Taking Care


Story Summary:
Severus is overstressed and does not take care of himself, so Poppy Pomfrey and Minerva McGonagall have to. SS/MM

Chapter 02 - The Great Hall


Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

I'm not a native speaker of English!

Thanks a lot to my beta-readers, saiyanwizardgurl and rdholmantx, for correcting my mistakes!

Chapter 2 - The Great Hall

It was a relief that it was Christmas holiday. Almost no students were in the castle, and that meant it was calm and peaceful. All students and teachers who remained at the castle on holiday were sitting in the Great Hall. Only Severus was missing.

When he stepped into the Great Hall, all eyes were on him. Taking a deep breath and composing himself, he walked over to the large table where all the students and teachers were seated. Normally he hated to share the table with the students, but today he hoped it would be to his benefit. Maybe the students would distract the other teachers enough that they wouldn't have a closer look at him. Glancing at the table, he realized that they had waited for him. The dishes were already served, but untouched. There were warming spells on them so the food wouldn't get cold but Severus started to feel guilty nevertheless.

The only empty seat was the one between Minerva and Flitwick. While approaching the table, he greeted the students and teachers with a curt nod. His gaze fell on Dumbledore as he sat down. He's waiting for an explanation, Severus realized.

"I didn't realize that it was already time for supper," he said simply. "I was working on the new healing potion for the Ministry, Headmaster. I apologize for making you all wait."

With this he lowered his eyes to his plate and hoped the Headmaster wouldn't start to argue with him in front of the students. He knew that the demand to come to the Great Hall was spoken through Albus' mind. So the students weren't aware about the scene in his private room. Merlin, how embarrassing would it be when the students knew about the molly-coddling of my colleagues, Severus thought.

"Now that our little round is finally complete, let us start eating," the Headmaster said cheerfully.

Severus put some light vegetables on his plate and started to eat.

"Oh, Severus, haven't you seen the wonderful roast beef?" Minerva asked to his right. "It always was one of your favourites." With that she passed the plate with the still steaming roast beef to him.

And now the stuffing of the goose will start, Severus thought and groaned inwardly. He couldn't refuse the offered beef without making them suspicious. But just thinking about eating the heavy meat made him sick. Minerva and Poppy were always eyeing him like hawks while eating. Being only forced to attend lunch he could manage to eat at least enough to not let them fuss over him. But if they knew that lunch was almost all he had been eating for the last several months, they would give him a hard time. He had no other choice than to take at least a small piece of the roast beef. Choosing the smallest one made Minerva observe him closely.

"I already ate a late breakfast this morning and still am a little full." By her look he knew this excuse didn't work well.

"Really? I will have to ask the house-elves what an amazing breakfast they made that would let you refuse your favourite dish." His face fell, and the moment it did he knew that he had given himself away. Minerva's lips were forming a thin line and that meant trouble for him. The lioness had cornered her prey and now would pounce.

From the other side of the table came another female voice: "I also would like to know what wonders these house-elves have worked this morning for you." It was Poppy and now he was definitely lost. Frantically he tried to find a way out of this situation. From the corner of his eye he could see the blue eyes of the Headmaster eyeing him over his half-moon glasses.

"Well, ladies, if you must know, I had a special breakfast with fresh rolls, several flavoured marmalades and cheese. If your curiosity is fulfilled, I would like to eat now." With this he started cutting the beef on his plate. He mentally noted to go as fast as possible after the meal to the house-elves' kitchen and order them to lie if Minerva or Poppy really would ask them about his breakfast. Of course he hadn't eaten at all.

He felt Minerva's gaze still on him when he saw her hand lower the roast beef plate. They haven't bought it at all, he thought. A meeting with the house-elves was required.

After eating one small piece of the meat he moved over to the vegetable on his plate again. His stomach was already rebelling. Waves of nausea overwhelmed him, and he felt himself starting to sweat. Thank Merlin I put the Glamour Charm on me. When his stomach refused any more, Fortuna finally showed some understanding. Neville Longbottom was not only a clumsy fool in his class, but also while eating. He had tipped over the big decanter with the pumpkin juice. The content of said decanter was now on Poppy's plate and clothes. Minerva was up in a flash and calmed the panicking Neville while Poppy was trying to dry her clothes. Severus wasn't a former Death Eater and spy for nothing. He knew exactly when to take advantage of a situation. He quickly cast a removing spell on the remaining food on his plate. He let just a small bit of vegetable remain. He glanced around and found that nobody had noticed his spell. So my chance to reach the next toilet before the meal is reacting violently with the potion in my system is very good now, he thought, satisfied. Now he just had to finish his meal with as few motions as possible. From experience he knew that any motion would start the nausea he already felt increasing and would only end with the emptying of his stomach.

When all were seated again and Poppy and the table were dry again, he started to eat the rest of his food. He already was one of the last to finish his meal, and so after a few sips of tea he addressed the headmaster again: "Albus, may I please be excused? I'm still working on the healing potion, and I would like to finish it before the evening."

"Of course, my boy. But please make sure to be in time for lunch tomorrow." There was a warning tone in his voice. Avoiding Minerva's and Poppy's eyes, Severus left the Great Hall. Now I have to be fast. Where is the nearest toilet? he frantically thought. He almost ran to reach the nearest lavatory. It cost him all his self-control to not empty his stomach on the floor on his way. He reached it just in time before he threw up.

He felt much better afterward, but unfortunately this action has caused his headache to come back. He was still sitting in front of the toilet and now started to lean his upper body against the wall. Merlin, I'm so tired. I could fell asleep right here. He suddenly went from sleepy to wide awake. have to meet the house-elves before Minerva or Poppy will speak with them. With that he stood up and just leaned against the wall again to regain his balance. His head was throbbing again, but he had to speak with the house-elves before heading down to the dungeons for another dose of his pain potion.

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