Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/02/2003
Updated: 01/13/2004
Words: 154,435
Chapters: 29
Hits: 55,745

Luna's year


Story Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers.

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers

"What are you talking about?" whispered Harry. "What orang-outangs?"

"They're coming to take over the school," said Luna sombrely. "Professor Dumbledore told me."

"He...he said that?" asked Harry incredulously. He heard coughing from the front of the class. He lowered his voice. "Are you really sure that's what he said?"

"I don't think they'll teach very well," said Luna quietly, leaning closer. "I've never spoken to an orang-outang before, though..."

Harry blinked. "Luna...when did he tell you - "

"Hem hem."

The sound filled Harry with a dreadful sense of horrific deja-vu.

It...it couldn't be, he thought, slowly looking up at the figure now standing before him.

It was. Dolores Umbridge. Standing right before his desk, hands on her hips, smiling down at him with that familiar air of badly concealed malevolence.

"It would appear you still haven't learned the need for discipline, Mr. Potter," she said in her false sweet voice. "Please report to my office after classes today for further detention."

Harry gaped at her. No...it couldn't be...what was she doing here?? How could Dumbledore have possibly allowed it? After everything that had taken place the previous year, no less!

"YAAAGGGHH!!!" He screamed.

Harry jerked awake, his foot striking the leg of his desk and causing it to skid noisily into the back of Neville's chair in front of him. He looked around, his eyes coming back into focus, becoming suddenly aware of a classroom full of curious faces staring back at him. He looked to his right, but instead of Luna, the desk was occupied by Hermione, staring at him in shock.

"What was that all about?" she whispered.

Harry blinked, his rapid breathing and anxiety lessening. "I...I think I must've drifted off..." he whispered. He looked to the front of the class and saw the ghostly form of Professor Binns staring back expressionlessly at him.

"Everything all right back there, Perkins?" The teacher droned.

"Err..." Harry looked around, aware that all eyes were still on him, quite understandably though, given the circumstances. Though he felt fine now, his sense of embarrassment was increasing exponentially. "Actually no, Professor, I don't feel very well," he lied, "I'd like to go see Madam Pomfrey."

"Pomfrey...Yes...yes," prattled Binns, "Very well then, Perkins."

Harry quickly gathered his books and stood to leave when Hermione tugged at his sleeve. "Harry, are you all right? Are you sick?" she whispered, her brown eyes full of concern.

He leaned closer to ensure he wasn't overhead. "I just had a nightmare, Hermione, that's all...and...I'm a bit embarrassed right now, I think I'll just go for a walk till next class."

"Oh...well, okay," Hermione whispered back, "We'll see you at Potions, then."

Harry closed the door behind him and leaned back heavily against the wall with a pronounced sigh. Talk about embarrassing, he thought, kicking himself for falling asleep. Though there was no doubt Binns could prattle on endlessly and was by far the most boring teacher in the school, it was the first time in recent memory that he'd gone so far as to fall asleep in History of Magic Class.

He pushed himself away from the wall and made his way to the main hallway, looking up at the large ornate clock that told him there was still a good half hour to go before Potions was to start. He wasn't particularly looking forward to that class, either.

Well, at least I won't fall asleep in there, he thought. Boring was not an apt description for Potions class. Nerve-wracking was more like it.

He ambled down the staircase into the main hall, having decided he may as well bring his History of Magic material back to the dormitory, rather than hauling them around the rest of the morning. As he slowly sauntered along the nearly deserted hall, he caught sight of someone walking in through the castle's entrance from the courtyard, the long trailing, dirty blonde hair unmistakably identifying Luna, heading off in the direction of the Ravenclaw tower. Harry broke out into run and quickly caught up with her.

"Hey, Luna," he said as he fell in beside her. Had she skipped class too?

"Oh, hello," said Luna, smiling at him as she unravelled her long Ravenclaw scarf from around her neck and shook it vigorously, clumps of snow falling to the floor. Her hair and pink earmuffs were blanketed in large flakes and her normally pale cheeks were flushed pink with cold, Harry noting it gave her an appealingly huggable appearance.

"You didn't go for a walk in that storm, did you?" asked Harry, seeing the trailing edges of her coat encrusted with ice and snow.

"Well, not at first," she replied dreamily, pulling off her fuzzy earmuffs before shaking her head vigorously, sending the snow flying about, a wet clump splattering Harry in the face. "Professor Hagrid cancelled our class, actually. The owlbear we were supposed to see escaped back into the forest during the night." She bent over and proceeded to knock bits of snow and ice from her boots.

"He cancelled class...but wasn't that like half an hour ago?" asked Harry, wondering what an owlbear might be; it hadn't been part of the curriculum the previous year.

Luna stood back up and nodded. "I think the others went back inside, I suppose they didn't want to take advantage of the lovely weather...it's such a nice day for a walk in the snow. Anyway," she said, shaking the snow from one of her sleeves, "I think I'll go sit by the fire and dry off a bit."

"Hey listen, I've got some time to kill," said Harry, "Want to go to the kitchen? There's a fireplace there too. We can get some hot chocolate while we're there, I'm sure Dobby would be happy to make us a batch."

Luna stared at him for a few moments, her silvery eyes large and unblinking.

"It's not far," said Harry, pointing to the staircase. "We're almost there actually, it's just underneath the Great Hall."

She smiled slightly. "I know," she said dreamily. "Actually, a hot chocolate would be rather nice, I didn't have breakfast this morning..."

"I noticed that, we saved you a seat at the table," said Harry as they walked down the steps to the basement level. "Where were you anyway?"

"Oh, I was in my dormitory," said Luna conversationally. "I was looking for my blanket, my last one disappeared during the night. I don't think there's a connection with Professor Hagrid's owlbear, though."

Harry looked at her. "Not again!" he said, his ire rising. "They wouldn't do that at this time of year!"

"Oh, it's all right," she said as they stepped out into the lower corridor. "Normally I'd just wait for it to come back at year end, but it is getting rather chilly these days, so I looked for it this morning."

Harry sighed. Blast it, this has to stop! he thought. But then he remembered what Ginny had told him, about how things had only gotten worse for Luna after she'd tried to help. A sense of frustrating helplessness swept through him.

"Anyway," said Luna, looking at him, "How come you're not in class?"

"Oh that," said Harry, "I...um...fell asleep in History of Magic...it was so embarrassing. I pretended I wasn't feeling well and got out."

They came before the painting of the fruit bowl in the hall. Harry tickled the green pear, grabbing the emerging door handle and pulling it open, motioning Luna through.

"Oh, it's Miss Luna!" Harry heard a familiar voice say as he stepped through the doorway. "Oh, and Harry Potter it is!"

Harry stepped through the doorway and saw Dobby standing before them, his tennis ball-like eyes matched by an equally large smile. Luna was crouching down, greeting him face-to-face.

"Hello, Dobby," she said dreamily. "How are you today?"

"Hi Dobby," Harry smiled, as he pulled the door shut behind him.

"Dobby is honoured by your visit, Miss Luna and Harry Potter," the little elf said, bowing and extending his hand towards the huge kitchen. "May Dobby bring you anything?"

"Actually Dobby, we were thinking about some nice hot chocolate?" asked Harry.

"Hot chocolate it is, Harry Potter!" squealed Dobby as he scampered off to rummage through one of the cupboards.

Harry and Luna walked over to a table near the large brick fireplace on the opposite wall. "There, nice and warm. Here," said Harry, holding out a chair near the fire for Luna.

She seemed slightly startled by this, looking at him strangely before gracefully taking the proffered seat, arraying her scarf, mittens and earmuffs on the back of the chair.

A thought occurred to Harry. "Uh, Luna," he said, "have you been thinking of...orang-outangs, lately, by any chance?"

A slight smile played across her features. "No," she said, "Why?"

"Oh, nothing," he said, shrugging. "Just a crazy idea I had."

"Best be careful," she said, very seriously. "Some people might think you're a bit odd, asking about orang-outangs. Not me, of course, but then, I think they're a bit boring, aren't they?"

Harry gaped at her, open mouthed and half grinning. Was she joking with him? Given her blank expression it was impossible to tell.

"Yeah," he chuckled finally, "Wouldn't want that..."

"Oh!" exclaimed Luna suddenly, startling Harry, "Speaking of orang-outangs, I saw some very peculiar tracks leading into the forest when I was out walking, Harry...I think they might be Blibbering Humdinger prints!"

"Um...you did?" asked Harry, wondering what a Blibbering Humdinger might look like, or if such a creature even existed. He thought he'd heard that name somewhere before though...

"Yes!" said Luna excitedly, her silver eyes widening. "I can't wait to tell Daddy! Can you imagine? I don't think they've ever been sighted anywhere this close before! Oh, I wish I'd had a camera..."

"Yeah," said Harry, smiling at the thought of Luna making a major scientific discovery that would perturb Hermione to no end, "That would be something, all right..."

Dobby suddenly appeared holding two very large mugs; judging from the sweet smell of coca Harry knew immediately it was their hot chocolates.

"Thank you, Dobby," said Luna sweetly, taking the mug the house elf was proffering with both hands.

"It is my pleasure, miss Luna," he said beaming.

"Thanks Dobby," Harry smiled, ogling the huge mugs the little house elf had provided. These look like they'd be big enough for Hagrid, Harry thought.

"Would Harry Potter like anything else, sir?" asked Dobby, eyes wide with expectation.

"Oh no, this is more than enough, Dobby," said Harry. "But thanks!"

"If Harry Potter or miss Luna wish anything," said the house elf, pointing towards the tables at the far end of the hall, "Shouting will bring Dobby running!"

"Thanks, Dobby!" Harry grinned.

Luna watched the house-elf scamper away, looking rather pensive. "I hope Hermione's idea works out," she said.

Harry turned to her. "Her idea?" he asked, "Oh, you mean S.P.E.W.?"

Luna nodded. "She started writing an article for The Quibbler a couple of weeks ago," she said. "Daddy was quite happy to provide her with a forum, actually. He's going to start running it in the January issue."

"I didn't know that," he said honestly. "She didn't mention anything about it to me, anyway."

Luna stared at him for several moments. "Well," she said, "I imagine she doesn't think you and Ronald are really supportive of her."

"It's not that we don't support her," said Harry, "But the house-elves like to work for people, most get really upset if they get set free. I mean if she was fighting for somebody who wanted to be set free - "

"She just wants to give them the choice, actually," said Luna.

He thought about that. "She's doing it for the principle of the thing," he mulled out loud.

Luna smiled and nodded, taking a sip from her hot chocolate.

Harry watched the house elves for a while, coming to and fro, busily preparing lunch, knowing full well that most of them would undoubtedly choose to continue working at Hogwarts, as their ancestors had done for hundreds of years before. But, Luna had a point...they'd never been given a real choice in the matter, so far as he knew. Watching them happily scurrying about their business, he marvelled at how anyone could be so enthusiastic doing such work, day after day, without variation.

"You wouldn't have any strawberries, would you?" asked Luna from out of the blue.

"Huh?" said Harry, "Er...no, I don't usually carry any on me..."

"No," she said, gazing at him in contemplation, "I don't suppose you would. Well, that's all right, this is still quite good - "

"I can ask Dobby - "

"Oh, no," said Luna, smiling, "That's okay, really. I was just wondering, in case you had any with you. Dipping strawberries in hot chocolate is one of life's greatest delights, you know. You really should try it sometime."

"Er...it is?"

"It's a transcendental experience," she said, eyes widening excitedly. "It's a truly delightful combination, Harry. One of life's great treasures, really. And not just with strawberries, baby cucumbers work well also, if you happen to be out of season. Anyway," she said, lowering her voice to a whisper, "I asked Professor Sprout for a little growing pot in her private greenhouse so I can plant my own, where no one can take them...they'll be ready just in time for Christmas!"

Harry chuckled.

"I'll take your word for the cucumber part...say, what are you doing during the holidays?" he asked. Christmas was now just days away and he just realized he had no idea what her plans were.

She stared at him intently for a few moments, as though surprised by his question. "Well, I'm staying at school this year," she said vaguely. "I got an owl from Daddy yesterday; his uncle passed away a few days ago, he has to go to Germany and help settle the estate. He was the executor."

Harry's shoulders sagged. Didn't anything ever go right for Luna, he wondered. "I'm so sorry, Luna," he said softly. "Were...were you close?"

"Oh, no," she said conversationally. "I've never met him myself, and the last time Daddy saw him was ages ago, but they wanted a distant relative to handle the estate and sort everything out, so Daddy agreed to go."

"Oh," said Harry, slightly relieved. He'd hated to think of Luna losing someone else close to her after what had happened to her mother.

"Anyway, what are you doing for Christmas?" she asked before taking another sip of hot chocolate, the mug being so large that she held it with both hands.

"I'm spending Christmas with the Weasleys at The Burrow," said Harry, just before a thought flashed through his mind. "Hey, why don't you come? You know the Weasleys, don't you?"

Luna stared at him, her large silver eyes unblinking, for such a long while that Harry thought she hadn't heard his question. "Well, thanks, Harry," she said finally, smiling dreamily. "Ginny already invited me anyway, but I think it's best if I stayed, really."

"Why?" asked Harry. "Hermione's going to her folks, Neville's spending the holidays with his Gran, you're not going to spend Christmas alone!"

Harry saw a hint of a smile on her face as her silver eyes stared into his. "It's okay, you know," she said dreamily. "I wish I could have spent it with Daddy though...it's going to be our first Christmas apart, actually."

Harry's thought he detected a note of sadness in her voice. "You're really close to your Dad, aren't you?" he asked.

"Oh yes," she said. For once, her eyes were staring off into space.

Harry felt an intense surge of empathy for the girl. Did she have any other close family at all, he wondered? He'd never heard her mention any brothers or sisters.

She looked up at him again. "It was very hard on Daddy...when Mum died," she said sadly. "I think the holidays are still hard for him, really...I wish I could have been with him this year..."

Harry had the sinking feeling that the holidays were scarcely better for Luna...from the sounds of it, her Mum must have died around Christmas.

Looking into those huge, silver eyes, he immediately resolved to remain at Hogwarts during the holidays.

"DOBBY!" he called out, "Got any strawberries down here??"

* * *

Ron and Hermione were out patrolling the halls together as was their custom, coming across a few late stragglers that they sent quickly off to their dormitories. Their only stressful encounter took place when they'd come across the caretaker, Filch, on his usual patrol, lantern held aloft and hateful eyes scanning the shadows, looking for all the world like a bedraggled, malevolent scarecrow.

"Um...hello, Mr. Filch," said Hermione nervously as they crossed paths in the hall.

"Umph," uttered the caretaker, which was about the best they could expect from him anyhow, raising her eyebrows and looking at Ron.

"He's just ticked because he can't put us in detention," whispered Ron.

"Why does he always carry that lantern around, anyway?" said Hermione, looking behind and watching Filch away down the hall, his lantern casting large, eerie shadows as he went.

"Probably because he wants to see into every nook and cranny," answered Ron. "You know, in case a student managed to shrink down in size or something."

Hermione smiled. Absurd as it was, she wouldn't have been too surprised if someone had tried it at some point through the years.

They walked down the hall and made their way up the two-tiered staircase to the second floor, nervously eyeing the Bloody Baron as he glided silently past them, through one wall and out the other, his ghostly cape billowing in a non-existent wind.

"Sure you won't change your mind about coming to the Burrow tomorrow?" asked Ron once the apparition had disappeared through the sandstone wall.

"No, but thanks anyway, Ron," Hermione smiled. "We're going skiing in France, remember? I skipped the last time they went, so I really should go. The tickets are non-refundable anyway."

"Well, if you change your mind before tomorrow morning just let me know," he said, "I'm sure Mum and Dad would love to have you over."

An idea that had been slowly simmering in Hermione's mind suddenly took life at Ron's broaching of the subject. "Actually, Ron," she said, "Why don't you invite Luna over? I'm sure she'd go if you asked her..."

"Urg," said Ron, "No thanks. Besides, Ginny invited her already and she said no."

Hermione stopped. Ron continued a few steps before realizing he was walking by himself. He turned back to look at her.

"What?" he asked.

She walked up to Ron, eyeing him curiously. "You know why she won't go, don't you?"

"No idea," he said, beginning to wish she'd change the subject.

"She won't go because she knows you don't want her there, Ron!" said Hermione.

He shrugged, desperately hoping that if he said nothing she'd drop the matter. He looked around the deserted hall, hoping for once to see a student they could put on report, or anything to distract her.

Her angry glare told him she wasn't about to grant his wish. "Look," he said finally, "She just gives me the willies, Hermione, she's just so - " he tried to search for a less offensive word, finally giving up. "Well, she's weird!" he said finally. "It's nothing personal!"

Hermione gaped at him, mouth open in shock. "Nothing personal??" she said rather loudly. "Ron, I saw how you treated her in DA class. Don't tell me that wasn't personal! Not to mention that little scene Neville told me about, how you threw her chocolates back in her face!"

Ron stared back at her disbelievingly. "What's gotten into you?" he said angrily. "Why are you defending Loony Lovegood all of a sudden? You thought she was nutters enough last year!"

Hermione's eyes widened. Ron never saw the surprisingly violent slap coming, striking him painfully hard on his cheek, so much so that he staggered sideways a few steps and nearly lost his balance.

"Bloody hell!" he yelled, rubbing the side of his face, "What was THAT for?"

Hermione's hands were clenched into fists at her sides, trembling with fury. She took a step towards him, Ron seeing her eyes were glittering with tears.

"WAKE UP, RON!!!" she screamed at him.

He took a step backwards, fearing she was going to hit him again; he'd never seen her so angry before in his life. She took another step towards him and he flinched, instinctively putting up one hand to protect himself. "Whoa, Hermione, wait a second - "

"YOU - ARE - SO - INSENSITIVE!!" she seethed.

"Me??" he said, pointing to his cheek, "I can sense pretty well, thank you very much!"

"Oh, you - " Hermione took another swing at him, though, now forewarned, Ron managed to jump back and avoid it, though in so doing he nearly tripped over one of the large clay flower pots that dotted this part of the hall.

"Hey! Hold it!" he said, briefly considering drawing his wand for self-defence, seeing that Hermione was beyond furious now. She took another step towards him, Ron backing off hurriedly, putting up his hands in surrender.

"Okay, whoa, Hermione," he said, trying to sound as calm and as reasonable circumstances allowed. "L-let's talk this over, okay?"

Hermione stopped, tears streaming down her face. "I can't believe you, Ron..." she said hoarsely, slowly shaking her head.

He blinked. "Hey...what's wrong? Hermione?" he asked, his confusion increasing markedly.

She looked at him strangely, almost hopelessly. She closed her eyes for a few moments, trying to bring her breathing under control. When she finally she opened her eyes, Ron saw they were still gleaming with tears.

"You've treated Luna like dirt, Ron," she said, her voice quivering. "She's been nothing but a friend to you, to all of us, and the best you can do is throw chocolates in her face and call her Loony..."

Ron's shoulders sagged. She had a way of making it sound so terrible...

"I know she tries, Hermione, but...it's just..."

"There aren't any 'buts', Ron," said Hermione, coming to stand before him, Ron keeping a close eye on her hands for any sudden movement. "She saved your life last year, remember? Mine too, or she just as well would have...she doesn't deserve being shunned like that..."

Ron blinked. "I know, Hermione, she just...I don't know..." he trailed off.

"You know Ron, none of us ever asked for her help," Hermione continued, her voice strained, "And yet she's been there for us when the going got rough, she risked her life for us, Ron, and nearly got killed in the process..."

She rubbed her eyes, trying to clear the tears. "She doesn't deserve to be treated like garbage..." her voice broke as she dropped her face into her hands, shoulders shaking.

Ron was beginning to feel intensely self-conscious. He'd never really looked at Luna as anything other than a strange oddball, but when he really thought about it, he knew Hermione was right. He'd taken his frustrations out on her at every available opportunity. The memory of Luna staring at him quietly right after he'd just flung the box of chocolates at her came flooding back into his mind. How would he have felt, had he been on the receiving end? All because of two giggling shoolgirls...

He slumped up against the wall and slid down to the floor.

For a while both were quiet, Ron staring at his feet, disconcerted and speechless, Hermione coming to sit next to him, sobbing quietly in her hands.

Several minutes passed in silence. "You know, Ron," Hermione said after a while, wiping her eyes, "I was really hoping you'd be the one to invite her...that would have made all the difference..."

"How can you be sure, though?" he asked. "I mean, nothing ever bothers her; you never see her complaining."

"How do we know what bothers her and what doesn't, Ron?" asked Hermione softly, "We've never really asked, have we? The only thing I do know is that she wants you to accept her."

Ron looked at her, a worried expression on his face. "She...told you that?"

"Well, no," said Hermione heavily, "But l can tell, Ron. I don't think she would've gone to all the trouble of making those chocolates if she wasn't sincere about making you feel better. But she's such an odd book to read, really...she opened up to me a little once, about her mother...she saw her die right in front of her when she was nine, you know..."

Ron looked horrified. "Blimey," he said. "I...I didn't know..."

She leaned her head up against the wall next to him. "Did you know she's spending the holidays alone this year?" she said softly.

Ron looked genuinely aggrieved to hear this. "Why's she staying here? Doesn't she go to her Dad's, I mean they don't live too far from the Burrow...it's the same train ride, isn't it?"

Hermione looked thoroughly demoralized. "Her Dad had to leave...he had to go settle an estate somewhere, an uncle of his passed away," she said. "Harry told me this morning."

"Oh..." said Ron, beginning to feel truly terrible about how he'd treated Luna of late. "Well...maybe I can ask her to come in the morning..."

"That would be really nice, Ron," said Hermione. "I think she lost her mother during the holidays too...it's so sad she has to spend Christmas alone, I asked her to come skiing with me and my folks, but she wouldn't hear of us spending our money on her...that, and she thinks skiing is bizarre, she said."

"Well...okay then," said Ron. "I'll go ask her first thing in the morning."

Hermione clutched his arm so suddenly it made him jump.

"No, seriously, I will, really," he said.

Hermione shook her head. "No, did you hear that - "

Ron listened. Everything seemed typically quiet to his ears. "No, what?" he whispered.

"I thought I heard something..."

He listened again. The halls remained stubbornly silent to his ears. Only the moving paintings gave any sign of life in the corridor.

"It's probably nothing, Hermione," he said. He turned back to her. "Listen, I can finish up the patrol myself, if you'd like to go back - "

Hermione managed a small smile. "No, I'm all right, Ron. Let's just finish up this floor and call it a night."

They gathered themselves up and proceeded down the hall, Hermione recalling the day when she and Harry had discovered a cranberry sauce-covered Luna in this same corridor. "Um...sorry about hitting you like that," said Hermione, "But I just...well, I really feel for Luna, you know?"

"Yeah, I noticed," said Ron, rubbing his jaw. "It's okay though, really. I guess I had it coming..."

"I still kick myself sometimes," she said softly, "When I think back to last year...I know her so much better now, even if some of what she believes in is utter nonsense..."

They were passing the door to the library when Hermione suddenly grabbed hold of Ron's arm. "Listen!" she whispered.

Ron edged closer to the library entrance, Hermione moving aside to make room for him.

Ron pressed his ear against the door. This time there was no doubt; there were definitely voices coming from inside the library, though it had been closed for at least a couple of hours by now. He couldn't make out any words, muffled as they were, but one of the voices sounded odd, almost disembodied, somehow.

"What do you make of it?" he whispered to Hermione, his ear firmly glued to the door.

"I don't know," she said, "but they have no business in there, whoever they are." She drew her wand from her robes and straightened her prefect's badge.

Ron drew back and pulled out his own wand, grabbing hold of the ornate door handle. "Ready?" he asked.

She nodded. He twisted the knob and made to barge quickly inside, but only managed to collide noisily with the unmoving door. He could hear the sound of something snapping shut on the other side, accompanied by more muffled voices. "Blast it!" he said, quickly backing off and pointing his wand at the lock. "What's that spell again!?"

"Alohomora," said Hermione quickly, as a soft gold light emerging from her wand and unlocking the door with a loud click.

Ron opened the door and burst through into the pitch black library.

"Lumos," he said, holding his wand aloft. "Who's there??"

Hermione stepped in to stand next to him, her own glowing wand held aloft.

There was no one to be seen, though a telltale wisp of smoke rising from one of the tables in the reading area betrayed a recently extinguished candle. They advanced cautiously towards it, keeping a careful eye around them.

Just as they approached to within arm's length of the table, Ron saw a figure dart out from behind one of the large plush chairs, making a quick beeline for the door. He instinctively lunged, managing to grapple the intruder by the leg and causing it to crash to the floor, a black leather-clad book toppling out near him.

"Accio book!" the stranger cried, retaking possession of the tome as he scrambled to his feet, wand pointing straight at Ron, who was not also on his feet, pointing his own wand in return.

"Bugger off, Weasley!" the figure said angrily.

"You've got no business being here, Malfoy!" Ron shot back. "It's past curfew, library's closed!"

Hermione joined Ron, her own wand pointing right at Malfoy's head. "Just what were you up to, Malfoy?" she said suspiciously, scowling at the blonde-haired Slytherin. "Tell us now."

At that, Malfoy seemed to hesitate. With two wands pointing at him, and with no Crabbe or Goyle around to protect him, he seemed to rethink his position, slowly stashing his wand back into his robes. "You've got no more business being here than I do, mudblood!" he hissed.

"Ha!" said Hermione. "We're out on prefect's patrol, what are you doing here? And who were you talking to, anyway?"

Malfoy shot her a baneful look, though he stifled any riposte. He quickly turned around and stormed out of the library.

"Hey!" yelled Ron. "We're not through with you yet!"

"Oh, let him go, Ron," said Hermione, lowering her wand. "He's a prefect too, there's really nothing we can do..."

Ron slowly lowered his wand, looking intensely disappointed. He turned to Hermione. "Say, did you see that book he was carrying?"

"Yes," she said. "Why, do you think he stole it from the Restricted Section?"

He shook his head. "I've seen that book before, Hermione."