Astronomy Tower
Original Female Witch/Sirius Black
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/21/2009
Updated: 04/29/2009
Words: 9,192
Chapters: 5
Hits: 415

Dreams and Desires


Story Summary:
Sirius Black realized his passion for a certain student, Grace Wentworth, when she implements her new plan for music at Hogwarts. They each unknowingly dream of each other, but those dreams soon turn into desires. SB/OC. Music Lovers much welcome.

Chapter 05 - Revealing Desires


Dreams and Desires

Chapter 5

Revealing Desires

Dearest Grace,

Well, well, well. Sirius Black, my boyfriend's godfather, has the hots for you. You sure know how to win them, don't you? I must say that I am rather shocked that he would kiss you but truthfully I think it's rather romantic. Did he show you the music room? The piano is beautiful, isn't it? Do not get any ideas. Music is sacred, young lady, and you should not tarnish it with any kind of acts that could be described as stuff I like to do with Harry when we're alone. Anyway...so how was the kiss? You must describe it to me in detail in your next letter. I never would have guessed that when I brought you to Hogwarts that this would happen. I remember when I got my instructions to go pick up some girl from Beauxbatons in Paris, I expected some arrogant, snobby, idiotic girl but instead I got you! When I walked into the office, you looked so forlorn and lost that I couldn't help but feel sorry for you (you were rather pathetic looking dear heart so don't get mad at me). When you looked at me, I saw you needed a friend and what better way to make friends? Shopping! Remember how we got in serious trouble because we got back so late. We couldn't stop laughing so eventually McGonagall just gave up and sent us on to Dumbledore. Then you were sorted into my house and I knew that our friendship was meant to be! Sorry for the flashback. Now I, for one, am very proud of you getting music into Hogwarts. I wish I could be there to help you but alas I am trapped here in the Ministry under mounds of paperwork. Being the youngest person to ever work at the Ministry (since I am that wonderful age of 17), I get all the stuff that no one wants. Who knew there would be so much to do after the war? I love Harry and everything, but man I wish he hadn't destroyed all that stuff killing Voldemort. Speaking of my darling boyfriend, are you keeping an eye on him? How are Hermione and Luna? And what's this I hear about Hermione liking Draco Malfoy? Don't get me wrong the boy is rather attractive, but I thought they hated each other. He gets along well with Harry now but one can never be sure. Oh well. I guess that's enough for now, Grace, dear. Write back soon. Miss you and love you lots.


Violet Velocity

Dear Violet,

I miss you greatly, why can't you just be a normal 17 year old and go to Hogwarts with us! But no, you had to be a prodigy. Well, first order of business: HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME? Seriously! I figured you would find out about Sirius, but I didn't think it would be so quick, especially when like two people know. And how do you know about the music room? That one I know is a secret, and you aren't a musician. At least reveal the answer to that mystery for me if you won't tell me all your other devious ways of knowing what goes on around here. And they call Hermione a know-it-all, but you bring a whole other meaning to the name. Alright, since you asked, I shall tell you all about the kiss. Oh Vi, it was wonderful! I haven't really been able to tell anyone about it in detail (Hermione gets too excited). One moment I was hugging him in gratitude for showing me the room and believing in me, and then I guess we both waited for the other to let go, but neither of us did. Then he slowly leaned his face down and kissed me. AAAH! It makes me want to scream and jump just thinking about it. It was absolutely perfect. But I really wish you could be here to give me advice, I'm so lost in what to do or say. We haven't really talked about, well, the situation yet, but he left me a note after class to meet him again today. I'm nervous, I have no idea what he thinks of me, or what I am going to say. Ugh, where are you when I need you? I remember that day you took me to Hogwarts so well; it was one of the best days of my life. I'm glad that you noticed I wasn't just one of those typical Beauxbatons girls, content to be put in a box with a satin bow and wait for some man to find her. Anyways, I'm sorry you have so much tedious work to do. Darn that Boy-who-lived, can he just stop saving the world? And duh, of course I am always keeping an eye on Harry for you. You think I trust any man? Not so much. Well, Sirius seems quite trustworthy, but then again he just kissed his student. I'm hoping that I was the first of that occurrence. Hermione and Luna are fabulous, and they have been a big help so far since I don't have you around. Bahaha, I have no idea how you found out about Draco and Hermione because I am pretty sure they don't even know they like each other yet. No worries, I shall soon remedy that issue. I miss you wildly and love you to the ends of the earth and beyond. Write back soon!


Grace Wentworth

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At supper Grace continued to chat aimlessly with Neville about some exotic flower and with Hermione about Violet's letter. She kept a subtle eye on the somewhat serious conversation between Snape and Sirius. A few minutes after Sirius left the Great Hall, she quickly excused herself and made her way down to the hidden corner of the lake. She wondered what he would say, and how she should respond. Could she express her true feelings to this man who likely had no deep interest? As she rounded a bend in the path that crossed under floral willow trees, she saw him standing there, looking at his reflection in the water. At the fragile sound of her arrival, he looked up into her eyes and his silver ones drove straight through her defenses. Then she knew her decision. No matter what he had to say (she cringed at the hurtful possibilities), she would let her emotions be known. Crazy as it is...I think I love him. I have truly lost my mind.

"Grace..." he breathed her name savoring its taste on his tongue, as if saying it could sustain his ability to live. Wordlessly he gently took her hand and led her to an ornate stone bench under the trees. Sirius's heartbeat thundered at the miraculous sight of the evening sun glowing tenderly upon her features. He struggled to find his words again, but he knew the time for words had come at last. Deep breath, just let it out.

"Grace, I know that our time together has been short, but through my dreams and time with you as a student and friend, I feel as though I know and admire you so well. I thoroughly understand if you find my pursuit and adoration out-of-line. I understand if you feel offended or frightened by my sudden devotion, but you must know that the decision belongs only to you. You have completely rewound the unraveled strings that once held my heart together, and I humbly ask for a blessing I do not deserve...that you would continue to weave happiness out of my sorrows, that you will stay with me...."

By now, their hearts were each audible; his with the adrenaline of confession and fear of rejection and hers with total astonishment. In her stupor, she let out the first words that came, "...Wow, you talk so good." He laughed, oh how she enjoyed that sound.

"I hope that means you are leaning towards the affirmative." he said with a gorgeous sly smirk, hope bright in his playful eyes. Grace didn't even bother with a spoken answer, that wasn't enough for her emotions at the moment. So she simply reached her hand to the back of his neck and leaned up to kiss him with small but sensuous lips. Then, as she pulled back to look at him, his eyes were still closed in contentment. Millions of beautifully eloquent promises came to her mind, but she settled for the less expected.

"So, what exactly did you have in mind?" Relief of tension flooded over them both. The fear and hope that attempted to strangle the air around them fell away, leaving only joy.

Sirius swept his treasure into his arms, twirling the giggling girl under the trees covered with delicate white flowers. He felt pure and whole like those flowers for once, he wasn't sure if he had ever felt that way before. He set her down gingerly, his hands sliding down to her pale arms.

"I wish I had a proper proposition for you my dear, but all I know is that I need you."

"As do I," she admitted with a light blush.

He reached up to brush her hair back and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I hope you're a very good secret keeper." His voice was low and rumbling with passion. He smiled to himself as his hand on her back felt a shiver go down her spine. Had he the power still to seduce a woman? Or more importantly, this woman? The thoughts that instantly flashed through his mind varied from wonderful to wicked. Out of curiosity, he let his fingers caress ever so lightly from her temple, down to trace her jaw line, then search their way down the side of her neck, across the crevice of her clavicle, and finally to rest on her heart. He smiled again as he heard her breath come in short gasps and her heart beat at odd intervals. Intriguing, I shall have to explore this new power. However, I must leave these explorations for another time. After all, I still don't know how long she will invite my advances. He refused to let himself think further along these lines. He was happy for now, so he should just cherish every moment.

The two walked hand in hand around the lake in the freedom of a Shield Charm Sirius cast. The somewhat couple talked the whole way of anything and everything that came to mind. Sirius was just as entranced by her surprisingly intricate mind as he was by her beauty. He looked at her even more closely in this new light, and he saw wise eyes looking back at him from a youthful face.

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The next week was particularly painful for the both of them, for they had agreed that it would be best to keep their distance until next weekend's Hogsmeade trip. Two consecutive nights of disappearance had Grace's friends suspicious already. The yearning she felt for him was nearly unbearable. She threw herself into her class work and singing. She could already tell that the music room was truly a going to be a blessing to her that year. She knew that an open relationship with Sirius was not possible until she graduated. Why do I have to be stuck in this cage called age? It wasn't fair that she had to separate herself from him just to hide from society's disapproval. When Grace talked to Sirius, she felt more at ease and in mental connection with him than she had with anyone else.

On Friday she thought she might lose her mind, especially after enduring class with him the day before. To be so close to him and not be able to touch him, it was pure torture. In an attempt to distract herself, she sat by a window in the Gryffindor Common Room, curled up on the wide stone window sill reading her favorite Muggle romance novel (Muggle or not, you can't beat Pride and Prejudice). Unfortunately, this only caused her to think of Sirius more. She sank into a daydream of her own Mr. Darcy, chuckling at the thought of Sirius in breeches, coat and tails, boots, and a top hat. Mmmm...and riding a black horse across the English countryside...

Suddenly, she snapped back to reality to see a rather silly young owl perched on her propped up knee. The fluffy little creature was quite adorable in its awkward way, its immature feathers growing haphazardly at odd angles. The small funny owl dropped an envelope onto her lap then tilted its head, inspecting her with childlike curiosity. Grace wondered why the little messenger didn't simply fly back to its duties, but she enjoyed the companionship nonetheless.

"You're a funny little thing aren't you?" She said quietly as she cautiously pet the unknown bird. Unlike most adult owls, this one hooted happily at the attention from Grace. The tiny owl snuggled up to her and settled on her shoulder as if to read with her while she read her note. Out of the envelope fell a beautiful, almost perfect, lilac flower, the letters of her name spelled to appear on the petals whenever she held the stem.

My dearest Grace,

I want to thank you for your patience this week. Believe me, enduring the separation from you for even a few days drove me to near insanity. I hope you will be pleased by the flower. Every time I pass these particular flowers just outside of the Greenhouse, I think of naught else but you. The flower should only die if my love for you fails to exist. I had quite a time with the tricky name charm, but with your excelling skill in charms I felt I should remind you what a defense professor is still capable of. Anywho (as you would preciously say), would you do me the honor of spending your Hogsmeade weekend with me? I am still working on the details, so as to keep away from wandering eyes. Just go to Hogsmeade with your friends as you normally would, and I will be waiting to whisk you off on a hopefully spectacular date. Please only inform Hermione, I worry for the consequences if we were discovered. Don't you worry though, I won't let any of those consequences effect you if we are faced with a problem. I miss you so very much already, and I hold my breath until I am complete again with you in my arms. Perhaps this was far too sappy of a note, but I spelled it to look like gibberish to all but you anyways.

With ardent Love,

Sirius Black

P.S. Sorry about my annoying little messenger, my regular owl has been sick for some time. Young Fitz has been anxious for an assignment, and I'm sure you two will get on well. He's quite personable and intelligent for such a young owl. If he likes you, I probably can't stop him from visiting you every so often.

"Fitz...that's a funny name. Come on little fellow, let's find you something to eat."