seethed Voldemort. "You've ruined...months of planning - "

Luna just stood still, staring into the flames and paying no heed.

Voldemort whirled on Harry. "SERPENT! I COMMAND YOU - "

A crackling bolt of misty silver light shot out from the ancient archway, striking the glowing serpent's head with a brilliant flash. Harry felt his arms suddenly loosen as he fell hard to the ground, the snake above him dissipating in a green and silver mist.

Voldemort took a step backwards. "What?? This isn't possible! What manner of - "

Harry pushed himself up, shaking with fury. Though Voldemort's want was pointing at him, Harry had no fear of it. They were both as helpless as Muggles here.

He launched himself at the Dark Lord, tackling him hard. They both fell heavily to the ground, Voldemort's wand flying loose and clattering along the stones. Harry received a painful kick to the face, knocking his glasses askew and momentarily stunning him. Voldemort used the brief respite to try and push himself away, but Harry reacted in time and gripped his robes -

"AAAGGHHH!" screamed Harry, a burning pain shooting through his left hand where a dark-bladed dagger had embedded itself; he lost his grip on the Dark Lord's robes as he struggled with his uninjured hand to pull it out.

Voldemort shuffled back quickly and had and scrambled to his feet when Harry, with excruciating pain, finally pulled the blade from his injured hand. Voldemort reached into his robes. Harry gripped the handle of the dagger and threw hard -

- just as the figure before him vanished. The dagger sailed through empty space and fell to the cobblestoned ground with a clang somewhere beyond the flames.

Harry gripped his badly bleeding hand, taking his scarf and wrapping it around as a makeshift bandage. He looked up and saw Luna, now on her knees and looking to be very much at the end of her tether, still gazing blankly into the flames. He ran over to her, throwing himself to the ground.

"Luna!" he said worriedly. "Are you - how bad are you hurt?"

She slowly turned her gaze on him. For several moments it seemed as though she didn't recognize him. He gently took hold of her hand.

"Luna? It's me - "

She blinked. "Harry..." her voice was very faint.

"Luna, we have to get back, get you to Madam Pomfrey - " His voice trailed off as he suddenly realized they had no way of getting out of here; there was no portal book with which to escape this time.

"Harry...it's okay..." said Luna in between weak, painful breaths. Her eyes drifted down to Harry's blood-soaked scarf. "You're hurt..."

"It's nothing," said Harry quickly. "Come on - "

He helped Luna get to her feet, trying to draw one of her arms over his shoulders but quickly backing off when he saw her wince in terrible pain.

"I...can stand..."

She managed to do just that, though Harry wondered how long she could hold on...and walking any distance was out of the question.

"Oh...look..." said Luna feebly, pointing past his shoulder. Harry turned.

There, emerging from the trail at the opposite side of the clearing, was a group of horrific, gray-clad figures, their shredded robes and rattling breaths giving away their natures even at this distance.

"Dementors..." he whispered in horror.