Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Neville Longbottom
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/19/2002
Updated: 06/19/2002
Words: 1,513
Chapters: 1
Hits: 2,187



Story Summary:
Draco stumbles across two lovebirds in the bathroom and is in for quite a shock. (Harry/Draco slash)

Author's Note:
Inspired by a friend who thought up the concept for another fandom, but I think it lends itself nicely to Harry and Draco. Love and Hugs to Jennifer.

Secretly: Adventures In Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom

Draco's heart was beating rapidly in his chest as he made his way to the out of order bathroom on the second floor. It had only been a couple of weeks since he'd gotten up the courage to tell Harry Potter exactly how he felt about him. Things had been awkward for a couple of days, but then Harry had come to Draco and admitted the feelings were mutual. They hadn't announced their relationship to the rest of the school yet. House rivalries aside, they weren't sure how the rest of the school would react to the boy/boy pairing. So, they settled with secret meetings in discreet locations where no one would trouble them. The time and place for them to let the rest of the school know about their relationship would come.

    That was one of the reasons Draco was so excited about this little meeting. The upcoming school dance seemed like the perfect opportunity to make their little announcement, and Draco was hoping to have Harry Potter on his arm as his date to the dance. But he wasn't sure how Harry would react to this. He had, after all, been raised by muggles with a severe aversion to anything abnormal.

    Draco paced back and forth nervously in front of the door. He was over half an hour early. But he hadn't been able to sit idly in his common room when he was so anxious about Harry's possible answer. He forced himself to calm down, and eased open the bathroom door.

    He was greeted by the sound of soft music playing from...somewhere. He smiled inwardly. Harry was early too. That could only be a good sign.

    "What if someone finds us?" said a nervous male voice coming from one of the stalls.

    "Stop worrying. No one comes in here." another male whispered.

    Draco broke into a broad grin. He had caught two other love birds in the bathroom. This could provide an awful lot of fun. Who could it be? Draco leaned against on of the sinks, wanting to hear more.

    "Harry, you know I want to. I'm just not sure I'm ready yet," said the first voice.

    What? Draco thought wildly. No, it couldn't be. Surely there were plenty other Harrys at Hogwarts. Draco tried to think of another Harry he knew at Hogwarts. None came to mind.

    "Stop being a wimp. Put your arms around me," said the second voice.

    There was no mistaking that voice. Harry Potter was in the bathroom stall with...who? Draco fought to remain standing as he thought about who the other person could be. There was something familiar about that voice.

    I'm not listening to this, Draco thought. This isn't happening. I should just turn around and leave. But Draco didn't leave. Instead he remained leaning against the sink, willing his knees not to give in. I've got to just turn and leave and forget all about Harry f-ing Potter and his beautiful green eyes and messy hair and pouty lips and warm lean chest and belly....Draco shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He chewed on his lip, trying to will the tears back away from the corners of his eyes.


    What a slut! Draco thought. But I guess if he can have a secret relationship with me, he can have one with someone else as well...why am I surprised?

    "I don't know, I'll just make a fool of myself," said the timid one.

    "Just do it. I can't wait all day. I'm..." Harry paused. "...meeting...someone."

    Meeting someone, Draco thought bitterly. How could he have been such a fool. Life was so unfair. Turn around and leave, just leave. But Draco couldn't leave. The muscles in his legs were so weak they were having a tough time just holding him up.

    "Stop being so nervous," Harry said. "People do this every day. It's perfectly natural." Harry sounded out of breath. Why is he out of breath? Draco thought. No, on second thought, I don't want to know why he's out of breath. Draco felt sick to his stomach.

    "But Harry, we're in the bathroom. This is just weird."

    As hurt as Draco was, he couldn't help thinking how stupid this boy must be. He was in there with Harry Potter doing--Draco didn't want to think about what they were doing--and this boy was complaining about where they were. It's Harry Potter. The boy who had blossomed into one of the sexiest boys in school. You don't argue, you don't talk, you just do, and enjoy.

    "Look, stop being silly and just do it, Neville," said Harry in exasperation.

    Draco's heart stopped. And then suddenly started up again, beating very fast, pounding in his chest. Neville? Longbottom? Harry was cheating on him with Neville Longbottom? How was that possible? The grief that was already welling within him mixed with anger.

    I should kick down that door right now and confront him right here, thought Draco. But instead he remained leaning against the sink. He didn't want to open the door and visually confirm what he was hearing. He didn't want to have the mental images imprinted on his mind forever. What is Harry doing in there with Neville? What is Neville doing in there with MY Harry. That sniveling little squib, how dare he?

    "Please, Harry. Can't we just move up to the dorm room."

    No. Draco thought. He wasn't ready for a confrontation. His heart hurt way too much. He considered running from the bathroom, but he didn't want Harry and Neville getting any more comfortable than they already were.

    "No, Neville, we're staying here. The floor is nice and smooth, it makes it easier to move. Besides, I thought you didn't want anyone to find out."

    Mental images flooded in Draco's mind before he could stop them. No, I am not going to imagine Harry doing indecent things in the bathroom. Not that he's never thought about Harry doing indecent things. They just never involved Neville Longbottom before.

    Why Harry? Why are you doing this? I would have done anything for you. I could have been so much better for you than that twirp Longbottom.

    "No, don't put your hands there. God, Neville, when you said you didn't know how I never thought you REALLY didn't know how."

    Harry, you wouldn't have to tell me what to do, Draco thought.

    "That's better. Now, move to the right a little bit, then kinda back and forth. Perfect. Oh yeah."

    Then again, if that's what you like...I can take orders.

    "Hey, that's better Neville, now you're getting it."

    If that were me, Harry, you'd be incoherent with bliss.

    "Okay, now, move a little faster."

    Okay, that's enough. I have to leave now. My heart can't take this anymore. I'll just leave Harry and Neville to do...whatever they're doing.

    He turned quickly to leave and walked right into the next sink over.

    "Ow!" he cried out, clamping his hand over his mouth.

    "Shh!! Someone else is here."

    The music snapped off and there was a shuffle going on on the other side of the door.

    Oh no. What now? Are they putting their clothes back on? What do I do? I have to get out of here. Should I run? Act like I jut got here? Confront Harry, that lying cheating--

    The bathroom stall door swung open. Neville stood there, looking very nervous and afraid.

    "Draco, what are you doing here?"

    "One might ask the same thing of you," Draco said coldly. "Hello Harry."

    "Uh, hey Drac," said Harry uncomfortably.

    "We were just, um..." Neville struggled for the words.

    "I don't want to know what you were just, um...."

    "I thought you said no one would find us," Neville said, his eyes wide.

    "Neville, calm down." Harry said. "Drac...your kinda early."

    Neville's eyes grew even wider, if that's possible.

    "Are you here for dancing lessons too?"

    "D-dancing lessons," Draco stammered.

    "Um, yeah," Harry said. "With the school dance just around the corner, Neville was nervous about his upcoming date with Ginny Weasley."

    "I'm not a very good dancer." Neville said shyly.

    "So, I offered to help him learn to dance a little so he can wow Ginny off her feet," Harry explained.

    "Dancing lessons," Draco said suspiciously. "In the bathroom?"

    "Yeah, well, the bathroom floor is the closest to that of the Great Hall. I would have done it out here where there's a little more room but Neville is so nervous about Ginny finding out that spell on one of the stalls to make it seem larger." Harry said.

    "Dancing lessons," Draco said, breathing a sigh of relief.

    Neville eased past Draco nervously. "I think I'd better go. Thanks Harry." He disappered through the door.

    Harry smiled and pecked Draco on the lips.

    "How long were you standing out here?" Harry asked.

    "Not long. Just came in." Draco lied.

    "You didn't seem to believe me about dancing lessons at first," Harry said mischievously. "What did you think was going on in here?"

    "Oh, nothing."