Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/02/2003
Updated: 01/13/2004
Words: 154,435
Chapters: 29
Hits: 55,745

Luna's year


Story Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers.

Chapter 11

Chapter Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers

"But Professor," said Harry, "Couldn't they have looked inside the pensieve?"

"Oh certainly, they could have," replied Dumbledore, closing the cabinet behind which he'd just stored the memory basin. He turned back to Harry. "Please sit down," he said, indicating the two chairs facing his large, slightly cluttered desk.

Harry glanced at Hermione as he took a seat; she'd been unusually quiet and sombre since they'd returned from the Shrieking Shack, even though Madam Pomfrey had pronounced her in perfect health, apart from a few minor bumps and bruises.

As through reading his mind, Dumbledore also gazed at her as he took his seat. "I trust Poppy found nothing badly wrong with you, Miss Granger?"

She looked up. "Um...'Poppy', Professor?" she asked.

Dumbledore smiled. "Well, Madam Pomfrey," he said. "My apologies, the diminutive is normally used among the staff."

"Oh," said Hermione, nodding. "Yes, I'm fine," she said quietly.

Harry wondered if she was somehow intimidated by the Headmaster, though it hardly seemed likely; this wasn't their first meeting with him, and she'd never shown such reticence before. He discarded the thought and made a mental note to inquire as to her well-being later.

Dumbledore continued to stare at her for a few moments, as though also noticing her seemingly morose demeanor. But as Hermione gazed impassively at the desk and showed no signs of further interaction, he evidently took it to mean she was not going to be forthcoming. He smiled benignly. "Very good, then," he said quietly.

He reclined back slightly in his seat. "You see Harry," he said, "After your encounter with Bellatrix Lestrange in the forest, I decided it would be prudent to take certain additional precautions. The pensieve, as you no doubt are aware of by now, cannot be forcibly removed from the castle grounds. As well, I've taken the liberty of procuring a second, for Professor Snape's use."

His blue eyes twinkled slightly. "That is the one Mr. Malfoy removed from his office earlier...it contained no thoughts of mine, of course, and indeed likely no thoughts at all, for that matter; as I understand it, Professor Snape only uses it during your lessons. In any event, he informs me that your ability to block cerebral intrusion is now satisfactory, and hence has no further need of it."

Harry looked at Hermione, though she continued to stare blankly at the desk before her. He turned back to Dumbledore. "Um...Professor," he said, his hopes rising, "Does this mean I'm done? With occlumency lessons?"

"Oh yes," the Headmaster replied, "Professor Snape informs me he has been unable to draw any useful information from your mind for the past several lessons, to his apparent irritation, I might add."

"Yes!" exclaimed Harry, raising his fist in triumph. "Oh...um, sorry, Professor." he said sheepishly as he lowered his hand back to his armrest.

Dumbledore smiled. "No need, Harry," he said softly, "I am well aware of the...unease with which you view your relationship with Professor Snape. In any event, if he has pronounced you fully disciplined in the art of occlumency, then I consider it a 'Fait Accompli'."

Harry blinked. He wasn't exactly sure what that meant, though it sounded French, or perhaps Latin. He'd ask Hermione later.

"However, you should still exercise caution," continued Dumbledore. "Occlumency, like apparition, becomes considerably more difficult as the distance between the subjects increase. Therefore, if you were in close proximity to a probing mind, you would find it much more difficult to resist the intrusion."

"Now, as for young Mr. Malfoy," said Dumbledore seriously, "I have no doubt that what you told me is true, Harry. Although, as no one actually witnesses the theft, the evidence is somewhat lacking. And even their presence in the tunnel, while it undoubtedly took place, cannot be proven."

Harry felt his ire surging within him. After everything that had taken place, he could scarcely believe Dumbledore would still take no action against Malfoy. "But it did happen! Everything I told you!" he protested.

Dumbledore raised his hand. "Yes, I know," he said softly. "I have no doubt it did, Harry. But keep in mind that to expel Mr. Malfoy would require unequivocal proof of their actions; proof that we do not have. However," he said, opening one of his drawers and rummaging through it, "I believe that we may be able to use that to our advantage. Now where did I...ah, yes - "

He pulled out a small silk bag, the colour of a robin's eggshell. He pulled open the drawstring at the top and leaned the bag forward. "I'd purchased some sugar quills while in Hogsmeade a few weeks, as I hadn't enjoyed such treats in quite a few years; alas, my sweet tooth was yelling rather loudly in my ear that day. Please help yourselves - " he said, holding out the bag to Harry and Hermione.

Harry relaxed a little and took out a long orange sugar quill from the bag, Hermione just waving it off politely with a distant smile.

Dumbledore sat back in his chair, gazing at her with evident concern before leaving the bag on his desk.

"Where was I...oh yes," he continued, "Mr. Malfoy's presence may come in useful, in that we can choose to 'release' such information, or disinformation, as we see fit. You've no doubt now aware of the presence of certain members of the Order in their midst after today's incident, therefore I must ask you not to speak of their involvement to anyone, Harry."

"Of course," said Harry, "We won't say a word," Harry said, glancing at Hermione, who nodded solemnly.

Dumbledore nodded approvingly. "Very well, then," he said, "Off you go..."

* * *

Ron was shuffling back to the Gryffindor Common Room, having categorically refused to be cooped up in the hospital wing once again. Once per term was quite enough, he'd figured.

He still wasn't clear on what had taken place after he'd been knocked out at the Shack. Though he'd been quite groggy on the trip back, he thought he overheard the name of Nymphadora Tonks...had she somehow been involved?

He picked up his pace slightly, still a bit dizzy from the multiple stunners he'd sustained, Madam Pomfrey's medicinal counteragents notwithstanding, dimly watching his shadow changing perspective along the sandstone walls with every torch he passed.

He'd just turned into the main hall, making for the staircase at the far end, when he caught sight of Neville running down those same steps towards him.

Neville broke out into a run. "What happened?" he asked as he joined Ron. "Seamus just told me he saw Professor McGonagall and Snape taking you guys to the hospital wing!"

"Yeah," said Ron tiredly, maintaining his slow shuffling pace as Neville fell in next to him, "We, er, had a fight with some Death Eaters in the Shrieking Shack. I think."

"No way!" exclaimed Neville. "Really? How'd that happen?"

Ron frowned. "Well, it's kinda hazy, to tell you the truth," he said. "I got bloody well stunned, and I can't really remember too much of what happened after that...but anyway, we were trying to stop Malfoy from stealing Professor Dumbledore's pensieve - "

"Whoa! They're gonna get in SO much trouble now!" said Neville gleefully.

"Yeah, well, that's what I want to find out," said Ron, becoming a bit irritated at being left in the dark about everything that had happened. "I'm going to get the story from Harry, I only caught bits and pieces on the way back - "

Ron heard someone running up from behind. He stopped and turned around, hoping it was Harry coming to fill him in.

Instead his eyes fell with disappointment on Luna Lovegood, her pale cheeks flush after having apparently run a good distance. Ron's eyes fell to a small yellow and green box she had in hand.

"Er...hi," said Ron as he thumbed towards the staircase. "Can't talk now, have to go see Harry. See you tomorrow, all right?"

She brushed a few loose strands of dirty blonde hair from her face and pressed the box colourful, leafy-patterned box into his hands.

"Madam Pomfrey told me you'd checked yourself out," she said. "I didn't know if I'd catch you before you got back. I don't know the Gryffindor password, you know."

"Well, here I am," said Ron impatiently. He shook the box. "What's in this?"

"Chocolate Snorkacks," she said dreamily. She pointed at the box. "Honestly, I think I should make a batch of these ahead of time, you're always getting injured lately - "

"No, I'm not!" said Ron a bit sharply, Neville giving him a strange look.

"Of course you are," she said offhandedly. "Anyway, Colin was just in the hospital wing looking for you and Harry, I thought I'd let you know in case he's looking for material to put in his newsletter..."

"Oh, why, you want me to give you an exclusive for The Crazy Quibbler instead?" shot Ron irately. "Sorry, can't help you. I was just going to see Harry to find out the whole story for myself until you came along - "

He caught sight of a couple of passing Gryffindor girls, who were looking at him out of the corners of their eyes and plainly giggling.

"Actually, I just wanted to warn you," said Luna serenely, "In case Colin came looking for an interview. He's a Gryffindor too, after all, so he can get in your dorm. And it's The Quibbler, by the way."

The two girls came to a stop a few feet away and were now openly ogling him, giggling intensely. His patience was now wearing very thin.

"I don't care what it's called," he said brusquely. "It's just a rubbish paper, everybody knows that - hey you two over there, something funny?!" he called out angrily to the two Gryffindors.

He suddenly looked down at the box in his hands and quickly thrust it back towards Luna. "Here, I don't want this," he said.

Luna stared at him for a few moments. "Well, share them with your friends, then," she said serenely. "I would've made more, you know, but there wasn't enough time - "

"Look," said Ron hotly, his irritation growing by the second as he continued to glare at the two laughing Gryffindors, thrusting the box out further, "Give 'em to somebody else, all right?? I'm not going to eat these things anyway!"

"You liked them well enough last year," replied Luna dreamily. "You ate a whole batch, as I recall. Anyway, if you don't want them, you can give them away - "

"I SAID NO!" yelled Ron, his anger erupting as he threw the box back at her. It hit her in the chest and flung open, the chocolate-covered Crumple-Horned Snorkack treats spilling out onto the floor, the box dropping upside down near her feet.

"Ron!" said Neville loudly. "Hey, what's the matter??"

The giggling had abruptly stopped, the two girls having gasped, wide-eyed, upon seeing his outburst. Luna was staring at him serenely, her large silver eyes fixed and unblinking.

He glared back at her, feeling his stomach twisting into a knot. Sure he'd overreacted, but he was fed up with being laughed at. At least it had shut up those two little spectators, if nothing else.

No one spoke. Finally, after several moments Luna took a step back, crouched down on her haunches and began cleaning up the mess, scooping up the scattered chocolates back into the box.

Ron scowled at the two girls who were now staring at him open-mouthed. Grimly satisfied at having stopped their incessant giggling, he turned on his heel and marched down the hall towards the Gryffindor tower, his former lethargy driven now by anger.

Neville watched him go for a moment before crouching down and helping Luna gather up the scattered treats. "Blimey, I don't know what got into him," he said quietly, glancing at her as he scooped a couple of miniature Snorkacks into the open box between them. "It's nothing personal, I think those stunners just made him a bit funny..."

Luna smiled at him dreamily but said nothing. When at last they'd cleaned up the mess they both stood, facing each other, Luna holding the crumpled box against her chest and staring at Neville.

"Er...are you going to be okay?" asked Neville nervously. Those large unblinking eyes always managed to unnerve him, most especially when he was the target of their gaze.

"Oh yes, I'm rather used to it, you know. Anyway," she said, "How's Trevor? I heard Pansy Parkinson found him in the prefect's washroom on the second floor, did you know? She apparently thought he was an animagus or something, judging from all the screaming."

"Er, yeah, I heard about that," said Neville sheepishly. "He's always running off, it's a bugger, really. But he came back just after dinner; I hate to lock him in his birdcage, though, he really hates being cooped up."

Luna nodded, staring at him for a while longer. "Well," she said, looking at the crumpled box in her hand, "I'd offer you these, but I don't think they're really edible anymore. I'll have to throw them out, I suppose. Anyway, thank you, Neville," she said as she smiled and drifted away.

Neville watched her go, his curiosity about the events of the Shrieking Shack momentarily forgotten.

* * *

Hermione was walking down to the Pitch, the early November afternoon sunnier than it had been for days. She'd finally decided to go watch the Gryffindor Quidditch practice, finding it difficult lately to concentrate on her schoolwork. Perhaps, she thought, it would provide a welcome distraction from what was troubling her.

As she neared the Pitch a slight breeze picked up, blowing locks of brown hair across her face and sending dried leaves tumbling playfully across the path before her.

Dried leaves...look at them, they used to be so colourful...but they died too...

She stopped in her tracks, waiting for the leaves to blow across her path. She'd found herself seeing death everywhere lately, even in the most mundane things. Even these blowing leaves, shorn from their hosts by the forces of wind and nature, had suddenly reminded her that death comes for all things, eventually. Though they tumbled along in the wind, they were cold, brittle, the wind providing their sole respite from perpetual lifelessness. Empty things, floating and drifting...and yet she stared at them, mesmerized.

The past two days had been filled with thoughts of the events of Halloween night...she still shuddered at the image seared in her memory, seeing Luna collapse to the floor in before her. If Tonks hadn't been posing as a Death Eater...

The breeze slowly died down, abandoning the leaves across the path. She stepped over them, being particularly mindful not to crush any underfoot.

Her thoughts drifted back to Luna. The young Ravenclaw had very nearly made the ultimate sacrifice. And yet, though no serious harm had been done in the end, no one seemed to have given it a second thought. But Hermione did. To the point where she'd found herself having difficulty looking Luna in the eye over the last few days, though of course the Ravenclaw seemed completely oblivious, chatting animatedly with Hermione in the halls that very morning about something to do with Neville's toad.

The act had profoundly moved Hermione; what could she say, what could she do, to even begin to mitigate such a thing? What's worse, she'd kept imagining herself in Luna's position, wondering if she would have been capable of the same actions, had the situation been reversed...

She walked on slowly, coming to the entrance of the playing field. She glanced in time to see Ron block a scoring attempt by Ginny, who then proceeded to celebrate a few moments too long, as Andrew Kirke caught the falling Quaffle and scored unopposed in one of the lower hoops.

Hermione sighed. She really didn't feel much like being here, any more than in the library. But here she was, so she may as well show her support. She entered the shaded base of the stands, making her way along the creaky wooden walkway to the teacher's box, as it offered the best vantage point in the Pitch.

She climbed up the many flights of stairs up the darkened tower until she reached the archway at the top, the sunlight flooding through the opening and forcing her to squint a moment, letting her eyes adjust to the brightness.

She stepped out into the teacher's box, startled to see Luna sitting several rows down from her, seemingly engrossed with eating something that looked suspiciously like an ice cream sundae, while happily watching the ongoing practice.

Hermione stood there for several moments, unmoving. She took a deep breath and slowly walked down to the centre row.

"Hi Luna," she said.

Luna looked up, the sun's rays hitting her square in the face though Hermione noted her large silver eyes remained wide as ever.

"Oh, hello," she said, smiling dreamily.

Hermione hesitated. "Um...can I join you?"

Luna looked back up at her, drawing her spoon from her mouth and nodding. She moved over one place, which struck Hermione a bit odd, as there was plenty of room for several people on either side.

As she took her seat on Luna's old spot she suddenly realized why she'd moved over; the wooden bench here was warm, evidently she'd desired to spare Hermione the sharp sensation of sitting on an ice cold seat.

Hermione glanced at what Luna was eating. It was ice cream, after all, unlikely as it seemed on a day like this.

"Luna, isn't it a bit cold for a sundae?"

Luna slowly drew her spoon from her mouth and sook her head vigorously. "Oh no," she said, "It's actually perfect today, I can eat it as long as I like and it won't melt."

It looked a bit eclectic to Hermione's eyes. But then, she its strange appearance wasn't entirely surprising, considering its slightly dotty consumer.

"Er...what is it?" she asked.

"Hmm? Oh, it's a chocolate pudding banana eclair nougat sundae, I made it myself in the kitchen before coming." She gazed at her spoon for a moment. "I think I must have used icing chocolate by mistake, though," she added as an afterthought. "I'm not very good at reading elvish, really."

Hermione smiled, turning her gaze to the Pitch. Harry, who was acting as a chaser for the practice, tried to deke Ron but ended up losing his grip on the Quaffle in the process.

"So...um...how are things?" asked Hermione awkwardly.

Luna turned to her, spoon frozen in mid position between mouth and sundae. She stared at Hermione for several moments, her pale eyes unblinking. "Oh quite well, I suppose," she said at last. She tilted her head slightly to one side. "Are you all right?"

Hermione sighed. She didn't know who else to talk to, but the thought of talking to Luna about, well, Luna, seemed almost too preposterous.

"Yes," said Hermione, forcing the word out. Why am I lying??

Luna stuck her spoon in her sundae and set the bowl down next to her. "No, it isn't," she said matter-of-factly, turning to face Hermione. "You're upset about something. I can tell, you know. You've been rather quiet lately."

Hermione's shoulders sagged. "Not really upset, Luna," she said softly, "just...I don't know...I keep thinking of what happened the other night..."

"Oh that," said Luna knowingly. "Well he was rather tired, you know. Madam Pomfrey did say he'd left despite her objections, after all."

Hermione blinked. "Um...no..." she said, unsure exactly what Luna was referring to, "I meant...at the Shack...you know, with the Death Eaters..."

Luna stared at her. "Well, the pensieve was safe all along, wasn't it? Ginny told me - "

"No," Hermione interrupted her, "It's not the pensieve, Luna..."

She sighed, running her hands through her hair. She looked out at the Quidditch Pitch, her eyes seeing but not really registering the players zipping back and forth at breakneck speeds.

"Luna...you took that spell that was meant for me," she said, her voice barely a whisper. She turned to look at the Ravenclaw, who was staring at her with her usual slightly surprised expression. "I'm just...I really don't know what to say...how can I ever repay you for that?"

"But I'm fine, though," said Luna, seemingly oblivious to Hermione's reasoning. "It turned out to be that lady from the Order in the end, didn't it?"

Hermione let out a sharp breath. "Yes, but that was just an incredible stroke of luck!" she said, exasperated.

Luna smiled slightly. "You're making yourself upset for nothing, you know." she said softly. "Everyone's safe and sound, I would think you'd be happy."

Hermione was speechless. Was Luna had said was true, but still...

"I just...I just can't..."

"Oh, come on," said Luna. "Harry and Ronald would have done the same you know."


Hermione's eyes welled up with tears. Though Harry and Ron were her best friends, she was experiencing the dawning realization that her circle of friends had grown to include a certain fifth year Ravenclaw. The weight of the last couple of days gradually eased from her shoulders slightly.

She turned back to the pitch, hardly seeing anything through the blur, rubbing her fists into her eyes.

When she opened them again she glimpsed something out of the corner of her eye near her lap. She looked down to see Luna's bizarre, eclectic multi-flavoured sundae on the bench between them, a spoon held out towards her. "I brought an extra one, just in case," said Luna, smiling dreamily.

Hermione hesitantly took the spoon Luna was proffering.

"Oh, don't worry," said Luna. "It all goes well together, really, I've made it before. And the chocolate icing doesn't really detract from it very much. The only time I got sick was when I misread "

Hermione smiled, looking for a slightly less exotic looking part of the sundae to sample. Luna was already spooning up her share, her feet swinging playfully as she gazed out onto the Quidditch Pitch.

Oh why not, Hermione thought, closing her eyes and plunging her spoon wherever fate took it, drawing out an eclectic mixture of ice cream, chocolate pudding, nougat and banana eclair. She looked at it for a moment before closing her eyes once more and took the plunge, expecting the worst but quickly startled that it wasn't all that bad, the various flavours and textures all complimenting each other wonderfully.

"You know," she said in between mouthfuls, "this is actually pretty good?"

Luna looked down at her feet, her long straggly locks obscuring her face, but Hermione had the distinct impression she was smiling gleefully.

Ron and Ginny were having a heated argument up at the goal hoops; though she couldn't tell why, Hermione supposed it might have something to do with Ginny flying through the hoops with the Quaffle tucked tightly under her arm. Though she wasn't up on all the rules, the fact that she'd never seen it done during an actual match led her to believe it was probably illegal.

"By the way, what's this S.P.E.W. thing?" asked Luna out of the blue, dreamily watching the players arguing on the pitch before turning to Hermione. "Dobby told me you were organizing it."

Hermione blinked. She hadn't found much in the way of support over the last two years for S.P.E.W., to the point where she'd almost resigned herself to having to go it alone. Having someone actually bring the subject up was a welcome surprise.

"Dobby told you about it?" asked Hermione.

Luna nodded. "I think it's a wonderful idea," she said. "We've never had a house elf at home, Daddy wouldn't dream of it. Unless it on salary, of course, like Dobby. Which leaves us out. Personally, I think most are quite happy with their lot, but I think they should be given a choice."

Hermione stared at her, a thought coming to mind...

"Luna," she said slowly, "You said your father's always looking for stories that he feels the public need to know, didn't you?"

* * *

Harry blew his whistle. "Okay, hold it!" he called out, holding up his hands to get everyone's attention. "I think you've all pretty much got the hang of it now."

Glancing around the Room of Requirement, Harry could see several silvery Patroni prancing about, some in the process of dissolving into air, others waiting patiently for orders from their conjurers. Some students were pointing to Luna's platypus, apparently thinking it was a terribly botched attempt, though Hermione was busily explaining that it was a real animal in the Muggle world, however bizarre it might appear.

By now most members of D.A. were having little difficulty conjuring up their own Patronus, which gave Harry great satisfaction. Being one of the more difficult spells to master, their considerable improvement after several repeated lessons was very promising. Of course, conjuring happy thoughts here in class was much easier than when actually confronted by hideous Dementors in the field, but still...

"Now, for the rest of the lesson," said Harry, "I'd like you to practice the Disillusionment Charm. It makes you take the appearance of whatever's around you, so you become virtually invisible."

"Like a chameleon!" said Neville.

"That's right," said Harry. "Okay, listen up. First, you say 'Occulo praestigiae', then gently tap the top of the recipient's head with your wand. Don't tap too hard, because then it turns the recipient a bright yellow. Oh, and don't tap any other part, because the spell only moves downwards, apparently. Right then, everybody pair off and try it out."

Ron turned to Hermione, but Ginny had already paired off with her. Dang it, Ron thought. Hermione was the most popular student in the D.A. lessons because she almost never messed up, and people knew there was very little risk in experiencing some strange side effect from a mispronounced or botched incantation. He looked around just in time to see Neville pairing off with Dean, mentally kicking himself again.

As he glanced around the room he saw everyone else already paired off, Harry rushing off into the far corner as Colin Creevy had just turned Ernie MacMillan's hair a brightly glowing yellow, not exactly the best result for a concealment charm. Ron sighed, looking around for anyone free.

Luna was standing in front of him, smiling slightly and gazing at him with her large, silvery eyes, her absurd acorn earrings dangling loosely.

Oh Bloody Hell, thought Ron, pretending not to see her. He looking around desperately for anyone else not yet paired off.

Luna seemed not to notice his deliberate snub, rasing her wand in the ready position. "Ready?" she asked dreamily.

Ron sighed, turning back to her. "Listen," he said heavily, "I didn't hear the words too well, I probably won't be able to do - "

" 'Occulo praestigiae'," repeated Luna clearly. "Oh, don't worry. I'll go first so you can hear - you'll have to stay still, I can't reach you if you keep backing up - "

"Look," blustered Ron, "Just find somebody else, okay?"

"Everyone else is paired off," said Luna airily. "Anyway, it doesn't hurt, Ronald, it's just a light tapping on the head like Harry said - " she reached up to demonstrate when Ron quickly swatted her hand away, sending her wand flying in the process.

"NO, all right?!" he said loudly.

"Hey, what is WRONG with you?!?" Ginny yelled at him, her face flush with anger.

"I told you to find somebody else!" said Ron angrily, ignoring his sister; by now everyone had stopped their practice to gape at him.

"Oh, you're hopeless!" he said to Luna as he marched briskly to the door and stormed out.

"Ron!" Hermione called after him, taking a few steps towards the door before stopping.

Luna had just picked up her wand when Harry reached her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, wondering what could have provoked such an outburst. He hadn't heard any arguing between the two up to that point...

"Oh yes," said Luna dreamily. "I suppose I make him rather uncomfortable..."

"I'm going to have a talk with him," said Harry, glancing at the door. "There's no reason for that."

"Oh no, that's all right," said Luna. "He just thinks I'm a little odd, that's all. Most people do, you know."

Harry's heart sank. Luna seemed so unaffected by it all, but he could hardly imagine that it never bothered her, deep down. He looked at her for some sign, but her dreamy stare was not exactly conveying much in terms of insight.

"Okay, everyone," he said, addressing the group. "Let's get back to it, remember, it's 'Occulo praestigiae'."

As the class slowly resumed practising, he glanced around to make sure there were no further disasters in the making before turning back to Luna.

"I'll team up with you," he said, as he took out his wand from his robes. "Okay, first you try."

Luna smiled serenely and took a step closer.

" 'Occulo praestigiae' ", she said in almost melodic fashion, tapping the top of Harry's head slightly with the tip of her wand.

He felt the familiar broken egg trickling sensation ebbing down his face, reaching his feet after just a few moments. Luna had performed the charm perfectly, judging from what his senses told him. Luna just stared at him however, wand held loosely at her side, her silver eyes looking into his.

"Did it work?" she asked after several moments.

"Why?" asked Harry. "Can't you tell - oh...I forgot," he smiled as he looked down at himself. Sure enough, he could see only the faintest outlines of his clothes, as they were adopting the colouration of the room and people around him, rendering him practically transparent.

"Good job, Luna," he said, grinning. "First try, too. Now it's my turn, get ready to feel something really weird..."

She smiled serenely as he prepared his wand.