Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Original Female Witch
Romance Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 01/01/2007
Updated: 01/01/2007
Words: 519
Chapters: 1
Hits: 144

The Little Witch

deadly nightshadet

Story Summary:
When everything is crashing down around her, will Olivia find more than dirty clothes in Draco's room?

In the Beginning

Chapter Summary:
Olivia's first day and she is already contemplating life. But will it be enough to change this little witches life forever?
Author's Note:
This is set as though Half Blood Prince never happened and Harry and Co. Are in the Seventh Year. I'm in a dream world... I know.

Olivia Bilth was about the start her first year Hogwarts, and she waited impatiently on platform 9 ¾. Looking at her mother, Olivia suppressed a laugh. Her mother was tall and elegant with perfect features and long black hair. She looked disdainfully at a woman with quite a number of bright red haired children milling around her. She muttered something that sounded like "Weasels," and turned away from them. She then glanced at her daughter and pecked her on the cheek. Olivia's father, who was a big man with a dark tan and a head full of almost completely grey curls, pulled her into a bear hug and kissed her cheek. Olivia looked at her parents for a moment before getting onto the train.

She was about the walk into the very first carriage when a much older student pointed her to the back of the train, and then walked away laughing. Olivia's face burned scarlet as she walked towards the back of the train. She found an empty carriage at the end and dumped her stuff.

She was woken by hunger pains in her stomach. She then realised no one had come to sit with her. Olivia was all alone. It was that moment in her life that got her thinking maybe money wasn't all there was.

Maybe there was something greater. What if she wasn't given anything on a silver platter? Her Family had always told her money wasn't everything but it seemed to always be the reason they fought. Maybe, just maybe, there was something else. At that exact moment a women pushing a cart laden with good things to eat open her door and asked if she wanted something. Olivia's silly thoughts dissolved as she pulled out her purse, which was heavy with money.

She was sorted into Gryffindor just like her parents, and was even in the same room as her mother had been. It seemed like life couldn't get any better.

Oliva was a smart girl and friends seemed to flock to her at Hogwarts. But, although she had many friends she never really had a best friend, or for that matter a boyfriend. The boys she liked all told her they didn't want to go out with a girl who has more money than them.

Even so, Olivia was happy, her parents sent her a monthly allowance, and soon Olivia had brought herself a beautiful new owl. Moon. Moon; because of the owl's silver wings. She became Olivia's only true friend.

Olivia was always dressed in the latest muggle and wizard fashions. All her friends would borrow her make up and clothing. But, soon Oliva realised that was the only reason they were her friends. Olivia decided it was time to get out. So she detached herself from her "Friends" and withdrew into herself. Although she was smart, she became lazy and her marks began t drop. Slowly she began to fade away, noticing no one and almost becoming invisible. She didn't mind, she could live in the world of books, and no one seemed to mind.

That was six years ago...

Thank you to Chloe and Shannon. You've both been great. Review my story. PLease. And have a safe New Year.