Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/15/2004
Updated: 07/15/2005
Words: 8,198
Chapters: 5
Hits: 3,841

The Question


Story Summary:
Ron went into the girls' dorm and asked Hermione to marry him.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Ron goes to the Quidditch field to search within himself what being married to Hermione will be like.
Author's Note:
Dedicated to Emma Watson.

The Question

Chapter Three

Ron walked out of the castle into a beautiful, comfortable day. Agood day for Quidditch he thought, as he made his way to the field. However, his mind and his thoughts had to be turned to within himself and not outward. He hoped that no one would be there to bother him. When he arrived at the field, his hope came true. There was no one at the field. He settled down by a post and let the view come over him like a comfortable blanket. He saw two clouds tinged with the morning sun. They floated on and became one. He smiled as he thought of himself and Hermione.

How great it felt to love and be loved. He never thought of how good it felt to be loved by someone. He loved thinking and dreaming of her. Whenever his mood was blue, all he had to do was think of her and his blues would be chased away. He thought of her so very much. He was consumed with her. At his home, when he had that silly look on his face, Ginny would tease him by saying that he was either dreaming of Quidditch or Hermione. As his love for her grew, those thoughts were more on her then on the game.

He felt silly and somewhat nervous when she was near him. He was so often afraid he would say something stupid. She could also get angry pretty easy, and that made him even more nervous. He chuckled as he thought of how often she was cross, and that power surge of anger was often pointed at him. However, when she was mad, she was so incredibly cute. Her anger often aroused him. He loved to take her into his arms when she was yelling at him and kiss her just to feel her tense body collapse loosely. He rubbed his hands together, thinking of how much he wanted to hold her now.

Indeed they were an arguing couple. He began to reflect on the time very near the end of the summer. She came to stay with him and his family a few days before school began. It was early eveniing. Auntie Finny did come and stay for a few days as well. Auntie Finny loved to pinch Hermione cheeks and of course Ron loved to pinch the cheeks on her adorable caboose. She did give him permission to do this. However, she warned him not to pinch when she was in a bad mood. When he pinched her, she became upset, walked past him and flicked his ear. He guessed at that moment, she was upset

Later in the evening it became rather cool in the burrow, so he decided to lit a fire in the fireplace. He sat down in this comfy chair and sighed. She hadn't showed herself since she snapped his ear. He brought his knee to his chest and began to drift off to netherland, when he felt two arms come around his neck. He said for his mother to leave him alone. When he turned in the chair, he was looking into those gorgeous eyes of his Hermione. She was dressed in her night robe. She placed a light kiss on his ear. She told him she would see him in the morning and turned around to go upstairs to bed. He sprung from his chair and said, "Oh no you don't!" He turned her around and scooped her up into his arms and brought her back to his chair. He snuggled his face into hers and kissed her lips and then her neck. She giggled. All of a sudden, a very loud voice burst into the quiet evening setting.

"Ronald Weasley!" yelled Mum Weasley.

Ron stood up quickly, dumping Hermione on the floor. Mrs. Weasley, hands on her hips, gave them a stern look. She commanded them both to get to bed. Separate beds of course. By now Hermione was standing up. There was fire in her eyes. She pinched Ron's arm with great gusto and then stomped off to bed. Mrs. Weasley told him it served him right for taking advantage of Hermione like that. She pinched his arm as well, and then walked off muttering unkind things about men being predators. Ron just stood there in total disbelief.

He laughed. This memory brought waves of joy that danced through his open mind. It posessed and caressed his mind in delightful ways. However delightful as these thoughts were, he knew he had to ask some tough questions about himself and their future together.

His determined effort to not get side tracked slowly gave in to another dream. He thought about the time he chose to be a knight, during the chess game, that helped Harry to get the stone. At that moment he wanted to be her knight in shining armor, her champion.

Questions filled his head like rain into a cup. Could he be a good husband to her? A greater question came to his mind. Could he provide for her? He hit his thigh with his fist. Bloody hell he hated being poor. He knew she loved him for who he was and not for what he had. However, wealth would ease his mind. On the other hand, he saw many that were wealthy and many times that wealth caused misreablality. No he thought, there would be no Gringotts vaults full of Galleons. All she would have is he and his boundless love for her. He hoped that would be enough.

As one question left, another would knock at the door of his mind. What if she had to carry them? She was so smart. Perhaps she would be the success in the their family. Perhaps she would be the one to make the money for them to live on. This would make him feel like a complete idiot and worse, a failure. Could he handle her being the rising star in their family? He knew this was his silly pride taking control, but he truly wanted to be the leader of their home. One thing he knew for certain. Hermione would never, ever walk behind him. She would always be at his side, hand in hand. She would stand by him and He would stand by her. Yes he thought, even if she made those silly clothes for the elves. He would stand by her through thick and thin and with their finances it would probably be more thin than thick.

He began to stretch his legs. A smile came to his face as he thought of their wedding night. Standing alone in all of his Weasley glory before the girl of his dreams. At that moment he could release the dam that held back his desire for her. He would love her with passion, with tenderness, and as his eyes twinkled, with imagination. However, he would respect her and cherish her. When he would kiss her, he would put his whole heart and soul into it. He didn't want her to think she was kissing a rock.

She was so beautiful. She could wear a ring in her nose and still be the prettiest girl in the world to him. Hagrid's farts, she has made each day of this year so special. She had changed his life with a wave of her wand. When she takes off her gown on their wedding night, he won't care what her body looks like; he would only be consumed with passion for her.

"She ravished my heart with the glance of her eyes."

When he saw her, he would only see his beautiful lady, his beautiful Hermione. He would love her until the stars grow old and the sun grows cold.

He took in his surroundings one more time. He got up and started toward the Beech tree to find her.