Action General
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 10/17/2003
Words: 271,259
Chapters: 55
Hits: 23,387



Story Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...``To Harry's profound horror, he actually began to love and care for the weird family...

Chapter 52

Chapter Summary:
Drake's godfather had been kidnapped and the company is currently working out to find out where Sev had been taken to. Lucius contemplates in the library and found himself looking into a memory long forgotten. Later, Voldemor was still entertaining himself with the betrayer and he wants Lucius to join him. So will Lucius do as what Voldemort tells him to do, or will he do what he thinks he should to? Read on to find out….
Author's Note:
Two more chaps to go and I'll be posting Chap. 53 and the Epilogue immediately!

~ Chapter 52: Beneath the Wings ~

Thursday, 4th July. In the Twins' Mansion.

Isaac stared at Voldemort and the wizard that was bounded with numerous chains. The twins' eyes smoldered dangerously with anger but they had managed to get the Dark Lord to think that they were merely excited by the current display. Isaac exchanged a look with his twin. Damien's brown eyes had turned to almost black, so angered and nauseated by Voldemort. He gave Isaac a look that signified, 'This man's sick in the mind'. Isaac nodded his agreement. Then he caught his brother's eyes again, mouthing Lucius's name and shaking his head, all the time looking at the bloodied, chained wizard.

Damien nodded his understanding and approached Voldemort. He whispered silkily into the Dark Lord's ear that they needed to make the preparations to welcome the Fire Master, but Voldemort was not even paying attention and the twins left the room. Isaac suddenly slammed his brother against the wall and kissed deeply. Death Eaters passed them without blinking an eye.

Make sure that Lucius stays out of harm's way or he'll be killed for sure

, Isaac said.

I'll try but I don't think we have to worry about him that much. He's probably drunk himself to stupor right now. But I wish we could do something for the other wizard

, Damien replied.

I hate to admit this, but I think our chances of achieving our goals have just been multiplied with the presence of the betrayer. Fenix won't forgive us for this and she'll probably fight us with more determination

, Isaac's thought was grim.

They broke off from the kiss and made their way into the library where Lucius had closeted himself. Narcissa was nowhere to be seen but that suited the twins just fine, because her constant chattering and flirtations drove them almost to the point of madness.

The Ancients ignored the looks of the Death Eaters as they walked past and they headed up the stairs without any interruptions. To their relief, the second landing seemed to be deserted and they walked along the corridor. The Death Eaters from the ground floor were still watching them and Damien wondered what was going through their minds. They finally reached the intersection and were about to walk along the corridor where all the functional rooms were situated, when a delightful squeal and sounds of groaning filled the corridor.

Damien suppressed his anger unsuccessfully and he fumed while Isaac stood rigidly on his feet his fists clenching and unclenching, then clenching again. "They're damn lucky that both of us will be dead by tonight. Bloody hell. Bastards. That rug cost us four times more than that bloody laptop," Isaac whispered. Disgust grew on his face as the groaning grew louder. "Maybe we should have set up some house rules before we gave them shelter. But I'm a fool to think that every one of them is more or less like Malfoy."

"Too late, bro," Damien said quietly. "But I wish we could kill some of them ourselves. I know that I want to."

"Hell. This way to the library is shorter," Isaac stared at the hallway in distaste.

"Oh no. I'm bloody well not going to walk past that goddamn opened door. They'll pull us in," Damien said firmly and tugged his brother's arm. He winked mischievously. The twins grinned before they disappeared.


A man with long white-gold hair leaned beside the window, holding a glass of plain water. Outside, the world was warmed by the benevolent light of the Sun. Wind played between the trees and the man watched a pair of birds engaged in a dance of pre-courtship. This room was his only solace, to protect himself from having to deal with the company of his own kind. The Dark Lord had thought that he was merely sulking away and wallowing in self-pity, but that was not why he had locked himself in the room.

Well, maybe he was indulging in a bit of self-pity. He remembered Voldemort's cold hand against his chest and he shuddered. He just didn't want to be involved with anyone today. Now with him out of the way, his wife was probably entertaining and flaunting herself to the others but Lucius was simply too tired to deal with his wife.

The rays of sunlight that poked through the trees pulled a memory from his mind savagely. ~ It was himself, though younger and unconcerned. He was lying on his side, his chin propped up with his hand. He was wearing his customary black trousers and a simple white turtleneck shirt. His long pale hair was swept by the gentle breeze and a lock of his white-gold hair fell across his eyes and he carelessly pushed it away, tucking the lock behind his ear. He laughed, his eyes crinkled merrily. ~

Lucius gasped, his left hand clenching on the windowsill with great pressure. He had laughed? He had given an unfeigned laugh? The memory swept him off again.

~ He listened to soft frantic footfalls and listened to the high-pitched squeals.

"Father! Father! I did it! I did it! I did it!" his son, barely five years of age, bounded up to him and crowing at the top of his lungs. In his small hands, was a small bird with Transfigured feathers. Lucius's younger self watched the bird as it was held gently by the still younger Draco.

"No more the boring black mynah," the younger Lucius had spoken, treating the younger Draco with a smile. His son chuckled with delight, his small fingers stroking black-emerald feathers. Lucius's face suddenly turned grave. "Young dragon," Lucius spoke in a very severe tone. "How many times have I told you not to drop your weapons to the ground?"

The smile quickly died from Draco's lips and it began to tremble. Draco immediately placed the bird on the ground and without another thought, the boy ran off to the spot where he had left his father's wand. The mynah paused to look at Lucius and it immediately fluttered away. Lucius did nothing to stop the bird from taking flight.

However, the mynah swooped over Draco repeatedly, tousling the boy's hair gently before it completely took off. Mingled feelings showed on the young boy. "I wanted it to stay," Draco spoke in an absent tone.

Lucius had stood up and brushed the dried leaves that clung onto his clothes. He approached his son, knelt then placed both hands on Draco's small shoulders. ~

Lucius frowned, trying to remember what he had said to his son but the memory disintegrated. The air prickled with energy and he stared around the library calmly. Someone was trying to break through his wards, to get into the library. Lucius's remaining eye widened when the twins appeared, spluttering and gasping for breath.

"Bloody freaking hell! Damn it Lucius! This is our goddamn library! Why in hell did you ward the entire place?" Damien shrieked and Isaac groaned at his twin's loud yell and the backlash that had occurred as they forced themselves to get past the wards.

Lucius was about to answer when Isaac gave his twin a light punch. "The answer's pretty obvious, you dolt!" Lucius smiled faintly at that. Isaac was still speaking. "Hell. I guess it's probably much safer if we are to just depend on our two feet to get to a place."

Lucius stared at the twins for a moment before he strengthened his wards. He thanked Merlin for small favors that since he was by far strongest in wizardry, others would fail to approach him except for Voldemort himself. His casting completed, he conjured up a pair of comfortable armchairs for the Ancients, acting as if he's the owner of the library.

"Drink?" Lucius asked in a civil tone.

"No thank you," Isaac politely declined the offer, still groaning. Lucius nodded and he went to the side table to place his own forgotten drink when he felt eyes looking at his back.

Damien was unaware that he had been staring at Lucius's profile until Isaac sent a book flying out of its shelf and smacked Damien solidly behind his head.

"OUCH!" Damien screamed for the second time, turning in his chair to glare at his twin as he massaged the tender spot.

Lucius did not know quite how to react to Damien's fascination. When he returned to their side, the twins were staring daggers at each other. As he was about to sit on another conjured up chair, Lucius found himself staring into Isaac's eyes.

"I'm surprised that you're still sober," the Ancient spoke in a sardonic voice.

Lucius made a noncommittal sound as he caught sight of the book on the floor. "So, what had made the two of you to visit your own library?" Lucius asked in a smooth voice, bending his form slightly to pick up the forgotten volume. He felt the blood rush up to his face when Damien made a soft sound of appreciation. "Please, Damien. I'm a married man."

That earned him a derisive snort and Damien replied in a peculiar flirtatious voice, "But looking won't hurt right?" The Ancient leaned back against his chair. Then he spoke in a more serious voice. "Are your wounds still hurting you?"

"They've healed. Although I don't understand why you helped me," Lucius answered, raising his arm and slid the book back to its place. Thinking about what Voldemort had done to him made his wounds ache. "Since you're here anyway, I might as well tell you that I'm fully aware of the return of the betrayer," Lucius said in a silky voice, ignoring the startled look that came from the Ancients. His expression turned bitter. "Only Bel knows how he had let himself be caught by a pair of amateurs."

"But as amateurish as the amateurs were, they got the job done," Damien answered.

Lucius stared at the twins and the twins stared back. Lucius finally took a deep breath and asked, "Why did you offer your aid to my Master? To even the odds against the Fire Master?"

Isaac raised an eyebrow at the direct question. "There's that, I agree. But at one point in our extended life, we had been Slytherins. We're also using your Master as a building block. If everything goes as we had planned."

"I don't think the Fire Master will give in to you that easily. I've met her briefly, and she could be ruthless when the situation calls for it. Might I point out to you that she is also extremely fond of the betrayer?" Lucius cautioned the Ancients.

"And that's how it should be," Damien smirked, answering Lucius's indirect question as accurately as he could.

Lucius stared at him, feeling more than stunned. His head began to pound and he slid onto the empty armchair, not taking his eyes off the twins.

Isaac stared seriously as Lucius. "Are you going to go and tell him about this?"

That snapped Lucius out of his self-induced haze and he snorted. "I had rather stayed here and start sampling on your beverages." Damien gave a soundless laugh and the library fell silent.

"What is he doing to the traitor?" Lucius finally questioned the twins in a small voice.

Isaac and Damien exchanged wary looks before Damien answered. "He is not inducing pleasure if that's what you were asking."

"He was still holding to that whip when we came to find you," Isaac supplied and he continued. "He also had some knives in handy. He probably wants to-" He was quickly smothered by a Silencing Charm by Lucius.

"Please, Isaac. My stomach is feeling a little delicate this morning. I don't really want to hear the details."


He couldn't think past the pain. His body was on fire, itching with agony. Snape wondered what Voldemort had done to make the insides of his mind burn and sensitive. His arms were pulled back behind him, straining his shoulder blades. He was on his knees and he noticed that he was without his robes, without his shirt. The Potions Master slowly opened his eyes and he was glad that the room he was in was without light. By the slight dampness and the chilliness of the room, Snape could only be in the cellar. As if by rousing himself to full consciousness, his body took the opportunity to send signals through his nervous system just how much he was suffering. Snape could not suppress the gasps; he was almost shrieking by the agonizing pain.

Knowledge quickly dawned on the Potions Master. Severus Snape, former Death Eater, had been flogged. He finally realized that the itching on his back was actually caused by his own blood. He panted raggedly, his mind trying to will the pain to go numb. Snape was gasping so loudly that it had muffled Voldemort's approach.


The whip connected solidly on Snape's back. Stars filled the Potions Master's mind and a loud ringing noise filled his ears. Snape sagged forward, only to be held back by the magical chains that had closed in on his wrists. Some of his wounds broke open and had begun to bleed more freely. The pain was unbearable and Snape fell unconscious once more.

"Here you are, in my presence and kneeling for me again, Severus," Voldemort purred, as he admired the long strands of pure black hair that covered half of the Potions Master's face. "You should have stayed with Lucius. Love has indeed made you a weakling, and more careless, Severus. But this... tattoo," Voldemort said softly as his fingers danced above the Phoenix's imprint, "seriously annoys me." Voldemort removed his fingers away and circled Snape once more, trying to think of ways to rectify the problem.


At the Maxwell's. Up in Fenix's workroom.

The inner circle glowed faintly with blue fire and it gradually brightened. It merged with the steady golden light coming from the outer circle. Fenix, Harry, Draco, Cadriel and Dumbledore stood at the five points of the pentagon while Sirius, Remus, Aldren, Aberforth and Michelle stood at the points of the pentacle. Derian had wanted to join them in the search but he backed down after his brother and the Fire Master gave him cool gazes. The house was filled with elves that had self-appointed themselves to guard the occupants as they worked. The elves were more than happy to do that, because it had been so long since a last newborn, and they could not quite keep off from Spencer.

They had lost track of time as they searched, trying to trace Draco's godfather. Draco felt his despair building up when they still had not come up with any clues where the Dark Lord was hidden. Harry sensed the dark emotions from his oathbrother and strengthened Draco with wordless encouragement and love. It was then when an image took form. It was a mansion and at first Draco thought it was his own home but then, the Malfoy Manor did not have an extensive maze.

"Dumbledore, do you have any idea of where this is?" Fenix asked anxiously, her brow furrowing closer together as she memorized the landscape.

It was Draco that had answered her. "I've been there before..." Draco said in a hushed voice. "But... but," he stuttered and the image of the house vanished. The glow faded and they froze in their places for a moment. "There had been no one living there... since the Leridiens had died a long time ago. Well... if what my father had told me was true."

Fenix released the pentacle and she sat tiredly on the floor. Harry was looking thoughtfully at Draco. He finally questioned his oathbrother. "So you were with your father then?" At his oathbrother's nod, Harry continued. "Then what were you doing on property that's not yours?"

Draco bit his lower lip as he struggled to remember. He knew he was still a toddler and he was alone with his father. "I was with Father because he wanted to show me something so I followed him, without Mother's knowledge I think. Father wanted to buy the estate and hand it down to me when I'm of age but he couldn't contact those who were taking care of the mansion then. At first, I was quite surprised that my father wanted to buy a house that had been standing for centuries and well... antique," Draco paused, taking a moment to rake his hair back. "It was until both of us slipped into the back of the house when I finally understood why Father had wanted that estate. The woods were... magical." Draco knew that one word was not enough to describe the feeling he had when he first drank in the magical view.

Sirius looked somberly at the Slytherin and spoke softly. "Is there any way you could lead us there?" The Black felt disappointment washing him in waves when Draco shook his head.

"I don't remember how Father brought me there. It is in an Unplottable area but..." Draco's voice trailed off.

Dumbledore peered intently at the Slytherin. He knew that something of the sort would eventually happen but he had not expected that the Potions Master would be the target. "Go on Draco," the Headmaster prodded gently.

Draco was looking at Harry in a peculiar manner and the latter shifted uncomfortably on his feet. "Green-Eyes. Do you feel the uniqueness of Fenix's home?" Harry, not quite sure of what his oathbrother was asking him, did not answer. Draco elaborated the question further. "If you were to be in somewhere other than here, would you be able to find this place without using a map?"

Harry frowned and thought deeply. He finally saw where the conversation was taking him and he nodded his head with the Gryffindor-like confidence. "I think I would be able to match the 'feeling' from your memory to the earth energy. Even if the intensity of the 'feeling' had disintegrated with time, there should be some remnants lingering. That would be more than enough for me."

Remus let out his breath slowly. Finally, he thought to himself. Finally, we're heading somewhere. The werewolf stepped forward, catching Fenix's hand as she stood up. They wrapped their fingers around each other. Fenix gave him a small smile at his thoughtfulness to comfort her. She would have been at a loss if she was given to experience this situation on her own. But she have Sirius and her partner with her. Draco was speaking again but Fenix wasn't really paying attention to him. Her back was tingling painfully and she felt like she was suffering burns all over her body.

"Fenix and I should be able to go there with Green-Eyes guiding us," Draco said.

"Is it possible if we come along?" Sirius asked his godson and Harry looked at him in surprise.

"Why do you want to?"

"Just answer my question will you?" Sirius grumbled and Harry nodded.

They heard Fenix sucking on her breath, her eyes losing their focus as unbearable pain traveled in her body. : Harry, when you meet that perverted, insane maniac, stick a few knives in for me? : she requested, her mindvoice was accompanied with disgust and anger.

: What is Voldemort doing? What is Voldemort doing to Severus? :

Sirius had approached her so fast that she was left to look blurrily at his face when he had grabbed her shoulders. Remus growled at him but Sirius ignored his best friend for the moment.

: He wants to... trying to... break Sev, :

she answered flatly, her pupils dilating again and again.

Draco opened his mouth to speak but Cadriel shook his head, clasping the boy's shoulder in a gesture of sympathy and comfort. Draco wanted to get his godfather out of Voldemort's hands now. He did not want to think if something remotely similar such as his father's relationship with the Dark Lord, was happening to the finest Potions Master in the whole wizarding world. Draco closed his eyes and tried to find his inner peace.

: Thank you Cadriel, :

the Slytherin said simply, once he was calm. Then to the rest, "I guess we'll move out at night. This is how long I'll let that wizard hold on to my godfather." Then he exited out of the workroom to go into his bedroom.

Harry stared at the opened door for a moment before he swiftly followed in his oathbrother's wake. In silent agreement, the oathbrothers went into Harry's bedroom and there they had stayed, sleeping next to each other until Aelwyn woke them up with the aroma of their lunch.

Fenix, Sirius and Remus once again resumed the position they had not fulfilled for weeks. Fenix's face was against the werewolf's chest while both of them had wrapped their arms around her. She was trying to sleep; she knew from the steady beating of the two hearts that Remus and Sirius were already asleep. Flashes of darkness, cracks of leather and the occasional glint of metal disturbed her mind.

: Sev? Sev? :

Fenix tried to contact him but it's either that the place he was in was so severely shielded or he was out of her range. : Please Sev. Hold on... We'll be coming for you. I promised you. I don't want to break that promise. :


Just past sunset.

He shivered and froze when his involuntary movement caused his back to spasm with agony. His left shoulder was bleeding steadily but luckily for him, the lashings that he had received had dulled the pain when Voldemort buried a knife. His eyes were still closed but he knew that magical lights had appeared to brighten the room. Not that bright though, but just enough light for the Death Eaters to watch the Master create a master piece out of a Master.

"Where is Lucius?" Voldemort questioned his followers in a husky voice. "Hmmm... I guess he is in the library. Mulciber, fetch him. I think both of us should enjoy this before the rescue team manages to find him. I want them to watch him die by my hands. And I want them to know that he is too far gone that not even the Fire Master would successfully bring him back to the living."

The group parted to let the specialist through and they watched Voldemort circling around Snape like a shark on the hunt. Voldemort placed the bloodied knife in his hand onto the table and took up the whip again.

Snape still held his eyes close, breathing evenly and regained his cool composure, although that was quite dexterous under the circumstances he was in. He had been awakened by a chorus of voices echoing deeply in his mind and he had no idea if he should be thankful to those that had begun to care for him. Snape tried not to flinch as his blood trickled slowly down his side and collected at the back of his knee.

"Open your eyes, Severus. I know you're awake," Voldemort whispered in his ear.

Snape was too overwhelmed with pain to even care anymore. He sneered and turned his head slightly to stare at Voldemort's dark amber eyes. Anger flashed in them and the Dark Lord snarled at the Potions Master's impudence. The back of Voldemort's hand struck solidly on his cheek and Snape screamed mindlessly when Voldemort kicked brutally on his damaged shoulder.

"Your screams are music to my ears, Severus. You should sing more for me," Voldemort whispered huskily. "Don't worry. I'm not going to break through your mind. I can't. You managed to block that from me. But there are other ways for me to do it. Imagine what will happen if I get my hands on Potter... or Lucius's progeny... Better, if I get Fenix again."

"Don't utter her name. It's a blasphemy for you. Even the immortal bird has to die now and then and all of us know it. Except you," Snape said harshly, his eyes blinking away the tears that had formed involuntarily.

Lucius had arrived five minutes ago, not aware that Mulciber had been sent to fetch him. His stomach rolled about as he watched Snape, kneeling and bloodied and was about to become an experimental object under Voldemort's hands. Just as well that he does not think of Severus that way or Draco will lose his godfather forever. Damn you Severus. Why must you get caught by him of all your enemies? Voldemort finally realized that he was there and beckoned him to come closer. The Malfoy feigned an interested expression as he approached his Master, thinking of how he should proceed with his plan.


The Phoenix soared across the sky, ignoring the stupefied looks of the sky-watchers below her as she was guided by The Boy Who Lived. The mansion that had caught their interest was surrounded by dense greenery and they were reaching their goal. The passengers inside the Phoenix became puzzled when she skirted away from the house and Fenix heard Sirius cursing at her.

: Oathsib, be silent. I'm trying to concentrate! :

she snapped. She searched for the 'lock' of the wards surrounding the mansion and sent a bolt of energy into it. The wards shattered at the energy overload.

Voldemort's followers boiled out of the stronghold to make their stand and were met readily by the Headmaster, Aberforth and Michelle. Fenix was about to resume her human form when she heard the screams of challenges and met the talons of a pair of eagles before they managed to skewer both Harry and his oathbrother. The three Ancients disappeared as the Phoenix pushed the pair of eagles upwards into the sky.

Knowing that the mansion was now vulnerable to attack, Harry quickly merged with the Dragon and sleek, black fire blasted its way through the house, clearing the path for Dumbledore. The other wizards and the elves that came were given the task of securing the area.


From the moment that the Dark Lord felt the shattering of the wards, he knew that playtime was over. He seethed with anger, both at the interruption and with the way that Snape's mark simply refused to be disfigured. Voldemort was about to plunge the knife into Snape and Mulciber was more than ready to cast the Cruciatus Curse to amplify the pain when Lucius's lustful eyes turned clear. It was quickly replaced by blazoning hatred and he disarmed Voldemort. The spell took the Dark Lord by surprised and he was flung back against the wall. Mulciber had quickly changed the spell and Lucius with the mark of a true wizard, had trapped Mulciber and the Killing Curse in a shield. The sudden fray caused panic to spread in the room and most bolted out of the confinements of the cellar. However, the rest of the Death Eaters quickly regrouped themselves and quickly advanced towards Malfoy and the Potions Master.

"You're a bloody fool, Lucius," Snape croaked out.

"Shut up, Severus," Lucius grated, concentrating on the wizards approaching them.

Voldemort was trembling with anger and he picked up the knives that had been scattered to the floor. Grasping one hilt, he stared furiously at his servant. Voldemort's eyes widened for a moment when he saw Snape's lips began to move and a shield was suddenly erected over the outnumbered wizards. Taking a chance, Voldemort cast a spell on the blade before he threw it. The sharp projectile sliced the air but it missed Lucius's heart. Instead, it was buried deep on his servant's shoulder but the spell would work just fine. Lucius gasped, fell onto his knees and unintentionally fell across Snape's thighs. The Potions Master blacked out and the shield that had been protecting both of them disappeared.

Voldemort was about to cast the same spell on Snape and the Death Eaters had bellowed the chanting of the Killing Curse as one when they were blinded by brilliant blue fire and were almost crushed by sleek darkness.

Voldemort gasped, clutching his head that was throbbing painfully and willed his eyes to clear. Someone stood protectively before the two injured wizards. It was a boy with shoulder-length, silver-blond hair, wearing a simple white T-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. A glint of silver and blue caught the Dark Lord's eyes. His eyes focusing keenly, he saw that it was a bracelet, with a burning image of the Phoenix engraved into it.

"Come any closer, I will kill you," Draco threatened in a cool voice, seemingly unconcerned that there was one Dark Sorcerer present in the same room with him. Draco slowly released the catch of the bracelet and casually placed it directly onto Snape's left forearm. The older Malfoy blacked out as the magic of both Dragon and Phoenix began to counteract with the spell that had been embedded into his body and Snape was released from the chains. The Potions Master was trying to get Lucius to sit up but finally gave up, letting the unconscious wizard rest on his thighs. His godson had already stepped out of the shield, which was held strong by the boy himself and the magical properties of the bracelet that Fenix had created for him for his birthday.

"You're just a boy to make such threats to us!" one Death Eater said defiantly.

Draco raised one thin eyebrow at the speaker. "I don't think so... considering the many crooks that I had made friends with over the year. And be warned: I am a Slytherin," Draco said in a bored voice.

"It's time. Turn around and face me, Voldemort. I am your opponent for the night."

The Dark Lord slowly turned and finally met the cold, impassive emerald eyes that he had hunted for years. Voldemort strangled when something gripped him hard. The Boy Who Lived had taken Voldemort off to their own dueling space.


Author notes: How do you like this chapter? Wait for the next one to find out what happens! Hopefully, I'm not leaving you guys hanging ^_^