Horror Action
Multiple Eras
Published: 03/18/2003
Updated: 03/18/2003
Words: 3,951
Chapters: 1
Hits: 898

Another Day


Story Summary:
A vampire child, enters Hogwarts, a demon in her mind. She's 14 and think its under control, till the visions start and the voice begins to control her. Against her will, she kills, and eventually, in that fateful potions class, is split from the demon, only to be hunted, in her beloved school.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
A vampire child, enters Hogwarts, a demon in her mind.
Author's Note:
A big thanks goes out to Nemesis Girl Returns from the polyjuice zone for beta-ing my story.


The sky was dark with the promise of rain.
At King's Cross Station, a black London cab slowly rolled to a stop. A girl inside with dark blood red hair, opened the door, and stuck her foot cautiously onto the soon-to-be damp pavement.
Satisfied she got out of the car as lightning slithered and crackled across the sky, shadows playing on her face.
Her long black trench coat fell to the ground sweeping around her feet quietly and elegantly. Slowly she swept towards the back of the taxi, and motioned with her finger for the driver to open the trunk.
With a click, the latch unlocked. Two leather-bound trunks lay beside a small pewter cauldron. The girl reached for one trunk, and heard a hiss from within the taxi cabs back seat.

Her cat, the colour of midnight, lay in its cage, hissing for her to let it get out.
Grabbing the other trunk, and the cauldron, she laid them on the ground and went to fetch a cart. After doing so, she reached into the taxi, paid for the ride, snatched her bag, and slowly dragged the carrier out.
She lay the carrier on top of the trunk, and latched the cauldron onto the front as she heard the taxi driver mutter, "Lousy blooming Goths, think they're so great, can't keep 'em out of Britain, the evil buggers." She smiled, knowing he was right, but now, she was off to Scotland.

Pushing her cart she passed by some curious Muggles and made her way to the platforms nine and ten. She had reached there, along with a few other people, with assortments of things, cauldrons and animals.
She waited, and finally, and leisurely, she walked into the wall, and with a smirk, vanished.


The girl came out to a platform with a bright red steam engine, waiting for its occupants to board.
With a smile that flashed across her face, she took her dark sunglasses off that were hiding her blue eyes, and took a couple steps forward.

"September 1st," she purred. "... I hate it."

She walked towards the train and placed the sunglasses back onto her face. A maniacal laughter rang in her head.

C'mon Kittie, just once, lets scare them, show them your teeth... a voice said in the back of her head as she passed a group of 12 year olds.
"...No... Not today," she whispered passing three boys, two whom looked like bodyguards, on the rather attractive, pointed faced, blonde.
She noticed as she passed, he had gained an interested in her, not taking his grey eyes off her as he spoke with a drawl at the larger boys.

She finally found her way to the very end of the train, and stopped to stretch.
She put the carrier down, and with the greatest of ease lifted, one trunk up into the compartment door, then the second, and then the cauldron.
She went back for her carrier, with the cat in it, and found, that he was gone.

"...Cryptic?" she asked herself, her eyebrows knitted with wonderment.
Kittie.... behind you dear... the voice said again.
The girl turned, and saw the blonde boy, with her cat in his arms stroking the shiny black fur.

"That's considered theft you know," she said folding her arms across her chest.

He looked up; his grey eyes alight with mischief, and replied. "Yes I know, but he has the most beautiful eyes."

The girl sighed. "Well, thank you, But I would like my cat back." She walked over, and grabbed the cat, and held him over her shoulder, walking away; so cryptic could still see the boy.

The boy sighed, and looked at her retreating back. Then his eyes widened as the cat winked at him, as she turned into the compartment.

"...Cryptic, behave," she said stroking the cat's back. And turned into her empty compartment. She sat down by the window, directed towards the direction the blonde boy was in, watching him watch her. With a smirk, she turned her head to her cat. She sat petting him, as the heavens opened. "They should have gotten in before the weather witch got here," she whispered into her cat's ear.


The compartment door slid open as a boy with black hair, emerald eyes, wired framed glasses, and two other people behind him stared at the girl. They had quickly stopped talking.

" My god, she's paler than Malfoy!" the other boy, a redhead said to a girl with rather bushy hair.

"Shut up Ron," she whispered back, almost hissing.

The black haired boy pushed a fringe of messy hair back and sighed.
"Um... hi, my name is Harry, and you're in our usual compartment." He smiled unsurely.

"And your point is?" the girl with blood red hair replied. She slowly reached up for her sunglasses and took them off looking past the black haired boy to the redhead.

"Umm my point is..." Harry said turning around to see what she was looking at. "Is that we'd like to sit down if you don't mind, we could sit together..." he suggested.

One of the girl's eyebrows went up, her eyes looking at him. ".... Fine ok, just don't piss me off," she said putting her sunglasses away. She wove her hand out to the seats, and picking up Cryptic, who had escaped to the other side, with one hand.

With a sigh of relief, Harry sat down opposite of her, the girl beside him, leaving the red head to gawk at them like they had betrayed him.

"Sit down Ron," the girl said. "Honestly!"

'Ron' glared at her giving her a nasty look, and plopped down beside her. He crossed his arms like a young boy and pouted. "Hermione! You know I hate sitting with other people!"

"Ron your nothing but an immature..."

"Well I never... in all my... you.... you..."

The pair's squabbling filled the compartment.

Harry looked around almost blushing at their fight. "I'm sorry," he said to the girl. "They umm... like each other," he said, mouthing the last three words, behind a hand.

The girl just looked at him an odd smile on her face. She turned towards the two, as Ron now had Hermione in a headlock, a large grin on his face, while Hermione tried to get her wand. The pair had managed to back away from the seats and had stopped beside the compartment door, still fighting, Hermione, unsuccessfully did not get her wand so resorted to hitting Ron with a thick leather book called, 'Hogwarts: a History.'

The girl sighed and stood up, as the compartment door broke with the weight of the two. The wood came crashing to the ground as Ron landed on top of Hermione.

"Ron - gerroff me!" Hermione nearly screamed her voice muffled as she tried to push the boy off.

The girl crossed her arms and made her way over to them with two strides, followed very closely by Harry. Harry was grasping his head shaking it.
"What have you two done? Argh! I'm in so much trouble now!"

Ron looked up sheepishly, his eyes following the strange girl's body, he found odd her choice of foot wear; combat boots, her pants were also along the militant side as well, large black pockets, and her shirt, oh heavens, that shirt was the biggest give away of what she preferred for a life style. Gothdom. In big red letters she had Rammstein plastered across the front. Then he looked at her face. A devious smile was on it. She reached down and pulled him off the suffocating Hermione.

"Hermione! You ok?" Harry asked helping her up to her feet.
Hermione was already wearing the Hogwarts uniform, but there was no surprise there.

Harry looked back up to see the girl and Ron sitting across from each other both pairs of eyes on him and Hermione, hers were filled with an odd laughter, Ron's were filled with an odd jealousy.

"You never told us your name." Hermione said using the 'reparo' spell to fix the door. She looked at her as she sat down dusting herself off.

The girl smiled. "My name, is," she paused to give an eerie effect. "Kittie Korrosive."

Ron almost found himself smiling at her name.

Hermione looked at her with warmth on her face and Harry looked at her puzzled.
"Aren't you..." he looked at her from above his glasses. "A Slytherin?"

Ron's head jerked around, and Hermione looked up.

"Why yes, in fact I am." Kitty almost laughed. "How did you know?"

"Hufflepuffs don't tend to be that cocky when they're new, and neither do Gryffindors, or Ravenclaws for that matter," Ron remarked.

Kitty raised an eyebrow as Hermione said in an annoyed tone; "Ron!" Ron made an irritated noise in his throat and shut up.

Harry looked at Kitty shyly. "Well, not a lot of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs tend to wear heavy metal band logo's."

It was Kittie's turn to be surprised. "No? They don't? What a shame," she said petting Cryptic.

Look at the red head; he's trying to delve into your mind! Look at him! He's staring! The all too familiar voice hissed again.

Kittie's head turned slowly towards him, straight faced. She stared at him.

Ron's eyes flickered towards Hermione and Harry as if asking for a plea for help.
"...What?" he asked almost paranoid. "...Why are you staring at me like that?"

Kittie's thoughts were now filled with bloody torture. She was reaching over and slowly cutting a jagged line across his forehead, blood rushing down his face. Her tongue slowly began to caress the blood stained flesh as, he looked horrified, through his blue eyes.... Kittie shook her head, clenching her eyes closed, to shake the vision away.

Ron was again repeating, "...What?"

Kittie turned her head back towards the window, and whispered. "...Nothing."


Almost an hour passed by as they sat in almost complete silence, Kittie had yet to move from her spot, she had kept so still, one might have thought she had died.

Harry and Ron conversed occasionally, and Hermione just read. Harry had noticed how Hermione and Ron avoided each other's gaze.

Finally, Kittie broke the silence. Literally. Kittie had stood up so no one had noticed, and as if on impulse, she swung her arms, clasped together towards the window shattering it. The rain was escaping into the compartment, pelting the passengers' faces.

Harry was shielding Hermione and Ron was cursing loudly, at Kittie.
"Are you bloody crazy?!?" He screamed at the calm girl. "You could have hurt somebody! Just look at your hands!"

Kittie looked down at her hands. They were throbbing, bloody and red. She giggled as a thin trickle of blood escaped from her knuckles to the floor, mixing with the rainwater.

Ron stared at her blankly. Hermione had escaped from Harry's shielding arms, and was now by the window holding her hair, and trying to perform the 'reparo' spell without being blown over by the fierce wind.

Harry had his hand on Ron's shoulders, looking Kittie directly in her eyes.

Kittie, they hate you, lead them to their death, c'mon.... look how they look at you... your mother would be horrified.... remember what this school did to your brother?
Kittie felt the compartment dissolve around her as an already too familiar scene slowly materialised, a chilling scene, forming in front of her eyes...


....A Quidditch game was under way. Her brother was a seeker for Slytherin, and Kittie was only four years old. She and her parents were invited to Hogwarts to see how her brother was doing by Professor Dumbledore.

It was a rainy day dark with heavy thick clouds. The students were holding onto their brooms, for dear life. It was almost the end of the year, and there were only three more weeks of school. It was her brother's last year at Hogwarts.

'Bye bye Michael!' Kittie had said to her brother before he took off. Her brother nodded and took to the skies.

Twenty minutes into the game, a lightning bolt shattered the sky. The light had blinded her brother, causing him to swerve and go into the stands.

He was already sick, his skin was pale and his breathing was laboured. Kittie's mother had decided to take him home, for home care.

Two days later he died from pneumonia.

Kittie was now an only child; her face was covered with a black veil, staring down at her brother's grave.

She was a child that was all too familiar with death....


Kittie was brought back to the present as a disgruntled prefect walked through the door. That prefect was none other than that blonde boy.

"Malfoy..." Ron snarled, his hands clenching out of view.

"Hello Weasley.... long time no see." He had moved out of the way to let Ron and Harry see the bodyguard-like boys behind him, cracking their giant knuckles, guffawing menacingly.

Malfoy stopped, his mouth slightly open as he spotted Kittie. "...What?!? What's she doing with you?" he demanded from Harry.

Harry looked at him sideways defying him. "She happened to be in our regular compartment, ferret boy." Kittie stood up walked towards them and out of the compartment.

Hermione looked around, jumping back and forth her hands to her mouth. "Oh no... They're going to fight... oh no... They're going fight... not again..." the last part was almost not heard as a jolt from the train made everyone look around.
"What? It's too early for us to stop - we have another half hour!" Hermione exclaimed in wonderment.

The lights flickered on and off. With one last jolt, the lights went out completely.


Hermione was sitting on the floor, her legs crossed and her chin in her hand when Kittie came back. She was walking almost too unnaturally quiet for a regular person - whilst she was gone she had changed into her robes. Kittie looked around in the compartment noticing that Malfoy and his bodyguards had left.

Cryptic noticed her first; he leapt off a seat and began to circle her legs and rub his back against them, purring loudly. Kittie picked him up and sat beside Harry.

"We'll be at Hogwarts in ten." She was scratching Cryptic behind his ear; he began to purr loudly, and closed his eyes in contentment.

Harry looked at her. He didn't say a thing and simply turned his head away.
They sat in silence for the time being.

Kittie stood up as she felt the train slow. But no one else stood. "...The train is stopping..." she said unsure if she was correct.

Ron looked at her suspiciously. "Yeah...your point is?"

He stood up and brushed by her coldly, and shuddered when he touched her. Hermione followed him, muttering goodbye, and Harry just asked if she could move. So she did, she let the tired boy through. With a smile she saw how Ron stopped and waited for them.

"Harry...are you alright? You look sick as a dog..." he said concerned to his friend.


That annoying voice in her head said over and over again trying to gain her attention.

Kittie ignored it and walked off a smile playing on her lips, and thoughts running around in her head.

(Insert song 'before I'm dead' by kidneythieves.)


Kittie was walking up the steps of Hogwarts leisurely like she owned the place.

Ron was already up the steps at the door, looking down at her. He growled and turned to Harry and Hermione. "She looks like a bloody Malfoy, strutting around the place like she owns it."

He opened the door and stormed in after Harry and Hermione, a look of pure hatred on his face.

Kittie had made it up, following a girl with a face like a pug, which she thought she heard someone call Pansy. She opened the door, and looked around her amazed at the inside her eyes alight with wonder. Walking towards the great hall, she ran her hand along the stone, the sound of laughter and talking drifted through the door. Through the doors of the Great Hall she walked towards the slowly filling Slytherin table.

Her robes sweeping the ground, elegantly and stylish, she sat down at the end, and looked around at her fellow students. With a sigh she closed her eyes. She heard him coming, she felt him coming, she smelt him coming. The Malfoy boy was back, with his bodyguards. She felt him reach out and touch her. She felt a shudder go down her spine.

"Hello Kittie... What surprised I know your name?" he smirked.

Kittie turned around. "What do you want?" she asked annoyed.

"Nothing, nothing...." he drawled and walked past to sit with Pansy.

After a couple of minutes of him sending piercing stares in her direction, Kittie heard the footsteps of a smaller person than him. A girl with brown-reddish hair, almost the same height as Kittie walked up behind her.

"Hello." She said cheerfully. "My name is Blaise... Blaise Zabini." She smiled and stuck out her hand.

Kittie shook it, an odd expression on her face. "My name is Kittie..." she replied.

Blaise smiled. "You mind if I sit down?"

Kittie shook her head. "No I don't mind."

Blaise sat down. "I um noticed your wearing gloves...why?" she asked interested.

Kittie looked around, wondering what she should say.

Oh...oh...oh...please! Please tell her, Kittie.

Kittie heard that annoying voice, she couldn't get rid of. "Oh... I'm wearing gloves because I'm cold...shuddupLucifel..." The last part she mumbled as if talking to herself.

"Excuse me?" asked Blaise confused.

"Oh nothing..."


After the Sorting Kittie was brandishing a chicken leg at Blaise. "So... if you piss off this teacher... Snape was it? You don't get house points taken away? He favours the Slytherins?"

Blaise nodded. "So... What was growing up like for you? I mean I don't think I've ever seen you before..."

Kittie looked at her oddly as Blaise asked that question. Her drumstick was half way between her mouth and the table. "Well, you want me to go into detail? It was the oddest thing in the world..."

She said putting it down, and wiping her hands off on a napkin. She took a sip of pumpkin juice and looked Blaise in the eyes. Blaise had the strangest eyes... they were a reddish brown. Kittie pushed that out of her head and began as Blaise nodded again.

"When I was born, I was a very unnatural baby, I didn't cry, I rarely slept, and I hated milk. My mother was so unsure what to do with me. Growing up, I had an older brother till I was about 4; He died in his seventh year at Hogwarts from being sick. I never showed a sign of magic, well...wizard magic, anyways. My father was a vampire, still is. You often think a vampire can't have children, well...evidently they can.

My father's name was Eric Korrosive; my mother's name was Kristine Mortician.
They had fallen in love; they are still together, yes. My father was also Michael's father, my brother being Michael.
My mother was the most amazed person when I received my Hogwarts letter, being an Auror and all she hasn't seen a magic-bearing vampire her entire career.
So, we went to Diagon alley, a place I remembered well from Michael's visits. When my mother was shopping she gave us a few galleons, sickles and knuts and we'd slip off to Knockturn alley. I often recalled from those trips a family of fiery red heads. Yes, I remember.

My mother, often to my disappointment, had to drag me away from the Magical Menagerie, when I was staring at a cat with piercing green eyes that always stared back. That cat is the Cryptic we know today." She paused taking another sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Our first stop, the day I had to go, was Ollivander's wand shop. It must have taken forty different wands before I found mine; it was a sleek, smooth thirteen-inch cedar wand with dragon heartstring. I remember the first time I held it in my hands.

'Give it a wave,' Mr Ollivander said. So a wave I gave it. Instead of destroying everything, a trail of dark blood red light sparkled behind it like a tail, twisting and turning. My face, my mother said, was alight with wonder,

My mother stood up from the chair she was in, and came over, with a smile on her face. She ruffled my hair and paid Mr Ollivander. 'Have a good day.' she said to him, and we left.

Our next stop was the bookstore. I remember that store; I so wanted to buy every book in the shop! After we left we went to a few more stores. Then we had one last stop.

Madame Malkins. My mother slipped off, while I was being measured, and minutes later, returned with an eagle owl under one arm, and that black cat under the other. I saw a playful smile on her face. She rarely smiled. We paid, and then we left.

Oh, I remember the anticipation waiting for September 1st. but all hopes were dashed, when my mother received a letter, to go to Bulgaria, and that she had to take me. I wanted ever so badly to go to Hogwarts. I remember crying as we left England. Because my mother didn't want me falling behind in magic, she sent me to Durmstrang. For 5 years I went there always wanting to go to Hogwarts.

Eventually, we moved back to England, and the reason I am in Slytherin is because of my nature."

She finished a satisfied look on her face like she had wanted nothing more to get that off her chest.

Blaise looked at her, and then looked around, scratching her elbow. "...I don't know what to say..."

Kittie looked at her. "Its okay, just wanted to say that for a while..." As the Feast had finished, Kittie stood and walked towards the great hall's door's to leave. Blaise quickly got up to follow.

The two girls became fast friends over the next week, as Kittie and Blaise, got into mischief together. One day after falling asleep on the common room couch, Kittie slept, undisturbed, or so people thought...
....she ran from the woman with blackened wings, a woman with a sickening smile on her face as Kittie knocked over the stool, her hands were covered in blood. In the blood of Draco. Tears were in her eyes. 'Stay away!' she pleaded, and repeated again, the second time more demanding. The woman was the angel that brought death like wind - Lucifel, the vampire angel. Lucifel beckoned for Kittie to join her. But...where was Ron? Ron was behind her, a look on his face to suggest he was maybe not too fond of Kittie joining, a look of terror on his face maybe...or was there even emotion? Kittie couldn't tell. Kittie felt the world blur away, like someone...was...trying...to...wake...her...
Kittie woke up groggy early, to a concerned face of Draco and Blaise; the pair had sat on the couch opposite of her, and watched her sleep. They had become worried when Kittie began to scream, about blood, lucifel, Draco, Ron and Blaise.

"Kittie, girl, you okay?" Blaise asked a fearful tone on her face.

Kittie propped herself up on her elbows and looked around. "...Tell me where I am again..."

Draco looked at her like she was insane. "...You're in the Slytherin common room...."

Kittie's eyebrows knit.

"...I am?"
