Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/02/2003
Updated: 01/13/2004
Words: 154,435
Chapters: 29
Hits: 55,745

Luna's year


Story Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers.

Chapter 26

Chapter Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers

Harry greeted the chilly morning air with trepidation, wrapping his cloak more tightly around him as though it could shield him from more perilous things than the weather. Despite the chill, however, he couldn't quite stifle a determined yawn, coming so soon after a rather sleepless night; which was not altogether surprising, especially after so much reflection and soul-searching...he'd at last decided to bring the matter of Hermione's plan to Dumbledore.

"Looks like we're the first ones," he said to his huddled friends, eyeing the Thestral-drawn carriages lined up along the snow-covered road to Hogsmeade. "All right, let's spread out. Keep a sharp eye out for Malfoy."

He and his friends made their way along the long line of carriages, the sound of freshly fallen snow crunching beneath their boots reverberating in the cold dawn. Their breaths gave off wisps of steam as they trudged along, scattering themselves amongst the carriages.

"I'll have to learn that one," said Ron as he passed Harry, nodding towards Luna and Hermione ahead of him. Both girls had lit up the tips of their wands in a soft blueish light, giving them some welcome protection against the frigid air. "My toes are freezing already!"

Harry smiled and watched him go. Neville and Ginny headed off in the opposite direction towards the rear of the line.

Harry waited next to one of the middle carriages, as he wanted to be in a good spot where he could easily intercept the Headmaster the moment he emerged from the gatehouse. Harry yawned again, quite unable to help himself. He'd hardly slept the previous night, the forthcoming excursion occupying his thoughts and worries.

Much as he hated to admit it, he was beginning to wonder if his anger towards the Headmaster had made him stubborn to the point of deliberately withholding their plans from him. Something Luna had said had stirred the embers of doubt within him; had he deluded himself into such a course? In any case, Hermione had brought up a point that night in the Common Room that had hit home as much as Luna's observation had shortly before.

Remember how you didn't want to tell Luna about her Dad at first, Hermione had remarked, That's just what Dumbledore did with you, didn't he?

He realized with a shock that he'd been trying to shelter Luna just as the Headmaster had himself done, much to his chagrin. Thereupon opinion of the old school master had taken a sudden turn for the better. Either way, he didn't want to think any more on the matter, lest he should change his mind again. He would tell Dumbledore and that was that.

They'd been standing outside for a few minutes until Harry saw someone approach from the shadows of the gatehouse. It was Snape, of all people, bundled in a black overcoat and looking decidedly displeased to see Harry present. The Potions Master raised an eyebrow at him but said nothing, moving down the line to where Hagrid was fiddling with one of the harnesses.

A small trickle of students gradually emerged from the castle, Filch at their head. At the moment, there was no sign of Dumbledore, though Harry did spot Zacharias Smith, which wasn't terribly difficult as he was making a determined beeline straight for him, looking greatly irritated. Great, thought Harry, now what? Well, at least he's got two eyes again...

"Er, morning," greeted Harry, trying to head off the clearly agitated Hufflepuff with at least an attempt at cordiality.

"I'm not teaming up with Finnegan ever again, Potter," complained Zacharias, wagging his finger at Harry without so much as a preliminary hello. "Next time dump the goof on somebody else, will you?"

"Hey, it's not my fault you got hit with that jinx!" protested Harry. "Anyway, you were the last two to arrive, so I had to put you together. Next time just show up a bit early, that's all."

Zacharias shot him a warning glance and skulked off to one of the carriages at the head of the line, much to Harry's relief. He didn't have time for this now.

More students were now filing outside. Harry kept an eye out for Malfoy and Dumbledore. He took a few steps back until his back was leaning against the door to the carriage.

He caught sight of Cho emerge from the growing crowd of students, with that living snitch Marietta Edgecombe still at her side, talking animatedly. He realized with dread that they were heading right in his direction. Harry quickly averted his eyes.

No, no, no, he thought furiously, seeing them approach out of the corner of his eye, trying to will them away. He'd hardly spoken to Cho all year, even in DA class, and he was in no mood to do so here.

Away! Go away! he burned the thought in his mind over and over, shouting it in his head, and was immensely surprised to see their shadows pause a moment before veering off towards the front of the line. His shoulders relaxed as he exhaled a large breath of cooped-up air, the steam blurring his vision momentarily. He looked back towards the gathering crowd.

Pansy Parkinson. The 'gitette', as he'd christened her a few days before.

She was with the same group of younger Slytherin girls he'd seen her with that night near the Great Hall. But there was no sign of Malfoy or his cronies.

Or Dumbledore, for that matter. He was beginning to get anxious.

He looked left and right, trying to catch sight of Ron and Neville on either side of him, in case they'd spotted the Slytherins. He assumed they hadn't, their eyes being still trained on the incoming students.

Ron and Parkinson exchanged a few social 'pleasantries' just as she herded her troupe into the carriage behind him. She had a sour look on her face as she stepped up, no doubt frustrated by the fact there was little she could do to intimidate the redhead, him being a fellow Prefect.


He glanced to his left and saw Susan Bones making her way towards him, her long Hufflepuff scarf wrapped snugly around her neck. He smiled at her as she approached.

"Hey, your friends are right over there, you know," she said, pointing over her shoulder. "I think they're waiting for you too, from the looks of it. Didn't any of you guys see each other? You're all standing around here like sentries!" she laughed.

"Oh, yeah," said Harry awkwardly, trying to appear casually unworried. "Yeah I'll go check with them in a bit. I'm just, er, waiting for someone. Thanks, Susan."

She smiled at him and left to join a group of Hufflepuffs shuffling towards the front of the line. I don't need all these distractions right now, thought Harry plaintively, scanning the crowd for Dumbledore.

Harry continued to wait impatiently for the better part of a quarter hour, observing silently as the crowd gradually thinned out. He was becoming concerned, having seen no sign of the Headmaster thus far. He started looking along the line of carriages in case he'd somehow missed him.

Where's Hagrid? he thought. The huge gamekeeper was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he'd know where Dumbledore was.

A few minutes later Harry and his friends were the only students still outside the carriages. Snape made his way over to him, looking at him coldly. "Get aboard, Potter," he said, pointing at the empty carriage behind Harry. "The coaches are preparing to leave. Unless, of course, you'd prefer to continue to wallow like a guttersnipe out here?"

Harry shot him a nasty look, but swallowed his retort.

"Excuse me, 'sir'," said Harry grudgingly, "but do you know where Professor Dumbledore is?

Snape looked at him snidely. "The Headmaster is already in Hogsmeade, Potter. Now get aboard."

Harry's heart sank. He'd have to tell Dumbledore of their plan right in the midst of its execution, or at best with minutes to spare.

Harry waved his friends over before turning his back to the Potions Master and climbing aboard the carriage he'd been saving.

Ron was the first to clamber aboard after him, his face reddened with cold. "Blimey, this is nutter weather! It's freezing!" he complained through chattering teeth, taking a seat next to Harry.

The others clambered aboard just as the lead carriages from the front of the line started forward. "Okay," he said once they were all seated, "did anyone catch which carriage Malfoy's on?"

"I didn't see him," said Ron, blowing warm breath into his hands and rubbing them together furiously.

"Same here," said Ginny.

"Neither did I," answered Hermione.

"Ditto," Neville said.

"Nor I," chimed Luna.

Harry gaped at them. "Are you sure? He must be here somewhere!"

Hermione looked worried. "You don't suppose he stayed behind, do you?"

"Blimey," said Ron worriedly, "there goes the plan - "

Blast! Thought Harry. He should have made sure about Malfoy...he never thought he'd see the day when he needed the Slytherin, but -

Maybe Snape would know, he thought.

He rushed to the door just as the carriage lurched forward, sending him stumbling onto Ginny, who was seated near the door on the rear bench.

"Ouch! OW!!" cried Ginny as he stepped on her toes and hit his head painfully against hers. He barely managed to brace his hand against the rear wall in time to prevent himself from falling completely on top of her.

"Crikey, Harry! If you want to sit here, just say so!!" she snapped, rubbing her forehead painfully and glaring up at him.

"Sorry!" said Harry hastily, shoving himself away from the wall and opening the carriage door. "Prof - "

But the Potions master was already in the shadows of the gatehouse, heading back into the castle, his dark cloak billowing behind him with each stride. Harry watch him go with apprehension, reluctantly closing the door when Ron started to complain about the cold draft permeating the cabin.

"Snape's staying too," said Harry darkly as he retook his seat. "Something's going on..."

"Well I wouldn't have expected him to come, Harry," said Hermione, handing her wand to Ron to warm up his freezing toes. "Don't forget, now that Malfoy's been warned his position is at risk too."

"Yeah...so? I guess I'm not following," said Harry. "Why would that keep him from coming?"

"Well just think, Harry - if Malfoy is staying at Hogwarts, Voldemort is bound to suspect someone tipped him off, don't you think?"

"Well, that makes sense," Luna chimed in. "Only Professor Snape knew about it, didn't he?"

"As far as You-Know-Who knows, anyway," added Ginny, still rubbing her head.

"Well, his cover's blown now," said Hermione darkly. "And he knows it too. He's not about to go wandering where Death Eaters are liable to be lurking."

"Well at least I won't run into him for a few hours," remarked Neville with relief. Ron chuckled.

Well, thought Harry, it's no big loss. At least it would take away one potential headache once they reached Hogsmeade. So long as Dumbledore was there, that's all that mattered, after all. He'd figure out some way to capture Lestrange; after all, she'd still be there, having no way to divine Malfoy's absence. Harry was beginning to really kick himself for only deciding at the last minute to tell the Headmaster...he could have done so days ago, he knew regretfully...

"Well if the git doesn't show, what do we do?" asked Ron, running Hermione's wand under his toes. "None of exactly looks like Malfoy, do we?"

Harry blinked. He hadn't a clue.

"Maybe we can get a wig or something," suggested Neville meekly. "I could try and impersonate him..."

Harry caught Hermione and Ginny exchanging a knowing glance.

"What?" asked Harry desperately. "If you two have an idea, now's the time. We really could use a backup plan right about now."

Hermione looked at him. She appeared nervous for some reason, apparently considering something very carefully. Ginny had taken to staring at the ceiling, seemingly determined not to utter a word. Hermione finally spoke, though rather hesitantly.

"Now...please don't get upset, Harry," she said nervously. "But...there's something we haven't told you - "

"Hold on!" interrupted Ginny, scrambling for the door. "I'm going to ride this out on the roof!"

Hermione pulled her back by her scarf. Ginny squealed and fell back to her seat.

"Oh no, you don't!" exclaimed Hermione.

"Hey, now just a minute!" said Harry. "You're making it sound like I'm liable to go berserk or something!"

Hermione looked at him nervously. "Well...you do tend to lose your temper sometimes, Harry..."

Ron looked at Harry then back to Hermione. "Harry? Lose him temper? Naaaahhhh!"

Hermione shot Ron a withering look.

"Look, I won't lose my temper, all right?" assured Harry, becoming a bit irritated though trying his best to hide it. "Just spill it!"

"Only if you promise you won't erupt!" said Ginny.

"Oh, for - yes, I promise!" exclaimed Harry, becoming increasingly frustrated. What was this thing they'd kept from him?? Why were they so reluctant to share it with him?

"I'll stun him if he starts foaming at the mouth," joked Ron.

"They're not really buttered side down types, are they?" Luna asked Harry dreamily.

Everyone looked at her.

"Eh?" said Ron. A smile formed on Harry's face. No, they aren't, he thought. He had to admit though, they did have reason to expect the worst from him, especially when it came to withholding information.

"Okay, look," said Harry a bit more calmly, sitting back, "I promise I won't get mad. But I'd really like to know whatever it is you're not telling me before we get there!"

Hermione seemed to relax a little. "Okay," she said slowly. "Harry...now keep in mind...we didn't know at the time...but...well..."

Ginny rolled her eyes and took a deep breath.

"WetoldDumbledoreabouttheplantouseMalfoyasbaitintogetLestrange," she blurted out in lightning fashion.

Harry gaped at her. "Huh? Can you try that again, only a bit slower this time? I didn't get any of that."

"What Ginny's so delicately trying to say, Harry," said Hermione, "is that we told Dumbledore about the plan. Ginny and I."

Harry blinked. "You...you did?"

Hermione looked very anxious. "Yes," she said meekly.

A flood of relief came over Harry. He'd been ready to curse himself to eternity for not having decided on that very course from the start, especially now as Dumbledore hadn't shown up that morning. He slouched back in his seat, his anxiety leaving him as a balloon loosed from a child's grasp.

He started to laugh.

Hermione looked even more distressed, sliding to the edge of her seat closer to him. "Oh Harry, please understand...we told him that morning, just before breakfast, before we saw you...we really didn't know then that you didn't want to tell him..."

But the sight of Hermione's worried expression just made him laugh harder.

"Blimey, he's cracked, I think," said Ron, looking between Harry and Hermione.

Harry saw Luna staring at him, her large, silvery eyes wide with bewilderment, head tilted slightly to one side, her pixieish expression making him laugh even harder. A dreamy smile slowly dawned on her face.

Evidently his other friends seemed to take Ron's word at face value, gaping at Harry as though he'd lost his mind.

"Harry," Hermione said gently, "are you...all right?"

Harry took his glasses off and wiped his eyes. "Oh yeah," he said, still half laughing. "I guess I had that coming, didn't I?"

"You're not mad?" asked Ginny a bit dubiously.

"Oh no," Harry said, looking at her through blurry eyes. "I've been wanting to tell Dumbledore since this morning."

Hermione started breathing normally again. Ginny flopped back in her seat, looking intensely relieved. Ron and Neville looked at each other as though not grasping what all the fuss had been about. Luna was now gazing dreamily off into the countryside from her window seat.

Harry donned his glasses again. "So that means...that's why he's gone to Hogsmeade already, isn't it?"

"Bet he's already got old Bellatrix bagged for us," said Ron hopefully.

"How can he, though?" countered Ginny. "Malfoy's still at school, and you know she's not going to come out in the open if he's not around."

They all sat perplexed. Harry wondered what plan Dumbledore might have thought up. Was that what was being discussing that night in his office with Lupin and the others?

"Well, maybe he - " Hermione began.

Luna's large eyes widened precipitously as she shot into a bolt upright sitting position, just moments before their carriage rolled to a halt.

"What is it?" asked Harry, looking out the window, noting it seemed unusually dreary, as though the sky had become suddenly heavily overcast. "Are we there - "

At that moment a grotesque clawed hand blasted through the roof of their carriage, groping blindly. Ginny and Hermione let out a simultaneous shriek as all shrunk away from it.

"BLIMEY!" exclaimed Ron, pointing Hermione's wand up at the hand. "Expelliarmus!!"

A string of colourful butterflies emerged from the tip of the wand, flooding the cabin.

"Bloody Hell!"

He tossed the wand back to Hermione and fumbled in his robes for his own, just as a second hand punched through the roof, grabbing hold of its frayed edge and ripping it back, the wood splintering under the strain.

"Expecto Patronum!" shouted Hermione, a silvery otter emerging from her wand and shooting up through the hole in the roof. The clawed hands quickly withdrew.

A pane of glass shattered, Ginny shrieking when the horrific visage of a Dementor appeared at her window, its clawed hand grasping her arm in a vice-like grip.

"Expelliarmus!" cried Neville reflexively, the ray from his wand striking the Dementor right in the 'face', though for all the results it produced he might have been blowing soap bubbles.

"Expecto Patronum!" yelled Harry, quickly conjuring up the memory of Luna telling her version of the goldilocks story, his familiar silver stag bolting from his wand and smashing through the side of the carriage. The Dementor reeled back, releasing Ginny.

Harry opened the window on his side of the carriage and stuck his head out. "Thestral! Go!"

His words were no sooner out of his mouth when he realised there was no longer anything attached to the front of the coach.

"Blast!" he said, ducking his head back into the carriage. "Everybody out!"

Harry led the way out the gaping hole his Patronus had made, wand at the ready. He looked about, seeing no sign of the Dementors, or of anyone else, for that matter, other than some rapidly freezing butterflies swirling about them.

"Where are we?" He asked. He saw his patronus trotting back to him from the edge of a clump of trees, dissipating as it came.

Luna moved next to him. "We weren't on the right road with the others, actually. I just noticed when we rounded the curve," she pointed to a series of large boulders along the side of the carriage. "I sometimes come here to read when it's nice out...we've branched off the main road."

"Where's the Thestral?" asked Neville from the front of the coach, crouching down and inspecting the snow-covered path. "There's no tracks!"

Harry heard a loud crack! from somewhere in the small grove of trees his Patronus had returned from. The sound was indicative of someone Apparating...or was it Disapparating?

The missing Thestral was the last of Harry's worries at the moment as he turned to Luna. "Are we far from Hogsmeade? Can we get there fast enough from here - "

"Yes," she said, setting off immediately on the path the carriage had followed. They all scrambled to catch up with her. Harry noticed that the Thestral's tracks were clearly visible behind the abandoned coach...

They'd gone perhaps a hundred or so yards when they came upon the main road again, the tracks of many Thestral-drawn carriages quite evident here. The sight at least offered some comfort to Harry; there was no sign that anything amiss had happened to the other coaches.

They ran as well as they could in the ankle-deep snow, the outskirts of the village coming into view a few short minutes later. Harry could see the now empty carriages parked alongside the road. Hagrid was jogging back towards them, his massive crossbow in hand.

"Oy!" he said breathlessly when they finally met. "Wha' happened to ye all? Where's yer carriage?"

"We were attacked by Dementors, Hagrid," said Hermione. "We have to tell Professor Dumbledore!"

"Ye didn'a!" said Hagrid incredulously, fidgeting with his crossbow and looking around them as though expecting more of the fearsome creatures to come streaming out of the woods at any moment. "Well, come on, 'en!"

They all marched briskly into the village, Harry hearing Ron to say: "How'd they know we were in that carriage, I wonder? Almost like they were watching us, wasn't it?"

"Professor Dumbledore's jus' up the street a bit, Harry," said Hagrid, as they arrived in the midst of the bustling streets; their fellow students were still blissfully unaware of what had just taken place, busily deciding which shops to visit first.

"Hey!" exclaimed Ron from behind them. "There's the git!"

Harry looked to where Ron was pointing. Sure enough, he could see the unmistakable figure of Draco Malfoy standing in the middle of the sloping hill in the distance, roughly halfway to the Shrieking Shack and apparently content to stand there idly. Harry was struck by conflicting emotions - Malfoy was in a very exposed position there - but yet, it was Malfoy, after all...

"Holy cricket! Look at that," said Hermione, elbowing Harry. "Is he trying to get himself killed or - "

"It's not him," said Luna, peeking between them. "I think it's your friend Tonks, actually."

Harry turned to her and smiled. "I'm so glad you're on our side."

"Eh?" Neville said, squinting at the apparent figure of Malfoy. "How can she tell?"

"Trust me, she can," said Harry. He caught sight of someone out of the corner of his eye, moving towards them.

"Professor!" said Harry animatedly as the wizened Headmaster of Hogwarts drew up to him. "Are you - is Tonks - "

Dumbledore smiled benignly, his clear blue eyes serene, holding up his hands. "Relax, Harry," he said, leaning closer and speaking in a low voice, forcing the others to huddle around to hear. "All is well in hand. Tonks is quite safe, you needn't worry. We've been working since early this morning, there are temporary wards scattered throughout the village to prevent anyone Apparating or casting Unforgivable Curses within its confines."

Harry glanced over at Malfoy...er, Tonks, he realized.

"But she's outside the village," he said worriedly, surprised that Dumbledore would be letting her stand out there on her own. "What if - "

"She's well protected by a charm of my own devising, Harry," said Dumbledore serenely. "And a rather clever one, if I may say so myself. There are a dozen members of the Order concealed nearby under disillusionment charms as well. The instant Mrs. Lestrange chooses to make her appearance - "

"Professor," interrupted Hermione, "we were just assailed by Dementors on the way tot eh village; somehow we took a wrong turn and our Thestral vanished - "

The Headmaster blinked. He seemed briefly disquieted by this news, though the change in countenance lasted but a moment. Bu then, Harry was well aware of Dumbledore's intense dislike of the former guards of Azkaban prison.

"Well, Miss Granger, I can assure you, you shan't be so attacked on the return trip." he said, looking at the others who had gathered round. "Please, do try to enjoy yourself while in the village. Madam Rosmerta has brewed up a particularly endearing concoction of cherry syrup and lemon juice. I would recommend it highly."

With that, the Headmaster moved off to join Professor McGonagall and Alastor Moody near the post office across the street.

Harry stared at him, dumbfounded. It didn't seem to him as though he was taking the matter seriously at all, Order or no Order. And what's worse, he'd felt as though he'd just been dismissed...again!

He looked over towards Malfoy/Tonks. She seemed so defenceless there, regardless of Dumbledore's assurance to the contrary. He turned to Luna.

"Can you see anyone else out there? Apart from Mal - Tonks, I mean?"

She nodded serenely. "Yes," she said. "There are people all around her, actually."

Hermione touched his arm. "I think Dumbledore's got everything in hand, Harry," she said. "Maybe we should just - "

"Look, I'm not going to take any chances," Harry overrode her. "We're talking about Luna's dad here. I'm going to stay right here and just keep an eye out, just in case. You guys can go inside if you want."

Hermione looked embarrassed. "No, I didn't mean...no, no, of course you're right, Harry."

"Well, one of us should go get some butterbeer or something," suggested Ron. "I could really use something to drink after all that."

"Good idea," Harry agreed. "I'll take a butterbeer."

"A gillywater and onion for me, please," Luna breezed, tucking her glowing blue wand back behind her ear.

Neville moved closer. "Do you think they have any - "

"Hey, now wait a minute!" protested Ron, shoulders rising and hands outstretched, "Why does it have to be me? I just suggested it, that's all! Why can't Gin here go and get the stuff?"

Ginny eyes flew wide with indignation. "Hey! I'm not your personal serving wench here, RONALD WEASLEY!" she shot in a credible imitation of Molly Weasley. Ron winced, evidently recalling the similarity to a certain howler he'd once received.

"Well, there's an easy way to decide, you know," said Luna dreamily, turning to Ron. "Pick a number."

Ron blinked. He glanced at Harry, though he was just as confused as Ron was. "Er...what's...well, eight, I guess..."

Luna shook her head. "That wasn't it. I'm sorry, Ronald. You lose."

Ron gawked at her, mouth agape.

Luna observed him serenely. "Oh, a goldfish," she said dreamily. "No, wait - a guppy!"

"Blimey!" said Ron indignantly. "I'm not playing charades here! What kind of rubbish was that - "

"I think I'll try that cherry lemon drink," said Hermione, "You, Ginny?"

Ginny seemed to calm down in the face of Ron's 'loss', though exactly what Luna's game had been, no one could begin to fathom. "Make that two, 'garçon'," she said, sticking her tongue out at her brother for good measure.

"Grapefruit juice for me if they have some," added Neville. "If not, a butterbeer's fine."

"You're all mad, that's what!" exclaimed Ron. "If you think I'm going to fall for some crackpot trick like that - "

A scathing look from Hermione shut him up. "Oh fine then!" he said before storming off to the Three Broomsticks, grumbling all the way.

Even with the butterbeer, Harry found himself getting intensely cold after about half an hour of relative inactivity. They therefore decided to rotate, two taking turns inside the soothing warmth of the inn while the rest kept watch outside.

Harry found it a very strange sight to see the apparent figure of Draco Malfoy contentedly making a snowman in the distance. He fought an urge to run over and tell Tonks the Slytherin would be highly unlikely to engage in such activities...

An hour later it was Harry and Luna's turn to go inside. By now his toes were intensely cold; his wands were a bit better off as Luna had periodically warmed them up using her wand.

They sat at a table near the corner, Harry recalling it had been the same one they'd sat at several months previously during the year's first Hogsmeade weekend. Neither bothered to take their coats off, should they be called outside at a moment's notice.

"Luna," said Harry softly after Madam Rosmerta had delivered their drinks, "how are you holding up? Don't get discouraged, just because Lestrange hasn't shown up yet doesn't mean anything...I'm sure she'll turn up sooner or later."

Luna stared at him over her gillywater. "I know," she said serenely. "Harry, it's rather nice of all of you to be helping like this, really."

Harry smiled. "Well, you're pretty much an honorary Gryffindor, like Ginny says...we tend to stick together."

Luna smiled dreamily. "I've noticed," she said airily. "You know, I was very nearly sorted into Gryffindor; it took quite a while for the Sorting Hat to decide where to put me, actually. But in the end it sorted me into Ravenclaw, of course, just like Mum."

"Hey, I just remembered," said Harry, "what were you going to say the other night? About your mum?"

"Oh...well..." began Luna, "Mum was really quite extraordinary, you know. She had - " she hesitated.

"Hey, it's okay," said Harry quickly, sensing that he might be treading into some very personal territory. "We don't have to talk about that if you don't - "

Luna shook her head. "No, it's not that," she whispered furtively, breaking eye contact with him, her gaze distant. "Harry, now don't overreact..."

"I won't," he said earnestly. He wondered what could possibly make her think he'd react so strongly?

Luna turned her eyes back on him. "She's here," she said softly.

Harry blinked. "Wha - your mum?" He felt a surge of amazement...could it be? He thought. He started to turn around.

"Don't turn!" whispered Luna, Harry catching himself just in time.

"Why not? What's going on? Who's here?"

"Bellatrix Lestrange," said Luna quietly. Her hand moved to her impaled onion, using it to stir her drink, trying to give an air of normalcy.

Harry's eyes widened, his pulse quickening markedly. "Where is she?" he whispered.

Luna took a slight sip from her gillywater, her eyes darting ever so briefly to the far corner of the room near the back of the bar. Harry very slowly reached into his robes, grasping his wand. Luna made to brush back her hair and in one smooth motion pulled her wand from behind her ear, holding it concealed under the table.

Harry could hear the loud chatter in the place continue unabated. No one seemed to bat an eye at the presence of a Death Eater, he observed.

"Doesn't anybody notice her?" he asked in a low voice.

Luna very slightly shook her head. "I think she's disillusioned, Harry," she whispered. "She's standing in the far corner...watching us."

Harry's mind raced. Did he dare take her on in here, with so many students around? One mistake could be disastrous...

He was furiously contemplating a plan of action when Luna froze. "She's moving," she whispered.

Harry braced himself to snap around in an instant, holding his wand tightly under his coat. "Where?"

Luna's eyes moved slowly to his right. "She's moving to the back of the bar...no wait...she's..."

Luna bolted up from her chair. Harry spun around to see the door at the back of the room swing shut. "Did she - "

"Yes!" said Luna, rushing past him. Harry leapt up so fast his elbow hit the table and upended their drinks, his chair toppling over noisily. Everyone's eyes turned on the two of them, Harry with his wand drawn, though Luna held hers at her side still. He ran past her and swung open the door.

"Oy!" a short bald man in a kitchen apron said loudly upon seeing them. " 'Tis the kitchen 'ere, lad! Off be with ye!"

Harry glanced about. The Three Broomsticks kitchen was a veritable clutter; there were many shelves and racks lining the walls, crates were scattered throughout, and old oak barrels were stacked in the corners. Dozens of large pots hung from the ceiling. He glimpsed the two large ovens, already jammed to capacity cooking the student's lunches.

"Harry!" said Luna, trying to squeeze in from behind him. "You can't see, let me through - "

At that moment Harry saw the door leading outside on the opposite wall open and close quickly, though he could see no one step through. He held no doubt that Lestrange had just made her exit. He sprinted over to the door, jumping over a crate and running past a loudly protesting cook, Luna at his heels.

He opened the door and held his wand at the ready. This time, however, the snow outside betrayed Lestrange's presence as Harry caught sight of footprints treading along quickly towards a large house across the street. He ran forward, aiming his wand a few feet above the shifting snow.

"Finite Incantatum!"

A flash of light flew from his wand and halted in midair near the house's front door. There was a resulting flash of sparks, the figure of Bellatrix Lestrange immediately materializing as she ran up the steps and flew through the entrance, throwing one glance back at him just before slamming the door shut behind her.

"Blast!" he ran for it, suddenly wishing he'd shot off an immobilizing spell instead. There was no time to get Dumbledore; they had Lestrange at their fingertips, and he was determined not to let her get away. They had to get to her before she got out of range of Dumbledore's anti-disapparating wards...

He ran up the steps to the grey-bricked house, pulling the door open so fast that it creaked precariously on its hinges. He was surprised Lestrange hadn't bothered to lock it behind her.

He looked about the landing. The dwelling obviously belonged to someone well-to-do; the long hallway extended some dozen yards beyond, a flight of stairs lead up on his left and another lead to the right. Two doors lined the walls of the corridor at the far end, facing each other. There was no sign of Lestrange. He wondered if she could have disillusioned herself again so quickly. He held his breath and listened carefully.

He just realized he'd been blocking the doorway as Luna finally shoved her way past him, her wand now drawn.

"Is she - "

"No," said Luna, glancing around. "Harry, we'd best get Prof - "

A loud crash reverberated through the house, coming from somewhere beneath them. Harry flew to the staircase on the right, the one leading down, hope coursing through him. If Lestrange was in the basement, they just might be able to corner her.

They emerged into a square, mahogany-panelled room, each wall lined with large, ornately carved bookcases, a softly glowing chandelier hanging from the ceiling. On either side of them stood a door made from dark wood. Harry moved to the one on the left, turning to Luna. "Get ready," he whispered. He grasped the handle and turned.

He yanked the door open and peered in. Something was moving in the darkness.

"Lumos!" he said, his wand tip lighting up brightly.

The sight that greeted his eyes him chilled him to the core.

A tall, skeletally-thin figure draped in a dark, bat-collared cloak emerged from the shadows, red, slitted catlike eyes contrasting frightfully with its unnaturally pale, skull-like head. A wand held in its pale spider-like hand was pointed straight at Harry.

Harry's own wand flew up in an instant. "Avada - "