The Dark Arts
Fleur Delacour Viktor Krum
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/02/2004
Updated: 07/02/2004
Words: 1,568
Chapters: 1
Hits: 636

The Mary Getaway


Story Summary:
I had a few people that liked my take on the Krum-Hermione situation. This could be a scene from after the letter he sent in "Always The Last To Know."

Author's Note:
I just recently heard this song and wanted to use it somehow. This seemed to fit. Hope you like it.

The Mary Getaway

By fbline

I don't think I'm ever going to get used to these end of term feasts they have here at Hogwarts. At Durmstrang, you got the same gruel day in and day out. If I'm not careful, I will soon not be able to fit into my robes. When I return to Bulgaria for the summer I will have to adopt a get fit regiment. It will be easier without the constant temptation of treacle tarts and fig pudding. Of course, it hardly matters what I look like anymore, now that I no longer have Hermione in my life. For how much longer do I have to miss her every minute of every day?

I'm glad headmaster Dumbledore confided in me that she and Harry have started seeing one another; I had been hoping that she would find happiness with him. It still pains me to think of her with someone else, but I could not have expected her to never move on with her life. Besides, Harry is a decent man, and I know he would never hurt her, not like I did. How could I have ever allowed such base human emotions as jealousy and anger cause me to destroy the greatest thing that has ever happened to me? Perhaps it is because I am only human, and that my own insecurities proved to be too much for me to control. But, all of this is in the past, and the past is a foreign country that I do not live in any more.

I'm sure to find true love under angel wings,

Assured and locked so tight I know she's whispering

Alone and savoring life alone tonight

She's coming out into a world so wont of light.

I guess I'll just pack up the rest of my things and catch the Knight Bus back to Krum Castle. Strange, it sounds like someone is crying in my office. It couldn't be! Please, let it be her, let it be..."Fleur? What are you doing here? What's wrong?"

A mixture of disappointment and concern make up my voice as I address her. She looks very different than she usually does. It is most common to see her preened to perfection, without an iota of herself out of place. Now, though, she looks as if she's been up for days. Her hair is all over the place, and her clothes are wrinkled and wet from her tears. You would hardly be able to tell she had any Veela blood in her at the moment.

"Oh, Viktor, I didn't know where else to go!" She replies through continual bouts of sobbing and blowing her nose into a silk handkerchief. "Bill has thrown me out, and I don't even have enough money to get back to Cannes. And even if I could get home, what would I tell mama and papa? And what about poor Gabrielle, she was so looking forward to coming to visit this summer. What am I to do, Viktor? Please, help me!"

I couldn't help but be touched by the pathetic creature in front of me. Was her crime any worse than my own? Didn't it take two of us to create the infidelity? I couldn't blame Bill for throwing her out, just as I couldn't blame Hermione for terminating our own relationship. I knew that the Delacour family was very well off, but perhaps the shame of asking for money in this case was too much for Fleur. She came from a very respectable family, and the shame of her infidelity would most likely bring shame to all of them. I placed my hand on her shoulders, hoping to get her to calm down enough to stop crying.

Her first time exposed to the games and bitter ends,

Her last time to feel clean and in broken English

She says, "I lost everything to one boy who said he was mine,

He said he'd hold me forever."

Now she's sitting on my floor and pulling out her hair to ease

That she's not sleeping again.

"Did you know, Viktor that Hermione and Harry are together now? I heard Bill's youngest brother talking about it. I knew that you must be hurting as much as I am. Why should we be punished like this? Was what we did so wrong?"

Fleur had a point. What had we done to deserve the misery we were in? "Yes, Dumbledore told me about Harry and Hermione. I always suspected that he had feelings for her, whether he knew it himself or not. Truth be told, I suspected that she cared about him in return. I foolishly thought I could change her, but I should never have tried. I loved her more than anything in the world.

And in the course of one night, everything I had disappeared. If only I could go back to that night. It doesn't matter now, though. She's happy, and that's what I always wanted for her."

Fleur had stopped crying and now sat on the edge of my bed next to me.

"I wish I could be as strong about this as you are. If it was me, the thought of the person I loved being in the arms of another would cause me to do something desperate. I mean, the two people that said they loved us have both discarded us like so much rubbish. Can you truly be happy for Hermione? I cannot be so forgiving. Bill said he would love me not matter what and now look at where I am. I wish I had your strength, Viktor. I sometimes think that I will be overcome by all of my grief and shame."

But the cotton down it feels so much like home

And the memories creep in as she closes both her eyes.

She's coming out into the night for the first time,

Completely unprepared for the thousandth time.

I don't realize that I've been staring out the castle window until I feel Fleur's hands move over my shoulders. I can see the tracks of her tears on her face, and the wetness that still glazes over her glacier blue eyes.

"We're in the same boat really, aren't we, Viktor?" We have both loved and lost; both missed out on the golden ring. It seems fate has stepped in and taken our lives into its own hands." Fleur moved her hands down my torso to encircle my waist, pulling me slightly nearer to her. "Perhaps this is where we were supposed to end up all along. There's nothing to stop us now. We are not strangers to one another, and now there is no need for intoxication to bring us together." Fleur's lips were scant centimeters from my own when an alarm bell went off in my mind.

"No! You won't get me again, not like this!" I manage to escape her grasp before she is able to ensnare me with her Veela magic. "I see why you came here now. You came here to further destroy my life. Well, it isn't going to work this time. You've already taken my future from me; I won't let you into my present." I reach into one of the drawers of my desk and throw a sack of galleons at her.

"Here, take your money like the whore you've become. That should get you back home. But, one more thing," I grab her arm and shake her, getting a rush from the grimace that crosses her face. "You are never to come near me again, or Hermione, or Harry, or any of the other people that you've sought the destruction of. If I ever do catch you around here again, you'll wish that I had killed you during the Triwizard tournament when I had the chance."

Without a backwards glance, Fleur took the sack of galleons and departed. I don't know how long I stood there, lost in my own misery, when a voice brought me back to reality.

"Come now, Professor Krum. The Knight Bus will be here shortly."

I look in the doorway in time to see Professor McGonagall's tartan scarf whip past the doorway. I didn't even bother to gather anything more up to take; I just wanted to get away from here as soon as possible.

I'm not surprised that Fleur isn't among those on the bus. She'll likely blow through the galleons I gave her at the Hogs Head. I don't care, it's her life. She had been helpful in one regard, she did make me realize that I haven't sunk as low as I could have. From here on out, I will work on getting my life back on track. I may have missed out on a future with Hermione, but there is still a lot to live for. I don't know where the future may lead me, but I plan to encounter it with my chin held high.

The first time that I saw those eyes

Was the first time that I came undone,

Oh Mary, look what you've done to me,

Oh Mary, look what you've done

I can't forget this night;

Another left, another right.

How did I ever get away?

The door was locked the key unmade.

Out for the last time life ends here,

There is no next time gas is full;

A vehicle that ends all fear.

Author notes: Hey everybody! First off, I want to thank everyone for their continued good reviews of my trilogy. I really do feel like I could write something Schnoogle length now, so be warned! You asked for it! Also, I wanted to thank everyone for their reviews of "Liberty." As I said before, I respect all ships, and if those of you that are Hermione/Ron shippers liked it, I'm glad. You never know, I may do a Hermione/Ron ship one day. Who can say? Also, I wanted to give a special thank you to VeritasProject who wrote in her review that I was a "pumpkin pie girl." In truth, I am a male, but I appreciate the compliment. To me, it means that I am touching into emotions, and that's what I love about writing. I would make a really ugly girl though...woof. Ok, back to this one. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't despise Fleur, nor do I have some kind of grudge against the French. In fact, I've spent many a lovely evening walking the beach in Cannes. (Hey everybody at the Hotel Negressco! Can't wait to come back!) And, in an upcoming story, I'll portray a VERY different Fleur, one that isn't tarty at all. I'll also delve into Viktor's possible future. Remember, this is all just one of the many realities that exist in the Potter Universe. Next up: The last in my series of song-fics. The last? Yep, the last. It's a return to where I started: Hermione thinking about Harry. You just can't improve on the classics.