Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley Narcissa Malfoy Tom Riddle
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Chamber of Secrets
Published: 07/01/2003
Updated: 07/01/2003
Words: 2,736
Chapters: 1
Hits: 944

The World At Her Feet


Story Summary:
Ginny still longs for Tom Riddle but is she willing to give up her soul for him?

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
* This is Alternative Universe and I have not read Order of the Pheonix yet, so if I did something inaccurate, then sorry. This is dedicated to Bernadette, just because. It is also for Gabrielle Wood because she is so awesome. Also, put on some Kidneytheives or Orgy when you read this. It really makes a good soundtrack.*

The World at Her Feet

Part One: Opposite Opposing

Ginny never slept anymore, the long nights seemed to make Ginny more alert, more attentive. But there was no chance that she would be able to move or even get out of this bed, since her parents would be so enraged that she was not in bed. She hated the restrictions when she was at home, she was no longer a little girl but sixteen. Her body and mind were not that of the little mewing girl that she had been but a rather attractive and passionate young woman. She was tall and thin, board shaped but she did not lack any charm or beauty. Her skin was a ravishing rose color and her hair had the appearance that it was made from soft red silk. Many had said that she had looked like Molly when she was younger. She laid in the bed, she was the only one that had her own bedroom in the burrow, since she was the only girl. The pitter patter of rain made it near impossible to drift back off into the empty blackness.

Nothing had been the same since that fateful first year at Hogwarts. At first she was so taken with the idea of being at a school filled with magic and mystery but then she got wrapped into the world that she longed for most, the world that Tom had promised her. He had promised a world where everyone would know her name and would bow before her. She had been a young girl at the time but she was so entangled in the web that he had spun. Her heart ached for him to be back in her life. She was so filled with despair and loneliness.

Everyone had thought that she was fine and that everything was normal. No one had thought that there was the possibility that she might feel complete turmoil and despair since the one that she had loved perished before her eyes. She had became an actor, hiding under a mask of lies and acting as if she was fine. In her fifth year, she had even went out with famous Harry Potter. Everyone was overjoyed when that had happened, hell, she even thought that there was a possibilty that they had only wanted Potter to join the family. At that time, Ginny had thought why won't they marry him instead of her, since they had cared more about him than her.

She had drowned herself in her daydreams and her nightmares, since they had proved to be a better source of comfort than that of the daytime world. She lived in the ghost of Tom and she was happy in that shadow.

She rose up and an idea slithered into her head. She knew that there had to be a way to bring him back and no longer in the realm of the faded. She knew that someone, somewhere had the remains of the journal. She knew who that someone was. She had to have back what was rightfully hers.

She leapt out of the bed and she went to get dressed, she was heading away from the burrow and away from all this misery. She had no idea what was to happen on her journey but she knew that this was the sojourn that she had to make. She slipped on her jeans and t-shirt, just hidding the small breasts that had grown on her chest. She left a small note on the table and out she went, without a soul awoken.

Ginny walked through the dark night, the rain had stopped but the ground was sloshy underfoot and the sky had no light. She hated the fact that she was unable to apparate, since she was only a sixth year. The hoots and mutterings of animals had made Ginny a touch frightened and on edge but not enough to detract her from her mission. She was unsure if she was going to make it but her heart had made her want to travel to the ends of the earth. She knew that her heart did belong to Tom and to Tom only. She looked down over the hill and she saw her destination.

Malfoy Manor loomed in the distance, it was high and gothic, filled with spirals and darkness. She had heard about this place from her parents and heard so many rumors. This place was filled with both black magic and fairy tales. Even though a part of her despised the Malfoys throughly, she really had wanted to see what they had inside. She trudged down the hill and she prepared for the worst.

The manor was a large and sweeping place, the outside walls were made from a black wood that Ginny had no idea what type it was. The windows were opulent and on the inside blackness. Iron wrought bars blockaded the windows from the outside and shadows of plantlife from the garden framed the night. Crickets chirped in a symphony of night and Ginny never felt so alone.

She walked up to one of the windows, she nudged on it and it did not come open. She walked back for a moment and she could not believe herself at the moment, breaking and entering just to get something that may or may not be here. But she had pushed herself this far and further she must go. She pushed and pushed at the window but it would not budge. Ginny was a bit shocked when she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

She whirled around and she saw Narcissa Malfoy standing before her. She observed Narcissa and she thought that Narcissa was in fact, contrary to what her parents had said, beautiful. She was tall and graceful, translucent skin. She reminded Ginny of a swan or possibly an ice crystal.

She had a white silk nightgown on and her blonde hair was flowing and long, it too looked like the silk that she wore. Her lips were curled into a smirk and her deep silver eyes took in the sight of the youngest Weasley.

Ginny whipped out her wand and she pointed it at Narcissa, she was so frightened that Narcissa was going to kill her. She had thought about death often but she had never been this close to dying before. But then she saw that Narcissa was without wand and Ginny relaxed just a little but not enough to put all her defenses down.

"What are you doing here girl? I am surprised at the gall that you have, a Weasley at the Manor. Hell has now officially frozen over. You are in luck that I am here, if my husband was here, he would have done killed you. I am very curious, why were you trying to get into the Manor? I am pretty sure that you had not come to have a spot of tea," she said, her voice was a mixture of honey and razors.

"I have... have come come to get something...that rightfully belongs to me," Ginny studdered.

"Belongs to you dear girl? What could possibly belong to you here?"

"Tom Riddle's journal. Remember when I was a little girl and I was given the journal? I want it back."

"My question is this, how do you know that we still have it? How do you know that we did not throw it out? "

"Because it was important and you would still have something that was that important."

"Miss Weasley or do you prefer Ginny?"

"Ginny, please."

"Ginny, come inside so we can talk," Narcissa said and she turned to go back inside the Manor. Ginny followed suit.

Ginny was amazed by what she saw inside the Manor, here was everything that she had ever dreamed of in a house. The walls were made of thick and pristine green marble and Ginny swore that she saw the swirling of snakes in that marble. Rich and decadent ebony wood ran along the walls and the white carpet underfoot was soft, soft enough to make Ginny want to take off her sneakers and feel the soft plush underfoot. There were so many doors, she wondered where those doors lead to or if they lead to nowhere at all. Furniture that she knew had to date back a couple of centuries sat in corners that were more for decoration that for sitting. Candlelight flickered and yet again, Ginny knew that more than a few ghosts had to dwell here. She saw a mixture of a roses, class and elegance. She knew that the Malfoys had a better home than the Weasleys would ever had and she wanted it for herself.

Narcissa led her to the study, a room of sophistication and was filled with books upon books. There were so many in different languages and with so many different bindings. They were old and she knew that they had to contain magic secrets and dark thoughts. Candlelight glowed in the crystal chandelliar and leather sofas were placed for reading. A flute of red wine sat on the end table by one of the sofas and Beethoven played silently from some undefined place. Ginny smiled softly without Narcissa knowing, it was so typical of the Malfoys to listened to the only composer who was also a pureblooded wizard.

"I took you to the study because I was doing some late night reading," Narcissa said as she took a seat on the opposing sofa from Ginny. Ginny had taken a seat before she was even offered and yet again, Narcissa was surprised by her gall.

"I didn't know you read," Ginny said dumbfounded.

Narcissa's lips curled into a sneer and then she barked, "I simply hate the fact that the wizarding world believes that I am nothing more than some stupid cypher. Most seem to think of me as the silly and flaky wife and mother of the Malfoy men. I am much more... I am the brains behind the operation."

"Really? I never thought of you like that."

"Do not be surprised. For example, if it was not for me, Lucius would have never graduated Hogwarts. That man was far more interested in women and other pursuits than his education. If it was not for me, Draco would be nothing more than a pale imitation of a Malfoy. I am the one in charge and do not think anything less.

"Now time for you, why do you want the journal," Narcissa finished and she reclined back on to the sofa.

Ginny looked at the ground, she had never admitted to anyone before the reasons why she had wanted the journal back. If she spoke up, most would have thought she was derranged and she would have been put into St. Mungo's faster than you could say Quidditch. She had wanted the journal back because she had wanted to find a way to bring Tom back and she also wanted power. Ginny did love Tom and that was her motivation to come here but she also loved the power that Tom did give her. All those years ago, Tom had transferred some of his power to her, the ability to speak Parseltongue for example was one of the most intriguing things she had ever experienced. Ginny was not this naive innocent creature, she was a lovesick, power hungry goddess figure and she wanted it all.

"I want the journal back because I want to resurrect Tom Riddle. I am not sure how I am going to do it but I will, most definitely," Ginny said as she looked at Narcissa with utmost bravery.

"Someone wants to try it again. Tell me girl, tell me all that you have felt," Narcissa asked, there was a look of concern and interest in her eyes.

"Mrs. Malfoy, I am by and by not the Muggle-loving little girl that my father and mother makes me out to be. I am not the one that fawns over Potter or worships the ground that Dumbledore walks on. I loved Tom, I loved everything that he had given me. He had given me companionship, advice and power. He was my soulmate and I belong with him. The world belongs at his feet and I want to give that to him. Please Mrs. Malfoy...don't think that I am crazy."

"You are far from crazy, at least in my book. You have realized two things, love and power. Those are things that can motivate anyone. I am beginning to wonder if you were born to the right family or not. You are in luck, Ginny. We do have the remains to the journal and we do know how to bring him back," Narcissa smiled.

A light brightened Ginny's eyes and she wanted to hug Narcissa, even though that would have been at best awkward. "You have it, you really have it? How come you didn't try to bring Tom back?"

"Lucius had thought it best that we put it to rest, since neither one of us wanted to get caught with it. We just locked it away and just awaited the day when our Lord would arise again. Do you really want to go through with this Ginny? It is very difficult. "

"I would give my soul just to have Tom back in my life."

"Well, let me get everything then," Naricissa said as she shuffled out of the study. In no time, she came in with the inkstained remains of the journal and another dark black book. She sat the books into Ginny's lap and Ginny just waited for further instruction.

"Ginny, in order to bring Tom back, it requires a sacrifice and not just any kind. In order to bring Tom back, you must be willing to rid yourself of one thing," she was interupted.

"What would that be," Ginny asked.

"Your soul. Nothing no less can be given."

"But how can I love without a soul?"

"You can do a lot without a soul, ask my husband. The souless just have a tendency to be a little more crueler and a little less considerate. I know that he loves me and would never strays from me. You just have to ask yourself, what would you do for love," Naricissa asked as she took a sip from the wine. Her lips twinged because of the sourness.

Ginny looked at the items in her lap and she knew that she could not turn back now. She looked at Narcissa and she nodded, signaling she was ready to do what she had to do.

Ginny left Malfoy Manor without much ado, she gave Narcissa thanks and not much more since nothing more could be said. She headed to the forest, to perform what she had to perform. She had found a nice glen and the moon was shining brightly. Its waves were cooler than that of the sun. She sat the book down and opened the other one. Everything came to her at that moment, she saw flashes of her family, of her friends at Hogwarts and of all the other things that she had once held dear. She knew that none of these things mattered now and she said a silent goodbye to them all.

She read the words for the spell and was so amazed by the fact that this was in a language that she had never read in before. It was so hard and difficult, so she read over the lines many times before she had gotten it down. She was so surprised that it was so simple to do, no wands or anything that she had learned in Hogwarts, just the saying of words. She focused her mind and she readied herself to let go.

"Invocatum nocem abflomorea. Nox en lumenarum. Come forth, come forth sleeping one and take the light inside, " Ginny said with force.

She felt her body rise and rebel agianst herself, it ripped at her and tore at her. Her heart leaped in her chest and she felt the tearing and gnawing. She tore at random blades of grass and shrieked loudly, arms flailing about. All she told herself was to think of Tom, think of him and he would be here. Everything became dark and calm.

Ginny opened her eyes and before her stood the future Dark Lord, Tom Riddle.