The Dark Arts
Dudley Dursley Harry Potter
Drama General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/29/2003
Updated: 04/29/2003
Words: 1,445
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,135

Abuse and Vacuum Cleaners

Dobby and Winky

Story Summary:
Chapter 1: Harry's life before Hogwarts. Potty training Harry, going to the park, and bits of humor. Dudley is too large for words. WARNING: Abuse abounds. (I'm sorry; I really didn't want to.)

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Chapter 1 Harry's life before Hogwarts. Potty training Harry, going to the park, and bits of humor. Dudley is too large for words. WARNING: Abuse abound. (I'm sorry I really didn't want to.)
Author's Note:

Abuse and Vacuum Cleaners

By: Winky

1992 Harry's two years old.

Petunia: If they expect us to potty train him...

Little Harry was wondering around the house with no diaper on.

Harry: Broom! Broom! Fly!

Harry pointed at the broom that his Aunt Petunia was holding.

She looked infuriated at the words of broom and fly coming out of the underfed boys mouth. She whacked him on his bare bottom with the bristly end of the broom. Harry cried out clutched his bottom. He looked up at his Aunt with tears in his eyes, lip trembling.

Harry: I'm s-s-sorry A-A-Auntie Petunia. I'm cold.

Petunia: Cold? Cold? Why in the world are you cold?

Harry pointed at himself.

Harry: Nappie! Nappie!

Petunia: Why? Go use the potty.

Harry: But-when?

Petunia: When you have to go.

Dudley started crying from the other room.

Petunia rushed away knocking Harry over.

Harry sat up and toddled up the stairs. He opened the bathroom door and went over to the toilet.

Harry: AUNTIE PETUNIA!!!!!!!!!! I USED THE POTTY!!!!!!!

There was a loud yell from Dudley.

Aunt Petunia rushed up the stairs.

Petunia: You woke up Dudley Dumpkins! How many times have I told you? Not. To. Yell?

Harry bowed his head.

Harry: I'm sorry.

Petunia:That's not good enough. I've told you once already.

Harry: No you didn't Auntie-

Petunia: Don't talk back! Your Uncle Vernon will have a fit when I tell him. Now go put a diaper on!

Harry: But I can't. I don't know how.

Petunia: Don't tell me you don't know how. You know perfectly well how.

Harry: Ok. . . .

He walked out into the hall and to Dudley's room. It was filled with stuffed animals and the shelves were stacked with his little bonnets. His crib was complete with mobile that sang lullabies, a baby monitor that was a two way, and a vibrating teddy bear. Harry live in a cupboard.

Harry toddled over to a table and grabbed a diaper. An hour later he had it on...backward.

Harry: Aw man! AUNTIE-I mean, Auntie Petunia! I put it on!

Petunia: What?

Harry (whisper): I put on my diaper.

Petunia: WHAT?


Petunia appeared at the doorway.

Petunia: that's the third time. You can count on me-

The front door slammed as Uncle Vernon arrived home.

Vernon: Darling?

Petunia: I'm telling your Uncle.

Harry: No! No! He'll hit me like this.

Harry hit himself in the head.

Harry: See?

Petunia was already walking away down the stairs. Harry followed standing at the top of the stairs clutching himself for dear life.

Petunia: Vernon darling!

She went over and kissed him on the cheek. She whispered something in his ear. Vernon looked upward at the top of the stairs his face purpling. He stomped up the stairs three at a time. Poor little Harry just stood there whimpering.

Vernon: Did you disobey your Aunt?

Harry: I-I didn't mean too Uncle Vernie. I just, forgot.

Vernon: This'll teach you to forget!

Vernon swung his hand backward and brought it down to strike little Harry but at the last second his hand turned and smacked its owner right in the face.

Vernon looked at his hand bewildered then down at Harry who had has face scrunched up eyes closed ready for the blow. Harry opened one eye and looked up. Vernon raised his hand again and Harry scrunched up his face again. The same thing happened. Vernon looked at his hand, terrified. Harry looked up and relaxed his features. Vernon backed up staring at Harry. He then tripped and crashed down the stairs. He lay there, not moving.

Harry: IT WASN'T ME!

Harry ran away screaming and locked himself in the bathroom.

Two years later. Harry is four. (No he did no spend all of those two years in the bathroom.) He is at the park.


Harry: Ok!

Harry climbed on the end of the teeter-totter that was elevated off the ground about five feet with a lot of difficulty. When he finally managed to climb on, nothing happened. His end didn't go down. This didn't surprise Harry very much because Dudley was as big as a baby elephant.

Dudley: Make me go down!

Harry: I'm tryin'!

Harry stood up on the steep slope of the red wood and jumped up and down on it. He caught the attention on a few other kids at a birthday party. Some started laughing and pointing. They started to herd around the teeter-totter. A small little girl with big brown hair exclaimed in a high pitch voice, "I bet you could do it if we all add up our weight!"

One little boy with flaming red hair climbed up onto the seesaw and hung onto the handlebar, laying over the teeter-totter. The little girl who had made the suggestion climbed up and stood behind Harry, gripping his waist tightly. Everyone else jumped up and grabbed onto the side of the seat. The teeter-totter actually lifted off the ground about two or three inches. Dudley continued to shout.

Dudley: Higher!

Everyone grunted and pulled down more. Dudley was lifted up a few more inches.

Dudley: HARDER!

Now a few more children that had been brought to the park by their parents came over. They all squeezed in and lifted their feet off of the ground. Dudley was lifted about4 more inches. Now, the seesaw was exactly straight. About twenty-three children equaled the amount of Dudley.

"Hey Maria!" one little boy called out. "What David?" a short long, brown haired girl called back looking up from something she was drawing at (not on) a park bench.

"Come help us!"

"OK!" she jogged over. She got to the seesaw and got down on her knees. She threw her body weight on the only available spot. It did almost nothing. She switched spots with a three-year-old boy who could have been confused with a midget. Her new spot was right behind the seat.

"OK, everybody ready? On the count of 3 we're going to push down as hard as possible! One...two...three!"

Everyone grunted and pushed down hard. Dudley was lifted all the way up. The red wood groaned, straining under his weight

All of the children cheered and jumped off. Harry, the girl, and the boy all looked at Maria with thee same terrified look. Dudley came crashing back down and Maria was whipped up into the air. Harry, the girl, and boy all when flying ten feet up. They flew over Dudley and landed softly in the sand box. Maria however, flipped up about five feet and did a full rotation before crashing down, landing half way on the seesaw while her head hit the ground. Dudley had hit the ground so hard that the seat had snapped off completely off the teeter-totter.

Harry looked sideways at the little girl.

Harry: You OK?

She looked at him with her mouth open. She nodded dumbly. Harry looked at the boy. His hair caught the light and Harry had to shield his eyes.

Harry: You OK?

The boy looked at him with a goofy grin on his face. "That was fun!"

Harry: What are your names?

Harry asked them both.

The little girl replied. "I'm Hermione Granger! Who are you?

The little boy said "I'm Ron Weasley. What's your name?

Harry: I'm Harry Potter! Like my scar?

Ron's eyes widened. Her quickly got up and ran as fast as he could over to a plump read haired woman holding a three-year-old girl.

Ron: Mommy! Mommy! Look! That boy is Harry Potter!

"Oh don't be silly Ron!"

Hermione: Why's he doin' that?

Harry: I dunno. I think he just likes my scar.

Hermione: I like it! Can I touch it?

Harry: Sure!

Just before she could touch Harry's forehead a foot came out of nowhere and collided with Harry's head. Harry was thrown backwards. Hermione gasped and looked up. Towering over them both was a very, VERY big man.

Harry looked up, blood spilling out of his nose and eyes. The blood was dripping onto the sand turning it red. Harry looked up blinking through the blood.

Harry: Uncle Vernie ...?

Harry passed out and Vernon grabbed his ankle. He dragged him over to the car where Dudley was sniffling. Vernon threw him into the trunk and got into his seat. His car tipped over to one side. Petunia helped Dudley into the other side of the car and the car tipped over so far to the other side the bottom of the door scraped the ground. They slammed the doors and zoomed back towards home.