Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/15/2003
Updated: 10/01/2004
Words: 100,961
Chapters: 25
Hits: 20,983

Stormy Weather

Cynthia and Emerald J

Story Summary:
A Christmas encounter begins a romance for Hermione with none other than Draco Malfoy. Non OOTP-compatible.

Chapter 20

Author's Note:
If you'd like to be made aware of upcoming chapter releases and future story releases, please check out our livejournal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/cynthia_emerald/ . Thank you.

Chapter Twenty
by: Cynthia & Emerald J

The Grangers stared all around themselves as they entered the Great Hall, jaws dropped and eyes virtually bugging out of their heads. Petunia Dursley stood a few feet away from them, the habitual calculating look in her eyes as she took it all in. Hermione tried not to pay attention to her, though.

"Hello, Hermione," her mother smiled at her as she came over. Hermione checked the older woman out quickly, noting with pleasure that she seemed much healthier than the last time they'd met. "This is a wonderful place."

Hermione nodded, feeling a little self-conscious. She'd never once dreamed that her parents would be here at Hogwarts. The two worlds she lived in were growing closer together, and it was a little hard to figure out just how she felt about that. But she wasn't going to let them know that, at least not yet. "Hi, Mum. You're looking very well."

"And who is this?" Her father eyed Draco where he was standing beside Hermione. "A friend of yours?"

Hermione nodded quickly. "Dad, Mum, this is Draco Malfoy." Her boyfriend bowed politely, though she was certain that only she caught the look of pure revulsion that came from showing such courtesy to a pair of Muggles. "Can we find a place to talk? Somewhere that's quiet and out of the way. It's very important."

"What's the problem, Hermione?" Her mother wondered, laying a hand on her shoulder. "What could be that bad?"

"Outside." Draco said firmly, leading them all back outside. "That's the only place safe enough."

Once everyone was out there, with enough space around so they could tell if anyone was trying to listen in, Hermione looked into her parents' faces. "Draco and I have something important to tell you." She reached down to take his hand. "I'm pregnant."

Even the birds seemed to stop singing, and the wind ceased to blow. The noise of the happy families in the castle wasn't audible. The ripples in the lake continued to ripple, but there was no sound to it.

The unnatural silence was broken by Mrs. Grnager. "Hermione…are you serious?"


Her mother shook her head, eyes turning from one of them to the other over and over again. "How? Wait, I know how, but…how??"

Hermione sighed deeply, squeezing Draco's hand. I wish the others could be here. I miss them. Draco was the right person to be with her, but without Harry, Ron, Sam, and Ginny, she just felt too alone. "Draco and I neglected to take the proper precautions. We were very busy, and didn't think…"

"I'll say that you didn't think!" Her father shouted at her. "What is this going to do to your education? And what about afterwards?"

Hermione closed her eyes for a few moments, then looked at her father. "There's also a chance that I could lose the baby."

Both of them stared at her as if she'd just sprouted another head. Draco stepped up a little. "Physical incompatibilities are a major issue in this pregnancy." He paused, trying to think of ways these poor magic-deprived creatures could understand about his world and his ancestry.

"There is a race called Veela. They're very similar to humans, but they aren't human. Draco has some of their blood, and because of that, the baby and I could both die. Professor Snape is working on something to save the two of us." Hermione clarified it in the simplest terms possible.

Her father frowned, confusion still written across his features. "Exactly how can a school teacher do something like that?"

"Professor Snape is much more than a teacher!" Draco stared down his nose at the silly Muggle. "He is the greatest Potions specialization wizard in the entire world! If anyone can find a way to save them both, he's the one."

"I'm sure we'll be fine." Hermione interjected. "I trust Professor Snape's skills." Which is true. I don't like him, but he knows his work.

"And if you're not?"

Hermione shook her head. "I don't really want to think about that, Dad."

Uncomfortable silence fell between them for a few moments, until her father looked at Draco. "I would assume that you're planning on marrying my daughter?" Unspoken, but very clearly present, in his tone was the phrase you had better be since you got her pregnant. Draco wasn't cowed for a heartbeat.

"We haven't discussed it yet. Before anything happens, we'll have to finish school of course."

Hermione glanced at the sun and formed a mental whisper of thanks as she realized just what time it was. "I need to check on things for the Quidditch game this afternoon. Here comes Samantha. She'll want to talk to you guys." She tugged on Draco's sleeve and headed back inside the castle as Sam charged her aunt and uncle.

"Hi! I've missed you both so much!" She wrapped her arms around them both and hugged hard. "It's been so long!"

Mrs. Granger touched her niece's long locks. "You changed your hair again."

"Ron didn't think his mom would like the purple." Sam ran a hand through the now-blonde mane, then noticed her aunt and uncle both looking at her as if wondering why the opinion of Ron's parents was so important to her. "Ron and I started dating."

Mr. Granger nodded slightly. "Congratulations, and be careful. Unlike…"

Sam glanced over to see Hermione and Madam Hooch talking. "I wish I could be as happy as Hermione is with Draco, but maybe with time."

"Real relationships take time." Mrs. Granger nodded with a fond glance at her husband. Sam had to agree.

"I guess Mi's lucky, then. They're constantly together." She looked over to where Draco was talking with a couple that could only be his parents. She'd heard they'd been at Hogwarts a few times, but she hadn't ever seen them herself. "It doesn't hurt that they're in most of the afternoon classes together. You can tell that they love each other very much."

Hermione looked back from where she was talking with Madam Hooch, then waved politely at her parents, who returned it. "I'm going to go find the girls' team. Thanks for everything, Madam Hooch."

"My pleasure, Miss Granger. Good luck, to both teams." The flying teacher motioned her off, then hurried to check on the Quidditch pitch.

Hermione located the rest of her team, talking to them about when to get their parents to the Great Hall and when they could all change for the meet. Once that was taken care of, she headed back to where she'd left her parents. Before leaving the castle, she leaned against the wall, trembling a little. I think I might have overdone it.

It took her a few moments to get her breath back, then she headed on back outside. "Mum, Dad, I've gotten everything taken care of I need to for now." She tried to get things settled in her head. "How mad are you two about what we told you?"

"We had thought you'd be more careful," Mrs. Granger shook her head sadly. "We really did, Hermione."

"So did I." Her daughter nodded. "It wasn't something that I meant to happen. This relationship isn't something I thought would happen. He was such a git when we were younger. He still can be now, too. But I care a lot for him, no matter what his family thinks."

"How does he feel about you?" Her mother wanted to know. Hermione looked down.

"He cares for me." He has to, after everything he's done. He just has to. She could see him just a short distance away, not close enough for either of them to hear each other.

Her father looked down at her, then over to the Malfoys. "Does he love you?"

Hermione's eyes were drawn back to Draco, and she pulled them away forcibly. "I don't know." She leaned against her mom, who put an arm around her. "I hope he does." Is this still a sham relationship? Or does he actually care about me? She had to do something to get her mind off of this. "Why don't I introduce you to one of my favorite teachers? I think he's down by his hut."

"He lives in a hut?"

She nodded at her father. "He's the Keeper of the Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts, and he teaches Care of Magical Creatures."

The trip down to Hagrid's hut was fairly short, and as they came up, she was glad to see him seated outside enjoying the sunshine. Much better than trying to take care of some monster or something. I don't think Mum and Dad would like to see that. "Hagrid, I'd like you to meet my parents."

"Nice to meet ya!" Hagrid pumped both their arms hard enough to come close to snapping them off. "Hermione's one great witch, gonna be a credit t'Hogwarts!"

As the half-giant went on and on about all the things she'd done over her years there, Hermione could feel the world start to spin all around her. This is not good. She squirmed around to sit on the steps going up to the house, seeing her parents and Hagrid staring down at her.

"Hermione? Are you all right?" Her father definitely looked worried about her.

"I'm fine. I just got a little dizzy. Madam Pomfrey said that it's to be expected, because of the situation."

Mr. Granger nodded slowly; he'd always left magic and magical things up to her since she'd first gotten her letter. "If you say so. I don't like this, though. People having children with people who could kill them…

"She'll be doin' better when Professor Snape gets that potion made to help her. She'll be right as rain then!" Hagrid joined in. Mrs. Granger looked much less convinced.

"Are you certain?"

Hermione nodded, internally wincing as the world danced about her once again. "It's to stop me from losing the baby, and my life. I feel better now. I need you to get back to the school. Ron's parents are going to get you to the Quidditch field, and I need to get ready for the game"

"Are ya sure that ya should be playing, Hermione? In your condition and all?" Hagrid loomed worriedly over her, and she smiled a bit.

"I'll be fine. Madam Pomfrey will be nearby at all times in case something happens, which I doubt it will." She grinned widely at the three of them. "See you when the girls beat the boys!"

Hermione guided her parents to the Great Hall and over to where Ron's family was waiting. Sam was with them, Ramas ever-present on her shoulder, and she could see the twins looking between the two of them as she came closer. "Hey, Hermione!" Fred shouted. "How come you never told us that you were a twin too?"

"Because I'm not. I'm just a cousin." Hermione reminded them. "Nice to see you all. I'm sure you all remember my parents." There were waves, and the Grangers were almost at once trying to avoid being pumped for more information about being Muggles by Arthur Weasley.

George shook his head. "That's weird. I don't think I've ever seen any of my cousins look just like us."

"And we're all grateful for that." Ron muttered, getting thwacked on the head by both his twin brothers at the same time.

"Good luck today," Fred looked over at Hermione. "Show them what Quidditch is all about!"

Hermione grinned a little. "I intend to."

"Are you sure that you should be playing?" Ron asked, his eyes flicking briefly to her midsection. Hermione held back from yanking her wand out and practicing a few hexes.

"I'm fine! Like I just told Hagrid, Madam Pomfrey's going to be right here in case of anything going wrong, which isn't going to happen." She motioned briefly to the mediwitch, fussing up and down the stands. "See?"

Sam tugged Ron back over to her, just as Ramas jumped from her shoulder to his and snuggled into his red hair. "Relax, Ron. Hermione knows what she's doing." She looked over at her cousin. "You'd better go get changed."

As Hermione headed over to the changing area, Ron peered over the ferret's furry body at his girlfriend. "Do you think she's telling the truth?"

"She looked kind of pale. She'd better be all right, though. It's bad enough that my uncle wants to kill Draco."

Ron's wince must have been noticed by Fred, since he asked, "What are you two talking about?" That was one thing he missed about Hogwarts, not being in on all the interesting gossip.

"Draco got Hermione pregnant." Ron muttered absently, then winced as Sam smacked him even harder upside the head. "What??"

"You weren't supposed to tell!" His girlfriend snapped. "Hermione's going to kill you, and I won't stop her!"

Percy looked a trifle confused at this. "I thought that Hermione was smarter than to take up with him."

"Things happen," Sam shrugged. "From what I've heard, he's changed somewhat from what he used to be. At least a little." She eyed Ron again, then looked at the group. "Don't tell Hermione that you know." She looked over to where Harry was standing behind his Aunt, green eyes almost closed entirely as Petunia and Snape talked to each other about something or other. "I feel sorry for Harry. Think we should go rescue him?"

Ron took a look for himself, then nodded. "I think he'd like that. He and Ginny would probably want to spend some time together today, too, I guess."

The two of them hurried over there, Harry opening his eyes almost as soon as they got there. "Excuse us," Sam smiled sweetly. "But can we steal Harry for a little bit?"

Petunia waved a careless hand, not even breaking her conversation. The three younger people headed away quite willingly, and Ron looked at his best friend. "Do we even want to know what they're talking about, Harry?"

"Not really, but I know why he's been a little nicer to Gryffindor the last few months." Harry glanced back over his shoulder and shivered for a moment.

Ron glanced back as well, noting how close they were. Neither were actually smiling, but there was something, some kind of a spark or something, in between them. "They look really friendly."

"Don't say that!"

Before the conversation could go on, the magnified voice of the Headmaster echoed over the grounds. "The time has come for the exhibition Quidditch game! All students, staff, and visitors gather at the Quidditch pitch!"

In a great deluge of people, witches, wizards, and Muggles, the Quidditch stands were filled. Those of the visitors who had never seen this place before stared about in awe, and their Muggleborn children were reminded of the first time they'd seen this place.

Hermione stood with the rest of those who made up her team, fidgeting slightly with one hand on her broom. I really hope nothing does go wrong. For all her brave words, there was still that niggling thread of doubt squirming inside of her. Then there's that last spell. When is it going to go off?

"Players!" Madam Hooch called out. "It's time!"

The two teams flew out, getting into position quickly. Madam Hooch opened the box with the balls, releasing the Bludgers and the Golden Snitch, then tossed the Quaffle into the air. The Keepers got into position, the Chasers headed for the ball, and Quidditch had begun!

Hermione hovered in front of the goal posts, remembering everything that she and Draco had done to train her for this. She worked harder and harder with every attempted shot, keeping them all from going through the goal posts, until the Seeker for her side swooped down and seized hold of the fluttering Snitch, raising it high for everyone to see.

Hooch's whistle shrieked throughout the stadium. "The girls' team wins!"

The whole stadium went absolutely wild, with the winning team hugging each other as they headed for the ground. Hermione looked up to see Draco heading over towards them, both sets of their parents following him, along with Sam.

"That was incredible!" Her mother hugged her once she came close enough. "I had no idea what kind of a flyer you were!"

"Thanks." Hermione hugged back. "I've been practicing a lot." She blinked a little as another dizzy spell struck, then smiled as Draco steadied her for a moment. "I think I need to lay down for a bit."

"Come on." Sam offered her an arm to lean on. "Let's get you back inside."

Hermione, Sam, and Mrs. Granger headed on inside, Hermione murmuring the password to get into her rooms. Once she was settled on the bed, her mom asked something that had to have been on her mind. "Are you certain you should have been playing? That was fairly active flying."

"I'm fine, mom. Physically, at least." Hermione glanced at the angle of the sun coming in. "Draco and I made a promise that comes into effect tomorrow night."

"What?" Her mother looked even more confused now. Hermione tapped the one of her books which had the potion in question in it.

"We made a true love potion. It shows who your true love is. I saw him, but I have no idea who he saw." She stared down a little. "I don't know if I want to know if it wasn't me."

Sam shrugged casually. "Why wouldn't it be? It makes sense, you know. He hasn't really looked at anyone else as long as I've been here."

"I know. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm still scared of losing him." Hermione pulled one of her books over and started to page through it, letting the words sooth her nervousness, or at least try to.

Her mother leaned closer to her. "If he loves you, then you won't lose him."

"What if he doesn't?"

Mrs. Granger shook her head. "Do you think he doesn't? Has he told you that he doesn't?"

"It's hard to tell. He keeps everything so locked up inside of himself. I think it's mainly because of his father, but I still can't be sure."

"But what do you think?" Her mother wondered.

Hermione ran everything through her mind, but the only thing she could come up with was, "I don't know. Everything's happened so fast. I know that I love him, but if he doesn't love me, I can't make him marry me. I won't make him marry me." She looked over at her mother, smiling just a bit. "I can't wait to show you around Hogsmeade tomorrow."

"What's it like?" Mrs. Granger tried not to show just how nervous she was at that. Hermione chuckled; her parents could still be very leery of magic.

"It's like Diagon Alley. Don't be so worried, though. Ron's family have gotten you and Harry's aunt a couple of rooms in town. They'll take you there." She twitched a little, then headed for the bathroom as swiftly as she could.

"I really hope that they get the potion done right," Sam shook her head, hearing what her cousin was going through. Her aunt nodded.

"But this is normal for pregnancy. It's called morning sickness."

"But it's not morning." Sam pointed out. Mrs. Granger chuckled in amusement.

"It happens morning, noon, and night." They both looked up as Hermione came back in. "All better?" The older woman asked. Hermione nodded, yawning impressively.

"I think I'm going to nap for a while."

Her mother nodded again approvingly. "Good idea. You're overexcited." She hugged Hermione gently. "Get a lot of rest."

Hermione chuckled a bit. "I will." She shot a look over at Sam, asking with her eyes if she would make certain to show her mother around Hogwarts while she herself napped. Sam nodded lightly, then guided her aunt out of there. They closed the door on the sleeping Hermione and headed out into the school.

To Be Continued