The Dark Arts
Other Canon Witch/Percy Weasley
Percy Weasley
General Character Sketch
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 07/16/2007
Updated: 07/16/2007
Words: 1,492
Chapters: 1
Hits: 408

Stagnant Oasis


Story Summary:
He did his best not to flinch when he saw his father in the hallway, his hand resting on Harry's shoulder.

Chapter 01


Percy woke that morning two hours before his alarm was due to go off. The room was still blanketed in darkness and the sound of Penelope's light breathing was the only one to be heard.

He wasn't sure if his inability to sleep was jitters about the coming day's scheduled events or if he still wasn't used to sharing a bed. He waited while his eyes adjusted to the dimness and then watched the rise and fall of Penelope's chest for a few minutes before slipping out of the bed and into the kitchen to make himself some tea.


He couldn't remember a time when he'd heard the Ministry so quiet. The usual bustle and chatter was replaced by the echoes of each of his footfalls across the marble floor of the main hall. He walked past the security desk where the night watchman was listening to the wireless. Percy thought his name might be Dalton; he'd have to double check when he got to his office. Since starting, he had made a point of learning the names of all employees with which he might come in contact. It bothered him that he couldn't remember this one.

'Mr Weasley, sir,' the guard called.

Percy stopped and turned on his heel. 'What is it?' he answered testily.

'You need to sign in, sir.'

'What do you mean sign in? I'm not a visitor you know.'

'It's after hours Mr Weasley. Everyone needs to sign in after hours,' the guard said, holding out a quill to Percy.

Percy sighed, feeling somehow put out by the request even though he knew he shouldn't. 'Oh, all right but, really, this is quite ridiculous.' He walked up to the desk and, taking the proffered quill, hastily scribbled his name down on the parchment.

'Thank you, Mr Weasley. Have a good day.'

Percy turned and walked towards the lift without another word.


After sorting through some paperwork left on his desk, Percy found himself back in the lift, this time heading down to the ninth floor. Once he arrived, he wound his way to courtroom 10. Per Mr Fudge's express instructions from yesterday, he was to ready the room for a full trial hearing.

The change in procedure and location for this particular hearing had caused quite a mess for him yesterday. Attempting to get a hold of each member of the Wizengamot so that the Minister could speak with them personally was a difficult enough task. However, having Dolores Umbridge hovering over him the entire time was enough to nearly send him into a fit. She kept hem-hemming in that way she had and correcting him on his record keeping. He had been half tempted to tell her to finish the calls herself if she was so sure he couldn't do his job properly.

He walked around the courtroom and cast an Incendio on the lamps followed by a Scourgify to the floors and benches. It had been some time since this particular courtroom had been utilized, but Mr Fudge had been insistent about using it.

After everything appeared to be in order, he walked over to the end of the front bench and laid out his parchment and quills. Once he was satisfied, he headed back to his office. Mr Fudge would be in soon and would be expecting his customary morning cup of tea.


Gathering up his extensive notes on the proceedings, Percy tried to curb his disappointment in the fact that the hearing did not go exactly as he would have expected it to. Mr Fudge had made it seem like it should have been an open and shut case, another example of Harry Potter's flagrant disregard for the rules.

He had hoped that this would be the perfect opportunity to demonstrate to his father how foolish he had been in trusting Dumbledore and the boy. Then he could apologise to Percy and things could go back to normal with his family.

'Hem hem,' coughed Umbridge, pulling Percy away from his thoughts.

'Yes, ma'am?' he said.

'Would you kindly stop daydreaming and get back to the office. You'll need you to clear the Minister's and my schedules for the rest of the day.'

Percy nodded and followed them out of the courtroom. He did his best not to flinch when he saw his father in the hallway, his hand resting on Harry's shoulder.


He was in the middle of writing out the last of the notes informing people of the Minister's need to reschedule their appointments when a dark cloak landed across his desk.

'Do something with that, will you.'

Percy looked up and was greeted by the cold, grey eyes of Lucius Malfoy. Behind him, the Minister was conferring with Rufus Scrimgeour.

'Certainly, Mr Malfoy,' he replied, attempting to sound cheerful. 'Would you like to take a seat while the Minister finishes up with Mr Scrimgeour?' he added, pointing to the chairs lined up near the window.

Lucius narrowed his eyes at Percy. 'I think I'll just wait for the Minister in his office.'

Percy tried to step between Lucius and the door. 'I don't think -'

Lucius, ignoring Percy's protest, pushed him aside and walked up to the open door. Once inside he turned and said, 'make yourself useful and bring us some tea.'


The Minister, Dolores Umbridge and Lucius Malfoy spent the better part of the morning holed up in the Minister's office. Seeing as they didn't seem to need him, Percy thought it would be a good time to grab a quick lunch down in the cafeteria.

Since it was early yet, lunch ended up being a solitary affair. Percy used the time to put some work in a report he was editing on the recent spike in reports to the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. It seemed that his father was attempting to use the report to insinuate that the activity was somehow related to Dumbledore's claims of Voldemort's return and Percy had to rewrite entire sections of the document in order to make it even half way useful to the Ministry.

As soon as he returned to the office he knocked on the Minister's door to make sure he didn't need anything from him.

'Come in,' called Mr Fudge.

Percy poked his head around the door and was surprised to see that Lucius Malfoy was still there, along with Dolores.

'Ahh, Weasley, there you are,' said Mr Fudge. We've been looking for you.'

Percy felt a bit pleased that his presence was necessary. 'Sorry, sir. I got caught up in a report and hadn't realised how long I -'

'No matter,' said Dolores, cutting him off.

Lucius, interrupting them both, stood up and walked toward the door. 'Minister, I trust you need no further input from me,' he said. 'If you don't mind, I'll leave you and your staff to your work.'

'Of course, Lucius,' said the Minister. 'It's always a pleasure to speak with you. Your thoughts on this matter were most enlightening. Be sure and say hello to Narcissa for me.'

Lucius nodded and swept out of the room.

'Now, Mr Weasley, if you'll come with me,' said Dolores. 'I'll need your assistance in drawing up some decree drafts and getting them in front of the appropriate offices for approval.'

'Yes, ma'am,' he said and followed as she exited the office.


It was nearly 9:00 PM by the time Percy arrived home. His flat was dark and it seemed that the Cooling Charm had worn off sometime during the day, leaving the interior feeling hot and stuffy.

Lighting a candle on the table, he found a note left by Penelope.


Was sorry to find you had left early this morning. Next time, wake me before you leave.

Hope all went well with the hearing.

I'm off with mum for a few days. She wanted to visit one of her sisters and insisted I come along. You know how she is, I couldn't find a good way to get out of it.

I'll owl you when I get back.


Percy sighed and put the letter back down on the table. The flat seemed too quiet when she wasn't there. He had welcomed the lack of noise and commotion when he had first moved in. He had never had a place to himself before. Even that last year at home, his mum was almost constantly checking in on him. He had found it annoying at the time, but on days like this he kind of missed having someone to look after him.

He thought about Flooing one of his mates, but he was exhausted and wasn't much up for heading out to the pub. Besides, if they were up for something they were probably already out.

With a half-hearted flick of his wand he called for the take-away menus from the kitchen and resigned himself to a quiet night alone.