Action General
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 10/17/2003
Words: 271,259
Chapters: 55
Hits: 23,387



Story Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...``To Harry's profound horror, he actually began to love and care for the weird family...

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...
Author's Note:
All of this happened after me and my sis got into a discussion of what happened to a beloved character.

~ Chapter 4: The Oathbinding ~

After the emergence of the Phoenix…

Fenix reappeared at the woods of her own house and was surprised to see Sirius leaning against the Mnid comfortably.

"And I thought I was the arrogant one," Sirius remarked mildly. He was surprisingly calm even after he saw how she had landed as the Phoenix and returned to her human form.

Fenix grunted. "I think I might be just a trifle childish back there, but still--"

"I know, I know," Sirius sighed. "If you don't mind me telling you this, I think you acted a bit too recklessly." I hope that Voldemort is far too busy swearing and exclaiming that he had not thought of tracing her trail back here.

Fenix blushed; feeling slightly embarrassed. "Trust me, I know. But I can't help being a warmonger. I'm associated with Fire Elementals after all. A hothead. It was still a good display wasn't it?"

"If I had a twin, I wouldn't mind if it is you, our hair's the right color anyway," Sirius said, giving her a sly look.

"I knew you would appreciate the ostentatious display," Fenix grinned widely.

: Oh no, I think we blundered somewhere, : Wind whined to her mate, loping ahead of the two humans.


Monday, 10th July. Time to take the stitches off…

Fenix was dreading the noon hour. This was because her sister, as a professional nurse, she had reassured her sister that it was about time for Sirius's stitches to be removed. Fortunately, and for the sake of his own health, Sirius did not laugh when Fenix shot a pleading look at her older sister.

"Can I just go on patrol on something? I mean…Aldren is here…he can help you…" Fenix suggested timidly, her voice sounding a little squeaky.

"Damnation…Aldren wouldn't know how to heal. That's your job; don't you dare run away from it," Giselle said tenaciously.

"Let's make a deal. I don't want to see you taking the stitches. Call me when you're done and I'll Heal him," Fenix bargained.

"All right with me," Giselle shrugged as she prepared the utensils for the task.

Sirius had to smile when Fenix shivered. "Why are you reacting this way?"

"I have a phobia on stitches. Be it me, humans or animals," Fenix said curtly, not looking at the wizard.

"Funny how you could kill those Dementors without second thoughts. Don't your instincts as a Healer and Empath goes against that?" Sirius asked the woman. The days that he had spent constantly with the Fire Master had created a bond between them, and he found himself gradually warming to her. Fenix on the other hand, seemed to be much more comfortable around him these few days and made their conversations more natural flowing, even if the topic's absurd.

She made her way to the couch and sat down, tucking her knees under her chin. She looked intently at Sirius. "It does actually. The idea of killing something seemed horrendous to me at first. But it turned out to be a necessity when I came into being. One consolation I have is that the Dementors do not have souls and they're already dead. I just changed their state of Undead into a much more definite state. Real death. They don't seem to appreciate it when I fine-tuned them," she paused, smiling at herself.

"Killing humans intentionally is another matter though," Fenix said, as she leaned against Sirius, placing her head on his shoulder. "I usually give them two choices; redemption or a challenge. That's if it's a one-to-one situation. In battles however, I usually strike to maim, not kill. There are exceptions however. There was a rouge Water Master here in Scotland about three years ago. Usually I can get along well with the other Masters and Mages, but this one was really set on doing something so sick to the children that I can't bear to just stand around and watch her do it. Much like a wizard duel really."

Fenix lifted her head to look at Sirius sadly. "I don't like it when I have to challenge a Master. However, I was the only one capable of doing it. It might have been better if I was a Water Master."

"What happened to-- uh--her?" Sirius asked gently.

"I took away her Gifts. It's probably much better if I had just taken a knife and slit her throat," Fenix replied, her eyes growing distant. "She went mad, then finally she burned herself by lighting up the gas stove. I am not proud of having to do things like that."

"Someone had to do it," Sirius said, taking her hand and gently squeezing it.

"War between Elemental Masters are seldom; even rare. The Last Mage War occurred about sixty-seven years ago, I think. It was between Earth and Fire and the aftermath was a disaster. Therefore, we set up a Mage Council, and the Earth and Air Masters make up its majority. They are much calmer by nature compared to Fire and Water. Those having something to contend will approach us and we are the ones who decide who should be punished. Several of us are active Empaths and rarely, the Hunter; who is able to see through one's soul. Makes life easier for us; than having to soothe our Elementals."

"But what if the contenders don't come to you?" Sirius asked with interest.

"We come for them," Fenix replied easily. "If the victims had suffered irreparable damage; well as the saying goes, ‘what goes around, comes around'."

"Everything's ready!" Giselle called out.

"Sirius, will you do me a favor when Giselle's doing her stuff?"

"If I can…"

"Please don't scream," Fenix pleaded.

Sirius stood up and gave her a gentle smile. "You're a very strange woman. Very strange indeed."

Fenix stared at his back, her expression perplexed. What was he hinting at?


Sirius went down to the kitchen after he had showered. I think I understand why Arthur was so fascinated by the Muggles. They sure do know how to devise ways to make their lives comfortable. I'm feeling a little strange. He went down the stairs slowly, expecting his legs to go into sudden cramps. I don't feel the tiniest bit of aching. Maybe I had just gotten used to limping about the house this few days.

Fenix was busily deep-frying some chicken wigs for dinner. He casually picked a mug, poured himself a cold mineral drink, and sat down quietly in the kitchen. The wizard and the Fire Master were left in the house as the wolves accompanied Aldren, a brown-haired elf with vivid violet cat-like eyes to patrol the Wood. His younger brother and Fenix's elder sister were out shopping.

"Why are you hanging around the kitchen? It's pretty damn boring watching me cook anyway," Fenix said, her back still facing him. She felt that he was grinning at her back and she smiled slowly.

"Actually, I don't really know. Maybe I just like your company," Sirius replied teasingly, and chuckled a little when she gave an unwomanly snort. "Are you sure you don't want me as your boyfriend?"

"Stop that!" Fenix said crossly, with just a touch of annoyance.

Sirius sighed plaintively. "Since you don't want me that way, would you be my sister instead?"

Fenix stood rigidly, her heart pounding heavily in her chest. She turned slowly to face him, carefully keeping her face neutral. Sirius was wearing the same blank expression on his face.

"Why would you want that?"

"You gave me something when you were Healing me. In the days that followed, you treated me as one of your own. You shared your life-force for me to live," Sirius whispered, his eyes looking down at his glass of water. "Never had a sister of my own… Never did have a family that I would be proud to call my own… Not even my own blood…" He continued in a hushed voice.


I really should have cleared my email up days ago…How in the world do I stop all these unnecessary mails? The mail from my ex was a good one though…Finally got himself married to the right kind of girl…

Fenix stretched her back and leaned against the chair, looking up at the clock. Dear Sungod! Two a.m.? I'm such a slowpoke, and I still have my other two mailboxes to go! Fenix bit her lip in exasperation, massaging her tired fingers. Damnation…they just have to wait till I'm free again. I hope there aren't any important messages. She sighed in resignation, signing off from her ICQ and Hotmail and canceled her Internet connection. Shutting down the computer, she went to the window and stared into the Wood that filled her view.

: Krill, : Fenix called out to her Salamander.

: Yes, lady? :

: Is Sirius asleep? :

: No, he is still waiting for you. :

Fenix smiled, and stared up at the night sky. Stubborn man…

: No more stubborn than you. I assume you want me to fetch the dagger? : Krill asked her, materializing beside her, his back radiating gentle flames.

: Yes, and thank you. : Fenix replied and waited for Krill to reappear with the dagger. She stared out, taking the blinking lights of dancing fireflies. In the distant, she could hear the eerie voices of the Nymphs as they rejoiced in the coming of autumn. Her Salamander appeared with a soft pop with the dagger floating on its back. She took it without fear of burning herself, stared at the strangely plain dagger, and reminisced when Aldren and her stood beneath a hornbeam tree. He had given her this dagger for her nineteenth birthday but she never knew about the use of this dagger. Until one night, it had saved her from an angry Fire Mare, one of the many accidents that could happen during a Summoning. Her mentor had taught her that, and the dagger certainly came in handy when she had to shatter the focus-point. A unicorn appeared out of nowhere. It had asked her to look the dagger under the moonlight.

Pulling her thoughts back to the present, she went out of her study room and swiftly went down the stairs to her bedroom. She paused for a while as she stepped into her bedroom, as her eyes swiftly adjusted in the dimness. Sirius was sitting on the bed, staring at her, his eyes searching her face. She approached the bed and sat tentatively on it. She gave him the dagger and smiled gently at his quizzical expression. And I hope you were really serious about your request…

"Tilt the blade against the moonshine and memorize what you see," she instructed.

Sirius did as what she had instructed him and stared at the blade when words suddenly jumped into view. He nodded and handed the dagger back and gave a startled yelp when she slashed her right palm with the dagger. She winced at the sudden sting the wound caused and Sirius pried the dagger away from her left hand. He knew what to do, slashed his own palm, and joined his bleeding wound to hers.

‘Oath to Oath...

We are Bound…

Blood to Blood…

We are One…

Our lines Entwined…

And will never be broken...'

As their voices uttered the last phrase to cement their bonds, a peculiar green light began to glow and pulsate beneath their palms. Only when the light died did they unclasped their hands and Fenix looked at her palm in amazement. That wasn't me. I didn't Heal him or myself…In the pale moonlight, their palms revealed an identical pentacle scar with no evidence of blood. Did He do it?

"Welcome home, brother…" Fenix finally said softly. Sirius took her into his arms and gave her a tight hug.

"Sister…" Sirius whispered and the smile in Sirius's eyes erased any doubtful thoughts that this was what he had wanted.


Friday, 28th July, in the Maxwell's library…

Sirius was sitting morosely in the library, lackadaisically leafing through one of the books he had picked randomly. He had considerably put on a little more weight and looked much healthier ever since he had escaped from the trappings of the portal. He was unaware of Fenix as she walked across the library silently. He was only aware of her presence when the book was snatched from over his shoulder.

"Sirius, what's bothering you?" Fenix questioned as she leaned over him, her silver eyes showing him that she was worried.

"Nothing…" Sirius's voice trailed off as he stared blankly at a bookshelf across him. Fenix gave a snort and delicately twisted his right ear.

"Ouch! What did I say?"

"Exactly. Don't lie to me Sirius. Have you forgotten that I am an Empath? Even if I'm shielding hard--which is exactly what I'm doing right now, I can't shake off the feeling you're restless over something because of our bond."

Sirius gave a heavy sigh and made space for her on the couch. Fenix sat down on the couch, turning her face to look at him. A wave of despair emanated out from him and she tenderly caressed his cheek.

"Tell me," she whispered, as her silver eyes stared deeply into his.

"How did you managed to get your blue file on the day you were showing me a newspaper cutout?"

"By way of Fetching. Why?"

"I just need to get my hands on something," Sirius began, his eyes looking pleadingly back at hers. "I would go to where it is myself, but I have no way of knowing if the area in question is in safe hands or not."

"Well, I shouldn't have a problem helping you. Distance doesn't really matter that much to me. But the size might," Fenix cautioned when Sirius looked eagerly at her.

"I just need you to get a two-way mirror, which is about the size of my palm," he explained, holding up his right palm. Fenix leaned backed on the couch, her face thoughtful. Her fingers twirled a lock of her hair in an unconscious gesture and Sirius gathered that she does that when she was in deep thought. I wonder how she behaves when she's studying.

"This is a rather tricky thing to do. I assume that you've kept this thing in your house?" at Sirius's nod she pursed her lips.


"That means I have to do it through you," Fenix decided.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I need to work with your memories to get it. Where your house is, and where you had kept it. Evidently, we have to hope that it is still where you left it."

Sirius thought about the plan carefully. I will do anything to let Harry know I'm still alive, even if it means that someone will be able to read my memories…and intentions. But I guess it's quite impossible to hide anything from her…

"I would not intrude on anything unless you gave me permission to do that," Fenix said, almost as if she had been reading his mind, standing up and beckoning him out of the library. "I think we should go to my study room, it's a much more suitable place to do it."

Sirius nodded and she led the way to her Workroom.

: Aldren, where are you? : She sent a thought out towards the elf.

: We all are in the kitchen. :

: Okay then, I will be Fetching something for Sirius so do not enter my Workroom unless it's an emergency all right? :

: Roger that. : Aldren sent his agreement.

Sirius went into a room that was occupied by a very large table and several utensils for writing and papers stacked neatly at one corner of the mahogany-wooden table and what the Muggles call laptops. However, the room began to change as soon as the door to her Workroom closed.

The room was empty; only filled with a carpet of grass and sunlight entered from the window, giving the room an ethereal sunny look and it made Sirius happier than he had been half an hour ago. Fenix sat down cross-legged at the soft grass and patted on her lap, indicating that he should lie down.

"This will make it much easier," Fenix said, giving him a smile when Sirius looked uncertainly at her. He gave way, carefully sitting down before placing his head on her lap.

"Where is your house?"

"Grimmauld Place, London," Sirius began and looked curiously when she looked blankly at him. It was a while before she spoke up.

"Okay, your house number?"


"Twelve?" Fenix frowned, although her eyes were not really looking at him. "Now this is strange; I see Ten, Eleven and then it's Thirteen…" she frowned harder. "Oh I see…you have a compression. Smart thing to do. And dear Phoebus! You do have a lot of protection spells woven all through the house," she remarked. "I should be able to work my way in between them; wait there is something isn't right. A house-elf eh?" Fenix frowned. She paused as if listening for a conversation that only she could hear. "Isn't he a malicious helper? Did you asked him to look after the house?" Fenix questioned Sirius carefully.

"I don't really know. What could you see?" Sirius answered her.

"There seems a lot of muttering coming from several paintings, and as far as I am able to tell, your house-elf is kind of -- uh -- corrupted."

"I won't be surprised if my mother's the one doing a lot of shrieking," Sirius said with bitter amusement, "and I am not really disturbed about your observation on Kreacher."

"Everything else seems all right though. I doubt your house-elf could detect my awareness. Now I want you to think hard of where you had kept the mirror. I will use the image in your mind to get to it."

This part was extremely slow. Images of Harry kept flitting through his mind when he came to visit Sirius's home for the first time. Finally, after what seemed like eternity to Sirius, he managed to hold on to the image and felt a strange sensation at the back of his mind.

"All right. I've got a lock on the target; I will find out in a moment if it is still there…"

Sirius felt a strange pulling sensation in his mind and all around him, then a strange popping sound filled the workroom.

"All right, we did it!" Fenix cheered, releasing her hold over Sirius. "Keep your eyes closed for several moments and open them slowly. If you do it too fast, you might black out."

Sirius followed her instructions closely and when it felt long enough to him, he opened his eyes. Fenix was holding a mirror, a bit tarnished but intact. I hope it still works…

"Now you will tell me why you need this badly," she said playfully, holding the mirror out of his reach.

"Be careful with it…" Sirius begged, and heaved a sigh of relief when she placed it firmly into his hands.

"It will be Harry's birthday in three days, and he has another one just like this." Sirius said.

"That's wonderful, Sirius," she breathed as she fully understood the idea. "Do you want me to give the boy some mysterious advice so he would look upon his?"

"You could do that?" Sirius asked in amazement.

"Yes, but I think I would go through an Elemental this time. A Fire Elemental Mage is with Harry at the moment. I believe you know him," she said mysteriously.

"And who is he?"

"Hermione's father."

The look Sirius gave her was so comical that she laughed uncontrollably. It took her a long time to control her laughter but she choked it down, her face reddening when Sirius got up and gave a sour look at her.

"Hey! Are you guys done?" a voice called out from outside the room. "Lunch's ready!" The room returned to its normal state and Sirius tucked the mirror safely in his breast pocket.

"I'm definitely hungry," Fenix said and blushed when her stomach made a very loud protest.

"Now we're even," Sirius said and began to chuckle under his breath that got louder when Fenix began to fume.