Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Original Female Witch
Children of Characters in the HP novels
Published: 06/24/2005
Updated: 03/12/2006
Words: 113,277
Chapters: 28
Hits: 9,455


Les Dowich

Story Summary:
(Book Three) COMPLETE. Severus Snape is asked to look after orphaned cousins. His first problem is that the twins are singular, the second is that they have been poisoned and the third is that he and his partner, Remus, have no idea how to raise kids.````Between surviving first-time parenthood and searching for a ring of poisoners, life is very busy for the Lupin-Snapes.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Severus Snape is asked to look after orphaned cousins. His first problem is how to locate the children then he has to work out how to separate the children. Then he has to survive the children
Author's Note:
Comments are good and welcome, but play nice please.

Chapter 1


It was enormous! It let out a scream as it scattered the few evening post owls left and right, then circled high in the vaulted ceiling of the Great Hall with wings outstretched. Students sat in open mouthed amazement as the huge bird glided overhead disdainfully before half closing it's wings and stooping down toward the high table. A mere ten feet above the high table, it presented its talons, curved sharp and cruel. The roast lamb had no chance as the huge bird ripped it to pieces, scattering the attendant circle of roasted vegetables wide and well.

"It would seem our unexpected guest is hungry," Albus Dumbledore said mildly, studying the huge bird who feasted on his dinner so messily, mere inches from his plate. The patent twinkle in his eye was very much in evidence. "Wedge tailed eagle I believe, an Australian native, how intriguing!"

The eagle paused in his ripping and tearing for an instant as if to comment on the headmaster's remarks before returning to its messy meal. Impatiently, it flicked its leg where a parchment was attached. With a soft 'ahh' of understanding, Albus freed the letter which immediately returned to its original size. Reading the old fashioned script, Albus' lips twitched slightly and the twinkle in his eye became even more pronounced as he bent forward. "Severus, for you I believe."

Every eye in the hall was now targeted on Professor Snape who merely took the offered envelope, sneered at it, secreted it away inside his voluminous black robes and continued to pick at the meal in front of him. Before the disappointed sigh of thwarted curiosity could gather momentum, the eagle screamed and flapped, almost scattering the junior Gryffindors before it gained height and disappeared through the upper windows of the Great Hall.

Ignoring the other staff members, Severus Snape finished his meal and stalked out of the hall as usual, no hint of hurry or curiosity in his bearing as he left. Only Remus Lupin caught the initial almost imperceptible glint of interest in Severus' expressionless black eyes as his hand had closed over the letter. For others it would seem the Potions Master was unaffected by the unexpected as usual but for Lupin, it was as good as a yelp of surprise.

As soon as classes finished for the day, Lupin made his way to the dungeons and knocked lightly on the potions classroom door. Peering around the heavy black oak door, he almost blinked in surprise at the activity in the room. At least half a dozen students were industriously scrubbing at the floor using very Muggle scrubbing brushes. Three more were dusting and polishing vials from a tall, lead lighted cabinet and four more students scoured out cauldrons, their dragon hide gloves soaked with scouring solution. The most amazing part of the drudgery was that even two Slytherins were included in the even spread of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Sev had really outdone himself with the detentions this evening!

"Well?" Sev purred from his perch at his desk, glaring pointedly at the slight, almost amused werewolf peering in at his door.

"Sorry to disturb you Professor Snape but I was wondering what happened to my after-school tutoring class. Now I know."

Severus nearly managed to look sheepish but only to someone intimately acquainted with his changes of expression. "The level of concentration was sadly lacking this afternoon, resulting in a number of near disasters. One cannot lose concentration when -" Remus mouthed with him -"brewing concentrated magic." Snape's sneer became a glare at Lupin's teasing; he was still not entirely used to the werewolf's lack of decorum at times. Lupin did not fear him as the others did, did not cower before his sneer or crumble at his slightest snarl. In fact, Lupin took all his usual snarkiness in his stride and gave back something perfect and coveted in return, acceptance.

"Will they be much longer?"

Surveying the work already done and the time candle burning on the desk, Snape pursed his lips and scowled, "They will not miss dinner," he conceded grimly.

For a moment it looked as if Professor Lupin would protest but then he smiled ruefully and nodded. "Very well, I believe I can do the tutoring sessions tomorrow at the DA club meeting. Will you be joining us then, Professor Snape?"

Snape nodded and dismissed Lupin from his attention, continuing to write scathing comments on the pathetically inadequate rambling his sixth years had turned in as essays on Memory Enhancement potions, their uses and drawbacks. Ten minutes before dinner, he finally dismissed the detention class and stared around the now spotless classroom, barely seeing the place. The parchment in his pocket was burning a hole but he didn't want to open it until he had an adequate time frame to read and think on the contents of the letter. He knew very well that it would not be good news. He rarely received letters and they usually contained hideous, life changing tidings so his experience had not led him to expect any different this time.

When Lupin had first put his head around the door, Severus admitted to himself that he had been very glad to see the shy, almost self effacing DADA Master. Remus was his friend as well as his current lover, as very odd as that situation seemed to Severus. He had never had a true friend before, not like Remus Lupin. Oh, he had had acquaintances, people he had spoken with and occasionally debated with but never someone he was glad to see or felt he could really talk with about those things that really mattered to him. Lupin was someone he could confess his passions to and share his joys or sadness, triumphs or failures with.

He had had lovers before of course, people to share his body with, to scratch the itch or exercise the hormones, whatever the current terminology was but not to sleep with and wake up to, to talk with and, Merlin forgive him, 'cuddle up and share pillow talk with'! Again, Remus was different, a comfortable shoulder to lay his head on, a warm body to hold onto and a keen mind to debate with. With Remus Lupin he could even say very uncharacteristic things like, 'I was scared' or 'I was excited' and Lupin didn't laugh or ridicule him, nor did he make reference to the weakness at a later date or hold it over his head to make gains. He was quite extraordinary!

When Remus told him something personal, he did not feel the need to use it against the rather slim and delicate looking professor either. And when he delivered the Wolfsbane potion, he never felt superior to Remus or that Remus owed him anything in exchange, which was a very strange state of affairs between a Slytherin and a Gryffindor.

Years ago they had almost become friends but then Black and his insane need to control had come between them, almost causing Remus to attack him when in werewolf form. That severed their budding friendship as Severus feared and hated werewolves. The horror was reinforced when Remus had come to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts the first time and had all but attacked Snape again. It had taken much time and a lot of missions together before Snape had eventually come to, first not hate, later respect and finally, before the end of the war, respect the quiet and self effacing werewolf who had more strength of character in his little finger than Snape felt he had in his whole body!

The door opened again and Severus jumped, lifting his head off his hand and staring at the door. His nose twitched in surprise at the rich smells that invaded his potions classroom and his mouth even watered for a second. The tray was followed by Remus who smiled fondly as he came in and slid his burden onto the desk. "We wondered where you had got to but I guessed you would still be here so I had the house-elves make you something you like."

Surprised, Severus glanced at the time candle and blinked to discover at least two hours had disappeared. "I was thinking about you," he was startled into saying then clamped his mouth shut only to soften again when Remus' whole face lit up in pleasure as if he had received a huge and very valuable gift. Such small, almost negligible things like a kind word pleased Remus so much.

"You missed dinner again and I was worried. You don't eat enough Sev, not for the intensity you focus on your work." Remus lifted the charm from the tray to reveal lightly baked fish with steamed vegetables, a steaming pot of Earl Grey tea and a goblet of light white wine. He knew what Severus liked when not in the throes of need.

"Thank you," Severus murmured as the warm, scented steam wafted up, enveloping them in a fragrant cloud.

"So, I have to ask, what did your letter say?" Remus murmured quietly, conjuring another chair for himself.

Severus sighed and pulled out the parchment, handing it over before picking up his knife and fork again.

"But you haven't even opened it," Remus protested, studying the unbroken seal carefully.

"I know. I hate letters. You open it," Severus mumbled, not looking up from his last cup of tea. - "Stop!" - He yelped as Remus went to crack the wax seal. "Damn it Lupin, are you mad? Did you check it for spells or charms? Did you even think to make sure it was not a trap or a portkey or, or...."

Remus threw back his head and laughed heartily, even though he knew Snape would not appreciate his levity. "How I love your paranoia, so cosy and heart warming," he teased but obligingly pulled out his wand and cast a revealing spell over the parchment. It shone blue and gold, showing no spells what so ever, not even a protection against the weather spell. No wonder the lettering was slightly blurred, the raindrops almost looked like tear marks on the yellowed parchment. "Are you happy now?"

Severus nodded sharply and snapped up another mouthful of fish to stop any remarks he might be tempted to make. He kept his eyes on his plate feigning indifference as Lupin's long slim fingers slid carefully under the wax seal and broke it with a soft crack. The parchment unrolled and Lupin read carefully, stopped with his mouth open and reread the missive again. "So? What does it say? Lupin! What does it say?" He finally demanded impatiently.

"Well, first of all it is from Australia as the eagle implied. From a person called Sandy Solstein who openly confesses she is a Squib and hopes she can muster enough power to address the letter properly. - Obviously she did. - Is your middle name really Ibrim? Severus Ibrim Snape, I like it!"

"Keep your mind on track there Lupin," Severus said firmly as Remus put his initials together and giggled. "Don't say it! Do Not Say It - if you value your life!" He threatened waving the fork like a weapon or a wand.

"Yes, I can see why it would not be popular Sis." Remus teased and laughed aloud as he heard Snape's teeth grind together. "Alright, no more teasing. Shall I just read it to you without the editorial remarks?"

'Dear Mr Snape

My name is Sandy Solstein and I am a Squib so I hope this letter arrives with you in good condition, or at all. I am penning this for my good friend and neighbour Lachrima Druid who unfortunately died last week. She and her husband were burned to death when fire ran wild across the highlands and cornered them in their shed. She had left her wand in the house and could not accio it in time to save herself or her husband. There was not sign of foul play, I must assure you, and just sheer bad luck.

When Lacky first moved into the area and discovered I was probably the most magical person in the district, which isn't saying much, she gave me the honoured post of Secrets Keeper, not the full, magical version but the Muggle version which is called 'Executor'. In the packet of charms she left with me was this pre-addressed parchment and instructions to give it to the eagle if anything went wrong. So, something has gone very wrong and now there is no-one left to take charge of Angel and Linus. They are five and have already manifest wishcraft which is even more powerful than my full powers. As their closest known, living relative, I must pass the guardianship of the twins to you as soon as possible.......'

Remus' smooth voice trailed off as the sense of what he was reading took on a tangible presence in the room. He lifted his eyes to stare at Severus who was staring back with his mouth hanging open. "We are granted the guardianship of five year old twins? Oh my, now that is a piece of news indeed!"

"There must be some mistake! Lachrima Druid wouldn't be so stupid as to get herself killed like that! Would she? She's a Durmstang for Merlin's sake; she wouldn't be seen in public without her wand, would she? Severus added plaintitively.

"If she'd been living like a Muggle, perhaps she would get a little careless, who knows? But Sev, twins! Children, little children, and you are to be their guardian."

"No! No, no, no, not possible! No!"


"No! What do I know about children? Nothing! I hate children! Albus! Do something!" The smooth, dark tones rose into a wail, causing half the staff to crack up and the rest to hide their heads as the cool, snide, self contained Professor Snape lost the plot and had a panic attack in the middle of the staff room.

"Now Severus, you have been dealing with children all your life, how can you say you hate them?" Albus Dumbledore asked with wide eyed surprise which caused even more giggles amongst his staff.

"He only likes them boiled," someone muttered under their breath.

Snape snapped out of his blue funk and glared down his nose in the directions of Mesdames Hooch and Pomfrey. "Small children are not within the sphere of my experience and I prefer my children marinaded in potions then fried!" He retaliated grimly, making Remus snigger.

Minerva McGonagall cleared her throat slightly and turned to watch as Snape paced in agitation. "Albus and I have discussed the situation and we feel a set of twins will not be too much of a burden on the school. After weighing the impact of the children against your value to the school, Severus, we feel a larger set of quarters will be most necessary as we cannot afford to lose your expertise. Family commitments are of course more important than work commitments and must be accommodated." After her formal speech she grinned in unholy glee. "Besides, the evil Professor Snape playing nanny to a pair of twins would be a sight too delicious to be missed." She giggled aloud as Severus bared his teeth and stuck two fingers up at her. "Er, there is one situation that might be relevant....." She cleared her throat and had the grace to look uncomfortable for a second. "Severus, I have known you since you were eleven years old, and you too Remus. How you both conduct yourselves is of no concern to us but for a child, there should be no ambiguity. Either you are a couple or you are not. Which one you choose to present is entirely up to you but you should make your situation clear in both your minds before the children arrive."

Remus froze like a deer caught in a lumos spell while Severus stiffened and his worried expression was consumed by a sneer that twisted his lip and a glare that could have melted paint at fifty metres. For a long second the fascinated audience thought the Potions Master was about to draw his wand but some vague hint of common sense prevailed and he flung himself out of the room in a royal snit.

"Oh dear I'm sorry Re...." Minerva began but Remus had faded away like his alter ego, the wolf. "That did not go well," she remarked sadly to the headmaster.

"But it had to be said," Albus murmured as he patted the hand Minerva clutched at his sleeve. "Both Severus and Remus need to come to terms with each other and their situation; they have - issues - they need to address."

"What issues?" Professor Trelawney asked in confusion. "They are soul mates and perfectly suited. Both being men, there will be no issue from the union, which is a pity since their children would shake the world, but apart from that, they are a wonderful match."

"Does the words 'werewolf' and 'ex-death-eater' mean anything to you Sibyl?" Professor Flitwick asked shrewdly.

"Oh, is that all? It is extraneous; not at all important in the cosmic scheme of things."

"Right." Minerva agreed, rolling her eyes.


"How dare they!" Severus muttered darkly, under his breath as he stalked down the halls. Even Flitch and Mrs Norris chose the better part of valour as statues shivered and paintings vibrated against the stone in the wake of Snape's passing. He stalked down to the dungeon in a fury and slammed open the door of his private quarters. He expected to see Remus there but the room was empty and still. Angrily, he dragged open a cupboard and snatched out a familiar square bottle, pouring himself a good three fingers of Ogden's finest. He barely tasted the fiery burn as he gulped a good mouthful and slammed the glass down onto the nearest table before pouring a second healthy glassful. It remained on the table as the minutes ticked by and Remus did not show up. "Where the Hell is that bloody man?"

He waited another three fingers of firewhiskey before slamming back out of his quarters and stalking down the hallways toward the Gryffindor tower where Remus had rooms. Two patrolling prefects, Miss Bones of Gryffindor and Mr O'Dea from Ravenclaw saw him approaching, felt the waves of fury preceding him up the corridor and ducked into an empty classroom to wait out his passing.

"Oh wow," Jenny Bones said in wide eyed amazement. "Old Snape had a temper on tonight!"

"Fifty points off Gryffindor," the snarl came back down the corridor.


"And ears like a bat," Sean couldn't help muttering in her ear. They both held their breath but the professor did not say anything else. In fact, he had turned the corner and disappeared from sight when they peered out of the doorway.

"I hope Professor Lupin will be okay." Jenny murmured as they moved carefully down the corridor in his wake. "Oh come on, surely even Ravenclaw knows Snape and Lupin are an item and have been since forever. My mother told me they were enemies the first time Professor Lupin came to Hogwarts to teach but then the war came and they became good friends and lovers then."

Sean wrinkled his brow in thought. "I'm Muggle born Jenny so I'm still coming to terms with the fact that there were two wars fought on British soil after WW2 and that gay people are just normal in the wizarding world, not bad and they are socially acceptable. Gay teachers would have been thrown out of the school if this was Muggle world."

"Aren't you glad we live in a civilised society then?" Jenny teased lightly, hooking arms with her fellow prefect and boyfriend.


Lupin's rooms were located near Gryffindor, in a staff corridor that rarely showed itself to pupils. It recognised Snape's aura, recognised the roiling black and purple of strong emotion and immediately manifest itself wide and clear so he did not hex the walls as he had last time he had been in such a foul mood. Even magically inanimate objects knew better than to fool with a Snape in a snit. Unfortunately Lupin's door was firmly locked and spelled shut or it would have opened without a qualm. Snape knocked then pounded then hammered hard on the wood but there was no answer. Furious, he drew his wand and snarled, 'alohamora'. The door quivered then the spell shattered under the force of the will behind the words and slammed back against the stops.

Remus' quarters were bright and cheerful in comparison to Snape's dungeon abode. Tall windows curtained in Gryffindor red and gold let the late evening sun in to warm the grey flagstones. Rugs of rich colours and interesting weave covered a lot of the floor, one particularly thick and inviting one laid out before the hearth. It was flanked by two wing chairs, red leather, deep and soft with tapestried cushions to invite the weary to rest before the fire that blazed in the hearth.

Snape stalked forward and glanced left, knowing which chair was Lupin's favourite and sure enough, he was curled in a small ball, scrunched in the corner, clutching a cushion to his chest like a shield. Impatience and anger faded as Snape surveyed the huddle of misery; watching slight shoulders heave in the aftermath of what must have been a sobbing session. "Don't you know it is a waste of time and energy to cry?" He remarked although his tone was a lot gentler than any would have given credit for.

"I'm sorry Sev but some of us don't have your ability to morph any known emotion into raw power." Remus murmured his usually soft voice rough and jerky.

"It's a talent," Severus acknowledged his mild thrust with a slight smile. "Now why did you run off and hide? Surely you are not going to let a set of old tabbies cause you such anguish? Besides, Minerva means well but she can't help trying to pair everyone off."

"And that's just it Severus, how could she pair us off? Merlin help us, your family would go spare, to put it very mildly!"

Severus drew back his head in surprise. "Explain," he commanded harshly.

Remus sighed and put down the cushion, facing Severus with a sadly resigned smile. "Severus," he began gently. "You are a pureblood and a well respected member of the community. You have published five books in your own name and I don't know how many papers. You have personally created and patented half a dozen new and very effective potions which are widely used in the world of medicine. This includes the only known agent for assisting those who have undergone the Cruciatus curse to manage to regain the use of their muscles without tremors. Even those who are so far gone as to be mind-broken are helped by the potion. You are from a pure blood family and are respected by your peers throughout the world. And what am I? A dark creature who needs a license to even travel around the country, never mind a permit to leave the country. I am distrusted wherever I go and only allowed to teach here at Hogwarts because of the inherent magic and your Wolfsbane potion. How can Minerva even think that we could have anything permanent?" He sighed miserably.

"That is the biggest load of thestral shite I have ever been privileged to hear." Severus said evenly, expressionlessly before throwing himself into the opposite chair and glaring at his friend and lover. "Oh yes, I have the respect and fear of all the students and ex-students around the traps but you have their love. I might be one of the greatest potions brewers in the world at this time but I am still referred to as that 'greasy git' in every common room in this school, except maybe Slytherin where I am fondly known as that 'bastard old bat'. I can guarantee that, if it came down to picking one for the other, you would be first and foremost of all. As for my precious pure blood family, let me tell you a few home truths! Half my mother's sides are damned vampires, yes, Children of the Night, Dark Creatures, and on my father's side they are either drooling idiots or ineffective Squibs. Inbreeding is what is killing the pure blood families and my lot are a classic case. So, if you insist on having a dog license instead of a marriage license I think you had better consider very carefully what you are getting into before you drown in self pity."

Remus almost laughed to hear Severus' well respected family carved up like that. "Oh Sev, they aren't that bad, really, now admit it. Besides, one of my main drawbacks is that I am ruled by the moon and for one day a month I have fangs and fur, makes PMT look like a mild case of pique. And you know you are frightened of me when I am a werewolf. For Merlin's sake I nearly killed you twice."

"That was Black's fault, not yours and besides, I seem to remember seeing a certain wolf rip out the throat of a Death Eater who was about to Avada Kedavra me one dark and clammy night during the war. Remus, you were as much a hero of that war as anyone and you were given the Order of Merlin Second Class for your part in defeating Voldemort but do you mention that in your catalogue of pluses and minuses? Oh no! And as for PMT, my mother is a bloody vampire, so don't try to tell me what PMT is all about!" He stuck his nose in the air and crossed his arms with a finality that brooked no argument.

Unfolding from his chair, Remus rose and went to kneel beside Severus' chair and laid his head on his knee. Severus wove his fingers through the short tobacco brown curls and stroked them back from his temple. "We are a pair of idiots, really, aren't we?" Remus asked gently, and then chuckled slightly. "Your mother is not really a vampire, is she now?"

Sheepish and Severus Snape did not go well together but he did his best to look contrite. "No, not really - my great Grandmother was the vampire but there are still a few inherited traits. Although I am not sunlight intolerant, I prefer dull days and I do not require blood for sustenance but I do have periods when blue steak is my preferred meal. Oh, and I have really good teeth!"

Laughing aloud, Lupin rose and settled himself on Snape's lap, laying his head on one broad and slightly bony shoulder. "Okay, you are a bad, bad man! So, what are we going to do about these children?"

"Let's finish this discussion first. I propose we register a pair bond with the Wizengamot tomorrow and...."

"Severus! What about your reputation? It will be..."

"Oh hush up, who gives a toss? I lo.... Lo... I choose you."

"Severus Ibrim Snape! You can't even say it and yet you offer a pair bond just like that!" Remus half teased uneasily. "If you can't even say you love me, how long do you think the bonding will last before the strain kills it?"

"Words! Superficial and intransient, what do words count against actions? I hope I show you how much I love you by my actions rather than insubstantial and unsubstantiated words."

The small frown of worry pulling at Remus' brows melted into a radiant smile of sheer joy, lighting up his face and causing Snape to smile slightly too. It was the little, silly things that pleased Lupin so much. "As I was saying," Snape continued blithely. "We register our bond tomorrow then try and discover what arrangements this Sandy Solstein might have made to bring the children here or if we have to travel there to get them."

"Australia? I don't know if I would be allowed to travel to Australia, they have some pretty strict animal importation laws," Remus mused then yelped when Severus slapped him hard.

"You are NOT an animal! Damn it Lupin! Don't start that shite again or I'll hex you into next week, I swear!"

"Ouch! Don't hit, you big bully or I'll give you such a nip! Look Sev, although I know you refuse to even consider it, there are consequences attached to being paired with a werewolf and the sooner you get used to the idea the better for both of us; preferably before you follow through on your quixotic idea to register a bond."

About to blast him, Snape stopped open mouthed. "Don't you want to bond with me? I-I never considered that. How rude of me not to..... Ouch!" It was his turn to yelp as Remus slapped him across the arm.

"Enough. Tell me about Lachrima Druid and how she ended up in Australia?"

"Lachrima is or was my cousin, daughter of my mother's sister. She was a couple of years ahead of me at school but was in Durmstang not here at Hogwarts. When she came home she was all Continental and interesting, and the rest of the cousins thought she was just it. There was a huge party for her and her parents announced they were arranging for her to marry Carisiman Moore of the Moores, a very old and established family indeed. However, I caught Lachrima sneaking out of the house three days later in the dead of night. She had her wand and a few bits and pieces stuffed in her pockets and nothing else. Lachrima was not the most powerful witch in the family but she was determined to get away, as far away as possible from Carisiman who had a terrible reputation for being dead bent. He was one of Riddle's cronies and if Tom Riddle hadn't Avadad him a few months after Lachrima got away, I think we would have had Lord Moore to deal with instead of Lord Voldemort."

"That bad?" Remus asked in surprise.

"As nasty as Voldemort but not as smart, I don't think. Anyway, I helped Lachrima escape, gave her access to my Gringott's account and made sure she had a few booster potions to keep her magic high, I was good at potions even as a little kid so it wasn't hard. I knew she'd gone out of the country but it wasn't for a further six months before I got a note via Gringott's to tell me she was safe and well and going to disappear in Australia. And that was the last I heard of her until today."

"Obviously she remembers you fondly, as she has willed her children to your care." Remus mused as he idly unfastened the buttons at the top of Sev's robes allowing access to the sallow skin over his collarbones. "Have you any ideas how a self confessed Squib might go about transporting small children half way around the world?"

"Perhaps we should consider a cage? Oh, all right, not by apparation, that's pretty clear. Perhaps a portkey would be better? But she is a Squib and may need help activating a portkey in the first place." Severus obligingly leaned forward as Remus pulled his shirt free of his pants and slid robes and shirt off his arms. "Damn! I don't know Remus. Is there a Muggle way of travelling that far, do you know?"

Remus looked up from his contemplation of Sev's newly revealed chest and ran an appreciative hand over the smooth, hairless skin before looking up. "Hummm, yes there is. It's called an aeroplane, a machine that flies through the air with people inside it."

"Doesn't sound very safe to me," Severus mused then drew a sharp breath as Remus bent to flick a nipple with his long, clever tongue. "Here, how did you get me out of my clothes?"

"It is just a talent of mine. You talk too much lover."


Albus Dumbledore smiled benignly at the two men seated across the desk from him. "I would be honoured to register your pair bond with the Wizengamot Severus, Remus. Have you said your vows to each other yet? Is it going to be a private ceremony or would you agree to a public reception? I'm sure your friends here at Hogwarts would like to honour the occasion in some way? Have you informed your family yet, Severus, Remus?"

"I didn't know you had family Remus?" Severus said curiously.

"Not much, a few distant cousins and of course Harry....."

"Potter, but, but he is not....."

"He was Sirius' Godson, James and Lily's son and is my defacto nephew even now. I would like Harry and Ginny here but I am willing to forego if you would be too uncomfortable." Remus assured him softly.

Snape sighed deeply and grimaced as Albus' eyes twinkled madly at him from across the desk. "What are you laughing at?" He demanded in surly tones. "So now we have half the... All the staff, the Potter menagerie, which usually means the Weasley menagerie is not far behind, and the Malfoys and their motley crew too, I assume. Oh Gods, it's turning into a three ring circus! And do not even hint that any of my disreputable cousins and uncles should be invited, never mind my aunts! No Remus, there I must very firmly draw the line! Potters Weasleys and Malfoys, NO ONE ELSE!"

"Yes Severus," Remus agreed demurely. "I hope... I hope it will be alright Headmaster? We thought we might try and fit the ceremony in before we try to locate the children, or at least find out when they will be coming into the country and their arrival time."

Dumbledore smiled benignly. "If you are both happy to hold the service here at the school, we can have it this evening and perhaps hold a small reception this weekend. It is a Hogsmeade weekend and most of the children will be out so it will not be so crowded. That way you can be paired and still have time to find the children without trying to rush everything in a jumble."

"Tomorrow." Severus said firmly. "The service will be tomorrow evening at sunset, near the lake."

Remus blinked then smiled at such decisiveness, doing a quick calculation on his fingers and realising they would have the Monday and Tuesday uncluttered then Wednesday was the first of the full moon. "Tomorrow at the lake it is."


It had been a very peculiar day, Remus decided, rushing into his rooms and striping as he went. At breakfast there had been half a dozen owls each bearing cards and notes from people he hadn't heard from in years, all wishing him much happiness. He noted Severus had a few too, and a howler which he simply hexed into oblivion before it could start with a curled lip, causing half the student body to laugh and the other half to flinch in terror. Severus rarely took out his wand but when he did he was truly terrifying.

Then in class, his seventh years had presented him with a beautiful gift set of Old Ogden's Fire Whiskey in a crystal decanter with six perfectly facetted glasses to match. "We know we're not supposed to know but we do wish you all happiness Professor," Selena Moiranis had said gently, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. "He had better be good to you, or else!" She added in a whisper and he had blushed vividly.

And so it had gone all day, each class giving a gift and best wishes, the rumours washing down the corridors on the breeze, wafted along by the ghosts who were equally joined in giving best wishes, except Peeves of course, who emptied a downspout on his head most rudely. He was still feeling a little stagnant as he ducked into the bathroom and flipped on the shower, tearing off his slightly damp clothes in a mad hurry. Severus would kill him if he was late, he was sure!

Dying himself roughly, he spared a brief glance in the mirror and sighed. He was no prize to give to anyone; battle scarred, greying and not particularly fit looking. At least he still had his own hair, no spell maintaining the unruly curls, even if they were winged in grey these days. "And what would you expect from a fifty year old werewolf? A boy's youth and beauty?" He chided himself as he exited the bathroom and flung open the wardrobe door to survey his meagre wardrobe miserably. Sad as it seemed, he didn't have a thing to wear that was good enough to honour Severus. After all the lean years of hand to mouth existence, he tended to hoard any money he made and clothes were not a priority. Sighing, he pulled out his plain black slacks and turned to get his wand to spruce them up and stopped in surprise.

Draped carefully over a wire frame was the most exquisite set of robes Remus had ever seen. Soft folds of rich Gryffindor red velvet embroidered with gold silk threads made up the outer robes, a waistcoat in golden silk embroidered with red threads went under them. Black linen trousers and a black silk shirt were hung on a separate hanger and there were even soft black underpants and black hose. Sitting demurely side by side were a pair of soft black leather loafers in the style he preferred, a box containing shirt studs and cuff links balanced on the toes. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble for him he decided as he stroked the superb material with a reverent touch, but who? Finally, tucked into the stud box he found a small twist of parchment and opened it eagerly.

Dear Remus

To honour this most special of days, allow us to stand in loco parentis and present you with an appropriate trousseau. We wish you all happiness in your coming bond.

Albus and Minerva

Biting his lip to stop the trembling, Lupin arrayed himself in the finery and surveyed himself in the mirror. He could hardly believe how good he looked as he caused the mirror to show him three sixty degrees of view. Taking a deep breath, he went over to the mantle and picked up the small box containing the gift he had managed to slip away and pick up in Hogsmeade. He'd ordered it three weeks before, given the exacting specifications he wanted it made to and had planned to use it as a proposal gift later this year. He hoped Sev liked it as it was not exactly something Sev would ever choose for himself.

As soon as he left the staff corridor, he was surrounded by most of House Gryffindor, the children laughing and calling out best wishes. He knew he blushed to his hair roots as Minerva McGonagall took the lead position, Jenny Bones and Michael Reevesby, the Gryffindor prefects, flanked him while the rest of the years formed up behind the party and the whole procession set off without a rehearsal or a falter, Minerva leading the way to the outer steps leading down from Gryffindor to the courtyard. She stopped and turned to take his hands and kiss him on the cheek. "Be happy Remus dear, now off you go." She said gruffly and sent him on his way; Gryffindor well wishes ringing in his ears.

He smiled back and made his way down the path to the gates and out into the grounds. As he passed Hagrid's hut he nodded in the general direction of the now tumbled down shack. Hagrid had fallen in the war, one of his true and dear friends, and was still sadly missed by all who knew him. So many people gone and sorely missed; Tonks, Moody, Longbottom, Arthur Weasley, Bill, Fred and George Weasley, Professor Sprout, half the Bones family, the Longs, the Hampshires, Sirius of course. Merlin! Sirius, his first life partner, to whom he had pledged a lifetime, only to be cut short by a stay in Azkaban then just when they found each other again, the bloody veil at the Ministry of magic stole him away permanently. Still, he had mourned Sirius and knew in his heart that Padfoot would be happy for him this day.

He passed the rolling gardens and the towering Whomping Willow, remembering the first time he had seen them, a terrified eleven year old praying no-one would find out he was a werewolf. Knowing his cage was prepared and the way was warded but it was still a deep and dirty secret. Then he had met James, Sirius and Peter, and they had become his friends! Severus had been his friend too but Sirius had hated Severus and forced Remus to choose. At the end, it was Remus himself who had almost killed Severus and that had killed their budding friendship until Snape had staggered into 12 Grimmauld Place, more dead than alive from being tortured and hauled in by no other than Draco Malfoy. Severus and Sirius had come to a truce during the lead-up to the war, each playing their part in the Order with the grim determination of comrades in arms until Voldemort was finally defeated.

Severus had continued to put his life on the line time and again to get the information they needed to put an end to Voldemort's reign of terror. Remus had gone out again and again to persuade the werewolf packs not to join with the dark lord, and he had succeeded above all odds, winning some concessions for his brethren from the Wizengamot. By the time Harry had confronted his alter-ego and removed him from the world, they had all lost friends and family, learned bitter lessons about betrayal and picked up a thousand nicks and scars on body and soul. So here he was, fifty years old, a veteran of two wars and going to be pair bonded for the second time in his life.

He paused at the monument, knowing he had a few minutes in hand, and stroked his fingertips over the smooth marble of the plaques that honoured the dead former pupils of Hogwarts, both on the side of light and on the side of dark impartially. That had been Albus' doing, the black and the white marble monoliths, facing each other across an expanse of fireroses. He had said in his speech as he consecrated the monument that, '...There can be no brightness without shadows and no dark without light. There can be no heroes without villains and no sacrifice without cause. There can be no great deeds without great needs and there can be only one winner to write history.' If Voldemort had won, would he have been so understanding? Remus doubted it!

The sun began to touch the far hill and Remus hurried his steps, following the path to the promontory by the lake where he could see two figures waiting. The late sun touched Severus' dark head, striking blue highlights from his ink black hair. For a moment Remus thought he was wearing his traditional black then realised he was wearing the counterparts of his own new robes but made in Slytherin green and silver. He looked so regal, towering above Albus' slightly rotund figure clothed in blue and silver. Both turned to watch his approach, Albus with a twinkling eye and a paternalistic smile, Severus looking grim and supercilious as usual but with a softness in his black eyes that was not normally present.


Snape stared down at the rich robes laid out for him in his dungeon fastness, pleased with the delicacy of the embroidery and the quality of the materials. He had planned to wear his black velvet and silk dress robes but the rich green and silver appealed to something he hadn't noticed before. Was he growing vain in his old age or did he simply wish to make the best impression on Remus that was possible? After all, he had never had another person he wished to impress before, not for a very long time.

The note said the robes were a present from Albus and Minerva and it would be rather insulting not to wear them after all, he decided, as he swept the heavy outer robe over the fine silk waistcoat and did up the tiny buttons at neck and wrists. Turning back to the bed, he picked up the package of notes his students had been slipping him half the day. His Slytherins had even presented him with a silver salver engraved with the Slytherin serpent, a tastefully understated and elegant gift that had surprised him as much as pleased him. Other house students had sent him notes and cards, even those infernal Gryffindors, although they were, in some cases, just short of threats of retaliation if he hurt Remus but no less than he had expected. Being viewed with suspicion was the usual condition a spy faced and he had been a spy most of his early days.

As he left his dungeon the two Slytherin prefects fell in behind him, Andrea Goyle and Joseph Black-Fetchgood making a wedge formation as they swept down the corridor to the door of the Slytherin courtyard where the rest of the house waited to see him off. He bowed sharply to his prefects who bowed back equally sharply then took up a position of vigil on the top steps as he strode off to the lake shore. It was warm enough, the air soft with the new spring, the sun still gentle enough to be tolerated on his skin. In his pocket, he had secreted a small gift for Remus, a magically reinforced gold chain with an engraved golden disk. One side held the image of a howling wolf, the other had Remus' name in illuminated script. If held just so, the words, 'Beloved Owner of Severus Snape' could just be discerned. He hoped Remus took it in the spirit it was offered.

The promontory near the lake was perfect on days like this, catching the last of the sun while giving a panoramic view of the lake and the surrounding countryside with the Hogwarts castle framing the landscape behind. Following the path down, Snape was not particularly surprised to see Albus already there in position.

"Severus, my boy, you look splendid! I have chosen the old ceremony, I hope you don't mind. Are you ready for the commitment today represents?" Albus asked with genuine caring.

About to give a flip, off-hand answer, Snape paused then allowed the old man a rare glimpse of his inner life. "More ready than you will ever guess or know. And probably more terrified than even facing a pack of angry Death Eaters. He is so frail at times, so needy and so easily hurt. An unkind word can damage him immeasurably."

"And you can have a hurtful tongue? But you control it around Remus, I have noticed, and I think you will be surprised at just how hardy our DADA Master really is. I think you both have been short changed in the department of people to love and lean on. Because you are both so eager to find joy, you will find it in each other. Ah, here is our Remus, looking splendid too."

Both turned to watch as the shorter man approached down the path, both thinking their own thoughts as he neared. No word was spoken as Remus stepped up and took the hand Severus held out, moving to face Albus as the sun set fire to the sky. As twilight descended Albus began to read from the yellowed scroll by the light of his wand. The words were ancient, rolling Latin and seemed to take on substance as the sounds hung in the cooling air.

Severus stared down on Lupin's slightly bent head from his greater height, feeling the magic of the old words pulling things inside him he had not been aware of. They seemed to pluck feelings from deep in his heart, strip away the self deception and show him the true strength and depth of his love for the slight, self effacing man who did not quail in fear before his very worst of temper, was not ashamed to be seen with the ugly greasy potions master. Who gave freely of his support and love, never stinting or putting conditions on how much love he would give, never asking for anything but the odd kind word in return.

In turn Remus realised Snape used words and sneers to keep people away from discovering he could be hurt or reached by words and actions, that he wasn't made of stone and that a fiercely passionate soul was hidden under the grim and snarly outer façade. Only when brewing potions, did Severus Snape ever allow a small part of his inner self to show and then only for the briefest of seconds. He hid his love deep behind glib comments and a finely crafted contempt but he could not hide it from Remus any more.

As Albus finished the first part of the binding, he realised the two were deeply enmeshed in the spell he had been weaving, neither having moved since their eyes had locked. Pleased, he quietly instructed them to take left hand in left hand and right hand in right and then to repeat after him...... It took a few minutes before either man responded to his commands. Even then they both moved at a snail's pace to comply. Now the joined hands, arms and bodies formed an infinity sign, the magic flowing from one to the other in a continuous loop, growing, gathering power and manifesting itself over the joined hands.

Usually in a mere pair bonding ceremony, the magic formed a globe above the couple's joined hands, more commitment, more size, more strength, more involvement. Both Severus and Remus were too deeply involved in the spell to hold anything back and even Albus was surprised when the globe kept growing, swelling to a size big enough to enclose both participants and push Albus back, away from them. Both Remus and Severus were natural wizards, Remus as a part of nature and Severus as an in-tune user of nature's bounty through his potions. Used to drawing on free magic quite unconsciously, they did not realise the landscape was feeding them until the streamers became visible as lush green and mauve ribbons of light.

The observers on the castle steps were very impressed with the pretty light show, a very few understanding the significance. Minerva whistled silently through her teeth as the englobed couple stood perfectly still, yet their bubble roiled around them.

"I knew Severus was nearly as powerful as you Minerva but Remus? He is holding his own and adding to it." Lydia Halfpenny, professor of Herbology said with growing respect.

"Well you don't think Albus would employ a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor who was impotent, do you?" Minerva muttered back with a pleased smile. "Aren't they going to be surprised in twenty five years when their pair bond doesn't fade away?"

"Humm, it does rather seem they have underestimated each other," Filius Flitwick said slyly. "Are we making a remember-all for them? I really want to watch Severus' face when he sees how spectacular his quiet little ceremony really was."

"Now, now, no teasing the greasy git, that's my prerogative," Madam Hooch grinned gleefully. "Maybe Remus will be able to remind him to wash the potions out before he comes in to dinner in future."

"Oh look, it's finally subsiding! Come on, let's get the children back inside and leave them to their privacy. I know you take great delight in baiting Severus into a temper but remember, Remus has a fifty percent share in this contract and he is a lot more sensitive to criticism than Severus," Flitwick said, pulling his emotions together and mustering some sense.

"No he's not, Remus just shows he is hurt, Severus is just as sensitive and easily upset but he is much better at hiding his hurts by morphing them into fury and fire." Sybil Trelawney said in a slow dreamy voice. "But that is going to change, they will both grown and change together."

"Thank you Sybil!" Minerva said without her usual biting tolerance. "Now, let's get the children in for their dinner. We've arranged for the house elves to serve them in which ever set of rooms they choose to inhabit."


Still holding hands and reluctant to let go, both men leaned forward and touched lips, their first kiss as a bonded couple, light and exploratory but that didn't last as both took fire. Remus shivered in sheer delight as he folded his arms around Severus' slim torso, his fingers slipping under the outer velvet to brush against warm silk. Severus' long fingers slid into his hair, holding his head in place as the kiss deepened and his narrow tongue slid into Remus' mouth charting and reaffirming the soft willing tissues. Both shivered as the raw power they were channelling found yet another point of mingling and wound through them, pulling their souls into an even closer and more permanent bond.

Drawing back slowly, Remus looked up into Severus' hooded black eyes, noting how his carefully braided and bound hair had slithered out of the braiding and was now hanging loose and luxurious around his face as usual. Without the usual grease to protect it from potions fumes, Sev had the most amazingly soft and fine black hair, like living silk and just as hard to do anything with. Remus reached up and hooked the hank back behind Sev's ear, watching it slide down again with a fond smile.

"Waste of time," Severus commented softly and dropped a light kiss on his nose before disengaging one reluctant hand and reaching into his robes. "I have a gift for you. I.... Here, take it."

Remus grinned at the almost angry delivery and said thank you with another kiss. Flipping open the drawstring, he slid the heavy gold piece out into his hand and gasped as it glittered in the magic light. "Oh Sev, it's beautiful!" He gasped as the heavy chain slithered between his fingers, the tingle of inherent magic making his nerves shiver in pleasure.

"The chain will never break and will always fit, no matter what your shape. It has a healing potion imbued into the gold, to help reduce the pain of the change. The medallion is a protection against any who might try and harm you either magically or physically, no matter what time of the month it is."

Remus' mouth dropped open at the list of potencies instilled into the gift, turning the medallion to the light to examine the fine engraver's work. The wolf carved into one face looked so detailed he wasn't at all surprised when it turned and blinked at him, its lower jaw dropping in a canine smile. The obverse face had his name carved in it in English, Latin and Runic so everyone who saw it could read it. Remus chuckled when he realised it was a very upmarket copy of a dog license tag but then a second, shadowy inscription caught his eye and he read that carefully before raising his eyes to stare at Severus who cleared his throat nervously. "Beloved 'Owner' of Severus Snape'?" he questioned softly.

"Well, yes, well. Oh damn. Look I meant to put in partner but it just came out as, as....."

Remus cut him off with a kiss. "I love it. No chance of getting lost now, no matter where we are. I love you, you know, not just the public you, but the private you too. I too have a gift for you, not as beautiful but..."

It was Severus' turn to cut him off as he took up the offered box and flipped open the lid. He stared down at the silvery metal then up at Remus in surprise. "Silver?"

"Platinum and white gold," Remus corrected gently.

"Ah," he breathed, lifting the metal circle out and following the bas relief snake around the band until it swallowed its own tail. Magic quested from the band, snaking up his arm as the snake let go of its tail and the metal slithered up over his palm to wrap around his wrist and re-swallow its tail again. As it snugged down to fit perfectly, magic flowed out of it and literally flowed through every vein in Severus' body, absorbing into his skin and taking up residence. It was a powerful spell and Severus wasn't entirely sure he approved of the invasion.

"Relax, it is Light magic," Remus assured him softly. "It is a protection against the attack of Dark Creatures. Severus, I realise you fear me in my wolf form and this just ensures that I can never attack you, nor can any other Dark Creature, including your own relatives. If we come in peace then there is no problem but if we come with anger against you in our hearts or minds, you will be protected."

"And what of lust? Some spells do not distinguish between types of strong emotion." Severus said harshly, worried about the possible consequences to such a powerful and all pervasive spell.

"Do you trust Albus? Yes, so do I, so I had Albus cast the charm after we both made doubly sure it was the best possible one available. Believe me, I do not do this lightly but I will not have you uncomfortable in any way, not because of me."

Severus bowed his head in the face of such devotion and drew the slight man to him, enveloping him in a heartfelt embrace. "I love you too." He said softly and Remus glowed brightly before biting his lip to stop tears of joy. Severus might not understand them.

Arm in arm they walked slowly back to Hogwarts and down into the dungeon to Severus' chambers where the House elves hurriedly laid out a royal feast for two even as they approached. Tomorrow they would have to face the rest of the school and their colleagues as well as work out a number of issues they had to face but just for tonight time ceased to count and they existed in a moment of perfect accord.