Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/02/2003
Updated: 01/13/2004
Words: 154,435
Chapters: 29
Hits: 55,745

Luna's year


Story Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers.

Chapter 09

Chapter Summary:
Luna Lovegood begins her fifth year at Hogwarts, for the first time with a circle of friends, though not without the accompanying dangers

Nearly three weeks had passed since the encounter with Bellatrix Lestrange, and while Ginny ceaselessly peppered Luna with questions about what had taken place in her absence, there remained one mystery that hadn't been addressed to anyone's satisfaction.

Malfoy's presence in the forest still confounded Harry and his friends; while it seemed more than likely that the Slytherin had been in some sort of meeting with Lestrange, the object of that rendezvous remained frustratingly unknown. What had Lestrange been doing hiding out in the forest so near Hogwarts, anyway? No one could answer, though this hardly satisfied Ginny.

But for now, at least, her immediate concerns involved finishing an essay analyzing the Goblin Rebellion of 1612 for History of Magic class, being due for the following morning. To that end, she and Luna were heading off to the library after their last class of the day, determined to get an early start so they wouldn't miss the Halloween feast later that evening.

Ginny had planned her day carefully; she'd checked out a number of books about goblins history early that morning and had brought them to the Gryffindor girls' dormitory for safekeeping, not willing to risk arriving at the library later that afternoon only to find the best reference materials had already been checked out.

Luna had helped her haul the books to the library, as she could hardly lift the entire stack on her own; carrying them all the way up to the second floor library was out of the question. She could always use a levitate spell, but pushing along a large, hovering pile of books through the corridors might be interpreted as using magic in the halls, especially if she crossed paths with the cantankerous caretaker. The last thing she wanted was to give him an opportunity to take points from Gryffindor, what with the House Cup being so hotly contested.

They were climbing the second tier of the staircase heading to the second floor when they passed a chattering group of Ravenclaws on their way down. The babbling quickly died down as they passed by, Ginny bracing herself for some snide remarks.

None came. Ginny reached the top of the staircase with relief that she wouldn't have to endure any ribbing, not directed at her, of course, but at her friend.

Her hope came to naught as a few whispered words were heard, intermixed with giggling. She glanced back just in time to see Luna stumble and crash heavily halfway up the staircase, the books falling from her grasp and tumbling down the stairs.

The Ravenclaws burst into laughter, Ginny catching a glimpse of one quickly concealing a wand beneath her robes as they scurried back down the staircase out of sight, laughing all the way.

"BLAST YOU!" yelled Ginny, her face flushing with anger. She dropped her books on the top landing and rushed down to her friend, who was sitting on one of the steps, rubbing her knee.

"Luna!" said Ginny, almost stumbling as she crouched down next to her. "Good Lord! Are you all right? I can't believe they...oh, I'll get them!"

Luna looked up at her with a blank expression. "Yes," she said vaguely, "I just hit my knee a little, I'm fine."

Ginny could see the skin on Luna's knee badly scraped and bleeding. "Dang it! That was really dangerous!" she said furiously. "You could've fell all the way down - Luna, you're going to report this!"

Luna looked at her. "Why?" she asked.

Ginny let out a sharp breath, holding her hands out in disbelief. "Luna!" she blurted out, "You could've been seriously hurt! It's just dumb luck you weren't!"

Luna had stopped rubbing her knee, gazing back at Ginny serenely. "It wouldn't do anything, you know," she said casually. She looked down the staircase. "Well, I'd better pick those up before someone comes along."

She got up and moved down the staircase, gathering the scattered books as she went.

Ginny felt awful. A month ago and without Luna's knowledge, she'd complained to Professor Flitwick after a fifth year Ravenclaw had hexed Luna's cauldron in Potions class, causing it to shatter, sending its contents spilling out over the workbench and floor. Naturally, Luna had received a zero score that day and had also received a severe tongue lashing from Snape for 'causing' such a mess. But while Flitwick's intentions were noble, the end result had only been a redoubling of the torment her friend now had to endure, whish she somehow did as serenely as ever. She didn't want to think what would happen if she made another complaint. She sighed in despair.

She ran down and helped Luna pick up the rest of the books.

They walked back up to the top floor, Ginny adding two of Luna's books onto her own pile.

"I'll take those," said Luna, scooping up the books from Ginny's stack before she could stop her.

"Luna!" said Ginny angrily, "You're hurt! I can carry that much, we're almost there anyway!"

Luna smiled at her. "No really, I'm fine."

They walked down the long hallway, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows on the stone floor from the stained glass window at the far end. "Oh, I forgot," chimed Luna, "Remus Lupin's been made the new Minister of Magic, did you know? I got an owl from Daddy this morning."

Ginny looked at her as she walked. "Are you serious?"

Luna nodded serenely. "Actually, Daddy says he's a very good choice. He was very upset when the Board of Governors forced him to resign from Hogwarts just because he was a werewolf, actually. Daddy said it was terribly discriminating. Anyway," she said, looking at Ginny and tilting her head, "I thought you rather liked him."

"Yeah, of course I do," said Ginny. "Don't get me wrong, I'm just surprised that he got the job; I thought that him being a werewolf would make the council members pick someone else, that's all."

They reached the library door and entered the large room. The place was already packed, although Ginny managed to spot a free table next to a window along the far wall. She nudged Luna and pointed towards it, crossing the library quickly lest someone beat them to it.

Setting their books down, they then proceeded to get their notepads and quills out. Luna noticed one of the inkwells on the table was empty and left to get a new one from the librarian.

Ginny gazed out the window with the sun shining brightly in her face, She could make out the distant figures of the Gryffindor Quidditch team practising out on the Pitch, longing to be out with them. Why don't they have as much homework as we do? she wondered. Then again, both Ron and Harry were notorious procrastinators when it came to their schoolwork, so they might be terribly in arrears for all she knew. Besides, the days were becoming shorter and they were likely to take whatever time they could get practising on the Pitch.

Luna returned with a newly filled inkwell and took her seat. As they quietly discussed their essay, Ginny noticed Draco Malfoy sitting at the table in the far alcove, in heated conversation with his two dimwit henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle. She wondered what they could be discussing, perhaps it was somehow related the events of the weeks before, but she shook it off and returned to the task at hand.

An hour later, Ginny sat back and gazed at her paper with satisfaction. They'd made excellent progress in a short time; Ginny was often amazed at how Luna could put her thoughts together for long stretches when doing schoolwork, given the girl's propensity for daydreams and reverie.

They were now finished with the main text; all that remained was to proofread and make the necessary amendments and corrections. With three full pages, she was now confident they'd easily exceeded Professor Binns' required word count.

Ginny's gaze was drawn once more to Malfoy's table. Whatever it was they were discussing, it was evidently of some importance, as they were constantly glancing around nervously, as though worried about being overheard. She looked to Luna. "You can't read lips by any chance, can you?"

Luna looked up from her parchment. "No," she replied. "Why?"

Ginny nodded her head towards Malfoy, Luna turning to look in the same direction.

A set of Extendable Ears would be really handy right about now, thought Ginny. Luna turned back to look at her. "You're wondering what they're talking about?"

"Well, yeah," whispered Ginny. "Aren't you?"

Luna stared at her for several moments. She then took one of the books on the table and rose from her seat, making her way towards Malfoy's alcove.

"Luna!" whispered Ginny as loudly as she dared. "What are you doing??"

Either Luna didn't hear or had ignored her, walking straight up to Malfoy's table and taking a seat in the only unoccupied chair.

The three Slytherins gaped at her, scarcely believing their eyes. "Oh by all means, Loony, make yourself at home, feel free to barge right on in!" hissed Malfoy.

Luna smiled dreamily at him. "Thank you," she said simply, and opened her book.

Malfoy glared at her. "Hey! Maybe you didn't hear me!" he said, becoming visibly irritated.

Luna turned her large silver eyes on him. "You told me to make myself at home," she said serenely. "Did I misinterpret you?"

Malfoy blinked. "I was being - " he said, "Oh, just get out of here, you weirdo!"

"Oh, don't mind me," she said vaguely, flipping a page. "I'll just read here quietly."

"You'll just - oh that's it!" exclaimed Malfoy, reaching into his robes, stopping suddenly once he caught sight of the vulture-like librarian, Madam Pince, who'd been looking severely at his table during his escalating exchange with Luna and now seemed on the verge of coming over.

He slowly withdrew his hand from his robes. "Look, you little freak," he said, still seething but now trying to keep his voice down. "We're having a private discussion here. Go and read someplace else, why don't you?!"

Luna casually flipped another page. "Oh, I won't interrupt," she said serenely. "This is such an interesting book, anyway...oh, look here...did you know the Goblins helped finance the Parliamentarians during the Civil War? Interesting isn't it?"

"Fine!" Malfoy said, crossing his arms and nodding to his cronies. "We'll just wait you out."

Five minutes of listening to Luna's soft humming of 'Weasley is our King' and watching her dreamily flipping pages had frazzled Malfoy to the end of his wits.

"You're hopeless, Lovegood!" he spat, standing so fast that his chair went toppling backwards. His two companions rose also, though somewhat more slowly.

She looked up at him. "Oh, are you upset? Was I humming too - "

He pointed a shaking finger in her face. "I don't know how some little freak like you managed to duel Bella - " his eyes went wide, his mouth gaping open.

"Yes?" said Luna vaguely. "I'm sorry, you were saying?"

Malfoy slowly closed his mouth, staring down at her with a strange look. "Come on," he said to the others, "Let's get out of here."

Ginny watched the Slytherins leave in a huff, her anxiety finally ebbing as Luna gracefully rose and made her way back to her table.

"Good Lord Luna," said Ginny. "What were you thinking??"

"Well, you wanted to find out what they were talking about, didn't you?"

"Well, sure! But you know, you were just a wee bit direct about it," said Ginny. "You wouldn't make a very good spy."

"Well, thank you, that's sweet of you to say. But even so, I did find out a couple of interesting things," said Luna conversationally.

Ginny blinked. "You...you did? What?"

Luna nodded serenely. "I overheard them mention something about needing a sieve just before I sat down."

"A sieve?" asked Ginny, thinking. "Why would they need that? Maybe they're planning to make some secret potion? I wonder if that polyjuice potion Hermione made once needed a sieve or not..."

"And, he definitely met with Bellatrix Lestrange that day in the forest," added Luna, absentmindedly fiddling with one of the acorns on her bracelet.

Ginny gaped at her. "How do you know?" she asked.

"He knows I fought with her," she said softly. "Harry told me that everyone in the school thinks it was him, because of Colin's newsletter."

"So...that means...if Malfoy knows it was you," said Ginny slowly, "The only place he could have known that from was from one of us, or..."

"From that Lestrange lady," Luna finished knowingly.

Ginny stared at her friend in disbelief. "Maybe there's something to be said about being direct, after all," she said.

Luna took her notepad and put it on her lap, quill in hand. "Shall we edit it now?"

"Eh?" asked Ginny, looking at her. She'd completely forgotten about their assignment. "No, Luna," she said finally. "We'd better go tell Harry about this...besides the feast is going to start soon."

She noticed the library was now considerably less crowded than before; people were undoubtedly starting to make their way down to the Great Hall.

"All right," said Luna without argument, putting the stopper back in the inkwell and closing her notebook. Ginny quickly put the books back into two piles, then put away her notebook and quill in her bag.

They quickly returned the books to the librarian and left the library, making for the Great Hall.

* * *

Harry looked up. The Great Hall's false sky was clear, twinkling with countless stars, the traditional floating candles replaced this evening by hundreds of small, brightly glowing pumpkins. He thought he'd detected a few bats fluttering about the invisible rafters, though he wondered if it had just been his imagination.

He grinned. He knew Hermione had a thing about bats, if she happened to see one he'd best be prepared for a reaction on her part. Of course, even if there were bats, they were likely just illusions conjured up by Professor McGonagall to give a more convincing atmosphere for the Halloween feast.

"What are we gonna do, Harry," said Ron. "Dean's not exactly turning out to be the best beater we've ever seen, is he?"

Harry broke his gaze from the pumpkins above and turned to his friend. He knew Ron was right, of course. After several practices and one match, Dean had shown little if any improvement. While he was good on the broom, his hand and eye coordination left much to be desired. They had handily won their match against Hufflepuff, but their chasers had taken quite a pounding in the process.

"Yeah, I know," Harry said solemnly. "But it's Andrew's job to make any changes, isn't it?"

Harry didn't like the thought of dismissing Dean from the team, but he'd wondered privately what might happen in a match against Slytherin, when the scores were always so close. They couldn't afford to have a subpar beater on the team, though Dean could always be placed on the reserve list in case someone got injured. He was suddenly very thankful that he didn't have the captain's job.

"He'll just have to be tactful," said Hermione. "Dean's not stuck up, I'm sure he'll be gracious."

Harry wasn't so sure. Dean had been ecstatic at getting a chance to get on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and unlike Ron, didn't lack anything for confidence in his abilities. He definitely did not want to be the one to have to confront him.

"Oh, here they come," said Hermione, looking down the hall.

Harry looked, thinking she'd seen Andrew and Dean, but saw instead Ginny and Luna running towards them.

Ginny took a seat next to Hermione, facing him. "Harry, you won't believe this!" Ginny was saying excitedly. "You were right about Malfoy, he's definitely in contact with Lestrange, and we think he might be trying to brew some sort of potion!" She turned to Hermione. "Did you need a sieve to make that polyjuice potion a few years ago?"

Hermione thought for a moment. "No," she said. "Why?"

By now Luna had reached them, having proceeded at a more leisurely pace, and had quietly taken a seat next to Harry.

"Luna overheard him talking to Crabbe and Goyle, about needing a sieve for something," Ginny was saying. "I was thinking maybe he needs it to make some sort of potion?"

Hermione seemed to considered Ginny's theory. "Well, it's possible," she said. "We've used sieves in potions class to purify ingredients before."

"Yeah, but sis," said Ron, "I don't see a connection...with Lestrange, I mean."

"That's the other thing," continued Ginny animatedly. "Malfoy let it slip that he couldn't believe Luna had managed to hold off Lestrange...now how could he know about that?"

They all looked at each other. All except Luna, who was serenely spooning applesauce onto a bun.

"That's true, isn't it?" Ron was saying, realization dawning on his face. "I mean the whole school thinks it was Harry, how could Malfoy know...?"

"Exactly!" said Ginny.

"Okay," said Harry. He leaned forward, his scepticism quickly evaporating. "Let's assume he is in contact with her somehow. How does a potion figure into it?" He looked around the table. "I mean, he wouldn't dare try anything in school, would he?"

"Well, not directly, anyway," agreed Hermione. "But this potion theory of Ginny's...he could be making anything, for all we know. There are lots of potions that are relegated to the Dark Arts that we haven't studied....we should warn Dumbledore, Harry."

"About what?" said Ron, "All we have is a theory, and no evidence besides that. We don't have any proof of anything, he'll think we're nutters!"

Harry was about to argue when he was interrupted by the familiar sound of Professor McGonagall chiming for silence, tapping her glass with her spoon to get everyone's attention.

The Great Hall quickly became silent as Professor Dumbledore rose. "I have an announcement to make," he began. "Although it does not impact Hogwarts directly, I believe that many of you would be interested to know that I have just recently received notice that one of your former teachers, Remus Lupin, has been named Minister of Magic."

"Yes!" exclaimed Harry as the hall erupted in cheers. Although many of the students had not been present during Lupin's short stint as teacher, he'd made such a positive impression that his popularity had endured to this day. Harry felt a satisfaction at the thought of Lupin's improving fortunes, being well aware that Lupin had been forced to resign from his teaching duties due to his lycanthropy. He glanced at the Slytherin table to gauge Malfoy's reaction, but was surprised to see him absent.

"Now then...enjoy the rest of the feast!" called the Headmaster, as he sat back down, McGonagall leaning over and engaging him in whispered conversation.

Harry noticed a knowing smile pass between Luna and Ginny, though he could only guess as to its significance. At any rate he was busy filling up his plate, having skipped lunch earlier that day to catch up on his schoolwork, having to compensate for their afternoon Quidditch practice.

"Dad's going to be really keen on this," Ron was saying as he was piling drumsticks onto his plate. "He'll get to keep his job and he won't have anybody breathing down his neck anymore."

"Well, Daddy was quite pleased about Remus Lupin being chosen," Luna chimed in, spooning some baby carrots in a circle around her bun. "He said it was terrible how the Ministry forced him to resign from Hogwarts."

Harry turned to her. "You knew?"

She nodded serenely. "Daddy sent me an owl this morning," she said, gingerly nibbling on a devilled egg.

"And you know Lupin won't waste any time getting down to business," added Hermione. "I think it was brilliant to put someone from the Order there, this way they can finally start coordinating their efforts with the Ministry."

"What's Fudge going to do now, I wonder?" mused Ron. "Doesn't seem the type to just sit back and do nothing, does he?"

"He did plenty of nothing when he headed the Ministry," argued Ginny. "Unless it was persecuting people's rights or - "

"Daddy often said he felt Cornelius Fudge was under the Imperius Curse," chimed Luna, serenely dissecting a coconut cupcake. "To keep the Ministry quiet and all."

Hermione frowned, seemingly lost in thought. "You know," she said, "I wouldn't be all that surprised if that were true? It would certainly explain a lot..."

They continued discussing Lupin's appointment over dinner, a while later Harry noticing Filch shuffle quickly over to the High Table and whispering something to Snape, who quickly said a few words to Dumbledore before leaving abruptly.

What was that about, wondered Harry.

"I'd be interested to know what Minister Lupin will do with all those Heliopaths now," said Luna dreamily to no one in particular, bringing Harry's attention back to the discussion at hand.

"Uh, what?" he said, glancing across the table and seeing Hermione struggling visibly to swallow her instinctive riposte.

"Well, they were under Cornelius Fudge's control before," said Luna matter-of-factly. "I wonder if they'll answer to Minister Lupin now."

"Uh, well," said Harry quickly, as Hermione was rolling her eyes and seemed on the verge of bursting with counterarguments. "We'll be sure to ask him next time we see him."

"Luna," said Hermione tightly, "Have you ever...seen a Heliopath?"

Harry held his breath. "Not personally," said Luna, "But there are lots of eyewitness accounts...Daddy even wrote several articles about them in The Quibbler."

"It's rubbish," said Ron in between mouthfuls of chicken. Harry winced.

"Excuse me," replied Luna coolly, "But it isn't."

"They don't exist," Ron shot back.

"Oh yes they do!" said Luna hotly. Harry got the distinct impression if he hadn't been sitting between the two of them she might have slapped Ron on the back of the head. He wished Ron would learn from Hermione's example, namely of avoiding criticizing the Quibbler, at least in Luna's presence.

"Anyway," interrupted Harry, "We should keep a close watch on Malfoy from now on. We should keep track of his movements too, see maybe if there's a pattern, anything we can pick up on. We've got to try and find out what he's up to."

"Maybe we should bring this up at the next DA meeting," suggested Hermione thoughtfully. "That way we can have people in the other Houses keeping their eyes and ears open too."

"Good idea," agreed Harry.

They continued eating dinner for a time until Harry spied Snape walking briskly up the centre aisle, coming before the Headmaster. He leaned over and whispered something to Dumbledore, who immediately stood and followed the Potions Master out of the hall. McGonagall, who'd heard the exchange, had a concerned look on her face.

By now everyone had noticed the Headmaster's abrupt departure, and the normally clamorous hall suddenly became riddled in a sea of whispers.

"Hang on," Harry told the others. "I'm going to find out what that was all about." He got up from his seat and walked down to the Transfiguration teacher.

"Excuse me, Professor," he said. "We're all wondering...is everything all right? I mean Professor Dumbledore left so quickly, was there an emergency?"

McGonagall looked up at him, severely at first but then her expression softened somewhat. "Oh, very well," she said finally. "I suppose you'd find out regardless. Someone has stolen the Headmaster's pensieve."

"What?" Harry said, disbelieving, "But I thought no one could get into his office without the password?"

"It was not in his office, Mr. Potter," she elaborated. "Professor Snape had borrowed it for your occlumency lessons. Apparently the door to his office had been forced. They've gone to investigate the scene."

"Oh..." said Harry. "Well, okay, thank you, Professor." He slowly returned to his seat.

"What happened?" asked Hermione as Harry settled back down.

"Someone stole Dumbledore's pensieve," he replied, staring at the food on his plate. He didn't feel much like eating anymore. "It was in Snape's office."

"What's a pensieve?" asked Luna curiously.

Harry looked at her. He suddenly remembered that he'd never told her about it. As far as students from the other Houses knew, Harry was taking remedial potions. But he could make an exception for Luna, surely!

"It's... kind of a bowl, Professor Dumbledore uses it to keep memories in there that he doesn't want accidentally discovered...Snape was borrowing it for my occlumency lessons. Don't tell anyone about that, though."

Luna's eyes suddenly grew even wider than usual. "What's wrong?" asked Harry.

She turned to Ginny, who was looking back at her with a similarly apprehensive look.

"Pensieve!" said Ginny.

"It may have been," nodded Luna.

"What may have been?" asked Hermione curiously, leaning closer.

Ginny turned to her. "Luna thought she'd overheard Malfoy talking about a sieve," she said as Hermione's expression suddenly turned to one of comprehension. "I bet he was talking about that pensieve," she added.

"But what would Malfoy want the pensieve for?" asked Ron, his drumsticks getting cold and forgotten on his plate.

"Oh no..." said Hermione, looking very worried. She looked over at Harry. "Do you think...the Prophecy?"

Harry suddenly felt a chill. Dumbledore had heard the Prophecy, he knew...would that memory be contained in the pensieve? He glanced quickly at the Slytherin table. There was still no sign of Malfoy. An alarming thought came to him.

"He's taking it to Lestrange," said Harry.

The same thought had crossed Hermione's mind. "If she takes it to Voldemort..." she whispered, her brown eyes wide.

Harry stood up quickly. "I've got to stop him," he said, turning to leave. Hermione grabbed hold of his sleeve.

"Harry wait!" she cried, as she rose from her seat. "We have to tell Dumbledore! We have to let him know - "

"He's already come to the same conclusion, Hermione!" countered Harry, trying to shake himself free from her grip. "You saw how he left!"

"But - " Hermione finally lost her grip as Harry ran out of the hall.

He ran out into the main corridor. How would Malfoy get to Hogsmeade? His mind raced. The route wasn't important, he decided. He just needed to get there, and quickly.

He wasn't very far from the Whomping Willow. He was just about to break out into a run when Hermione's voice called out behind him.

"Harry, Wait!"

He turned around to see Hermione, Ron, Luna and Ginny run up to him. "You can't do this by yourself," said Hermione. "If you're really determined to do this, then we're coming with you."

Though they all looked apprehensive, not really knowing where lay in wait, they were all determined to accompany Harry on his mission. All that is, except Luna, whose dreamy expression seemed to convey all the drama of an evening stroll in the park.