Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Ginny Weasley/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Humor Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 11/26/2006
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 2,760
Chapters: 2
Hits: 6,349

Harry and Draco's Midnight Fests


Story Summary:
Title says it all. Harry and Draco start meeting up at midnight... Warnings: contains sexual content with slash and femmeslash

Chapter 01


It started out when Draco Malfoy challenged Harry Potter to a duel that night. Harry had been minding his own business and was taken completely unawares.

"What?" he said. Draco glared at him.

"I said, Potter, to meet me in the astronomy tower tonight, midnight. For a duel. Don't bring anyone with you."

And with that, he left, leaving Harry confused. Harry had memories of that time Draco had challenged him to a duel in his first year...now it was his sixth. Would he tip Harry off to Filch like last time? Or actually show up? He was deep in thought when he heard,

"Hey, mate." He looked up to see Ron hovering above him. Ron took the seat next to him and began piling food onto his plate. "Hermione went with Ginny somewhere. Said she'd be back in a few hours. Got any plans tonight?" Harry hesitated.

"Uh...yeah. I'm going to go meet up with Hagrid tonight, midnight. Didn't say what for, but...yeah..." Harry congratulated himself for thinking up a lie so fast.

"Can I go too?" Ron said.

"Uh...nah. You should get some sleep. We won't both fit under the invisibility cloak anymore." Ron nodded, showing he understood.

"Alright then...well, what do you think of Snape's homework, eh? Two rolls of parchment on the uses of unicorn hair? I tell you...." Harry drifted off and glanced at the Slytherin table, where his insides jumped when he saw Draco staring at him intently, as if waiting for answer. Harry didn't know what to do except nod, and saw as a sneer appeared on Draco's face.

At ten-thirty, Ron gave up on homework and bade Harry good-night. Harry breathed a huge sigh of relief when he left. That way he wouldn't be waiting for Harry when he came back. Harry thought of the duel he would be having, and his mind swirled with jinxes and curses to use. But, oddly, he couldn't see himself using them on Draco.

An hour later, at eleven thirty, Harry left. His wand was in his hand and his invisibility cloak over him as he exited the dormitory. He traveled to the high Astronomy tower and checked his watch. He was ten minutes early. It was really dark up there. He took off his cloak and jumped a mile when he heard the cold, drawling voice that had been haunting him all evening.

"So, Potter, showed up, have you?" Draco emerged from the shadows. Harry drew himself up.

"Yes, I have," he said coldly. He saw the smirk on Draco's face as he drew nearer. Harry went into his dueling position. Draco chuckled.

"Potter, put that thing away before you hurt yourself. I want to have a...conversation with you first." Harry hesitated, but slowly lowered his wand. A conversation about what?

"Good boy...Harry." Harry was now very confused. Had Draco just called him by his first name?

"Now, Harry, that you have put your wand away and we're both here, I want to tell you something." Harry glared at his nemesis.

"And what would that be, Draco?" He saw Draco's beautiful features light up in surprise. Then his eyes shrunk to their normal size and had laughed. Harry glared harder still. Why was he laughing? Who gave him permission to laugh?

"Oh, Harry, you are amusing. But let's stop these jokes, shall we?"

"We shall," Harry said, and before Draco could say another word, he drew his wand out and muttered a spell that sent Draco hurtling into a wall behind him. Harry pinned him there with his wand and walked close enough to them so that their noses almost touched. Draco was breathing hard, and was looking at Harry, or Harry's wand, most specifically.

"What do really you want, Draco?" Harry demanded. Draco's pale gray eyes fluttered up to Harry's face, and their eyes met. There was a pause. Then, suddenly, Draco leaned forward and kissed Harry, full on the lips. Harry gasped and it took him a moment to regain his composure before pushing Draco away from him and hurtling backwards himself. Draco slunk to the ground. He stood, and watched as Harry slowly rose, breathing hard and his wand pointing at Draco with a menacing growl on his face. Harry was so confused, he didn't know what to do. Had Draco, Draco Malfoy, son of a Death Eater just kissed him? Draco gave another smirk, and disappeared down the flight of stairs.

Harry stood there, pointing his wand at the empty doorway for quite some time before pocketing the wand and descending the stairs himself in a haze. He found himself trying to think of anything other than what had just happened. Like what he would tell Ron when he asked what Hagrid had wanted. He pushed the dirty thought out of his mind that Draco actually tasted good, and tried to think of possibilities. He decided on telling Ron that Sirius had appeared in Hagrid's fireplace because he was worried about Harry...yeah...and Hagrid had told him everything was all right but just wanted to inform Harry that Sirius sent his love.

He was distracted from his thoughts from a sound. It took him a while to figure out it was moaning. Moans of pleasure. And it sounded like a girl's. Cautiously, he leaned against the door of an empty classroom next to him and decided the moans were coming from that room. Very carefully, he opened the door and nearly fainted at what he saw. Hermione. And Ginny. And...and they were both naked and Ginny was leaning against a desk moaning because...because Hermione was between her legs and eating her out! Harry stood there, his mouth wide open, not aware of the door swinging shut behind him. Apparently Ginny and Hermione weren't, either. Ginny was grabbing Hermione's head, pushing her closer, moaning.

"Oh, Hermione....Oh, oh, oh...." Harry still couldn't move, but his thoughts were screaming all over the place.

"Oh...fuck...yeah....Hermione!..." Ginny gave a sort of a piercing scream as her hips jerked upwards, and Harry knew she was about to cum. His movements kicked into action. If they found him there...He opened the door and closed it from behind. Then he performed the strongest quieting spell on the door he knew, so others wouldn't be attracted by the noise, and locked the door so only someone on the inside could open it. Then he hurried away, aware of the huge bulge in his pants. He needed to take care of that...

At the fat lady picture, he whispered the password and entered, exhausted by what had happened to him that day. He collapsed on his favorite chair in an empty common room and checked his watch. It was one-thirty in the morning. And after Ginny had cum and they had...ahem...cleaned it up, they would probably depart back for the dormitories. Harry didn't want them to see him there. He jumped up and speed-walked to the boys' dormitories. Just when he finished changing and was drawing the curtains to the four-poster bed, he heard the door to the girls' dormitories close and knew they had returned.

The next morning, he was not surprised to find that Hermione was sleeping in. Him and Ron traveled to breakfast on their own, Harry fed Ron his story about Hagrid.

"...Sirius just wanted to see how I was doing, that's all. And Hagrid was passing on the message," Harry finished. Ron seemed satisfied by this story, and returned to his bacon. Harry was sipping a glass of juice when the owls came in. Ron gave a yawn as Harry noticed a very handsome brown one coming in their direction.

"I'm so glad it's Saturday...I'm going back to sleep...See you, mate..."

"See you..." Harry said hurriedly as he noticed the brown owl was only about ten yards away. Ron heaved himself up and slumped out of the Grreat Hall just as the owl landed beside Harry with a letter in his mouth. He took the letter away and gave the owl a bit of bacon so it would fly off. Once it did, he opened the envelope and slid out a scrap of paper that said,

Meet me in the gardens in front of the greenhouses at noon today.

A glance at Draco confirmed who sent it.

Harry didn't know if he should go that day. But how could he not? He needed to know what this was all about, he just had to. So he decided to curse Draco with the worst jinx he could think of if Draco didn't tell him that day. What was weird was that a voice in his head kept on annoying him by saying, you'll never curse Draco, Harry, give me a break. He tried to push that thought out of his mind and stuck with his plan. Until noon that day.