Multiple Eras
Published: 01/30/2002
Updated: 03/04/2002
Words: 24,725
Chapters: 6
Hits: 4,549

On Eagles Wings


Story Summary:
It's Harry Potter's second year at Hogwarts and the heir is rampaging through the school, but you think that's the only story? Mark has just started Hogwarts and after being sorted into Ravenclaw and meeting some more unusual classmates, he discovers that life in Hogwarts isn't quite as simple as he'd expected and Salazar Slytherin wasn't the only one to hide powerful secrets in Hogwarts.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Mark is here, finally at Hogwarts he, Jex, Nellie and now Sam are about to be sorted into their houses and we are going to meet most of the cast to come. There will also be very small clues as to the plot of this story so look out for them, a pixie in a bag for the first person to tell me where the clue is! (Put it in the review section).

The stern looking witch stared down at the students, most of whom had begun fidgeting uneasily in anticipation. The witch stared down through the glasses that were perched on the end of her nose and surveyed the crowd. Then with a heavily Scottish accent began to speak.
“Welcome first years to Hogwarts!” she said her face locked in a perpetual glare. “In a few moments you will go through into the great hall where you will be sorted. There are four houses in Hogwarts each with a proud history; the houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. While you are here your house will be your family. You will share a dormitory with your house and you will go to class together, as well as eat together! Your victories will earn your house points, where as any rule breaking will result in points being deducted. Now I must prepare for the sorting ceremony, wait here a few minutes!”
She turned and walked through an enormous archway into the great hall.
“Sorted? How are we sorted?” said Mark staring at Jex. Jex it appeared had no idea and seemed, by the way he was biting deep into his lip, that he was imagining something horrible. He turned to look at Nellie but she seemed to be just as worried. Sam on the other hand had immersed his head into "Hogwarts, A History" apparently searching in vain for the answer.
“I’ve heard that they make you fight a troll!” said a small girl with flaming red hair behind them.
“Nonsense!” said a boy with an impressively straight side parting. “Its all based on how much magic you know! They make you duel one of the senior kids and if you survive they put you into the appropriate house!” There were gasps of horror from several people.
“Nah they wouldn’t do that!” said Deus grinning. “The mudbloods would all end up being thrown out!” There were small giggles and several glares. Mark chose to ignore him even though he could feel a vein in his temple throbbing with anger.
“Perhaps they just pick it out of a hat?” offered Sam to Jex who had drawn blood and was now sucking at his lip in pain.
They didn’t have a chance to wait long for the door to the hall swung open and the bespectacled figure of Professor McGonagall walked back into the room.
“First years this way please!” she said still refusing to show anything more than a glare. They followed her through the archway and into an enormous hall, full of students each sat on one of the four enormous tables. In the air hung several candles fully lit and not dropping a single droplet of wax. Mark allowed himself a glimpse at the ceiling and gasped at the fact that he could see the stars looking back at him.
“Its enchanted!” prompted Sam noticing what Mark was looking at.
“Its amazing!” said Mark still staring at the sky.
“Calm down, they’re not going to be doing anything horrible to you!” said Nellie to Jex who appeared even whiter than normal.
“They might! I’ve heard stories! I heard that you have to…” But he stopped and what little colour was normally granted him ran back to his cheeks, for he had seen how you are sorted into your house. Professor McGonagall had placed a hat on the table.
“Oh!” said the boy with an abnormally straight parting in his hair. “Perhaps they do just draw the names out of a hat!”
But of course they didn’t! The hat stirred and a fold just above the brim opened into a wide mouth and it began to, against all belief, sing.
Oh one thousand years ago
Upon this very floor
Was founded noble Hogwarts
By great wizards of them four.
Bold Gryffindor who felt
That bravery was the best
Wanted noble nights of old
To try out for his test.
And Hufflepuff who worked away
Felt loyalty was true
She valued patience and vigilance
Can she ask that of you?
And Ravenclaw who held the greatest mind
Chose intelligence in all her choice
The brightest she could find
And Slytherin who was old
He followed all tradition
For him the best above the rest
Where those with great ambition.
So put me on and I will know
After its song the hat fell silent and there was a riotous applause from all of the students. Mark couldn’t help but cheer a singing hat. Professor McGonagall silenced the crowd with a glare and stood on the podium by the stool that she had set the hat upon.
“First years when I call your name you will step forward put on the hat and be sorted, once you have been sorted you will join your classmates at the appropriate house table!” She looked at them all to make sure they had understood this simple instruction the looked back down her nose at the scroll in her hand. “Avalong Mandee!” she announced, a girl with blonde hair stepped up and nervously set the hat upon her head.

The hat twitched and then screamed out to the great hall “Gryffindor!” The girl apparently relieved stood up and made her way over to the table where students in red and gold scarves cheered and clapped, a pair of identical twins with flaming red hair whistled at her.
The various students were all called up one by one to be sorted. “Badger, Linda” (Hufflepuff) until it reached the C’s.
“Cowl, Justin!” said professor McGonagall. Jex looked mortified and stepped slowly up to the stool. There were various whispers from the students as they saw his ears and unusual appearance; there were also a few snide comments from the Slytherin table. Jex sat down and the hat was placed on his head, where it sat on his ears stupidly before his ears buckled and it fell over his face. The hat twitched again and then announced to the school “Ravenclaw!” Jex got up grinned and joined a bunch of students wearing blue and bronze scarves. Mark stared as people began to go up and be sorted into the various houses.
“Mortimer, Dagrak,” said McGonagall staring at the scroll, the odd figure lumbered up to the hat and with hardly a touch on his head the hat exclaimed “Slytherin!”
“Oooh that house produces more dark wizards than any other!” said Nellie as the figure wandered off to join a table of green and silver scarved wizards.
“Davies, Sam,” continued McGonagall. Sam stepped up and gave a glance at the table that Jex had been to, he stared back at the hat and walked over to the stool. He sat down and closed his eyes as though if he was put in the wrong house he’d have blown himself up. The hat twitched and sat there for a few seconds as though tormenting him. Before shouting “Ravenclaw!” for the entire hall to hear. He got up and glanced at someone on the Ravenclaw table who was grinning more than any other, a person who looked disturbingly similar to Sam.
“Deus, Xander,” shouted McGonagall. Deus stood up and proudly walked towards the stand. The hat never even touched his head, Slytherin was the obvious choice.
Time passed and the bunch of students around them began to dwindle to a handful. Mark stood solidly by Nellie frightened of moving as though somehow this would alter his house.
“Laurentus, Nellie,” continued McGonagall. Nellie stood up and walked up to the stool. She sat there with a determined look on her face as the hat was placed over her head. In almost no time at all, the hat bellowed its decision to the hall and Nellie ran off (with a quick wink at Mark) to join the others at the Ravenclaw table.
The wait was now almost unbearable. Ostsunara Xentra (Gryffindor) His friends had gone and he was stood utterly alone, he watched as figure after figure were sorted into all the houses, before finally he heard the dread words.
“Simmons, Mark,” from McGonagall. Nervously he made his way up towards the sorting hat, ignoring the snide comments from the Slytherin table as Deus pointed out his muggle heritage. He stood on the stage and glared at the hat, it looked pathetic, he wondered how something this beaten and old could ever decide his future.

He sat down as McGonagall placed the hat over his head; it slipped down so that his eyes were hidden in the darkness. Then he felt the hat stir and a voice rang out in his head.
Hrmmm I see bravery here! it began. But there is more, I see a thirst to prove yourself, but I also see…ah a burning intellect and a thirst for knowledge. Yes I can see only one place for you! Go young Mark and join your friends and classmates, welcome to…

“Ravenclaw!” The hat shouted the last word out for all to hear!
It took Mark a moment for the information to sink in. He stood up and nearly forgot to take the hat off before walking over to the table were his friends Sam, Jex and Nellie all sat grinning at him, surrounded by a bunch of other people who all shook his hand and began jabbering loudly in his ears, he couldn’t control the grin.

They sat and watched as the last dregs of students were sorted into their houses.

“Weasley, Ginny,” sorted into “Gryffindor”.

Then finally,

“Wong Edward,” who came to join them at the Ravenclaw table. There was much talking for a few minutes as all the students began to tell everyone their family history, their favourite quidditch team and so on. Then there was a tapping on some glasses and the students all turned their attention to the head table at which all the staff were sat.

An old wizard with a long silver beard and half moon glasses stood up.

“Before we begin I’d just like to say a few words, and there I’ve just said it!” There was much laughter. “Firstly welcome all first years! A few start of term notices, first years please note that the forbidden forest is forbidden for good reason so don’t go there. Secondly I’d just like to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!” He indicated the good-looking wizard that Mark had seen in the bookshop in Diagon Alley. The wizard grinned showing off every one of his perfect teeth. There was a mixture of rapturous applause (mainly from the female population) and halfhearted clapping. The man didn’t seem to notice the halfhearted clapping and took to looking embarrassed while clearly loving every moment of it. There was a place missing however at the table, Mark noticed this and turned to Sam. Sam shook his head and beckoned to the figure he’d been glaring at earlier, the figure who looked disturbingly similar (though older) to him.
“Ere, Roger!” he screamed. The figure turned round and Mark noticed a shiny Quidditch team captain badge pinned to his robes. “Who’s missing?”

Roger looked up at the table and a grin came over his face.

“Snape bro!” he said. Sam shuddered.
“Oh I do hope he’s left!” said Sam to Mark.
“Who’s Snape?” said Mark confused.
“Head of Slytherin house and a nasty piece of work! They say he’s after the Dark Arts position since he knows a great deal about the Dark Arts! He favours his own house above all, so we’re likely to have a hard time in potions!”
Mark returned his attention to the table in front of him, where a figure with black hair and an exceptionally straight parting stood looking at him.
“Hullo!” said the figure grinning.
“Hi!” said Mark smiling.
“I’m Cicero, Cicero Shonto!” he said holding out a hand.
“Mark Simmons!” said Mark grinning and shaking Cicero’s hand.
“I’m so glad I’m in Ravenclaw aren’t you!” continued Cicero still smiling.
“Yeah! Though I must admit I didn’t know much about the houses!”
“Really? Muggle born are you?”
“Yeah!” said Mark awaiting any negative comments.
“Oh thank God!” said another voice beside him. Mark spun round to look at a bespectacled boy, with light brown hair. “I’m from a muggle family as well!”
“Really!” said Mark his spirits lifted a hundred fold. ”I’m Mark!”
“I know I overheard! I’m erm…Storm!” He looked embarrassed.
“Storm?" said Mark confused.
“Where?" said Jex looking up at the enchanted ceiling.
“No that’s my name!” corrected Storm, “My parents went on a bit of a hippy trip and named me and my sisters after weather!”
“Oh!" said Mark stifling a laugh. “So what’s your second name?”
“Breaker!" said the boy pushing his glasses back up his nose as they’d slipped when he lowered his head.
“Storm Breaker?" said Nellie, “What an unusual name!”
“I know I know, but erm talking of the unusual…erm..”
“Half-Sylph!" said Jex before Storm could finish his sentence.
“Sylph?” Storm continued to look confused.
“Sylph are magical creatures, air spirits that men find incredibly attractive, my mother disguised herself as a human and fell in love with my dad and voila me!” Jex seemed to have learnt the speech off by heart and now it came automatically.
“Oh!" said Storm obviously not even remotely more enlightened by the situation.
“Ahem!" said Dumbledore as the first years stopped talking. “Right there is only one more thing that I would like to sat to you all!”
The old man paused to add effect then raising both hands he said “Bon Appetit!” Suddenly empty tables were overrun with food, all sorts of foods. There were bowls containing large roasts, a huge chicken sat in the middle and jugs of orange pumpkin juice had materialised in front of them.
“I’ve never seen so much food!" said Jex his eyes wide and hungry.
“Me neither!" said Nellie appearing to be equally as impressed.
They didn’t need a prompting within minutes their plates were piled high with all sorts of food. Mark munched happily on roast beef and Yorkshire puddings, chicken legs and goblets of pumpkin juice, before the puddings arrived and he helped himself to a large treacle roly-poly with custard. It was heaven, and he felt somewhat ready to explode at the end of it.

They all finished their enormous meals and lay back in their seats thoroughly pleased with life. Then as if on cue the old wizard stood up waved his hands and the food was gone.
“Now after such a good meal I’m sure you students would like to get into nice warm beds, so if the prefects could be so kind as to take the first years to their common rooms. First years your belongings have already been taken up to your rooms! Goodnight and sweet dreams!”
Krow and a girl with long curly hair stood up, each of them with shiny prefect badges pinned lovingly to their robes.
“First year Ravenclaws follow me!" said Krow his chin up to add to his presence. “Stick close and try to keep up I don’t want to loose any of you!”
They followed him at a fast pace up through past the library and towards a statue of a Knight. The knight stood still then stirred to life and glared down at them all.
“Password?” it said in a raspy voice (heavily upper class).
“Cogito Ergo Sum!" said the curly haired girl. The statue bowed and stepped to one side where his shield, which had been part of the wall, swung open and revealed a room lit by blue lanterns, with a large sofa and several tables. A fire burned fiercely in front of the sofa.
“This is the Ravenclaw common room!" said Krow talking loudly over the heads of the chattering first years. “Up the stairs and to your left is the boys dormitory and for the girls the same on your right! Your stuff should already be there! Welcome to your new home, we expect a lot from you new students and maybe this year we can claim the house cup!” He didn’t seem to believe it though.
The students began to seat themselves around the common room; Mark, Sam, Nellie, Cicero and Jex stole the sofa as fast as possible. The sofa it appeared had been magically enchanted so that any number of people could sit on it and still get a nice position against the fire and be able to talk to each other easily. Mark found it strange at first but soon began to love the sofa.

They began to tell their life stories; Jex had gone on about the annoyance of his ears, which had made various people laugh. Nellie spoke about her dream to become a published author, Sam explained about his brother being Ravenclaw quidditch captain. Mark had just sat there, he had very little to say, even when Cicero exclaimed his love of music and how he could play any tune he could hear on a piano. Mark couldn’t think of anything to say, he told them about his brothers and how they used to play tricks, which caused Sam to exclaim that the Weasley twins were legendary in Hogwarts for their pranks.
Then Matt looked up and stared into the fire. He stopped.
“What’s that?” he said pointing into the fire. Cicero glared into it.
“Don’t know!” he said. “Looks like some writing…but I can’t make it out, we’ll have to wait until the fire’s gone!”
“Looks a little like Latin!" said Sam who knew these sorts of things.
“Maybe its house elf graffiti!" said Jex grinning.
“A small creature that serves rich families, and Hogwarts as well I presume!" said Nellie knowledgeably.
“Oh right, prone to graffiti are they?” asked Storm confused.
“We’d love a house elf at home!" said Jex staring at his feet.
“Yeah it would be kinda cool!” continued Cicero.
“Yeah only mega rich families have them though!" said Nellie.
“I know!" said Jex.
“Aren’t they expensive?" said Mark confused.
“No they work for nothing!”
“Slavery???" said Storm shocked.
“Not really, they like doing it, giving a house elf its freedom is what they consider the most terrible thing you can do to them!”

“How strange!”

“Only from a human point of view!" said Jex. “Many other species have different views of what’s odd! For example my mum is considered odd by the sylph species because she has fallen in love, something sylph generally don’t do!”
Mark nodded and stared back into the fire making a mental note to have a closer look at the writing in the fireplace when the fire was out. He turned his attention to a piece of paper in front of them on a table.
“Our first lesson is charms apparently, we’re in with Hufflepuff apparently!” he said.
“Oh Professor Flitwick, he’s our head of house!" said Sam knowingly.
“Really?!” He turned his attention back to the sheet. “Do you suppose he favours his students more?” he asked hopefully.
“Nah that’s a fault reserved only for Snape!” said Nellie her head now back in her journal as she began jotting down the day’s events.
“We’d best be getting some sleep, that way we can get to the library before hand to get some reading in on charms before the lesson!" said Sam as though everyone did this.
“You are kidding right?" said a horrified half-human.
“No why?”
“The lesson starts at 9 in the morning you expect us to get up early and go to the library after breakfast?”
“Well yeah!" said Sam looking as though Jex’s opinion was the most horrible thing he could think of.
“But that means getting up at 6 or seven!" said Jex, with mouth wide open.
Jex’s response was simply to stare dumbstruck at Sam.
“Are you mad?" said Cicero apparently agreeing with Jex. “I know Ravenclaws are smart, but its only Hufflepuffs who have to work that hard!”
“Well good for the Hufflepuffs then! Perhaps one of them will study with me!” Sam stood up and walked to the dormitory. “Night all then!”
He climbed the stairs and disappeared into his dormitory.
“Perhaps we did the wrong thing there!" said Nellie. “I think I’ll join him in the library!”
“Nah!" said Jex grinning. “I’ll just enchant him so he sleeps longer than he meant to and doesn’t go into the library!”
“That’s horrible!" said Cicero smiling; secretly thinking Jex’s plan was the way forwards.
“I’m only joking!” grinned Jex. Mark wasn’t so sure.
“None the less I think since its nearing eleven!” Nellie pointed at the clock. “That I will go to bed also!”
Mark looked up at the clock and started at the time.
“Dear god you're right!” He turned back to the others. “I think I’ll go to bed as well!”
“Yeah I’m off too!" said Cicero and they began to make their way up towards the dormitory. Storm and Sam followed while Jex began to pile all his timetables into his bag. Nellie grinned and then turned and walked up towards the girl’s dormitories.
Mark walked up the stairs while Cicero began to hum a song to himself that Mark didn’t recognise. He swung open the doors to the boy’s dormitories and stared in amazement at the sight before him. The beds were huge four posters with a chest of drawers besides them that already had his suitcase sat besides it. He even saw his brand new Ravenclaw robes sat besides his suitcase on a chair. He smiled; school had begun.


Mark woke up the next morning with a thick layer or sleep covering his eyes. He prised them open with extra effort and realized that he wasn’t the first up. Sam it appeared had indeed been up a while ago and his bed was carefully made, Cicero also was not there, Jex however was and was snoring loudly.
“Wake up!" said Mark prodding the half-human in the sides. “Its half past seven, we need to go get some breakfast!”
“Nursewadada…no biscuits for me auntie!" said Jex before continuing to snore. Mark wondered if there were any spells to wake people up, he opted for prodding again.
“Waaaa?" said Jex his orange eyes opening. “Waaa u wan?”
“Its time to get breakfast!" said Mark stifling a laugh at Jex’s ear, which had peeled itself back against his head.
“Erm ok OK gimme a minute!”
Mark waited as Jex ran to the showers and came back completely dry.
“Drying spell?" said Mark curious.
“Vital with hair like this!" said Jex pointing to his long white hair. Mark grinned and nodded.
“Come on then!” So they left, in the common room they found a half-asleep Nellie waiting for them.
“I thought you were going to the library with Sam!" said Mark.
“Well that was the theory, but an extra few minutes proved to be too big a temptation!” replied Nellie groggily.
“We’re off to breakfast you coming?" said Jex apparently now fully awake.
“Yeah sure, I need coffee!”
So they left the common room, the Knight waved to them as they left and they proceeded towards the great hall…where a large jar turned itself over onto Mark.
“What the?" said Mark, his muffled voice from inside the jar.
“Mwahahahahahahahahaha hello ickle firsties!" said a figure with a wicked grin and a yellow bowtie.
“Who and what the hell are you?" said Jex.
“What the hell am I? What the hell are you?" said the figure.
“That would be Peeves!" said Krow turning up behind them. “He’s the school poltergeist!” He lifted the jar from over Mark.
“Thanks!" said a grateful Mark.
“Beat it Peeves!" said Krow.
“Nah I think I wanna talk to the freak boy some more!" said Peeves looking mischievously at Jex. Jex grinned.
Mobilispectros!" said the half-human, a look of utter horror crossed Peeves face as he flew through the wall away from them.
“Impressive magic there!" said Krow to Jex.
“I’m half sylph we learn these things! Besides we had a ghost in the shop, she annoyed the hell outa me so dad taught me that spell to get rid of her!”
Krow laughed.
“Come on I’ll escort you to breakfast!”
They eventually reached the great hall where Jex’s unnatural grin doubled in size and a similar one materialised on Mark’s face. The tables were covered in breakfast foods, from crisp bacon and sausages to porridge. Nellie was simply overjoyed at the massive pot of coffee that sat there. They sat down next to Cicero and Storm who had arrived there earlier.
“Morning!" said Mark as he sat down and helped himself to a few sausages.
“FOOD!" said Jex grinning, helping himself to everything he saw.
“Anyone see Sam?” asked Mark as he bit into a heavily buttered slice of toast.
“No I think he was up at the crack of dawn, he’s probably in the library now!" said Cicero whilst chewing on a sausage.
“I’ll see if I can find him after breakfast!" said Mark. He stopped suddenly, there was a sound of flapping and he stared up to see all ceiling filling with hundreds of owls each with various packages attached to them. Mark spied Hecate flying towards him; she landed on his shoulder and held out her leg. It had a letter tied to it. He fed Hecate a piece of bacon and she nibbled his ear happily hooting at the successful delivery of her first letter. Next to Mark a golden owl landed on Jex’s shoulder, where it shimmered for a minute and then against all odds turned into a hedgehog.
“Midget!” exclaimed Jex. “What are you doing here?” The hedgehog nuzzled Jex’s cat like ears affectionately.
“That’s a hedgehog!" said a confused Storm. “Why was it an owl?”
“Dad enchants him!" said Jex as though this were normal. “When midget flies long distances he turns into an owl, it because of this!” He pointed to Midget’s collar, which shimmered slightly.
“So erm how come your hedgehog can fly?” continued an utterly bewildered Storm.
“Well he’s magic isn’t he!”
“Oh!" said Storm realizing that that was the obvious answer.
Mark grinned and turned his attention back to the letter, he instantly recognised his Dad’s handwriting. He opened it.
Hello Son!
Enjoying your day at Hogwarts? How is school met any friends?
Your mother sends her love and says if you have any problems she’ll be there in an instant. We’re not sure how much weight this owl can carry so we’re keeping this letter brief; we bought a wizarding newspaper subscription courtesy of your friend Justin’s father who we spoke to afterwards. It’s amazing the pictures move and everything!
Well I’m going to leave the letter there now!
Hope your well and speak to you soon, oh your brothers say hi.
Love Dad, Mum, John and Andy.
He smiled at the letter and scrawled a quick reply on the back saying he was fine and had made several friends and would write him a longer letter when he had the time. He watched as various people received various letters, he was secretly glad to see that Deus didn’t receive any letters. He looked up to the staff table and saw that Snape had returned, an odd looking man with sallow skin and greasy shoulder length black hair. Snape glared past them his evil looking glare directed at a boy with scruffy black hair and glasses, the famous Harry Potter Mark recalled.
“When are we going to go look for Sam then?” asked Nellie through her bowl of coffee. Mark had almost forgotten they had been down at breakfast for half and hour and their lesson would begin in another forty-five minutes.
“We’d better go now I think!" said Mark gloomily.
“But there’s more food!" said Jex looking at the black pudding with a lustful glint in his eye.
“There’ll be more at lunchtime!" said Storm laughing. “But I agree we’d best go find Sam it’s not nice to be ignored on your first day!”
So they set off towards the library in search of their friend. They passed the usual suits of armour and a disgruntled Peeves until they came to the library. They soon spied Sam sat there with an enormous pile of charms books reading away, but he was also sat with two brown haired girls. One of the seemed to be trying to look mysterious while reading a charms book, the other who could only be described as small and sprightly was energetically jotting down spell words with a ridiculous grin on her face.
“Morning Sam!" said Mark as they approached the table.
“Ah so you did decide to join us then!" said Sam grinning, he beckoned them all to sit down and they did, a couple of them grabbed some of the disused charms books from the table and began thumbing through. Mart turned his attentions to the two girls.
“Hello!” he said. “I’m Mark!”
“Morgana!" said the sprightly girl quickly. “Morgana Corby!” Mark grinned and turned his attention to the girl feigning a mysterious stance. She looked like one of those vampires in Dracula films except not as pale and without the fangs.
“Angelina!” She said in an airy voice. “Angelina Mithrandiel!”
“Oh sounds like something from "Lord of the Rings"?" said Mark stupidly.
“Lord of the what?”
“Muggle book sorry!”
“Oh you’re muggle-born! I suppose this must all be new and exciting for you!" said Morgana with a grin the size of Jex’s ears.
“Well yeah I have to admit it is new and amazing, I mean..” A grin spread across his face. “I can do magic!”
“We’ll see about that!" said a familiar mocking tone from behind them.
“Who in Merlin’s name are you?" said Angelina.
“Xander Deus!" said Deus with a malicious grin, Dagrak as normal, who appeared to be talking to his wand, followed him along with a Slytherin girl who Mark remembered was called Candice. “I’m not sure that muggles can do magic I think its just a joke!”
“If he cant do magic then he wouldn’t be here!" said Morgana irritably. “Why is it that Slytherins all feel that everything depends on who your parents are…is it that there’s nothing interesting about you?”
Deus gave her a glare, Dagrak continued talking to his wand and Candice stuck out her tongue pathetically.
“Deus…I know that name!" said Angelina. “Your father was working for you know who and got arrested didn’t he!”
Deus glare turned into a look that would, if looks could kill, have turned Angelina into a bloody stain on the wall.
“Don’t you ever speak about my father!" said Deus his head now next to hers. “If you mention him again I’ll hex you so hard you’d forget your name!”
“She’s Angelina!" said Dagrak stupidly obviously having paid no attention whatsoever to Deus’s attempt to look menacing.
“Why do I surround myself with idiots?” said Deus sarcastically.
“Candice is not an idiot!" said Dagrak with a lopsided smile and his patented vacant stare.
“Oh I wasn’t talking about her!”
“You mean you have another friend wearing an invisibility cloak?" said an amazed Dagrak as he started poking the air around him. “Where?”
Deus shook his head and without glancing at the Ravenclaws set off for whatever lesson he had next. Dagrak followed, though apparently only because he had nothing better to do and Candice stuck out her tongue again and left.
“Do you think he can come up with any better insults then to tell me my muggle lineage is stupid?" said Mark no longer particularly bothered by Deus’s attempts at insults.
“Nah, Slytherins have ambition but the brains are reserved for us!" said Nellie smiling while looking up from a book entitled Charming Ways To Charm Someone.
“Come on then we’d better get going to charms!" said Jex looking bored and refusing to pick up a book.
They left and headed towards the class.

Charms it appeared was not as interesting a lesson as they had hoped for, instead of casting magical spells across the room Professor Flitwick had spent the lesson teaching them how to hold and swing their wands.
“Swish and flick!” he said as everyone practised. Jex had tried a small banishing charm but being only a first year he didn’t even knock a mug over to his great disgust.
The lesson ended fairly quickly (much to Mark’s delight) he was really hoping that they would get started on some real magic soon. The next lesson they had was Herbology with the Slytherins and Professor Sprout.
“Oh not the Slytherins again!” moaned Nellie as they trundled towards the greenhouse.
Professor Sprout had decided that the first plants they should take care of would be simple Dryad saplings. The little seeds had tiny tufts of hair and small closed eyes; Mark could have sworn that he saw it breathing. The lesson consisted of putting them in a pot and giving them the right concentration of magical fertiliser. After Sprout had told them about how the Dryads were believed to have been tree spirits and their amazing uses in eye drops, the class had set to potting them.
“Careful there mudblood!" said Deus again. “Don’t want to infect it with your muggleness do you!”
“Is that even a word?" said Mark irritated.
“Are you calling me stupid?”

“I would never say it!" said Mark grinning.
Deus apparently didn’t like that, he took his wand out of his pocket took careful aim at Marks head, then winced in pain as a spiked tentacle wrapped around his arm.
“What exactly do you think you’rrrrre doing?" said a booming voice from behind Mark. He spun round to find himself face to face with a huge furry arm, tentacles and rows upon rows of sharp pointed teeth…