The Dark Arts
Albus Severus Potter James Potter II Lily Potter II
Alternate Universe Adventure
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Published: 01/20/2010
Updated: 03/21/2010
Words: 11,516
Chapters: 6
Hits: 0

The Sands of Time


Story Summary:
"Al distantly heard the shattering of the glass, sounding like a million tiny bells..." A Time-Turner smashes, throwing the Potter and Weasley children into a time long gone, where they meet the legendary and face the extraordinary.

Chapter 01

"Al distantly heard the shattering of the glass, sounding like a million tiny bells..." A Time-Turner smashes, throwing the Potter and Weasley children into a time long gone, where they meet the legendary and face the extraordinary.

Words: 1,622
Hits: 0

The Potters and Weasleys realize their predicament and decide on a course of action.

Words: 1,406
Hits: 0

The Potters and Weasleys face Dumbledore, assume new identities, and meet Lily Evans.

Words: 2,145
Hits: 0

James II and Fred Weasley + the infamous mischievous Marauders = trouble! Pranks, introductions and trouble fill the first day of school in 1976 for the Potters and Weasleys.

Words: 2,124
Hits: 0

John, Fred, James and Sirius are given detentions for misbehaving, but someone mysteriously attacks the two trouble making time-travelers.

Words: 2,238
Hits: 0

The time-travelers have some slips of the tongue, rousing suspicion,and make the Quidditch team.

Words: 1,981
Hits: 0