Astronomy Tower
Remus Lupin Severus Snape
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/14/2003
Updated: 05/24/2003
Words: 26,591
Chapters: 13
Hits: 3,520

Once in a Blue Moon


Story Summary:
16 Years ago, Pilar de Lisle was sent to "exile" in America. She and the man she loved have been separated for that time. Now she's come back, and they are reunited at Hogwarts. But will their love survive the years? And exactly which of these three men is he?

Once in a Blue Moon 02-03

Chapter Summary:
Pilar is introduced to this generation of Hogwarts students, discovers something she finds terribly funny about Sirius Black, and is escorted to the Halloween Ball by Snape. And just who is sending her the roses?
Author's Note:
This is the first in a trilogy about the de Lisle sisters. Pilar is the middle one. All 3 have had their lives touched by Voldemort, and all 3 have now reached a point in their lives where they can be redeemed or doomed.


1 September - Hogwarts - evening

Pilar took her seat at dinner that evening self-consciously. She watched the students entering, and looked keenly at them - especially those in her house - Ravenclaw.

Then, as her gaze swept the hall, she caught her breath - feeling as if she had seen a ghost. Her face went pale - the only colour on her face seemed to be her dark hair and blue eyes.

She felt Lupin touch her on the arm, "Pilar - you all right?" he asked, waving slightly at the boy.

She grasped his arm "Who is that?" she croaked, still pale.

Lupin looked closely at her. "That," he said drolly, "is Harry Potter. And yes. He does look extraordinarily like his father."

Pilar felt her colour returning, and she took a quick sip of wine from her goblet. "Extraordinarily like him. Bet he gets sick of hearing it." She looked at Harry - he and two others were waving and making signals at the staff table - and she looked along at Sirius who seemed to be answering.

"So," she drawled, "Tell me all about it."

Lupin laughed and filled her in. By the end, Pilar was writhing in her chair with glee - squeaking with laughter. "Sirius - a godfather? A good example, and all that?? Sirius Black? The Sirius Black? Sirius Black whose favourite hobby used to be seeing how many girls he could get into the rose bushes? " Her laughter bubbled and gurgled over the staff table. "I can't wait to see this!"

"He doesn't do too badly," said Remus. "But it does take a little getting used to."

"And who are young Harry's companions in crime?"

"Apt description. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Keep on your toes when teaching that trio," put in Professor Flitwick from further along.

"Never mind," said Pilar airily, "I don't have trouble controlling my classes. In fact, if it follows from my American students, they will probably hate me." Try as she might, her voice took on a snarl and bitterness she couldn't conceal.

She continued to look around as the sorting ceremony took place. The Slytherins seemed to be their usual slimy selves - their ringleader a boy with white hair, shadowed by two gorillas. "A Malfoy for sure," she thought.

Her Ravenclaw students seemed to be the normal noisy bunch - and the Hufflepuff students were also chattering noisily.

She noticed the Gryffindors all seemed to have a sense of great confidence "Good for them," she thought, and wondered how she could instil that confidence in her own house.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were surprised to see both Sirius and Lupin at the top table. Even more surprised to see the woman sitting between them, chatting. They watched her talking to Lupin, and were even more surprised at the amount of contact he accepted from her. It was nothing much - a touch on the arm, or the hand.

They knew he tended to avoid it.

Harry had also noticed her reaction to him.

"Who is she," he wondered to the other two.

"Well, a teacher obviously," said Hermione.

"Yes, but of what? If Lupin is here, then he is teaching Dark Arts."

"And look at Snape's face," Ron put in, "He's definitely not happy."

"Well, she's certainly amused about something!" said Harry, "and I can't help but feel that it's something to do with us."

The sorting ceremony finished - and the new first years were welcomed to their houses. Dumbledore stood for his beginning of year speech.

"Welcome new students, and old, to Hogwarts. As you can see, we have some new and old faces to welcome to the staff.

"Firstly, Professor Trelawney has left us, and has not been replaced. Therefore, all divination classes are cancelled."

"What a relief," Ron whispered to Harry.

"Secondly, we welcome back Professor Lupin, who will be one of our Defence against the Dark Arts teachers."

A buzz ran around the school. One of them?

"He will be joined by Professor de Lisle - an old student who has been teaching at the Salem Institute and has re-joined us. They will be assisted by Mr Black.

"As part of your Defence studies this year, you will also all be taking a course in combat - and the Duelling Club will be reinstated.

"I am sure that you will find Professor de Lisle very good at what she does. I know that her house, Ravenclaw, will welcome her back eagerly, and the rest of you will give her the respect and attention that she deserves."

Dumbledore sat down, as the school applauded politely. The feast appeared - and everybody tucked in.

After dinner had ended, Pilar wandered towards the Ravenclaw common room. She entered through the secret hole and emerged amongst a scene of chaos.

"What on earth," she said - dodging something that flew towards her. "What is going on here?" she said loudly, hands on hips, and glaring about the room for the culprits.

The room stilled - and she was faced with the cause of the disturbance. Two first year students were scuffling on the floor. Reaching down, she grabbed two collars and hauled them upright.

"Gentlemen," she said with heavy sarcasm "I am sure that you are finding this discussion fascinating, but this is not the time nor place." She put them down and looked down at them "Dormitory. March. Now." she said. "Oh - and congratulations on finding yourselves the recipients of my first detention here."

She looked around, "I am sure the house prefects will have an absolutely fascinating explanation as to why they did not stop this," she drawled. "And will be only too happy to put in writing that explanation. My desk. Tomorrow evening."

She swept out of the room cursing to herself. "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid," she muttered to herself, "why couldn't I have handled it better?" She took a deep breath and leant against the wall. The truth was that she always found it easier to take refuge in anger and punishment, rather than finding cause. Standing up again, she went to her room, sitting down and looking at herself in the mirror.

She had not wanted to be a teacher - a career wished upon her by her exile. Pilar gazed at herself - wishing as she had for her whole life, that she was different. That she was better looking. That she had her greatest wish - to be the wife of the man she loved - caring for their children.

That she had made different choices. She sighed. Nobody had ever bothered to see what she wanted.

The cycle of bitterness continued.

2 September - Hogwarts - morning

Pilar woke late the next morning - her night had been full of unfulfilled dreams. Dreams of what might have been. Dreams of hope - what might be. And dreams of terror at what lay before them all.

It took her a few minutes to remember where she was - the room she had known in Salem - with it's cheerful windows, had been replaced by a stone chamber - that - as yet - had taken on none of her character.

She got out of bed and headed for the shower, absently taking a sip out of the cup of tea sitting on the low table as she did so. Anyone looking at her would not have recognised the austere Professor de Lisle. Her dark brown hair rioted down her back in long curls, and her face was uncharacteristically soft.

She looked like that younger woman - the woman who had hoped for a future.

Fifteen minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom. Her unruly hair tamed and drawn back into a bun - sternly pulled back from her face. She knew that bits would gradually escape, but didn't care. She dressed as usual in dark trousers, boots and a white shirt. She picked up her long leather coat and put it on.

She sighed as she did so - he had always liked seeing her dressed like this. Probably why she had continued to do so, a link to him through all their years apart.

All of a sudden, the tea intruded on her thoughts. "I definitely didn't make that!" she muttered to herself, and noticed it was still hot. "Heating spell," she thought, "smart tea." Then she noticed the piece of parchment next to the cup, and picked it up.

Scrawled across it were the words "Good Morning." Pilar smiled to herself at the gesture. Typical of him - the caring and the flirting. Two could play at this game.

She left her room feeling much brighter - perhaps this was a new chance for them. Perhaps the hope from almost 20 years ago could be rekindled. She decided to try to be the person she had been then - and hoped that she could find that girl within her.

She bounced into the great hall and up to her seat. "Good morning" she said brightly, absently putting the teacup down - not realising she had taken it with her. "I'd like to give my thanks to the person who left the early morning tea. I needed it!" she said, and tucked into a plate of cornflakes - calculating as she did so how she could snag some bacon before the two men beside her got it all.

"Are you ready for your first class, my dear?" asked Dumbledore from further down the table.

"Oh yes - I'm ready," she said, "I just hope the students are."


Halloween - Hogwarts - evening

Pilar sat at her dressing table, carefully applying eyeshadow and mascara to her eyes. She looked at the finished effect, and smiled. It had been a long time since she had taken this much care with her appearance.

The last 2 months had been very interesting. Her early morning cups of tea had kept appearing, and lately had been accompanied by a single pale purple rose. She looked over at the one on her dressing table and smiled. She remembered the first time she got one.

"It's called a Blue Moon," he said handing it to her. "Because it was thought that such a rose could be found only once in a blue moon."

"How beautiful," she breathed, touching the petals lightly, "wherever did you get it?"

He smiled as he put an arm around her "My secret," he said, kissing her lightly .

Pilar pulled herself back to the present. She still had the first rose, carefully pressed in an old textbook - just as she had taken to pressing these.

Giving herself a little shake, she checked her hair - the curls tumbling down one bare shoulder, and she stood up and stepped into her dress, then stopped.

Stupid dress. Stupid back lacing. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She held it up and flung a cloak around herself as she went out of her rooms. Dumb, dumb, dumb! She headed towards the staff room - hopefully there would be somebody there who could help.

Pilar walked into the staff room - which was (unsurprisingly) empty. "Damn!" she exploded, and spun round - colliding with Snape who had entered.

"Looking for somebody?" he asked.

"You'll do," she said, turning and dropping her cloak. "Do me a favour and lace this stupid thing up."

"What, no adoring satellites to do it for you?" he asked.

"Funny, Severus. Lace. Now."

As he laced up the dress, Severus Snape looked at the woman in front of him. Despite popular consensus, he had a strong appreciation of beauty, and that was stirred by the sight of the woman in the sapphire silk gown. It fitted her tightly to the hips, the skirts swirling in a heavy swathe to the floor - the long sleeves fitting her arms tightly and covering part of her hands.

He finished the lacing - and she stepped away. "Thanks," she said, giving a shake and a jump.

At that, the door opened and other teachers filed in - all dressed in their best. Dumbledore beamed around at them all. "You all look fine - a good idea of mine, this Halloween Ball."

Most of the staff grimaced. Tonight they would have to be extra vigilant around the rose bushes.

"Ahh Severus," said Dumbledore; "I see you have stolen a march on us to escort Professor de Lisle this evening."

Both Professors named looked startled. Pilar opened her mouth to speak, when she heard Snape hiss in her ear, "Don't even try to explain. Think about it." Pilar caught herself and realised that, "Oh no - he was just lacing my gown" was probably not the best excuse in the world.

"Yes Headmaster" said Snape silkily. "I had to get in early before Black and Lupin."

"That's an unusual rose in your hair," said Professor Sprout. "A Blue Moon, isn't it? Professor Lupin - roses are a hobby of yours - am I correct?"

Remus looked up - "Yes, that's a Blue Moon Rose," he said, "but I don't know of anywhere round here where they grow."

Snape looked at her closely. "Very nice," he said and offered his arm.

Pilar took it, and they joined the rest of the staff proceeding to the hall.

Needless to say, the entrance of Snape with Pilar on his arm caused a near uproar. Everybody agreed that he had managed to get out of "escort duty" in the past - and were more than a little amused that Professor de Lisle had changed that.

Harry and Ron were laughing. "Well," said Harry, "You can't say that she isn't good at Defence against the Dark Arts!"

It was probably unfortunate that this particular couple were passing and heard it. Harry got the full force of two glares.

Ron looked gloomy. "Now you've done it - double detention for sure! And if Snape isn't bad enough - imagine what de Lisle will make you do!"

"She's not too bad," said Hermione, "If you don't constantly muck around in her classes. Besides, you have to admit, we've learned a lot in everything she's taught us."

"She's a great teacher," put in Ginny, sitting next to them, "But you have to admit she more than a bit moody! Sometimes I think she's worse than Snape with the sarcasm."

"Well, she seems pleasant enough tonight" said Harry. "I thought I heard a giggle as they went by."

The evening passed in a dream for Pilar. She'd danced with him several times - each aware of the past, each trying hard not to let anything show.

Each hoping the dance would last forever.

It had put her in such a good mood, that she was positively jovial as she and Sirius took their turn at patrolling the roses.

"Why the roses," said Sirius, "I mean, the thorns are murder." He hauled another couple out and yelped as a thorn grabbed at the back of his hand.

Pilar looked at him. "If anybody can answer that question you can. I would have thought that you knew the rose bushes better than any of us," she said, as they went back inside.

She left him and went to talk to some of the Ravenclaw students. Thankfully, her error of the first night had been smoothed out, and she had rapidly become a favourite with them.

She was soon busy answering the never-ending questions about the Salem Institute and the wizarding world in America.

Privately, she agreed with the students that the muggle and wizarding worlds had to integrate more, if the wizards were to survive. Those students who were muggle born seemed to have a much better grasp on things - and those of their "pureblood" brothers and sisters envied them their experiences.

Pilar missed her computer. She missed her car. On reflection, however, she did not miss many other aspects of America. She looked around and came to a decision.

This was home. Hogwarts and England. And she never wanted to leave.

As she looked around the room, she met his gaze. He lifted his goblet to her in salute before drinking. And her heart filled with hope.

Unfortunately, the small interlude had not gone unnoticed. At the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy's eyes lit up maliciously as he caught the two gazes.

"Well, well," he thought, "My father is going to be very interested in this. Who would have thought we would get such a tool delivered to us."

Halloween - Hogwarts - midnight

He entered his chamber, and looked at the box sitting on the desk. The parchment note attached bore the legend "Happy Halloween." He opened it and took out the soft toy inside.

He laughed softly. Just like her, he thought. And wondered how she had liked his gift.

Pilar approached the box warily. She knew his sense of humour and wondered what she would find.

She opened the box, and found another. Her smile became feral as she realised the game. So, how many would it be? She wondered.

Fifteen minutes later, she had reached the bottom box. Small - no bigger than the palm of her hand, she opened it. And smiled in pleasure as she saw the silver filigree earrings.

Her eyes alight, she moved to the mirror, and slipped out the small studs she wore, replacing them with the filigree drops.

"Totally impractical," she thought. But didn't take them out.