Action General
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 10/17/2003
Words: 271,259
Chapters: 55
Hits: 23,387



Story Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...``To Harry's profound horror, he actually began to love and care for the weird family...

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...
Author's Note:
All of this happened after me and my sis got into a discussion of what happened to a beloved character. And I want to thank my beta-readers, though they seemed to have gone m.i.a. for the moment....

~ Chapter 8: OWLs! ~

"Oh no..." Hermione stopped, and cringed when Sirius looked belligerently at the twins.

"Bloody hell," Fred whispered, his eyes were tightly shut, afraid to look at Sirius or at the window.

"Couldn't you guys just climb the stairs like everybody else?" Fenix's unmistakable voice emerged from the open window.

"Thank you, Merlin!" George heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"Don't just stand there!" Fenix narrowed her eyes, as sweat trickled down her neck. "Using sheer mind magic to keep myself aloft is no easy task!" and the twins hurriedly caught both her hands and helped the small woman back into the bedroom.

"You must be Remus's assistant! I'm Fred, and this is my brother, George," he introduced themselves and the twins gave her a florid bow simultaneously.

Whack! Sirius delivered a mind blow to Fenix and the twins. The Fire Master shot an angry look at Sirius who looked back at her innocently.

"Why in hell did you do that?" Fenix stepped forward, her silver eyes staring icily at her oathbrother.

"Do what?" Sirius blinked his eyes innocently.

"Remus, would you please get off the bed?" Fenix advised the puzzled Professor. He hastily got out of the way when Fenix stood near the edge of the bed while the rest looked warily.

"Are you absolutely sure they're not a couple?" Ginny whispered urgently to Hermione. The bushy-haired Granger confidently nodded her head.

"Don't take me for a fool, Sirius," Fenix said softly. "I may be irrational at times but I'm not a fool. You think I couldn't trace the link back to you?" her fingers suddenly shot out to grab a piece of Sirius right arm.

"OUCH! Dear God woman! Why must you always resort to pinching?" Sirius jerked out from her reach.

"Because that's the best weapon a woman can have."

"I don't think a pinch would be of any use to the Dark Lord or the Death Eaters," Ron muttered.

"Do you think so?" Fenix gave a grim smile. "What if I were to clench my mind upon a beating heart?" Ron stared mutely at her. "I am a Healer too..." she reminded him.

"And the Death Eaters are still humans," Harry replied absently. Fenix raised an eyebrow at the green-eyed boy.

"Aren't we feeling bloodthirsty today?" the Fire Master observed. Harry just shrugged, popping a Chocolate Frog into his mouth. She turned back to Sirius.

"You shouldn't let your emotions get the better of you," she said gently. "Nothing could happen to me unless it is time." She sat down beside Sirius, leaning against a wall covered with giant posters.

"Is it safe for me to sit now?" Remus asked Fenix politely.

"Yes, I don't bite, you know, unless if I go wolf," Fenix replied casually, then raised an eyebrow at her oathbrother. "Well, why don't you get started first and then they can have a go. There must have been things happening around since you got yourself stuck in the Void."

Remus gingerly sat himself near the Fire Master and tried to restrain his wandering eyes. For no apparent reason, he found himself severely attracted by the woman's unique pair of eyes. Sirius began telling the company of what had happened to him since he fell into the archway, with the natural talent of a storyteller and Remus raptly listened to his friend's narration. Occasionally, Fenix would insinuate several things but she kept quiet most of the time. Then the students and Remus filled in what had been happening since Sirius's 'demise'.

"Hermione's father said that you could kill those Dementors without the aid of the Elementals," Harry said, his green eyes tinged with a bit of amazement.

Fenix narrowed her eyes slightly. "Yes..." she gave an encouraging look at the youth.

"So how did you do it?" Harry asked urgently and she smiled at his enthusiasm.

"You're a little too young to have those kind of thoughts, you know," Fenix informed him with a faint smile. Several snorts erupted from all around, including her bondmates.

"So are you going to tell them or do you just want to sit there and look mysterious?" Sirius teased her, his face bearing a bored expression.

"Sirius," Fenix said warningly to her oathbrother.

"What are you going to do? Turn me into a toad?"

"Nope. I'm going to turn you into a flying cockroach instead."

Remus carefully contained his mirth and cleared his throat. "So how did you eliminate them?"

"I'll get you later." Fenix gave a sidelong look at her oathbrother and answered the question. "The ingredients are simple: hope, love and Life. The Dementors can't really understand these human emotions. But of course, when one gets a glimpse of them, the natural emotion that is fear always overwhelm the other emotions. That's how humans like us can fall prey to them easily. They fear one thing, to cease existence. I may be digressing but I think this can be quite useful," Fenix paused to massage her shoulder.

"The elves are resistant to them because they are magic and protected by something other than themselves. The other thing is that they are immortal... well not quite." She gave a little frown. "Elves have much longer life span compared to humans, like they could still be hurt by a sharp blade and may die from it. Returning to the subject, another method to exterminate these Dementors is to get a sacred knife. The swords the elves use are something like the ancient tools of the Celts. But of course, they were the ones whom created the ancient tools in the first place. One reason why I'm immune is because I've experienced Death over and over again. They don't understand why I could be so willing to die and embrace Death," Fenix said and her eyes took on a distant look.

Sirius gave a blank look at her. Is that why she's named Fenix? It must be... she is a Phoenix after all...

"I used all of these information and amplified it in my mind and forced the Dementors to...well the most accurate thing I would say is that I let it glimpse through my life, duties and Death. In short, I simply overloaded their beings."

"Hah! Got themselves fried by their own specialty!" Hermione snorted.

Harry suddenly stood up, took Sirius's right hand, and slowly turned the palm upwards. A strange silver five-pointed star gleamed palely. Fenix smiled and held out her own palm for them to see.

"A mark of our oathbinding," she explained.

"So you are kin now...I wonder what we're going to do later," Ginny abruptly changed the subject.

"I thought it was already obvious," Fenix answered the girl, exchanging a brief glance with Remus.

"Lessons?" Hermione squealed out delightfully.

"Yes," she answered brightly. And you get to teach me too. You people ought to tell me what to expect from Hogwarts, before I manage to do something foolhardy," Fenix said then gave Harry a penetrating look. "However, Harry must learn to shield his mind immediately. Why don't you kids find something to do while I discuss how we are going to do this with the Professor?"

"You mean we have to learn that too?" Ron asked dubiously.

"Yes, that way, you guys can always practice together. Although, I seriously don't think you will need to," Fenix said casually to Ron, "your mind's naturally blocked."

"Maybe that's why he can be a little thick sometimes," Fred muttered to his twin.

Ron's ears turned red and he growled under his breath. "I heard that..."

One by one the youths got out of the bedroom, and the wolves followed them out, and left the adults staring at themselves.

"Do you always look this tired, Remus?" Fenix began softly then turned her head swiftly at the door.

: Is there by any chance those kids have created something that would allow them to listen to our conversations? : Fenix asked the two men with a bemused smile hovering on her lips.

: Ah...The Extendable Ears, : Remus began, easily communicating using mindspeech, : I had almost had forgotten about this little invention of theirs. : He looked curiously at the two who was staring at him in amazement.

"What?" Remus asked in irritation.

"How are you able to..." Sirius began, tapping his index finger on his forehead.

"I was listening to the wolves pretty carefully, and got the knack of it. But you will show me the ways of this communication, won't you?" he requested, looking at Sirius.

From the corridor, they could hear Fred's voice demanding. "What in the world are they talking about?"

"Shhhhh! Keep your voice down dummy!" Ginny's voice said.

: Don't look at me, Moony. Ask her, she's the expert. : Sirius hooked his arm around Fenix, holding her tightly.

: Gods, Sirius! Is this how siblings should be behaving? : Her mindvoice sounded a little annoyed. : I feel like I'm your girlfriend! :

: Well, you were my friend first before you became my kin... : Sirius said lightly, raking his fingers to mess her long hair. : Actually, I wouldn't really know. Never had a female friend this close before, : then he pouted, : if you don't like me then, you could always hang around Moony there. :

: Serves you right, : Fenix wriggled from his embrace to sit side by side with Remus. : He has much more sense than you to do anything inappropriate to me. :

Remus smiled wickedly, his left arm began snaking about her shoulders and was a little surprised by his own actions. Fenix had automatically leaned against him. Remus smiled gently, looking at her head. It feels good holding her...but of course...I had been spending most of my childhood with the two most notorious boys...

Fenix was not even aware of her own actions until she sighed contentedly and her eyes focused at Sirius's grinning face. Dear Sungod! Fenix was aware that she was blushing as she felt the heat rise to her face. She took a moment to examine the situation. It feels right to be held by him, she thought dreamily.

: Back to my question then, : Fenix began, not even moving her head, : why are you looking so careworn? :

: It's the transformations, I believe. However, I don't think it's all that's affecting my health. How much do you know about werewolves? : Remus answered her.

"I can't hear a single thing," it was Fred. "Are you sure, these are not defectives?"

: Harry, : Fenix reached a thought to the boy. She felt a jerk of surprise then a tentative: Yes? :

: Are you with the twins? :

: No, I'm in the kitchen. : His mindvoice echoed in her mind, tinged with perplexity.

: Would you mind telling them not to bother listening in? We're using Mindspeech. It's easier to communicate with this. If I could not find words, I could always show images, : and for an instant, she showed Harry how she had shielded his mind for him.

After a moment, Harry answered. : Looks pretty complicated. Anyway, I'll get them to come down to the kitchen. :

: Thank you! Where are the wolves? :

: They're inspecting the kitchen I guess... I couldn't think of any other reason the way they're examining the magical stuff about. :

: Oh, I see. : Fenix released her link with the boy.

: Sorry, : she lifted her head to look at Remus sheepishly. The wizard regretfully let his arm fall from her shoulder. : I don't really know much about a werewolf except that this occurs every time it is a full moon. Is there a cure for that? :

: Before I was stuck in prison there wasn't. I think they have concocted a potion to prevent the transformation or something that would make them less dangerous, : Sirius informed his oathsister, his fingers tracing the scar on his palm absently.

: Now I get it! : Fenix spoke up, her exaltation clear in her mindvoice. : Your natural defense system is rejecting them. To it, your transformation is the normal thing to occur--:

: While the potion is regarded as an invader? : Remus hazarded. Fenix reached out a hand to touch his arm. Her eyes went distant as she Looked into his body system. She gave him a thorough check-up before continuing her sentence.

: It seems so. For how long had you been consuming the potion? :

: Near to five years. :

: That's a hell lot of residue to burn up. It's going to take a lot of Healing and water to clear them up. The next full moon will be on...next Friday. Don't fight it this time. Your own transformation will help clear up the toxic effects of the drug. :

: I'll be here to help, : Sirius said in determination.

: We'll also be there, : Wind's soft mindvoice penetrated their thoughts.

: Fenix, how is it that they are able to listen in? : Sirius asked, his irritation turning his link to Fenix a subtle brown color.

: It's a peculiarity of theirs. I have my own suspicions as to whether they are really wolves or something else. :

"All right, we've solved Moony's little problem. Now how do we handle the big one?" Sirius asked, as he looked under the bed and pulled out a trunk.

"How do the wizards shield their minds?" Fenix began, helping Sirius to drag the other trunk and opened it. She helped Sirius unpacked some of their stuff while listening to Remus carefully.

"They usually do so by Occlumency. Snape-- he is the one with greasy black hair-- tried to teach the boy. Either Harry had simply refused to listen to him or Snape was teaching Harry in a way the boy couldn't comprehend we would never know," Remus began as Fenix cocked her head to one side and examined the mental images and flavors that he showed her.

: You're excellent in mindspeech, : Fenix congratulated him. : But the means you showed me seem very convoluted. : Then her face turned thoughtful and Remus stared in surprise at what she was holding in her hand and stared wild-eyed at her hand when the sword vanished.

"Was that the dagger?" Sirius asked curiously. "It looked bigger somehow. "

Fenix shook her head. "No, that was my sword."

"Merlin's beard! Are you keeping something from me?" Sirius demanded.

"Don't be alarmed. It's just one of my responsibilities as a Hunter. You ought to know just by the name what my alternative occupation is."

Sirius shook his head in disbelief, as he hung a black suit on a hanger.

: Well, I think only Harry could learn how to shield using my method. Ginny, she however is susceptible to invasion. And you want to know something? : Fenix spoke up, catching the attention of both men. : I can't imagine what or how I'm going to teach the students. :

: Don't worry, I'll think of something. Somehow, it seems to me that you are able to duplicate all the hexes and jinxes even without a wand. I think you would be able to show the students something on the process. :

: Isn't he being cryptic? : Fenix asked Sirius.

: Never mind. I know I'm babbling. Maybe when we first teach the company here, you'll get the idea of what I'm talking about, : Remus said, standing up.

: Speaking of wands, have you seen mine, Fenix? :

: It's in the black box where I've wrapped it with the dagger, : she answered.

"Oh no!!!" Hermione's voice shrieked out shrilly.

"What is it this time?" Remus asked in annoyance.

"There's only one answer to that," Sirius said impassively, tucking his wand in his pocket.

"What?" Fenix asked curiously.

"It's the Ordinary Wizarding Level results," her oathbrother answered, opening the door for both of them.

"That sounds strangely familiar," Fenix mused as she walked down the stairs unhurriedly. "It sounds like O' levels in the...Muggle world. Now I understand Hermione's reactions. I didn't even want to look at my exam results when I got the certificate."

"Oh...so how did you fare?" Sirius asked from behind.

"I only peeked at my results when I got home. Didn't flunk anything..." Fenix answered. Sirius snorted derisively. Fenix almost casually gave Sirius a mind-slap that his head went ringing for several seconds.


Ginny looked at the three students. Mrs. Weasley was getting excited by the moment.

"Oh...come on now, Ron...surely you did no worse than those two..." Mrs. Weasley pleaded excitedly.

"Hermione, why don't you go first?" Ron whispered.

"I'M NOT!" the young woman wailed.

"Man...isn't she nervous?" Fenix muttered as they all gathered in the kitchen. Fred passed her a glass of pumpkin juice that she sipped carefully. How curious...never in my life did I ever use pumpkin for juices...not bad...not bad at all...

"The sooner you look at your results dearest, the more time you can use to brood over what electives you want to take once school starts." Mrs. Granger squeezed her daughter's shoulder in comfort.

"You have to make your decisions by Monday, I'm afraid," Professor Lupin looked apologetically at the three students.

"What?" Hermione yelped, looking at the Professor with round eyes. She quickly grabbed her envelope and ripped off its seal.

"What am I going to do...what am I going to do?" Hermione muttered, shakily getting her certificate out. Mr. Weasley peeked at her results while he handed her a very bulky package.

"Congratulations, Hermione! I believe this package contains all the necessary advise to help you make your decisions," Mr. Weasley gave her a kind smile.

"Well boys," Mr. Weasley looked down at Harry and Ron who were looking at the envelopes with varying degrees of trepidation.

: Harry, don't keep us in suspense! : Sirius complained.

Ever since the beginning of summer, Harry was determined more than ever to become an Auror. But am I qualified enough? And more than that...can I tolerate Snape for two more years? Huh, if I can't, maybe I'll have a chance in the national Quidditch teams...

Harry was the next one to rip off the seal and Sirius peered down his shoulder to look at his godson's results. What Harry saw in the certificate made him feel as if someone had knocked him silly with a bludgeon. I received an 'O' for Potions? It couldn't be...the Potions paper was tough...how could I even get an 'O'?

"Yo guys?" Fenix waved her hands repeatedly at Harry and Sirius. The young wizard looked blankly at her. "What's wrong? You really looked like your head's smacked right against a board."

"I think there must be some kind of mistake...I can't have gotten an Outstanding grade for Potions...."

"WHAT MISTAKE BOY?" Harry's certificate suddenly screeched in indignation. "THERE AIN'T NO MISTAKES IN YOUR GRADES. YOU EITHER BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!" The certificate then calmed itself and returned to its original state.

Fenix took the certificate and read his grades softly.

Student: Harry Potter
House: Gryffindor
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Care of Magical Creatures E

Charms E

Defense against the Dark Arts O

Divination A

Herbology E

History of Magic A

Potions O

Transfigurations E

E-Exceeds Expectations

"Unbelievable," the twins muttered.

"Well done!" Sirius cheered.

"I guessed he achieved more Distinctions than I ever had during the course of my studying..."

"You mean in gaining your Master level?" Hermione asked.

"No...I mean in Muggle studies..." Fenix corrected.

"We don't have schools like you, Hermione," her mother explained. "We're apprenticed to a Master, or to other Mages when there's no Master close enough to teach us."

Harry was still a bit stunned. Ron had handed the envelope to his mother, covered his face with both his palms, and feared for the worst. Mrs. Weasley's eyes watered instantly. She dropped to her knees and hugged Ron tightly.

"You make us so proud!" she gushed, while Ron turned scarlet.

"Merlin's beard!" George swore as he looked at Ron's certificate.

"Hard to believe, isn't it?" Fred said in a skeptical voice.

"Stop that! He's your brother and you should be proud of him!" Mrs. Weasley yelled.

"We are mom!" the twins protested in defense.

"Do you think Professor Snape will accept us?" Hermione piped up, looking questioningly at Professor Lupin.

"Should have known what you were thinking..." Sirius grinned at Harry and the boy returned a tremulous smile. Mrs. Weasley however turned a cold stare at Sirius. Then she turned to Harry; her eyes looked at his almost in a plea.

"There are other occupations, Harry. More high-paying jobs and much safer..." she began but Harry shook his head.

"It's all right, Mrs. Weasley. I've thought about this for years now," he said confidently to her. She was about to make a further protest when Mr. Weasley interrupted her.

"It you're really determined, none of us will stop you. But it isn't going to be an easy road, and judging from my own son, he seems determined for it too!"

Mrs. Weasley looked helplessly at the three youths. "Just think about it again..."

Harry looked back at his certificate. Hermione's right...even if I did get an 'O' I doubt that Snape would accept me for his NEWT class...all I can do now is just apply and see if I'm accepted... Harry blinked, suddenly feeling cheerful. I have Sirius back, who is alive and happy, isn't lonely or bored because of Fenix, it seems like something will brew in between the Fire Master and Lupin, and I had managed to best Hermione in at least one subject...

"Hey, guess what Hermione?" Harry began as he stood up.

"We got through the OWLs...we did it...WE DID IT!" Ron cheered, giving his best friend a tight hug and absently kissed the shorter Hermione on the top of her head.

"How sweet..." Mrs. Granger smiled.

"I think the term is cloying..." Fred smirked.

"Be nice."


They held a celebration that night, dining on Asian dishes that Fenix had superbly prepared and on top of that, delicious chocolate pudding. They retreated to the living room as Fred conjured mugs of Butterbeer for everyone, but Fenix strangely declined the proffered mug, so George conjured her a big glass of mango juice upon her request. The three going-to-be-sixth-year students were sprawled on the wooden floor, carefully reading the handouts that were given to them. Harry had already partially filled in his form; mainly his particulars and he had already ticked on the subject 'Defense against the Dark Arts'. Sirius had advised the three of them to take their time to read the handouts.

Fenix, out of sheer curiosity, sat next to Harry, looking through at all the leaflets. She read the details on the pamphlet on Healing. "Funny, you people use magic in Healing."

"Your Healing is a form of magic, isn't it?" Sirius asked her lazily.

"Well...yes...I suppose...but you people make potions...for example to grow bones...I use my life-energy."

"Each to his own, I guess..." Sirius responded.

"All right, children!" Mrs. Weasley called out. "Better go to bed!"

"But mom!" Ginny protested, "we're holiday-ing!"

"Molly, go easy on them..." Mr. Weasley said gently but his wife firmly shook her head.

"They need their rest and they better get their biological clocks upright again. School term's coming soon and they better get used to waking up on time," she stated and looked at each of the youths, twins included. "Be up at seven-thirty. I want you down by eight. Is that understood?"

Ron sighed as he began to stock away the pamphlets back in the package. The staircase was filled with murmurs of conversation as the youngsters unwilling went to bed. "And no chit-chatting!" Mrs. Weasley warned them. The four parents took their leaves from the rest of the company to retire. Sirius had changed into his nightclothes while Fenix had washed up and wore something much more normal than her Hunter gear. She wore a blue short-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of Bermuda shorts, to reveal nice, shapely and muscular calves.

"We have to do something about your wardrobe," Remus said thoughtfully.

"Hmmm?" Fenix inquired as she scratched Silver's neck.

"You can't really wear Muggle clothes in Hogwarts..."

"Why not?"

"Because you will stand out, sister. Even if you're too short to be noticed by anyone bigger than you," Sirius said, stretching against the couch.

"I get your drift, there aren't too much people who are fond of Muggles...but wearing something like the...I think her name's Professor McGonagall...it really takes a hell lot of fun out of running," Fenix complained. "And a hell lot more harder to move around silently..."

: Just go into your full Hunter mode, : Wind suggested. : You'll look impressive, and intimidating enough that no one would dare to get into trouble with you--unless they're crazy of course, to take an opponent they don't know anything about--and your Hunter gear's strange enough not to be mistaken as Muggle clothes. :

Fenix thought about the suggestions of the female wolf carefully. "It's plausible, and I would be a lot more comfortable in being me than try to act like something else."

Remus nodded his head. "But it would be best if you come prepared with something...witchy-like...just in case..."

"All right...maybe I'll get Mrs. Weasley to help me..." she answered, sitting closely to the werewolf. All the while, she had been Healing Remus bit by bit. Now as the full moon was drawing closer, Remus's health had deteriorated. It was tough work but she could not suppress the feeling that he needed help so she gave it to him.

: I don't think he realizes what you're doing to him, : Sirius whispered in her mind, as he engaged a conversation with the other man.

: That's good...keep talking to him, : Fenix replied.

: You're attracted to him, aren't you? : he suddenly asked and she felt her insides churned uneasily inside her. He gave a silent chuckle in her mind.

: That was the first time ever that I had just saw someone being slapped with that love-at-first-sight nonsense. :

: Whatever. Are you coming to bed with me or are you sharing with Remus? :

: Why don't you go and share a bed with him? : Sirius asked her teasingly.

: That's not a bad idea actually, : she answered and gave him a lofty look. : That way I could Heal more of him. :

: If you're serious... : Sirius then suddenly broke off his conversation with Remus and asked the man if he would stay close to Fenix through the night. Remus flushed slightly while Fenix stared at Sirius impassively. Serves you right if I do choose to turn you into a cockroach...

: Better not...you'll be sure to squash him with a broom... : Silver advised her. Fenix snorted. He deserves it...

: So how about it? : Fenix asked Remus, her face immobile. He blushed even harder.

"Aren't you joking?" Sirius asked her in bewilderment.

"No...I am damn serious," she answered, staring intently at the Professor's light brown eyes, looking confusedly back at her. She got up, strode to the kitchen to pour Remus a glass of water, and handed it to him.

"What I would do won't rid you of the curse or blessing of the moon, this would help leech away the deleterious residuum in your body. If we do this for the next several nights, I think your transformation would be less painful for your body and your mind," Fenix spoke quietly, as the two men listened carefully to her words.

: We'll just try it for one night, but you will be sleeping between us both, : Sirius said firmly.

: I thought you said you'd be sleeping in Remus's? : Fenix asked archly.

: I lied. There's no way I'm going to let my friend sleep with my sister alone. :

: What say you? : Silver asked the slightly confused werewolf.

: Just for one night... : he answered dubiously.


These two blokes really took their time in getting to sleep...Fenix thought to herself, watching the two slumbering forms at each of her sides in the pale moonlight that entered the bedroom. She reached out and took Remus's hand in hers. The werewolf jerked slightly but the contact had not awakened the man. I hope he doesn't have his wand in handy...Nice thing to happen first thing in the morning if he instinctively blow us off...maybe I should built a protective shield later.

I wonder what's the time now...when we went up it was eleven...since my naps are short...it's probably two in the morning. The two wolves were curled up on the floor where she had made a pallet for them to sleep in, breathing steadily. She let her Sight guide her to the man's deeper anatomies and began her work, carefully dissolving the impurities to be dislodged and to be excreted as waste.

It was slow work, but she felt a little satisfaction as she listened to Remus's breathing. His breathing seems clearer now...maybe a little exercise would be good for him. Fenix felt the world slowly turn as it came nearer to dawn.

: Krill? :

: Yes, lady? :

: What time is it? :

: It's three thirty-nine. :

: Thank you. :

There was one thing she ought to do before she let herself drift off to sleep, still holding Remus's hand. Within her mind, she sought out the link of Aldren's mind. I hope he isn't on duty...

: Finally! : Aldren's mindvoice said in her mind, tinged with relief.

: Sorry, I took so long to call on you. We're there by the way. Are you on patrol now? :

: I'm taking the dawn watch today. So everyone's all right then? Where's Sirius? :

: Yes, we're all fine. Most of us are already deep in slumber...except me of course, : she answered with a small smile. : Sirius's beside me by the way...and I'm certainly one lucky woman tonight...I've got two men sleeping beside me. :

: So the Elementals told me. Is the potion for werewolves really that harmful? :

: I don't really know. This could be just an isolated case but it might not be. Oh yes, I wouldn't be coming home for quite a while. :

: Yes, we already know. Father sends you his love by the way...I think he wants you to visit the Grove when you can...preferably with Sirius, his godson and your...fiancé... :

: Aldren! : she protested, while the elf laughed throatily.

: Giselle's thinking of getting herself transferred to any clinics or hospitals here; she and my brother are becoming really inseparable. :

: That's good...You better get your rest...be careful all right? :

: All right, Fenix... you do the same... :

The night was silent. Fenix had thought that Aldren had released his link but she heard his mindvoice again.

: Sirius is lucky to have you as his oathsib. I wished we could have been something much closer but I knew you loved my cousin...and now I do not wish to contaminate our friendship with bad memories...but I still have to confess Fenix...I loved you and I still do...but your love for me is much different than what I wanted...but it is the truth...I do love you, : Aldren whispered sadly in her mind. Fenix was speechless, her throat constricting and she felt despair from her own heart and from Aldren's.

: Do not feel sad about it...I want you to be happy...if you find happiness in the man that you're Healing...then I'm happy... : Aldren quickly released their link, leaving Fenix to contemplate his words. Fenix rubbed at her temple tiredly, trying to swallow down the knot in her throat. It was no use and she lay still on the bed, silently crying. Sirius suddenly turned to face her, lying on his side. I hope he's asleep...

Sirius was not. The bond between them had strengthened and he was aware of her slightest change of mood. He tenderly caressed her cheek, comforting her. He moved closer to her, and she instinctively buried her face in his chest.

: You heard? :

: Yes. :

Fenix slowly let her barriers drop, weeping silently against his chest, not letting go of Remus's hand. Sirius gently stroked her hair and encouraged her to tell him what had caused her sudden sorrow. She told him in images of what had happened on the night that she turned eighteen. She introduced Sirius to images of her parents and of a lover, an elf, cousin to Aldren. She showed Sirius how the three of them died to protect her from a deliberate murder.

: It was a difficult time for Giselle and me. She had to work so I had told her that I would be fine and I would live with my friends...it was she who introduced Aldren to me and he recognized me being his cousin's lover. My mentor, a friend of my mother's, was worried about me and had sought the help of the Elves. That's how I became really involved with the Elves. Aldren's father, Mineif had adopted Luis and he took me under his wing and finished my education. : She fell silent, as Sirius held her until she fell asleep. But Aldren's words haunted her in her sleep, and she felt somehow that something very wrong would happen.


Dawn came, and Fenix woke up, held by Sirius and she still held Remus's hand. The terrible feeling of premonition did not go away. Instead, it had intensified. She sat up and got from the bed as unobtrusively as she could. She took her towel and was surprised to see Harry outside the bedroom.

: Fenix, I think you have to teach me shield my mind as soon as you can, : Harry said, his eyes looking deeply into her eyes.

: Why don't you wait in the kitchen? I wish to bathe. :

Harry nodded and waited restlessly in the kitchen and played with Crookshanks to distract his mind from the troubled sleep he had been having. About fifteen minutes later, Fenix came down wearing a long skirt with a white blouse that made her look unearthly. His skin prickled uneasily.

: What's wrong? : she asked the boy as she prepared a bit of breakfast.

: It's my dreams...they don't make sense but I do not know why I keep feeling a sense of foreboding. : Harry gulped down his fresh orange juice.

: We'll eat something first and then we'll start our lessons. To tell you the truth Harry, my dreams were plagued by the same feelings. :


The rest were still in bed and the two people took to the living room.

: This is relatively easy. I do not know how exactly Professor Snape taught you but the basics are important. You first have to empty yourself of all thoughts and emotions. Think you could do that? :

: I should be able to. :

Harry gave her a nod when he felt that the objective had been accomplished. : All right then. You could just close your eyes. The first thing we are going to do is to find your ground and center. So, this is how it is done. :

By the time that Harry had solidly connected his ground and his center, Mrs. Weasley was already out of bed. She had not bothered them after first seeing Fenix's stern expression and Harry's trance-like manner. Next, the Fire Master showed Harry how to spin himself a web, how to make it strong and flexible. It had taken them most of the morning for Harry to master the technique of shielding his mind successfully without her help.


Professor Lupin was testing Harry's shield against with his Legilimency spell. No matter what he did, trying to use his wand or mindspeech, he could not get through Harry's tough barrier.

"What if Harry's talking in mindspeech and he tries to go through? Would he succeed?" Professor Lupin fretted.

"You have to test it then. Sirius you talk to Harry while Remus tries to ram him with the Legilimency thingy..." Fenix instructed as she watched Harry.

"Don't concentrate too hard, Harry. Just relax and take it easy. No point in getting yourself a blinding headache," she advised.

Professor Lupin tried several ways to break into Harry's mind when Professor Dumbledore Apparated in The Burrow.

"I didn't know you would start to train him this early." The Headmaster looked curiously.

"Actually, I didn't expect Harry to take on the techniques so easily," Fenix informed the Headmaster.

"Would you test him? You're the better expert." Professor Lupin moved away to stand beside Fenix.

It took about half an hour before the Headmaster proclaimed his satisfaction that Harry could now control his mind from outside influence. Harry breathed a sigh of relief and sank down onto the floor in exhaustion as the Headmaster exchanged a few words with Mrs. Weasley before Apparating out of the household.

"Exhausting work, wasn't it?" Remus wiped his forehead.

"I feel like my head's been crammed with information of ten history books," Harry groaned and Ginny gave him several packets of Chocolate Frog to revive a bit of energy.

Fenix sat down on a wooden stool, fanning her face with her hand. The feeling of impending doom is still there...Fenix sighed and looked blankly at Remus's back, and brooded about her sense of premonition. It seemed to her that Aldren was at its center.