Bellatrix Lestrange Sirius Black
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/15/2003
Updated: 08/15/2003
Words: 3,107
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,094

Beyond the Veil

Hermione Black

Story Summary:
Harry, his friends, and the Order members try to get over the death of Sirius Black. While they grieve, Voldemort is back in action. Will they be able to get over their fear and grief to defeat Voldemort... once and for all?

Beyond the Veil Prologue

Chapter Summary:
Harry, his friends, and the Order members try to get over the death of Sirius Black. While they grieve, Voldemort is back in action. Will they be able to get over their fear and grief to defeat Voldemort...once and for all?
Author's Note:
To my parents, Donna and Geoff, to my friends, Christine, Lauren, Marley, Mellisa, Stacey, and Dorothie.

Beyond the Veil

Remus Lupin walked up the pathway leading to Number Four, Privet Drive. He knocked on the door and saw the now-familiar face of Vernon Dursley staring back at him. "Yes, would you be Harry's Uncle?" he asked timidly. "There is no-wait a moment, you're one of...them aren't you?" Mr. Dursley said, looking horrified. "Yes, I am," Lupin said, smiling slightly, "Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to see Harry."

"Yes..." said Harry's Uncle Vernon uncomfortably. "HARRY POTTER!!" he roared.

Harry Potter was lying on his bed, thinking about Sirius...Sirius...he had died to save him. It was all his fault that Sirius was dead...he shook his head. He heard his Uncle Vernon call him from downstairs. NOW what had he done? He walked glumly down the stairs, and was shocked to see his former Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Remus Lupin.

Professor Lupin smiled sadly. "Harry, can we step outside?" his Professor asked. Harry nodded numbly. What was Lupin doing on Privet Drive? He grabbed his coat off the golden coat hanger that hung by the door and walked out the door, with Professor Lupin following him.

"Professor...not to be rude or anything...but why the hell are you here?" asked Harry quietly. "Remus, Harry. I am no longer your teacher," he said. Harry still looked curiously at his former Professor and he added, "But I am here to...I want to talk to you." Harry gapped noiselessly at him. "How are you?" Lupin asked. Harry's green eyes filled with angry tears. What a stupid thing to ask! How was he? The closest thing to a father he had ever had was dead...and it was all his fault. How did the idiot think he was doing? However, the Professor smiled and said, "So no better than I am, then."

Harry snapped. "YOU DIDN'T MURDER SIRIUS!! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL!!!" he shouted, angry tears flowing steadily down his face. "You did not murder Sirius," Lupin said. "I just as well did," Harry muttered, and the feeling of dirtiness increased. "Don't say that," said Lupin, and Harry was started to see that Remus' honey-colored eyes were filled with tears. Harry had never seen this part of Remus. A side that could feel anguish and pain.

"Anyway, Harry, I want you to come home with me," Lupin said, "Sirius' funeral is tomorrow." Harry didn't want to go to a stupid funeral. Most of the wizarding world thought Sirius to be a mass murderer. "No one cared about Sirius, who would go besides you and ME?" Harry said sadly. "A lot of people care about Sirius: Tonks, Dumbledore, Moody, Molly, and Arthur cared," Lupin said. "Come." Harry allowed himself to be steered back to the Dursley's house, where Lupin went up the path, ordering Harry to stay where he was. Harry obeyed. Lupin came back, smiling. "You're coming with me, kid," he said happily, still puffy eyed. They mounted their broomsticks and flew off.

Over all these towns...and dawn broke. They could see Tonks...they were there. "Hi!" called Lupin. Harry just waved. He went inside Number Twelve, Grimmald Place, where he would be staying. He went over to the picture of Sirius' Mom. "What are YOU doing here?" asked Mrs. Black. "Where is my scum son?" Harry thought that someone ought to have told Sirius' Mom. "He-is-is-is..." he trailed off, saying it seemed to make it final. "Dead." He said. Then a tear came down his cheek, and Mrs. Black fainted.

He went downstairs and saw Lupin, Tonks, and Moody. "Well, Potter, lets get on with it," growled Moody. They all walked outside and Moody waved his wand. A car appeared. They all crammed in, Moody at the wheel, and Tonks in the front passenger seat. Lupin got into the backseat and Harry followed. They drove and drove and drove until at last they started to slow. They parked the car and got out.

Standing in the middle of the parking lot were: Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, Molly Weasley and her husband Arthur, along with his best friend Ron's brothers and sister, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Ginny. In front of them all was Hermione and Ron. "Oh, Harry!" Heroine said, and flung herself around his neck, crying. She whispered, "I'm so sorry, Harry..." Harry nodded. He didn't want sympathy, he just wanted this to be over. Lupin had his head on Dumbledore's shoulder and was crying uncontrollably, Tonks was trying to comfort Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, and Hermione all at once, all though Harry could tell that it was all she could do not to burst into tears. Moody was standing in a corner, his magical eye going haywire. Mr. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie kept patting Lupin on the back sadly, Fred and George were extremely quiet. Harry was shocked to see how many people had cared about Sirius. "Come along, Potter," growled Moody. Harry followed Moody and walked right into Albus Dumbledore.

"Harry," Dumbledore said, and paused, "I don't believe you know the proper way to have a funeral for an Auror?" Harry shook his head, wondering how in the world they were going to do this. "Well, what you do, is...Fawkes," he paused, "Will give you each a feather, just one." "Who?" asked Harry. "Why, I would have thought that obvious. You, Sirius' as-good-as-a-son and Remus, Sirius' only living best friend." And Harry felt, if possible, even more depressed. Harry and Lupin followed Dumbledore inside. They each took a feather as the room started to fill. "Think of the best times you have ever had with Sirius," said Dumbledore, "And close your eyes. Only concentrate on this." Harry nodded his comprehension. He looked around.

Hermione, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, and Tonks were all crying uncontrollably. Mr. Weasley was comforting his daughter and Hermione, Bill and Charlie handing Mrs. Weasley tissues, which she put absentmindedly into her pocket. Moody was just staring at Harry, Fred and George were not moving at all, both pairs of eyes closed, and Ron was looking shifty. Dumbledore was at the front of them all. Harry and Lupin both closed there eyes.

He was going to live with Sirius...leaving the Dursleys...he was laughing as George's hover charm backfired, almost hitting them both in the head with a cauldron, and Sirius blasting through the door, ready to battle to save Harry...Christmas, they were sitting in the kitchen, laughing...

Dumbledore gave a short speech, and Harry listened, not comprehending a word. He felt numb all over. He watched Lupin throw his feather into a pile of ashes, and he did the same. He gasped. Fire was rising out of the ashes...Sirius' face was in the fire...just like so many times when Harry had needed to talk to him...

"Lupin...take care of Harry for me...if something happens to me," Sirius' head said. Lupin now had tears spreading down his face.

The rest of the funeral passed very fast. All the adults gave a short speech and they left. "Why did Sirius' head say that?" Harry asked Hermione fifteen minutes later. "Well, the Aurors repeat their last wishes, don't they?" she said matter-of-factly. "Umm...if you say so..." Harry said stupidly. Ginny, Fred, George, Mrs. And Mr. Weasley, Moody, Lupin, Bill, and Charlie were silent on the way home. Hermione and Harry were silent the rest of the way home, although Hermione was crying. When they got home, Moody made them all lunch and then Harry decided to go to bed. Ron came up shortly after. The last time they had been in this room, Sirius had been alive...

"Harry?" Hermione's voice asked. Harry grunted. He didn't want to be comforted. "Okay...there's something downstairs you might want to see...it'll be gone soon...and it won't come back," she warned. Harry jumped up. Was it Sirius' ghost or something? He followed her downstairs and saw...SIRIUS.

It wasn't really Sirius, of course, but a mist. The misty clone of Sirius waved at him. "The one with the power will be born as the seventh month ends...Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," the mist said. What was it talking about? Hermione explained, "This is a Grastical. It tells things that you have heard that will be important later on in life, and only an Auror can have a Grastical." Harry reached out to the misty Grastical and touched Sirius' face. He realized he could play with Sirius...one last time...

"SIRIUS! FOLLOW ME!!" he yelled. The mist followed him onto a moss-covered sidewalk. Harry ran forward. He turned to grin at Sirius, but Sirius was at least twenty feet behind. Harry beckoned him onward, but Sirius smiled sadly, waved, and was pulled backward by some mystical force. He was going...going...gone. Sirius was gone. Harry went inside, feeling that the happy balloon that had swelled in his heart had been punctured and popped.

"Harry, did his Grastical disappear?" Hermione said, noticing that Harry was extremely disappointed. Harry nodded and slumped back upstairs.

Why had he been so stupid as to play into Voldemort's plan? If Harry was a bit smarter, Sirius would be arguing with Mrs. Weasley, or--or--or would be in an Order meeting, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione upstairs using Fred and George's extendable ears...listening into the meeting. Harry sighed and plopped back onto his bed.

"Harry, I know this is odd...but once we take Pettigrew up to the castle--" "You're free," Harry said. "Yes, but I'm...I don't know if anyone ever told you, but I'm your Godfather," Sirius informed him. "Yeah, I knew that," Harry said, curious now. "Well...your parents left me to be your guardian if--if something happened to them," Sirius said. Did Sirius mean what he thought he meant? "Are you saying--" Harry said, and Sirius interrupted, "Yes, once--once my name's cleared...if you'd like a-a different home..." Harry felt as though there were explosives going off in his stomach. "You--you mean leave the Dursley's?" Harry asked. "Of course, I knew you wouldn't want to--" Sirius trailed off. "Of course I want to leave the Dursleys' house, are you nuts?" Harry asked, his voice easily as croaky as Black's.

KNOCK! KNOCK!! Harry was angry with whoever had knocked on his bedroom door. He was brought out of his first meeting with Sirius. KNOCK! KNOCK! "All right, All right, come in!" said Harry grudgily. The door opened and Dumbledore came in, wearing an emerald-green cloak, followed by Harry's Transfiguration teacher and Head of House, Professor Mcgonnagal. "Potter--" Professor Mcgonnagal started, but Dumbledore cut in, "Everything all right, Harry?"

This was the most stupid question possible. Harry wondered why everyone kept asking him this for a split second. Then he replied angrily, "NO, EVERYTHING IS NOT ALRIGHT!!!" Professor Mcgonnagal looked like someone had slapped her, but Dumbledore's old wrinkled face stayed calm. "What is bothering you?" Dumbledore asked. Harry felt like a huge bomb had gone off in his head. WHAT WAS BOTHERING HIM? "WHAT'S BOTHERING ME?" he roared. Then in a mock-thoughtful tone, he said, "Hmm...I dunno...maybe that Sirius is DEAD?"

There. He'd said it, and Sirius had died. Sirius was gone. Sirius had deceased. The end. Good night. WHY did it have to be Sirius that died? Why couldn't it have been Luna Lovegood? Or someone else...anyone else...but not Sirius.

Harry shook his head angrily and Mcgonnagal said, "Potter, do NOT speak to Professor Dumbledore like that." She walked out, and Dumbledore followed. He put his face in his pillow and cried.

KNOCK KNOCK!!! This time Remus came in. "Harry...we all are upset, but don't tear Dumbledore apart like that," he said. "WHAT? HE'S TRYING TO MAKE ME UPSET!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" he said, before saying, "I've had just about enough." He grabbed his broomstick, opened his window, squeezed out, and flew out into the morning sun.

Chapter two

Harry had never had this strange freedom. He roamed around. Then he got back on his broomstick and flew to London, above the clouds so Muggles didn't see.

Then he entered the Leaky Cauldron and was welcomed with honor. He ignored it and walked out into the backyard. He tapped the third brick above the trash cans and watched as Diagon Alley opened up to him. First he went to Gringotts, where he took out 80 galleons, 43 sickles, and 27 knuts from his account. Then he went to Flourish and Blotts.

"Welcome!" said the Manager. "Welcome to Flourish and Blotts, home to all your school book needs--" "Yeah, Yeah," Harry interrupted. "Er-I've lost my book list at home...I-er-I'm going into my sixth year," he said. The manager looked at Harry and his eyes flickered up to his scar. He handed Harry a list and he looked down:

Sixth Years Will Need to have one of each of the following:

Standard Book of Spells, Grade Six

Advanced Transfiguration

Hogwarts, a History

(A New And Improved Copy of) One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

Harry collected the books he needed and brought them up to the front desk, paid, and walked out of the bookstore where he met--

"Hermione? Ron?" he asked. "Harry!" called Hermione happily, "We've been looking ALL OVER! Where were you? Why'd you run away from Lupin? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Trying to remember all the questions he said, "I flew to London, went into Diagon Alley, got my school books," he paused and showed her the bulging bag, "I ran away from Lupin because he was telling me off, you know what's wrong, and I'm fine." Harry wondered why he kept telling everyone he was fine. He wondered whether he had ever been LESS fine. Ron just stood in the background, silent. "Er-right then, would you like to buy your school things?" Harry asked his friends. The two of them nodded and they agreed to meet at The Leaky Cauldron for dinner.

Harry walked straight into The Leaky Cauldron and saw a copy of The Daily Prophet lying face-down on the table. He picked it up and turned it over. He stared at it, and his own face, accompanied by Dumbledore, Lupin, Tonks, the Weasley family, and Moody. They were outside Sirius' funeral. Harry studied the picture closely, and saw a beetle had come to rest in Lupin's hair.

Harry recognized the beetle, even in black and white. It was Rita Skeeter, the horrible reporter that had made Harry's life miserable when he was in his fourth year, fourteen years old. He remembered that Hermione, who was amazingly clever, had captured Rita and made her quit her job for a year. He said to himself that it hadn't been a year, and realized with a horrible jolt that the night Sirius had died, Hermione's pact with Rita was over, and she was back into business.

He was sure that Rita had come to spy. He scanned down and read:

Harry's Heartbreak: From Hero to Zero, and How It Happened

Harry Potter, also known as "The-Boy-Who-Lived" is to be arrested and tried for using an Unforgivable curse on Bellatrix Lestrange, June 22, 2003. We are shocked to say that our hero is a 'zero'. "He HAD a reason to do it," Albus Dumbledore (Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards, Order of Merlin, First Class, Wizengamot) says irritably, when asked if he had an idea of why such a good lad went bad, "Miss Lestrange murdered Sirius Black, who was playing as Harry's godfather." We found out from Black's House-Elf that Harry was coming to think of Black as a mixture of father-and-brother. Mr. Potter is to be notified tonight (July 21, 2003) of the hearing he must attend. Mr. Potter has already been to a hearing in his young life, a hearing for using Underage Sorcery twice in five years. When asked about this hearing, Mr. Percy Weasley said, "In my opinion, Potter got off on pure technicality." Some say Potter is angry, some are more kindly and think he's just sad, but the Ministry knows that he is mad. "He has been feeling twinges of Lord--thingy's emotions for a year now, as Miss Skeeter has told us. He also has gone against the rules of a beautiful and amazingly good rule-giver, Dolores Umbridge, by ordering twenty-eight students from the houses of Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Huffelpuff to learn Patronuses and other things without permission of a Ministry Member.

Harry stared at the print in front of him. He was about to tear the newspaper into two when Ron and Hermione came in. Harry waved so that they would see him, and they came over. The grin faded fast from Ron's face as he saw Harry's face glaring at him from the front page while the real Harry did the same. "Er--" Ron said nervously. Harry stuffed the paper in front of him. Hermione bent over the page with Ron. Her eyes widened as she read on. Then she snorted. "Oh pur-lease!! That is so stupid! I mean, it's the Twenty Third, and owls don't take that long to deliver if they're bewitched, and in 'Which Owl' they say that the Ministry owls are bewitched so that each 100 miles takes a minute..." she said. "But why didn't they just Apparate and tell me face to--" Harry asked, but Hermione interrupted, "Yes, I don't know why..." An owl swooped down on Harry. He gulped and read: Dear Mr. Potter,

The trio exchanged dark looks. Hermione was the first one to speak. "Harry, we've got to get you out of here. And fast." Harry nodded, numb all over. Ron grabbed Harry's arm, and the three ran into Knockturn Alley. Then they ran to a dark-arts shop, where Ron pulled out a silvery powder. He stuffed some powder into Harry's hand. Harry threw it into the Shop's fireplace, and said, "Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place!" Instantly, he was in Grimmauld Place's fireplace. His two friends appeared next to him. "Come on," whispered Hermione. They went into the lair of Sirius' former house-elf, Kreacher, and hid Harry under the covers. "Pew! Ugh! Its smells in here!" said Harry's muffled voice. The two exchanged exasperated glances and walked out of the lair, coming face-to-face with Cornielius Fudge.

He raised his eyebrows. "Where is the Potter boy?" he asked furiously. "He's-uh-er-well, you see--" stuttered Hermione. "Wha--What she's trying to say is--well--" Ron said.

"Yes? Yes? YES?" said Fudge, eyes absolutely bulging with excitement. "He's-er-in the living room," said Hermione quickly. Fudge disappeared. "Alright. Ron, get Harry's invisibility cloak." Ron ran off and came back with the cloak. "Well, what are you waiting for? Give it to Harry!"