Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Original Female Witch
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Published: 06/24/2005
Updated: 03/12/2006
Words: 113,277
Chapters: 28
Hits: 9,455


Les Dowich

Story Summary:
(Book Three) COMPLETE. Severus Snape is asked to look after orphaned cousins. His first problem is that the twins are singular, the second is that they have been poisoned and the third is that he and his partner, Remus, have no idea how to raise kids.````Between surviving first-time parenthood and searching for a ring of poisoners, life is very busy for the Lupin-Snapes.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Molly comes to Hogwarts to look after Angelinus and is surprised when she is given a hero’s welcome by the other teachers. Angelinus learns to love Molly and Molly learns the fine art of werewolf sitting as well as baby sitting. She and Severus bury the hatchet for once and for all, and not in each other’s heads.

Chapter 14

Return to life

Angelinus squirmed uncomfortably in her chair at the breakfast table, sitting between her uncles with the strange, red haired woman sitting opposite. Usually they had breakfast in the Great Hall but today they were eating in the suite. Even Uncle Severus was up and dressed for the day, looking a little sleepy, it was true, and he hadn't quite combed his hair properly but he was awake and he had bowed to the woman when she came in through the floo. And he had given her the seat, like she was important or part of the family. Uncle Severus was only really polite to family. Uncle Remus was fussing and fluttering but he was close to moon so he was a bit upset when anyone came into the suite, apart from them, so that didn't count. Suspicious, Angelinus nibbled her toast and vegemite slowly.

Molly chatted to Remus and ignored Severus' sleepy grumbles as she ate the breakfast the house-elves had brought down. She studied the little girl covertly from the corner of her eyes and knew the child was suspicious about something but not sure what, probably her presence. Finally, Severus folded his napkin and placed it precisely by his plate before turning cold black eyes on the small child who immediately gave him an angelic smile and folded her hands into her lap too.

"I am sure you are aware Angelinus that after yesterday's near disaster, we cannot leave you in Miss Harkness' charge any more. Obviously she was incompetent and not to be trusted. However, leaving you unsupervised is not a viable option. Therefore, I have taken the liberty of speaking to Molly Weasley here and engaging her to be your carer in future...."

The pompous speech made the little girl's expression go from utterly overdone innocence through puzzled to shock and finally it morphed into pure panic as she all but threw herself off the chair. "NO! I don't want to go away! You can't make me! NO! NO! NO!" she screamed hysterical tears flowing freely as she bolted for her bedroom and slammed the door after her.

Severus and Remus stared at each other with open mouths as Molly shook her head. "Merlin, Severus! Could you have tried for a little more formality? What are you trying to do? Scare her into better behaviour?"

"What? But, but...."

"Oh do be quiet. Remus, go after her and explain that you aren't sending her away, that I will be only here during school hours when you are teaching," Molly ordered and Remus flew off to the door to tap softly.

"Good Grief! Is that what you think she thought I meant? Damn it, Molly, do you see why we really do need you?" Severus rubbed a twitching nerve just under his eye with two fingers. "For Merlin's sake Remus, use Alohomora, she always locks the door unconsciously when she's in a mood."

Molly blinked. "She does wandless magic that easily?"

"Doesn't everyone?"

Shaking her head, Molly laughed when she realised the tall man was not trying to wind her up but was dead serious. "Maybe that is true in your family Severus but not in most others. So, let's see what we can salvage." Dropping her napkin on her chair, Molly crossed to where Remus was about to charm the door and did her own unlocking spell with no fuss. Stepping into the room, she glanced around and whistled softly at the beautifully decorated area.

Remus slipped past her and burrowed under the bed, hauling the little girl out and pulling her into his lap. "Ah baby, we aren't sending you away. You're our cub and we don't give up our cubs for anyone, not even on orders. Now, let's wipe your eyes and come back to listen to what Severus really has to say."

"Oh, stay there, we're all assembled anyway." Severus sighed. "Angelina and Linus Morecombe-Lupin-Snape I would like to formally introduce you to Molly Weasley who is the mother of Aunt Ginny and Uncle Ron and is the grandmother of William, Maria Martha and Kathleen Weasley as well as Lillian and Paul Potter. Now do contain your hysterics and make your greeting properly."

Still sniffling and snuffling, the little girl rose stiffly and rubbed at her eyes as she made a fairly good attempt at a formal curtsey. Molly returned the courtesy, her heart breaking as shuddering sighs wracked the little body but to her surprise, the little girl threw herself at Severus rather than Remus when Severus nodded approval. Even more surprising, she was engulfed in black linen robes as Severus stood up and carried her out into the breakfast nook.

Remus pulled himself to his feet and grinned at Molly's obviously baffled expression. "I don't know either. They're besotted with each other really, yet they both get a kick out of pulling on those terrible, pure blood manners then almost going straight over the top."

"Severus always was as queer as a bottle of sausages," Molly muttered as they exited the room.

"I heard that," Severus warned as he settled Angelinus on his lap. "Now, we are not sending you off in disgrace, you silly chit. We are having Molly look after you from eight thirty in the morning until four thirty in the afternoon as Miss Harkness used to do. However, I can guarantee that Molly will be a lot better and a lot more active than that stupid sot of a girl. It will be your responsibility to take note of what Molly teaches you, co-operate in her schemes and be on you best behaviour when she takes you out. Remember, your behaviour reflects on Remus and me."

"Okay Uncle Severus, I'll be good now. Will we still eat lunch together?"

"Of course," Severus murmured in surprise. "How else are we to make sure you have not disposed of the baby sitter and flooed off to the ends of the earth with not even a toothbrush in you robe-pocket?"

Silvery giggles burst out of the child as she planted a sloppy kiss on her uncle's cheek then slid down to run to Remus and kiss him too. Remus rose and ruffled her hair as he gathered his things for class. "Please be good, you put enough grey hairs on my head yesterday to last the rest of the week," he told her as they headed for the door.

Molly moved cautiously to stand beside the child as the two men left then turned to smile down, only to have the small flower like face turned up to study her carefully. "So, how about you show me that wonderful room your uncles have made for you?" Molly asked and was rewarded by a tentatively agreeable smile.

Having never been in the Potions Master's quarters, Molly was curious and not averse to poking her head into the doors leading off the hallway. She was not particularly surprised to find the master bedroom was furnished in mahogany with heavy black, silver and green curtains. She was surprised to see other colours added in bright accents of red, gold and orange and decided these must be Remus' contributions.

Angelinus' room was nearly as big as the master bedroom and was as well appointed as any child's room Molly had ever seen. Bookshelves and toy cabinets occupied a lot of the wall space, a huge picture window dominated one wall and a round bed shaped like a daisy filled a good part of the floor. It was a riot of colour and animated animals on a painted landscape that seemed to change constantly. Even the carpet represented a grassy field with its pretty green shading and dots of colour and the ceiling had clouds.

"Grandpa Albus made it for me," Angelinus confirmed when Molly asked. "Uncle Severus said it would keep me awake all night but it doesn't 'cus when the sun goes down the walls turn into a comfy cottage and the sky makes a proper ceiling. Or if you ask nicely it can be a cave or a tent or a forest or a car or a caravan or, or anything at all!"

"You're very lucky," Molly laughed with her. A row of framed pictures on one shelf caught her eye and she studied the couple in the nearest one. The woman looked so much like Severus; it was uncanny, not as dark in hair or eye but the same long, narrow nose on a long, narrow face. Even one eyebrow was raised in the photo, the opposite to Severus' habitual smirk. The man looked firm but not harsh, a man who worked hard and knew what he had done at the end of the day. He had a reliable chin and kind eyes, even though it was a Muggle photo and quite static.

"My daddy and my mummy," Angelinus said, leaning into Molly's side and folding her hands on the older woman's shoulder to rest her chin. "They got killed by a bad fire. Daddy said he would never leave mummy and he didn't. The Kouris said Mummy was caught under a rafter and he couldn't get her out. They didn't know we were listening but we were until Aunty Mundingi caught us. Sometimes I miss them so much!" The soft voice ended on a wail and the little girl threw herself into the older woman's arms not realising the tears were not all her own.

"Aye Lovey, we miss them so much, but then we have to think they are together, probably pulling pranks, or collecting Muggle junk or running off to see what's over the next hill as usual. So, we had better learn to accept that they won't be back this way again and get on with building a new life until we do catch up with them in the next." Sighing deeply, Molly produced a couple of handkerchiefs, moped them both up and shook her head with a grin. "So, we've sat our little sit and wept our little weep. Let's do something fun now. What would you like to do?"

By a mixture of games, stories and exercises, Molly had decided that the little one needed some preparing for school next year but not too much as she was fairly well advanced on most of her counting, printing and alphabet, as much as any five year old should be. If the Snapes planned to put her into Hogsmeade Primary she would fit right in with the rest of the children starting first class infants.

House elves popped into the suite at odd times, and Molly were amused to see how the little girl interacted with them, treating them with an odd mixture of grave dignity and excited hyperactivity. The house-elves weren't much better, running to see what she was doing. Did she want anything? Could they do anything? Was she happy? Did she want to play? Was she being a good girl? Finally Molly decreed that they were to leave Angelinus in peace until mid morning teatime when they could bring in a drink and a snack for both of them. Angelinus gave the most persistent elf named Desky a hand full of sticky sweets as a present which made the elf almost melt on the spot and swear eternal allegiance again it seemed.

By the time lunch came around the morning's upsets and traumas were not even a vague memory on the little girl's horizon and she skipped at Molly's side as they walked down to the Great Hall for lunch.

Half the long tables were full, the rest filling up rapidly as Molly allowed the little girl to tow her into the Great Hall behind the teacher's table. They were barely in when Angelinus dropped Molly's hand and ran forward to where Severus was already seated. He rose and bowed most formally to the little one, who promptly curtseyed with equal formality before allowing her uncle to pick her up and seat her on her high chair, the legs extended so she could reach the table easily. Molly shook her head in amusement but was distracted when a high-pitched squeak drew her attention.

"Molly! So good to see you! Oh, how well you look!"

"Minerva! How are you my dear?" The two older witches hugged and laughed, going into an immediate gossip huddle and didn't stop talking for the rest of the meal. Even Albus was drawn into the happy conversation, the new faculty members quickly introduced.

For some, like Lydia Halfpenny, having the Molly Weasley sitting at their table just like a real person instead of a hero in a storybook was almost mind-boggling. The fact that the older witch was so normal and down to earth was equally astounding. Severus, keeping half an ear on his child's sitter, had to smother a snort of amusement at the girl's almost reverent hero worship, and earned a backhand swipe across the arm from Molly to shut him up. Minerva smirked at him over Molly's shoulder as he rubbed the spot ostentatiously then glared at one or two open mouthed students who had caught the by-play.

"So, did you have fun with Molly this morning?" Remus asked Angelinus, deftly cutting up her meat into bite sized pieces.

Angelinus chattered away, more animated than they had seen her for a long time. "And we're going to take a walk at the lake today. Molly said."

"Don't fall in; I fear it is too cold for swimming just yet." Severus warned.

"Can we go to the beach soon? I saw the sea when Sandy took me to the airport but I've never been to the beach."

"Depending on a few contingencies, I though we might go to the south of France during the holidays and perhaps pop into Spain for the beaches." Severus said off-handedly as they ate sweets.

Remus' mouth dropped open before snapping shut again. "Not if the Ministry has any say."

"Bugger the ministry," Severus said evenly, an evil smile curving his lip. "You leave the dear Ministry to me."


At lunchtime the following day, Severus placed a hand on Molly's arm to detain her for a moment. She looked up inquiringly, still holding Angelinus' hand.

"Er, today, er, is a bit awkward Molly," Severus began uncomfortably. "You see its full moon and for obvious reasons, Remus is indisposed. Unfortunately, the moon actually rises at two thirty nine pm today, in one hour."

"Oh good grief, poor Remus. Do you want me to take Angelinus off for the rest of the day?"

"No!" Angelinus wailed. "I want my Moony. Uncle Severus, you promised!"

"I did, and I do not break promises," Severus said firmly. "No Molly, my dilemma is this. Moony will stay in the suite quite happily and he can keep an eye on Angelinus without problem but it isn't very fair to either of them as I promised to let him have a run down by the lake. They will both sulk severely if I break my promise so er, I wonder if you would mind babysitting a werewolf as well as the child. He's quite harmless, I do assure you, and he is well trained, doesn't need a leash or anything."

Molly's mouth hung open and she snapped it close with an audible snap. "Good Godric! I knew this job would definitely be different but I never thought it would involve pe.... Oh dear, that was a nasty thing to even think."

"Pet care services? Don't worry, I have already told him that." Severus smirked and Angelinus laughed too.

"Please Grandma Molly, I love Moony and he's good; nice and soft and furry." Angelinus pleaded, her eyes large and soft, her lashes almost fluttering as she begged.

Molly huffed and nodded reluctantly. "Werewolf babysitter, no-one would ever believe it!"

In their rooms, Remus paced around the room wringing his hands in distress. He had tried to talk Severus out of approaching Molly but to no avail. How would she react? Would she run away screaming or be disgusted or terrified or.... He dropped to the edge of the bed and cradled his head in his hands. As much as his transformations were controlled by Wolfsbane and almost pain free thanks to Severus' gift, he was still distrustful of himself. A lifetime's worth of pain-enforced lessons was not forgotten or unlearned in just two months. It wasn't often that the moon came up full during the day but when it did; it was almost more terrifying than when it happened at night. There was no logic in this, just a feeling of wrongness that went even further than the usual uneasiness of transformation.

He rose to pace again, padding barefoot across the hearthrug in a smooth swinging stride reminiscent of his alter-ego. Deep in his worried thoughts, he barely registered the door open but turned rapidly, defensively when he felt eyes upon him. Severus was leaning his shoulders against the doorjamb watching him struggle with his inner demons. Without a word, he glided forward and wrapped long, thin arms around Remus' body, pulling him in close and protectively.

"I love you, it will be okay," Severus muttered into his hair, smoothing his back under the light robe he wore. There were already changes to Remus' smoothly muscled shoulders, a lumpiness that was not entirely human anymore. Carefully he eased Remus back and loosened the cord of the dressing robe, easing it off his shoulders before turning him toward the bed. Puzzled, Remus went with the flow, crawling up onto the counterpane before he realised he was starting the change so painlessly and so slowly; he had missed the first bending.

"Sev, I love yo...." Remus began to say but the last syllable was lost as his skull began to change and the first hit of agony lanced through his jaws. He moaned and whined, the wrenching of muscles and joints all too familiar. His hands clung to Severus forearms until his fingers became wolf toes and the nails left deep red claw marks on Severus' sallow skin.

In the sitting room, Molly heard the very odd noise and rose to peer in at the open door. She almost gasped in horror when she saw Remus arch high, writhing and twitching as fur tided over his thoroughly misshapen torso. Arrested, it was not Remus' physical pain that tore into her soul but the sheer, abject misery on Severus' face as he sat there helplessly and watched his love being tortured near to death, unable to do anything but witness and pray for a quick end. In all the years she had known Snape, she had never seen him register any emotion except anger but in the last two days she had come to realise he was no wooden puppet. With exquisite delicacy few would have ever realised she was capable of; Molly Weasley silently shut the door.

Moony slept in a loose furry ball, pressed tightly against Severus' legs. He always had a period of unconsciousness after transforming, whether it was simple sleep or lack of consciousness, Severus did not know. He used the time to pull his emotions back under control and to pray to whichever power guided fates that once again Moony would survive transformation with the minimum of damage and the maximum of ease. Stroking the savage head resting so trustingly on his feet, Severus made sure to remove all traces of the involuntary tears he often shed during Remus' time of torture. In some ways it would have been easier if he was the victim rather than the witness but....

Moony stirred and stretched, the huge jaws opening in a tendon-cracking yawn as he uncurled and rose smoothly. Stretching his spine he yawned again and turned his head to swipe a lick down the side of Severus' face before bouncing off the bed and giving an odd sort of chuff noise as wolves did not bark like dogs. Severus shook his head and grabbed as Moony shoved his muzzle deep into Severus' crotch to sniff deeply. Something stirred and Moony yelped in amusement as he dived on his mate and pinned him to the mattress with his greater weight. Severus struggled against him but ended up pounding on his side in submission until Moony rolled off and lay on his back, his legs waving uncoordinatedly in mid air. Severus shook his head and laughed as he scrubbed Moony's belly and rubbed his face on the side of his jaw.

"Come on Wild Child, time to meet your adoring public." Severus chuckled as he rose from the bed and straightened his robes before leading the way out.

Angelinus had seen Moony in the previous transition and was not at all shocked when the huge werewolf pranced out of the bedroom and galloped over to her, all but bowling her over in his enthusiasm. She giggled and threw her arms around his neck burying her face in his soft buff ruff and swinging off his neck. "Moony! Look what I have for you?" She laughed, grabbing an ear and towing the huge animal off toward her bedroom.

Moony went with her as she had hold of the fur on his ear and he was given little choice, leaving Molly and Severus staring at each other across the gulf of the hearthrug.

"Are you alright?" Molly asked quietly as Severus wandered over to the cabinet against the far wall and poured himself a stiff drink.

"My beautiful and loving husband is now a large and potentially dangerous animal, controlled and constrained by the potions that I and I alone am capable of brewing in this school. In the same room is the child I have taken as my own, claimed though wizarding law, family obligation and Dark Blood Rites. I love Remus, I trust him with my very soul. I do not trust Moony past the potency of my brew. I love them both with everything that I am and I have ever been and you ask me if I am all right? How all right do you think I should be Molly? Quantify it for me. Give me a scale of one to ten then tell me where I should fit. If anything goes wrong in there, I will be destroyed more surely than if Voldemort and all his stupid Death Eaters descended to pull me apart with number ten pliers and soul dissecting hexes." He half laughed, half sobbed as he turned away. "Shocking, isn't it? Professor Snape, greasy git and soulless monster is actually all too human."

Molly rose and moved to his side, wrapping an arm around his narrow, bony waist in a one armed hug. "Many years ago I watched a young boy no older than my eldest son put his life on the line again and again in an effort to atone for some crime only he knew or even recognised as a crime. I watched him as he was slowly reduced to the most base and basic elements of his personality. Then the second time around he was reduced to even less, a soulless, pitiless courier of secrets, no longer human, and I cried for the loss of his humanity. Even when you were as prickly as a porcupine and twice as hard to reach, I often wondered if the human had been sacrificed on the Alter of the spy. Today I saw the man that boy evolved into and it was magnificent." Drawing an emotion-laden sigh, Molly straightened, gave him a parting squeeze and let go as she stepped away. "Keep the faith Severus, keep the faith. Now, is there anything I should know about the care and handling of werewolves while we are out and about?"

Severus stared down at the bright, sparkling brown eyes and shook his head to clear away the cobwebs. "He'll chase rabbits if you aren't careful and he likes to roll in dirt which is a nuisance and he smells doggy if you let him swim in the lake. If he needs to eat or drink, make sure the house-elves put his bowl on a chair to raise it to the proper height. Don't let Angelinus ride him too much, it is very hard on him and he pays for it when he switches back again." He pulled his robe straight, brushed a hand though his hair and straightened to his full height. "So Molly, how are you coping with rejoining the land of the living?" he asked in an abrupt turning of the tables.

Pursing her lips, Molly though about it for a few minutes. "It's interesting. I've mourned hard and I've mourned long and I think it is now time to start considering the living rather than the dead. After all, I have three children who are still on life and each is making their own ways in the world. Two are settled and have fine families on the way but Charlie seems to be a little lost to the real and necessary, don't you think? Perhaps he needs his mother to look out for his interests." Molly mused thoughtfully.

Severus made a note to owl Charlie a warning at the earliest opportunity.