Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Original Female Witch
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Published: 06/24/2005
Updated: 03/12/2006
Words: 113,277
Chapters: 28
Hits: 9,455


Les Dowich

Story Summary:
(Book Three) COMPLETE. Severus Snape is asked to look after orphaned cousins. His first problem is that the twins are singular, the second is that they have been poisoned and the third is that he and his partner, Remus, have no idea how to raise kids.````Between surviving first-time parenthood and searching for a ring of poisoners, life is very busy for the Lupin-Snapes.

Chapter 24

Chapter Summary:
Sandy has trouble dealing with St Mungo’s until Snape turns up. Vincent McIntyre enlists help in the form of a younger colleague who is working at Brimmers Pharmaceuticals.

Chapter 24

Edges and Corners

St Mungo's was chaotic, as bad if not worse than the emergency department of any major hospital. The house-elf Bibbsy deposited Sandy and Brian in the front foyer then disappeared with a distinct pop before Sandy could stop her. Left to her own devices with an unconscious man on her hands, she looked around wildly, and then hurried over to the desk where a harried medi-witch was trying to listen to three people at once.

"Look, just levitate him over to the gurneys in the far corner and you'll be seen as soon as possible, okay!" the woman snapped before turning back to the couple with the small baby in their arms.

Feeling totally inadequate, Sandy hurried back to Brian's side and bent to slide her arms under his broad shoulders and drag him out of the way. A small girl with a curly blonde ponytail wandered across to watch what she was doing.

"Mummy, that lady is silly!" The brat giggled as Sandy panted and struggled.

"Do you need a little help dear," the girl's mother said in saccharine tones usually used to speak to the mentally deficient after she had hushed her daughter. "Only it would be much easier with a little magic."

"If I had some magic, I would be quite happy to use it but as it is, Brian here is the magical one and I am the muscle." Sandy blew an errant strand of hair out of her face in exasperation.

The flick of a wand sent the unconscious man up onto the gurney and Sandy puffed her thanks as she settled in for a long wait. Finally a young medi-wizard appeared and began to work over Brian with harried, hasty movements.

"He needs to be seen by someone who can deal with possible direstium poisoning," Sandy told the man, holding out the bottle she had found beside Brian.

"He has a nasty bang on the head and possibly a depressed fracture of the skull but nothing a few charms won't fix. If he has to get himself hopped up on that filthy stuff...."

"No!" She cut him off at the pass. "He was forced to drink it by some mad woman in Oxford, after she coshed him."

"Look sweetie, I haven't time for hysterics now. Do you want me to treat him or would you rather take him off to Guy's, the Muggle place near here? Now just sit down and stay out of the way of more impor...." The medi-wizard loomed over her threateningly then turned away muttering, 'bloody squibs and Muggles!'

For a second Sandy was speechless then fury made her grind her teeth together. "How dare you speak to me like that you arrogant piece of shit! It is a medic's duty to treat his patients with all due diligence and courtesy, at which you have obviously failed abysmally!"

He spun around on a heel. "Just who do you think you are, you...."

"She thinks she is my niece." Cold, velvet smooth and utterly terrifying, Severus Snape loomed up behind Sandy, his billowing cloak seeming to enfold her as he approached. "I believe we have had words about respect and attention to detail before young man. Do we really have to rehash old ground?"

"But Sir, she's just a...."

"Remind me of your name."

"Scott Robson," he supplied sullenly.

"Ah yes. Go away. So Sandy, Rosemerta sent me an owl with the bare facts. What happened?" He listened without comment until she had finished and presented the bottle to him as if it was a live snake. "Humm Acclaro direstium est. He's very definitely contaminated. Well done, my girl well spotted. Let's get him up to the special ward."

"Sir, you can't just...."

"Oh, are you still here? Make yourself useful and floo Doctor Halverson's team. Tell them I am bringing in a casualty." Arrogance in every line, Snape placed a hand on the gurney and a hand on the girl and dissapparated.


Robes cast aside, shirt sleeves rolled up; Draco was hard at work running the Malfoy Empire. Many people saw him as simply a spoilt, pureblood figurehead for the huge multi-layered conglomerate his family had built over the years but he was much more. Although he allowed his CEOs autonomy to run whichever branch or department he assigned to them, they were very well aware that his was the final decision and to him they answered if things went pear shaped.

Today, he was investigating what appeared to be some very bad judgement calls by one of his senior staff involved in the shipping and handling side of the empire. Reading through the documentation, he wondered if the man had taken leave of his senses or had he been hit by an Imperio curse, he was so far off the company line. Rubbing his eyes he was about to ring for coffee when his PA put his head around the door and coughed discretely.

"There is a delegation from the European Wizarding Community to see you sir. They do not appear to have an appointment."

Decoded, Draco understood that Trent felt it might be too important for him to deal with and sighed. "Let them in and bring us some coffee as quick as you can thank you Trent." He rubbed his eyes again, moving off to the conversational grouping of sofas at the far side of the office. He made sure his wand was in easy reach and that the protection charms were at full strength. As a precaution he activated the translation charm on the coffee table near the sofa in the informal seating. All the while, his mind was selecting and discarding scenarios where European wizards might see the need to call upon him officially. Unable to think of a single thing, he cleared his mind and took his place before they were shown in.

The delegation consisted of eight people, six obviously powerfully built bodyguards who carefully positioned themselves unobtrusively to protect their superiors. The last two gentlemen took the seats Draco offered on the sofa at the far side of his office. Draco made sure he took the armchair that was carefully placed to give the maximum of protection to the office's incumbent. As he sat down, various protections charms were activated unobtrusively to counteract assassination. It was a hang-over from his father's tenure but one he had not found necessary to disable.

"Gentlemen, may I offer you coffee or something stronger?"

The man on the right huffed impatiently but the fellow on the left accepted graciously, determined to be as civilised as their host. Smiling blandly, Draco played the purebred aristocrat to the hilt, hoping to force the delegation into revealing their hand too soon. Unfortunately the delegation's leader was well versed in the intricacies of purebred manoeuvrings and was not caught out. Finally, once all the conventions had been served, the leader of the delegation, Senor Maurice Martinez y Bravo put down his cup as a signal to start the serious business.

"Senor Malfoy, it has come to our attention that you are interested in direstium and perhaps the trade in this commodity, yes?"

"Oh yes, very interested," Draco confirmed blandly.

The second man almost went for his wand at that point, making Draco's smile widen and show shark teeth. He concluded the man was some sort of law enforcement and the guards were probably either unspeakables or non-uniform Aurors. The plot thickened!

There were a few subtle signs from the delegation leader which leashed the Auror then Senor Bravo smiled again, more predatory this time. "Ah. Your honesty is refreshing," he said over steepled fingers, mimicking Draco's gesture almost unconsciously. "It is a very lucrative enterprise."

The spell woven into the headrest of the wingchair had been countered by the delegation's bafflement charms but Draco had expected nothing less. To counteract such things, he had invested in a tiny Muggle transceiver that sat just inside his ear and was connected to his PA. It murmured in his ear as Trent uncovered more information on the delegation and fed it to him immediately. Weighing the facts now at his disposal, Draco decided to take a small gamble, knowing the Obliviate charms on the room would resolve the problem if he chose wrong.

"No it's not, the price is far greater than any casual investor could possibly imagine," Draco countered, testing the waters and receiving some interesting feedback from the charms in the room. "Injecting or ingesting live direstium is tantamount to suicide for any wizard foolish enough to become entangled in its coils."

"Do you think so?" the second man asked, eyes narrowing. "Then why are you buying into the trade?"

"If I own it then I control it, why else? And you are? You never were introduced, you know?"

"Not important! Do you brazenly admit that you plan to control the...?" he began accusingly but was stopped by a raised hand.

"Oh, I believe it is important, Inspector Dumonde, very important. More especially if you really do want my cooperation in removing this threat to the wizarding world." Draco smiled blandly at the two men, totally ignoring the guards' hands creeping toward their wands. The muscle moved uneasily as their superiors became edgy. "I really wouldn't do that. This room is solely focussed on keeping me safe, a gift from my father, so generous of him. Any hostile moves and the inherent magic will be activated, and you really wouldn't like to experience it, believe me. So, gentlemen, shall we have a little honest speaking between these four walls?"

Dumonde glared but Senor Bravo smiled and nodded. "Perhaps it would be enlightening after all. We did have a hint from your, er, godfather? Senor Snape is known to us and when he was in our country a couple of weeks ago, he made a remarkable statement. Using his hints and many other resources we have tracked down the supply of direstium and shut down the European infrastructure. We raided two chemical plants, one in Germany and one in Spain and confiscated both the raw direstium and the manufacturing plants. We obliviated the workers as well as the producers, removing any trace of knowledge relating to the manufacture and dispersal of direstium. We have also been tracking the cartel that was supplying the dealers, right down to street level. When we came across your name in the records of a rather shadowy group of businessmen we wondered at your involvement. Investigations showed that wherever the Malfoy money had been spent, the company became more profitable and any connection it had to direstium was suppressed or almost surgically removed with very selective Obliviate charms. We were curious to know why?"

Draco carefully poured more coffee for himself and his guests while the tiny Muggle transceiver in his ear sent him a running commentary on the man's words. Trent was very good, tying all the loose ends together and presenting a concise and accurate summation of all the information that passed his desk. He was much more than Draco's PA but his secondary function was unknown to everyone except Draco. "That is indeed interesting. Very well, here is my contribution to the solution. No Malfoy owned plant will ever produce direstium with my knowledge, ever! Any plant of mine found to be producing the filthy substance will be shut down and the workers obliviated. You may have a Wizard's promise on that. My PA will write it up and I will sign it in Good Faith as Head of Family."

All eight men were not quite able to suppress their reactions to that but Dumonde was not entirely convinced. "What's the catch?" he asked harshly.

"The catch is you will make sure no direstium ever gets into Britain from the continent. If it does then I will find out and hold your EWC entirely responsible for it and I have the means of extracting payment, I do assure you. Once the European connection is taken out of the equation we can shut down the British manufacturers, which we are moving in on now. Trent will give you a full report on how the British faction circumvented the need for a rather expensive and extensive manufacturing plant so you will know what to look out for, if anyone decides to set up a backyard operation again."

"How close are you to shutting down the British side of the channel? We really don't want your stuff penetrating Europe just when we have managed to clean it up, you know?" Dumonde muttered ungraciously.

"The factory was dismantled yesterday evening and the workers Obliviated. We hope to catch the minds behind the operations by the end of the week," Draco murmured softly as Trent came in and offered the gentlemen a folder each, containing the gist of the report on the raid and how the warehouse had been set up.

Both men read swiftly then shook their heads. "It's so clever, very clever and diabolically easy to hide. If word of this gets out then you'll never close it down."

"Ah yes, but the trick is to contain the infection, get all the minds behind the scheme, find out why they were scheming in the first place then give them what they want."

"The annihilation of all the British wizards?" Bravo said appalled.

"Is that what they want? Or perhaps I should restate it as that is what they think they want but I'm sure they can be persuaded to change their minds, or perhaps forget all about it in the future. Just in case we don't get all of them, we are also working on a dead form of direstium which has no side affects but can be given safely to children to ensure they are never affected by the live form again."

"You are working on a vaccination against direstium infection? That would indeed be a breakthrough, and is it true that Potions Master Snape has created a cure for the poisoning?"

"Yes, that is very true. Malfoy Europe will be producing it in sufficient quantity to provide a ready supply for use in all hospitals and clinics across the globe."

"At what price?" Dumonde asked cynically.

"All the traffic will bear of course, except to the Muggle and Wizarding free clinics." Draco smiled shark-like at his visitors who understood his meaning perfectly.


Vincent McIntyre rose and greeted his guest at the Gentleman's Club with a hearty handshake. "It's so nice to see you again Gilbert old man. So glad you could make it, knowing how busy you are these days. And how is Jeanette? I haven't seen her for oh, must be two years by now," he chattered, seating the man in the deep armchair and signalling a passing waiter to bring a pre-dinner drink for both of them

Gilbert Nelson shook his old friend and mentor's hand and settled back gratefully into the deep leather comfort, enjoying the sheer luxury of their surroundings.

"Jeanette is fine, married now and with a baby on the way. Married a chap from the Americas, odd sort of bloke but likeable. Has some funny ideas on the way things should work and how they do work but he thinks the sun shines out of Jeanette, which is all that counts, I suppose."

"Oh yes, no accounting for the children and their ideas. My lot are thriving, five grandkids now, two of who are already at Hogwarts. I have three in the wings and one of them already showing magic. I wondered when my son married into a Muggle family but it all worked out well in the long run, once the shock had worn off." Vincent smiled reminiscently then noticed his guest was looking a little uncomfortable. Sighing, he changed the subject. "So, I heard you took a job at Brimmers Pharmaceuticals? Good job?"

Nelson accepted the glass of sherry the waiter handed him and took a sip of the dry wine before nodding. "Reasonable. Had to make a few adjustments at first of course, wizard in a Muggle company, you know how that works? But I'm well established as a vaguely eccentric genius and no one except the supervisor bothers to question what I do these days."

"Yes, wonderful what a little bit of Wizarding potions genius can achieve," Vincent agreed, careful not to sound too eager or interested. "Do you remember Consuela leToya? Well guess who is working for me now? She's a starchy old tartar but brilliant! Logan's is wonderful for catering to the eccentric types both Muggle and Magical and we do produce some very nice breakthroughs. Did you read Potions International last month? Got ourselves written up as 'most innovative', although I don't like to brag."

"Yes you do," Gilbert teased and both men laughed. "Brimmers is not a research facility but we do some solid work in the mass production of potions for the wider market."

The meal was superb as always and the conversation interesting as they discussed their mutual passion. By the time the port and cheese was laid on the table they were both feeling very mellow. Studying the deep ruby liquid in his glass, Gilbert sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "I have had a wonderful time Vincent but now I suppose I have to pay the piper. What deep dark secret do I have that you need to find out?"

McIntyre had the courtesy to look uncomfortable. "Sorry to be so obvious but there is a very real threat to the wizarding world that we need to address and I was hoping that you could shed some light on it."

"Me? I deal mainly with Muggles these days," Gilbert was moved to remark, cocking his head in an attitude of interest.

"That is what makes you the ideal candidate for this of course. Ever heard of the Muggle medicine Sleep Tight? Yes, I know Brimmers is pretty much responsible for the total output of the stuff, which is why you are here. Have you ever noticed anything unusual happening during the manufacturing of the stuff? Has there been anyone sneaking around or tampering with the process?"

"Good Merlin, no! It's all automated, push the button and off it goes. Hermetically sealed and all that rot, for hygiene sake. What are you getting at old boy? Do you suspect someone is sabotaging our product?" The man was genuinely horrified and Vincent felt confident in taking him into his confidence, after all, he was wizard born although not pureblood in the traditional sense and he had Muggle family ties too.

Nelson heard him out in growing outrage, his moustaches quivering indignantly as the story unfolded. "That's terrible! My God, those poor little girls! Look, how about you come out to the factory with me tomorrow morning and we can have a look around; see if we can spot anything out of place. If word of this ever got out, our reputation could be destroyed."

"Sounds like a fine idea, do a reccy, have a bit of a look-see? Splendid! What time shall we meet up?"

Arrangements were made for the following morning at nine am and both men went their separate ways feeling very pleased with themselves.

As a matter of course, Vincent sent off an owl to Snape to tell him of the recent developments and his appointment in the morning.


Sandy collapsed on the chair by Brian's bed and groaned as her bones settled. Severus looked down at her with a distinct smirk, then crossed his arms and studied the young wizard on the bed. "Nice piece of work," he commented, indicating the prone form with his chin.

"Thanks! He's lucky though, I was ready to kill him and his supercilious father just before it happened. I stormed out of the restaurant and he came after me. I...." She squirmed uncomfortably when she realised Snape's black gaze was trained on her. "Oh well, you had better know the whole thing. I got the shits when he started on this Muggle versus Wizard business and how his family would prefer he made a better match.... So I sort of implied you and Remus were my family, and his snotty little group of snobs probably weren't in any way good enough for us." She paused when Severus sniggered, letting out a relieved breath. "Sorry about that. Are you angry?"

"Not at all," Severus assured her cordially. "Bridgewell? I think I was at school with his younger aunt, a Hufflepuff, I believe, and his father would have been in seventh when I was in first."

"Do you remember everyone you ever meet?" Sandy asked incredulously.

"Pretty much," Severus mused. "So, you used my name as an intimidation tool. Did it work?"


They shared a chuckle then Sandy clicked her fingers. "Listen, I managed to grab that woman's handbag. Nearly tore my arms off mind, but here it is."

The black handbag was square, ugly and large, the corners bound in brass. Sandy had no qualms about upending it on the foot of Brian's bed. The usual handbag detritus went bouncing across the counterpane; a comb, lipstick, scraps of paper and odds and ends everywhere. More importantly, a thick heavy diary and a bulky purse also fell out with a plop. Severus picked up the diary while Sandy opened the purse and extracted both a driver's license and a library card. "Name and address. Her name is Rosemary Killmonte and she lives in Wickham, in one of the council estates."

"Humm, even more important, she has a meeting of the Decency League for the Removal of Magic set up for tomorrow night in Potten End, barely a kilometre from the factory. Let us see what else she has been up to. Ah! 'Arrange for an accident when picking up the girls, get M to memory charm aunt and uncle.' By the date, I think this was when the Anderson girls were taken. Odd, she doesn't say any more about the accident. I believe young Weasley will be most interested in this. Well done girl, you are a credit to the, er, family."

Sandy laughed at his expression, knowing he was only teasing her but to Brian who was only just waking up from the multitude of bone repair charms and potions, and swelling reduction spells, the older man looked horribly intimidating. "Thanks Severus," Sandy chuckled then felt Brian's hand in hers. "Oh, you're awake then?"

"Yes, sort of, I'm sorry Sandy, I was..."

"Rude and insensitive," Severus supplied superciliously. "You may inform your parent that if, and only if, my cousin decides to pursue the relationship past a casual level then I will consider a meeting to discuss expectations. My expectations, that is."

Brian gulped and did his best to hide the shiver racing up his spine as the older man glared down on him. Sandy squeezed his hand reassuringly. "We had better go and let you get some rest now. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? If you'll fix me a portkey, please Severus?"

"Remus will bring you," Severus said casually, watching as the girl gathered up the odds and ends from the handbag. "Let us go and annoy Weasley then I'll take you to Lady Hermione at Malfoy Manor and she can make a fuss of you. She is spoiling Angelinus totally. The child almost refused to sit still at table, so much for manners!" Taking the girl's shoulder in one long thin hand, Severus apparated.