Action General
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 10/17/2003
Words: 271,259
Chapters: 55
Hits: 23,387



Story Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...``To Harry's profound horror, he actually began to love and care for the weird family...

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...
Author's Note:
All of this happened after me and my sis got into a discussion of what happened to a beloved character.

~ Chapter 10: Guarding A Werewolf ~

Thursday, 10th August. The Burrow.

Sirius was waiting impatiently for Fenix to finish bathing and to change. He was adamant that Fenix should learn to ride her broom on that day. He shook his head and looked at the youths that were fidgeting with excitement. The wolves volunteered to stay indoors to catch up on their beauty sleep.

"How are you guys getting along with Fenix?" Sirius asked out of boredom.

"She seemed very cold at first," Ron said truthfully.

"Well, from what my parents told me," Hermione started in defense, "I think it was purely because she doesn't socialize much. But after a while, she did unwind..." She then gave a shrug.

"Yeah, she's great. I think if she was in our lot, she would have found pleasure in fraternizing with the twins," Ginny said but then pouted as she looked back at Sirius. "Still, I'm shocked that she's not your girlfriend. Disappointed in fact," she asserted, looking slyly at Professor Lupin. "But not so disappointed...because her relationships with everyone is peculiar."

Fenix trotted towards them, handling her broom easily. She was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of faded jeans, wearing her dark blue Nike shoes.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," she called out.


"A little..." She tittered lightly.

"Why? Are you afraid of falling?" Sirius teased.

"Why would I be? It's just the idea of flying on a broom seems a little incomprehensible."

"Don't worry. I'll bet you on a custard pie that you'll do all right." Harry grinned. "It's really easy...for beginners...I think you ought to put your broom on the ground an--" then he paused as he looked at his godfather who doubled up in laughter. Professor Lupin did raise his eyebrow but kept silent. "What?" the boy asked in vexation.

"You make it sound so..."

"Childish?" Remus supplied.

"Fine...she's your ancestor..." Harry gave up when Sirius nodded his head, still chuckling.

Fenix protested mildly, "Harry! You make me sound as if...as if I'm an old hag!"

Ron guffawed at the indignant Fire Master.

"We'll do this our way, Fenix," Remus started. He was dressed up in what they all called the normal Muggle uniform, dark gray shirt and pants. He demonstrated by maneuvering his broom so that it was in between his legs and Fenix copied his actions.

"But doesn't she have to call the broom?" Harry questioned. Ron answered him instead.

"No, she doesn't. You tell me, did you have to do all of that since the day you've rode on your Firebolt?" Ron insisted and gave a crooked grin when Harry frowned and then his expression turned sheepish when he realized the truth behind Ron's words. While the two boys were discussing, Fenix had already successfully taken off the ground and was flying without anymore guidance from either Remus or Sirius.

"It's just what the advertisement said...it moves according to the rider's will. However, I believe when it comes to fancy flying, I think the Dagger will take it from there," Ron informed Ginny as they watched the Fire Master glided lowly around the area. Her landing was smooth and she was smiling merrily.

"He's almost like a sword," Fenix said, a little breathlessly.

"He?" Sirius inquired.

"Yes, its character is purely masculine," Fenix asserted.

"That was fast," Remus blinked, "now, let's move onwards with Quidditch then. Harry?"

"Don't look at me...if I start telling her the rules of the games...and blah blah blah...you might say that I'm oversimplifying," Harry spoke sharply and took to the air, flying with his snowy eagle-owl.

"Since when had he developed such a sharp tongue?" Sirius asked, looking at his godson in surprise.

"Ever since he met you, probably..." Fenix snorted and Sirius narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Remus veered Fenix's attention away from Sirius and began to fill her in the rules of Quidditch. About ten minutes later, after a strict warning not to go above the level of the treetops, they all took to the air. Mrs. Weasley poked her head briefly to check up on them and since the adults were keeping them busy, she went back to her chores. Due to safety reasons, there were no Bludgers so only the Chasers and the Keepers were in effect. Fenix, Ginny, Hermione and Remus grouped up together while Sirius, Harry and Ron made the other with Ron as the Keeper naturally. After a moment of discussion, Fenix elected herself as the Keeper for her own group.

"The bloody hell you are!" Ron shouted indignantly. "I want to see that broom in action!"

"Don't worry Ron," Fenix laughed at the boy, "I just want to hang around to see how the game is played. I will then exchange my role with Hermione later on..."

"Oh...all right then." Ron went back to guard his post.

: This is not an actual Quaffle mind you. Learnt from Harry that Ron played Keeper so this is a practise for them. Harry's the Seeker of the Gryffindor team, : Sirius informed her as the seven people waited for the game to begin. : How's the seat? :

: No worse than riding a bike. :

: What's that? : Sirius asked and nodded in comprehension when she filled his mind with an image of a bicycle.

The game commenced with the Quaffle that was really a rattan ball went over to Harry first. Sirius flew up front and Harry threw it forward. Hermione dived but missed in snatching the Quaffle. Having caught the Quaffle, Sirius zoomed off towards the goal post. Fenix calmly waited as Sirius approached taking deep breaths. At least this was not as bad during the time I was substituted for a goalkeeper in soccer. Sirius dived and threw the Quaffle from below her. The rest of the players looked in amazement when Fenix rolled and sped for the loop and gave the Quaffle a kick with the end of her broom.

Ginny caught the Quaffle and sped off with the rest in diamond formation. Only when Hermione complained of getting sunburns did they halt for a rest. When they got in to the kitchen to rest, Sirius was continuously testing Harry on the spells that could be used for both attack and defense. Hermione complained that she was getting broom sores all over and backed out from more broom-flying. That left the group with six active players.

"So do you want to remain in the same group or do you want to be rearranged?" Ron asked around. "We'll have two Chasers for each team."

"Well, since I'm the outs--" Fenix did not get a chance to finish her sentence as Sirius clapped his hand on her mouth.

"Finish that sentence, and I'll force you to sleep with Remus alone," Sirius said threateningly.

: Stop pushing the both of us! : Fenix fumed.

: She's right, Padfoot, : Remus agreed. : I'll court her at my own time. :

Sirius stared at his friend in shock.

: What? You mean you didn't know how we felt for each other? : Remus asked slyly as Harry and Ron exchanged a glance. Sirius still stared mutely at his friend.

: How unobservant. Did you forget to tell him, Fenix? : Remus mindvoice spoke up gently.

: No...I did not forget...I just don't see the point of telling him... : Fenix replied loftily to Sirius, then she quickly spoke up. "Ginny and Harry, will you be my group members?"

"No prob..." the two youths replied.

"I'll be the Keeper this time. But promise me that you'll keep those two out of our post," Ginny said nodding towards Sirius and Remus.

"Do you think we can handle them, Harry?" Fenix asked the boy thoughtfully.

"Well, let's see and try, why don't we?"

Hermione took the Quaffle and soared upwards.

: Remus, what was that about? : Fenix asked the werewolf nervously.

: What was what about? :

: About you courting me I mean...Remus...I think you're going to get me into trouble...I mean...what if he really thought that you were courting me and I kept him in the dark? : Fenix spluttered. : I lied to my oathbrother...Remus! You will get me into trouble! : she wailed.

Remus blinked at her in surprise and she explained. : It's our bond. I think he's angry. :

: Don't worry about it. : His mindvoice echoed tenderly in her mind and gave a small smile. She shivered involuntarily. Don't think about it...don't think about him...concentrate on the game...you'll worry about that later...

Fenix took a deep breath and flew alongside Harry. She faced Sirius while Harry faced Remus. There was a kind of blankness in Sirius's eyes and she felt her inside grew cold. Damn...he is angry. Very clever Fenix...got caught in your own trap. She gave a small sigh but instant became alert when Hermione dipped her arm and the Quaffle projected upwards.

: I'm going! : Fenix sped off, turned sideways and grabbed the Quaffle, tucking it protectively against her chest. Sirius's Firebolt was no match for her Ice Dagger. Harry was waiting for her near Ron's post and out in the corner of her eye, she saw that Remus was coming down from below her ready to converge on Harry.

: Harry! To me! :

: They are cheating? : Harry asked as he took on a higher altitude and dived down towards Fenix. From behind her, Sirius uttered a curse as she threw the precious Quaffle at Harry who caught it perfectly. Harry made a sharp turn and threw the Quaffle back and without losing her momentum, she aimed for the loop. They scored.


During the game...

: Are you mad at her? : Remus asked mildly. Sirius remained silent. : I was joking all right! : Remus yelled, feeling guilty of a sudden.

: Which part were you joking? : Sirius asked apathetically.

: You know how I feel about her, that part is true. The courting part wasn't, : his best friend confessed, feeling his face burn with his admittance.

: You have not? : Sirius looked slyly at him. "Moony, how do you expect to get a hold on her if you're too timid to ask her?" he burst out in irritation suddenly.

: You knew we were lying all along? Why didn't you inform us sooner? : Remus demanded and dived before Harry managed to crash into him.

: Really, Moony. Are you a wolf or are you a mouse? :

: Padfoot, : Remus spoke up warningly, : if you treasure your health, I suggest you not to utter mouse or rat in front of me. :

Fenix joined in the conversation. : Since we've gotten that mini-misunderstanding cleared up, would you guys put a little more fire to your brooms? I don't feel threatened at all. You as my opponents shouldn't make me feel so safe... Did you hear that Harry? Take note all right? :

: You had better try to give Ron a break, Sirius. I think he is getting shaky after we had constantly bombarded his loop. You ought to give Ginny more work, : Harry said, pointing his chin at the female Weasley, who was sitting lazily on her broom.


: What do you feel about him? : Sirius asked his oathsister curiously.

: Sirius, we're having dinner! : Fenix answered, trying to evade his question.

: So? We aren't breaking any table manners or anything, : he said impudently.

: Okay, I think I love him...are you happy? :

: In fact, yes...I am happy. But it is a little too soon to say that you love him for sure, isn't it? :

: Don't interfere, lad, : Silver said cheerfully. : Time doesn't apply for the bonding that they'll make. :

: I do care for him, : Fenix said dreamily, her eyes staring to look at the werewolf.

: The game was good for him, wasn't it? It kept his mind off his transformation, : Sirius said. : And how is he? :

: He's getting better. I think I'm going to go wolf and be with him tomorrow night, : Fenix whispered.

: Good idea. I'll come too, so I could show you how to guard him in future, : Sirius offered sincerely.


Friday 11th August. Full moon...

"Guys!" Fenix called out. "You've got post!"

"Oh! It must be our posting results." Hermione took her letter from Hogwarts anxiously.

"He accepted!" Hermione shrieked in amazement.

"Me too!"

They all looked at Harry, who was tearing his seal in apprehension. He blinked his eyes and read the letter again.

"Yeah, got through..."


Three wolves and one large black dog were squeezed and concealed in a spacious shed the Weasleys' had built.

: I don't think this is a good idea. : Remus fidgeted as he felt twitching of his muscles that indicated that he would soon change.

: Don't fret so much, : Wind coaxed the wizard.

: Don't fight it, Remus, : Fenix whispered in his mind gently. Remus closed his eyes as he felt himself contract and then expand. One thought pierced his mind before he completed his Change. Maybe it's time I accept myself for who I am...

The four canines looked at the werewolf who was again confused by the surroundings and his strange inmates. The werewolf sniffed at the air and scented the humans out of the shed. The werewolf began to make a low rumbling growl and it got louder when it heard the human voices. Fenix studied the behavior of the werewolf patiently. The werewolf rammed its shoulder against the shed.

: Harry? :

: Yes? Is he all right? :

: I think he's fine, but your presence agitates him. Tell the rest to go; I'm placing the Elementals on watch. :

There was a pause before Harry answered her. : Are you sure it's all right this way? :

: Yes. :

The werewolf paced the length of the shed, its rumbling not ceasing.

: Krill? :

: We're ready. :

: Good. :

Sirius stepped forward, catching the attention of the werewolf. The werewolf paused, as if unsure of what to do. Sirius moved forward again then sat down, inviting the werewolf to examine the black dog. The huge werewolf slowly moved forward to sniff at Sirius, and as if it knew him, the werewolf gave a lick on Sirius's left cheek.

: I think he recognizes me, : Sirius said. : Your turn, Silver. :

The great silver wolf calmly walked forward and the werewolf backed away dubiously. Silver sat on the spot where Sirius was and waited patiently for the werewolf to come to him. The werewolf dipped his muzzle in submission and backed away from the pack leader. Wind came next, and as if recognizing her as the leader's mate, the werewolf gave a low whine and backed away from the wolves.

: Your turn. Nervous? : Sirius asked Fenix in concern. The silver-black wolf shook her head.

Fenix came nearer to the werewolf slowly. The werewolf watched calmly, its tongue lolling out. Suddenly, it lunged forward and went for the wolf's throat. Fenix leapt off to the side, and the werewolf turned its attention on her.

: No...don't interfere. I'm curious to know why he lunged at me. :

The werewolf was pacing, its eyes not leaving Fenix's, growling deeply in his chest. Fenix she took a step forward and leapt back when the werewolf jumped at her. During the action, she managed to get a glimpse of what the werewolf was thinking.

: Oh, I see. Remus--the werewolf-- thinks I don't belong in the pack. He knows that wolves mate for life and he is very suspicious as to why an unpartnered bitch--pardon the expression--is tagging along, : Fenix replied, her mindvoice carrying overtones of amusement.

: The werewolf is attacking you and you could still find humor in the situation? : Sirius yelped in disbelief. : You're crazy! :

: If you think my words are crazy, what I'm going to do would have you labeling me as a hopeless maniac, : Fenix said lightly.

The werewolf attempted to jump at her again but this time, instead of running away from the werewolf, she advanced towards the werewolf and snapped her jaws together. The werewolf froze in action, landing on its paws and looked confusedly at the wolf. Fenix echoed the growl that was emanating from him, and it stopped, and backed away from the wolf that had suddenly began to frighten it.

: Blast it! :

Fenix cantered towards the werewolf where it had begun cowering at one corner of the shed. It yapped at her when she came to close, and went back again in its defense position. Fenix was not having any of it. Not caring if the werewolf was going to charge at her, she lied down, trapping the werewolf against the shed. The werewolf tried to jump over but when she gave a low growl, it retreated.

: She is crazy, : Sirius said as he licked a forepaw. : I don't think she requires us anymore. :


The werewolf had begun to tire. Every time it tried to jump over the wolf or tried to nip her, she would growl. Not able to find any other alternatives, it slowly calmed down, and began to drowse. It jerked its head up when the silver-black wolf settled against him, and purred contentedly. The werewolf blinked its eyes in confusion. The wolf's breathing became regular and she was asleep.

: Remus isn't going to forgive himself if he had harmed her in any way! : Sirius yelped in alarm.

: Calm down... : Wind shook her head. : She'll be safe. :

The werewolf found the wolf's body beside it warm and comforting. Finding its own actions foolish, the werewolf growled softly and curled beside Fenix to sleep.

: See? What did I tell you? : Wind said.


The night had gone on quietly, with the werewolf fast asleep with Fenix. The moon went down and Remus slowly changed back into a human, his arm curled on the wolf's back.

: Let's leave them together, : Sirius whispered to the pair of wolves roguishly.

: A good idea. :

: Krill? :

: Yes, Sirius? :

: Could you unlatch the door for us? :

They heard a click and the door creaked open slightly. The three canines went out silently and the shed was sealed again. Fenix had returned to her human form when she felt the earth turn and daylight filled her being. Instead of immediately waking up, she fell asleep again, this time not curled against a werewolf, but a wizard, who was sleeping soundly beside her. Unconsciously, she let her Healing energy flow through the wizard, as she somehow recognized it was Remus.


Remus suddenly awakened then stilled himself as he felt warmth against his chest. He flushed with embarrassment as he held a sleeping Fenix in his arms. He lay back down quietly, staring at her sharp features and did not even blink when she suddenly opened her eyes. She slowly gave him a smile.

: You didn't like me all that much last night. :

: Then...how come you're... : Remus asked, surprise overwhelming him.

: I had to cheat. You didn't really know what to do when I started growling back at you. Then you began to feel tired and lay down. So I can't miss the opportunity of sleeping alone with you. :

: You're crazy, : he said flatly.

: You're just like Sirius, : Fenix accused. Remus shook his head reprovingly and began to lecture her on her foolishness. She remained silent throughout his chiding.

: Are you done? Or do you still have more to go? : Her mindvoice brushed his mind softly.

: I'm finished. :

: Good. : She leaned forward and gave him a short loving kiss then retreated back and smiled in satisfaction. : I've been longing to do that for a long time now, : she said and smiled at the dazed Remus. She quickly got up to her feet and helped him up. She walked towards the door of the shed. : Oh, I forgot. One more thing... : She walked back towards him and gave him a tight hug. : There... : She smiled tenderly at the nonplussed man and pushed the door open and went in to The Burrow.