Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 09/26/2004
Updated: 09/26/2004
Words: 2,825
Chapters: 1
Hits: 879

You\'ve Got Mail


Story Summary:
Hermione meets a guy over the internet and gets to know him via e-mail. She doesn\'t even know his name but she seems to be falling for him. She still has her crush on Ron but she\'s sure that this mystery man will take her mind of him once they meet....or will he?



It all started a little over two months ago. I was excited to discover that Hogwarts had decided to install some muggle computers in the room adjacent to the Muggle Studies classroom. It seems Professor Flitwick had managed to charm them so they would be able to work within Hogwarts grounds. I was even more thrilled when I found out that any students could use them, even though they had been mainly brought in for the Muggle Studies classes to study. All students were given their own e-mail accounts, making it easier for muggle-borns to contact their family. I knew this would make my parents happy. I'm sure the neighbours were starting to talk about my frequent owls. About a week after the computers had been installed, I found out that Hogwarts had set up a chat room as a way for their students to talk to each other. I thought that I might check it out. I had only been in the chat room for about five minutes and was about to leave (due to the very pointless chatter coming from a certain 'lavbrown4' and 'ppatil80') when suddenly someone acknowledged my presence and sent me a private message. I remember the first line because, well, it was so true:

"Wow, don't these girls talk a load of tripe?"

I couldn't help laughing to myself and replied to this person that I completely agreed. Unlike the aforementioned 'lavbrown4' and 'ppatil80' I had chosen a name that I was sure no-one would recognise me by, it was simply 'mbggirl' which stood for 'muggle-born granger girl'. Now 'mbggirl' could stand for anything and that's exactly what I wanted, just in case the chat room had turned out to be a complete waste of time. I wouldn't really have wanted people associating myself with it if it had been full of idiots. I suppose it was a bit arrogant of me, but I couldn't help it. As it turned out, this person had appeared to do the same thing by calling themselves 'snapehater'. I remember hoping that the teachers didn't come in here. I managed to get it out of them that they were someone of the male variety and that, obviously, he had a very strong dislike for Professor Snape. Well, as you can see that didn't really give it away, since about half of the population of the school were male and practically none of the pupils liked Snape very much (unless you were in Slytherin).

So I suppose that's how it started and it's still continuing now. I've been checking my e-mails so much that I've had to start making up excuses to Ron and Harry. Well mostly Harry. Ron seems to be off a lot himself these days. I don't think Harry minds much though, as I'm sure he quite likes being left alone with Ginny. If I told them about my e-mail guy then they'd ask all sorts of questions that I'm just not ready to answer yet. This guy seems really nice and very easy to talk to, although I don't know much more about him than I found out on that first day we started talking. We don't discuss anything personal, which we both decided would be good to keep the excitement going and also we can say anything to each other without really worrying who we are saying it to. His e-mails are very nice and comforting though as I often e-mail him when Ron and I have another one of our stupid arguments (you'd think after nearly six years that he would have matured, but nope, not Ron). For example, just yesterday morning, Ron and I had a stupid argument about Viktor again. I mean honestly, I wish that Yule Ball had never taken place, but even so, it was two years ago now, why can't he drop it? Of course by lunchtime Ron had forgotten about it (he never seems to acknowledge our arguments after a couple of hours) and I had told my secret e-mail guy about it, although leaving out names and being as vague as possible:

"I had a falling out with this friend of mine this morning, you know the one I mean by now. I just don't understand why we keep arguing. It really upsets me and then they just act like everything is ok, I don't know what to do anymore."

His response was wonderful and had obviously come from a very caring heart:

"This person seems like a complete idiot. You are a lovely person and shouldn't take such things to heart. I'm sure your friend cares about you and that might be why they try to forget it so that you won't be uncomfortable around them. Try not to worry, I'm always here for you."

It's easy to see why I keep writing to him and sometimes I just wish I knew who he was. Of course it's not always me with the problems, as he also seems to have an irritating friend who keeps upsetting him from time to time. Obviously there must be a duplicate Ron somewhere I hadn't noticed. I try my best to help him when he's miserable too. Most of the time we just write non-personal things about how our day is going and how we are feeling, which is just lovely.

Anyway, back to the present day and I'm sitting in the common room right now trying to concentrate on my Arithmancy homework. This is quite a task when Ron and Harry are playing wizard chess on one side of me. I could move of course but I don't think it would do me any good, as the volume of Ron's voice seems to have escalated so much that he seems to be practically shouting at his pieces. I lean over slightly to examine the board and it pleases me to see that Harry appears to be winning (after six years, it was about time). A small smile appears on my face, which is instantly met with a furious glare from Ron and causes me to slink back to my homework. Harry seems to find this funny and bursts out laughing which only infuriates Ron more.

"Oh shut up Harry," he seems to almost be yelling.

"Hey mate, there's no need to get angry just because I seem to be beating you for once," Harry managed to say once he had fought to suppress his laughter.

"You are NOT beating me. I'm just letting you think you are!"

"Oh, is that why you seem on the verge of a nervous breakdown and why you gave Hermione such an angry glare?"

Ron didn't reply and instead he yelled another order at his one remaining bishop. I'm obviously not going to get any homework done tonight. I think that maybe I'll go e-mail my mystery guy and tell him how annoying Harry and Ron can be at times. Obviously I won't use their names, although if I mention the chess, he might work out who they are and then who I am, especially if he turns out to be in Gryffindor. I actually doubt that, unless he's in the seventh year. I'm not too familiar with them all, but he can't be in our year. They may all be brave and loyal, but none of them are very sensitive. Well, I'm going to go and check the e-mails anyway and maybe I can actually slip out this evening without them....

"Hey 'Mione, where you going?" Ron asked, his voice seeming to have calmed considerably.

I turn around to meet the questioning faces of Harry, Ron and Ginny. Ginny? Where did she come from? I'm sure I would have noticed her coming in. How long was I lost in my own thoughts?

"Err....just off to patrol."

Why do my excuses all sound so feeble? Must be because I'm not a good liar. In fact I'm surprised they haven't caught me out yet.

"Already?" Ron replied. "Hey hold up, I'll come with you."

What? Note to self. Never use that excuse around Ron again.


Ok, that was a stupid question. He's a prefect too, now he's just going to think I'm stupid. Why do I have to act so dumb at times when I'm around this boy I have a crush on? Ok, where did that come from? Stop it Hermione.

"I'm bored," he replied.

Oh good, no signs that he thinks I'm a moron.

"What about your game of chess?"

Ron, Harry and Ginny are all looking at me like I've sprouted an extra head. Looking at the board I see why. It's empty, they've obviously finished. Ok, now he thinks I'm a moron. How often do I wonder into my own little world? Why haven't people told me I do this? Everyone must just think there's something wrong with me and that it might hurt my feelings to let me know. Ok Hermione, shhhh. Honestly, I have way too many thoughts.

"Oh, who won?"

Ok, that was lame.

"I did," Ron beamed.

Wow, what happened when I was daydreaming? I just nod. It's easier that asking how. I'd be stuck there for ages if he got into the mechanics behind chess, which I never really understood (must be why I never win).

"It's ok Ron, you don't have to come, I'll be fine on my own tonight, I know you find it boring."

I hope that sounded convincing. What's that look on his face now? It almost looks like....

"Oh, fine."

....rejection. Ok, now I feel bad. Well, he'll get over it. I can feign innocence if Harry and Ginny question me later about why I hurt his feelings.

I walk through the portrait and stroll over to the computer room. I feel my heart skip a beat when I turn it on and log in. I know I have a crush on Ron, but that's obviously going nowhere. I've given him so many hints, brushing my leg with his, smiling, batting my eyelids, a girl can only do so much. This e-mail guy is kind, caring and seems genuinely interested in me. Right here we go:

"Dear mbggirl,

I hope you are well today. I love this time of year, when the snow is settled on the ground and the sun is shining, although not enough for it to melt the snow. Don't you?

I had a thought today about us."

Us? Ok, Hermione, don't read into things that are simple and innocent. Unless it's not innocent....

"I was wondering if you would want to meet at all?"


"If you are not interested then I completely understand and we can continue to just write as we have been doing. It's just that, you seem like a really nice person and I would like to meet you.

Write back and let me know. I know that all the upper years are going to Hogsmeade this Saturday, so if you want to meet we can arrange it for then.


Ok, this had just come out of nowhere. What am I going to do? Ok, think girl, think. What is my first instinct? Yes. Ok, that was easy. Oh, but what if he doesn't like me when we meet? What if it's someone I don't like? What if it's Malfoy? Ok, not possible, unless he's been hiding his hate for Snape all these years and actually is kind, caring and.... What am I saying? Ok, what could be the worst scenario? Hmm, actually I think I already covered that. Oh, just go for it. Use that Gryffindor courage.

"Dear snapehater,

I would really like to meet you this Saturday. Where do you propose"

Ok, can't use propose. Delete that.

"Where do you think we should meet? What about outside The Three Broomsticks at noon? Let me know if this is all right.


Ok, that's sounds good. Nice and casual. Right, better get back to my dorm and try and get some sleep. Somehow I don't see it happening though. I'm so glad I'm a prefect or else I would get in such trouble for being out at this time of night.


I couldn't sleep at all the night after I'd agreed to meet him. He replied the next day and said that outside The Three Broomsticks at noon was fine and that he was looking forward to it. How could he be so calm? Unless he wasn't, I mean how much can you tell from an e-mail? It's 11.50 am now on Saturday morning and I'm wondering around Hogsmeade with Harry and Ron who are talking about something or other (probably Quidditch). I'm not even listening to them so I hope they don't ask me a question. Right, what's my excuse going to be this time? I could use the age-old excuse of needing to go to the bathroom. That's a good one. Its not like they can follow me there. I look up at my friends and notice that Ginny has joined us. How is it that she keeps springing up when I'm not paying attention? She must think I'm rude.

"Hi Ginny," I say

"Hey 'Mione," she replied cheerfully.

Oh no, why does she have to call me that? That's Ron's special name for me. What am I thinking? Stop it. I'm about to meet a very nice guy and here I am thinking about Ron. Oh well, hopefully this guy can take my mind off him. Ok, hang on, what's going on? Why are Ginny and Harry holding hands? How long was I daydreaming this time?

"Err....why are you holding hands?" I ask slightly worried in case they look at me funny again.

I notice a blush rushing to Ginny's face and Harry seems to have one to match. I turn around to question Ron about it and notice he's vanished.

"Where's Ron gone?"

"He said he had to use the little boy's room," Ginny replied whilst giving me that look I'd received when we were in the common room two days ago.

"So you two huh?"

"Yep," Ginny answered, barely unable to control her blush.

"Since when?"

"Since yesterday, we don't know how to tell Ron, so we thought we'd run it past you," Harry said quietly.

"Gee thanks," I replied. "If he finds out I knew then...."

Oh, no. The church bell. It can't be twelve already. I better go.

"Err....I've got to go to the ladies," I stammered whilst walking off before they could reply.

At least we aren't that far from the pub so I don't need to run. I need to hurry a bit though. I don't want him to think I stood him up. I can see The Three Broomsticks and I can see....


"'Mione, err.... What are you doing here?" he stammered.

He looks so cute when he's nervous. I do believe he's blushing. Ok, I can't think about that. I need to get rid of him.

"Harry and Ginny are over there."

He's still standing there. There's no-one else remotely nearby. Hang on, what if....

"What are you doing here Ron?" I ask suspiciously

"Nothing, waiting."

"Waiting for what?"

"Well....what about you?"

Great. Now what? I have got to tell him. What if it is....no can't be. I'll have to say it though, just in case.

"Err....well, I'm meeting someone, err....someone I met in the school chat room."

His eyes have just enlarged so much I could have sworn they were about to pop out of his head. He started to blush maroon. I didn't know that was possible. He sighed suddenly as if collecting up his courage to do something. Not that I knew what he was about to do. Run away? Laugh? Kiss me? Ok, that last part was wishful thinking. Now he's smiling. That's a good sign, right?

"Me too," he said shyly

I looked at him and realised that I was now smiling. I took a deep breath.

"So you really do hate Snape huh?"

You know, it would really be my bad luck if he was here to meet someone else after all this and being here at the same time was some very cruel coincidence. He's not frowning though. His smile has just broken into a grin. I love that grin.

"So, what's mbggirl then? I've been wondering."

"It's 'muggle-born granger girl' actually."

Is it just me or did that sound a bit defensive? Have no idea why though. Now, what is he doing? He's walking towards me. Oh, I think my head will explode if he kisses me. He's brushing away my hair. I really should try to learn that charm I read about controlling bushy hair. Ok, my knees feel like they may give way at any moment. His lips are just there. Wow, I never thought that a kiss could be so powerful. That's it, I can't think anymore.

Author notes: This is my first fic. I love Ron/Hermione and I hope I've done this ship justice. Please review.