The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/23/2005
Updated: 06/24/2006
Words: 12,911
Chapters: 5
Hits: 5,010

Draco of Durmstrang


Story Summary:
Draco Malfoy didn't expect to be sent to Durmstrang Institute for his magical education, but what was even more unexpected was the treatment he received once he got there. So, when Draco discovers that he will be travelling to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament, he is both excited and nervous. But what he doesn't realise is that he will meet someone there - a Muggle-born girl who will change his life forever. A/U This story is a collaboration between cosmic_llin and deccaboo.

Chapter 05


'Draco! Draco, guess what!' Hermione dashed into his room, flung her books on his bed and hopped to sit on the desk, her face flushed with excitement.

'They've discovered a new species of dragon in deepest Peru?' guessed Draco, with a grin.

'No! It isn't that! But, have they?'

'No, Hermione, I was teasing.'

She rolled her eyes. 'Don't you want to know my news?'

'Of course I do, but you said to guess!'

'Well,' she sighed, 'I suppose I walked into that one. But I really do have something to tell you! We're allowed to bring Durmstrang or Beauxbatons students as our guests to the Yule Ball!'

'Oh?' said Draco, cautiously.

'Yes! And I thought you might like to come with me, you know, since you said that you wouldn't be able to go otherwise, and it isn't as if I have a boy to go with in the castle or anything.'

'Oh, Hermione, you would do that?'

'Of course! I want you to see the castle, Draco!' She faltered. 'You do want to come to the Ball, don't you?'

'Yes, very much!' Draco said, his eyes shining.

He had heard very little over the past few days that didn't relate to the Yule Ball. All of the older Durmstrang students were invited anyway, and they did very little but talk about it. The girls, usually so dignified and aloof, were suddenly travelling around the ship in giggling, whispering knots, which made getting around rather uncomfortable. The boys were less visibly excited, but still they could discuss little except for which girls they would dance with, what they would wear, what there might be to eat and drink... Draco, listening whenever he could, had felt such pangs of envy when he heard that they were already decorating the castle for Christmas that he'd felt like crying.

But now he was invited! Now he was going to the Yule Ball too!

'Well, good,' said Hermione, a little amused at his rapturous expression. 'It's formal dress, I'm sure you know.'

'I didn't bring any dress robes with me,' said Draco, with a frown.

'Well, I'm sure we can sort that out somehow,' Hermione said breezily.

But Draco was already thinking of the other obstacles which he would need to overcome.

'I don't think the Dieners are supposed to go to the Ball,' he said. 'Karkaroff might just send me straight back here when he sees me...'

'Dumbledore would never let him!' Hermione said.

'And I'll have to help Viktor prepare; I don't know if there'll be time to get ready myself...'

'We'll work something out! Draco, stop making more problems for yourself!'

'I'm not! It's just that I'm worried that something will go wrong.'

'It won't,' said Hermione, firmly. 'Dumbledore will be there. He wouldn't let Karkaroff send you away once you're there. All it needs is a bit of forward planning. I promise we can make this work.'

* * *

Dear Mother, wrote Draco,

I was very happy to receive your last package. The cake was delicious. I shared it with a friend of mine, a Hogwarts student named Hermione, who I am taking to the Yule Ball.

Do you think you could send me my dress robes so that I can make sure they still fit in time for the Ball?

All my love,


That didn't give too much away, Draco thought, as he folded up the letter and sent it with the owl. It wouldn't do to seem too excited. The Malfoys were sophisticated. At his age his father had probably already taken dozens of girls to dozens of balls. Draco himself had been to plenty when he was a little boy, but Durmstrang wasn't that sort of place, and so he hadn't been to a formal dance since he was ten, and too young to go with a girl. This was going to be a completely new challenge.

My darling Draco,

How could you think that I would send you your old dress robes? You have surely outgrown them by now. The Hogwarts Yule Ball is a fabulous occasion of enormous reputation and you must certainly have new dress robes. I have enclosed a tape-measure which has been enchanted to take your measurements for a new set - please send it back by return.

You didn't tell me that you were seeing a girl! Is she from a good family? Is she pretty? Do you get on well? You must tell me everything!

I do wish that you would let us come and visit you while you are so close, especially since I assume that, with all the excitement, you won't be coming home for Christmas? I know you must be enjoying staying at Hogwarts and I do so want to come and share it with you. I do miss you, you know.

Another cake follows shortly. Also, I have knitted you a hat, which is enclosed. I do hope you'll wear it. I don't want you to catch a chill - it has been rather cold lately. Make certain you eat properly and get enough sleep - sleep is very important for growing boys.

Your father sends his love. He is sorry that he hasn't written to you himself lately, but he really is tremendously busy. He is very interested to hear what you have been doing. Of course I won't tell him about your young lady unless you want me to.

Take care, darling!

All my love,



Dear Mother,

Here is your tape-measure back. Thank you for arranging for me to have new dress robes!

I am not 'seeing' Hermione. We are just good friends. We do our homework together. And yes, she is very pretty.

Thank you for the cake! It was delicious as always.

I know you would like to come and visit me here, but honestly I am very busy what with one thing and another and I would like you to come later in the year when I have more free time to spend with you.

Lots of love,


* * *

Hermione was always flushed with excitement when she arrived in Draco's room these days - apparently there was just as much fuss about the Yule Ball at the castle as there was on the ship. Today she came in, flung her books on the bed and sat on Draco's desk.

'We've been learning to dance!' she announced. 'We didn't have any classes at all today, just dancing lessons.'

'And how did they go?' he asked, leaning forward eagerly.

'Well, I...' she frowned. 'Not so well, actually. I think I got the basics, but then I had to lead because there weren't enough boys, and then I got all confused. And Professor McGonagall isn't sure there'll be time for us to have more lessons before the Ball. I hope I can figure it out by then.'

Draco frowned too, considering her.

'Are you having dance lessons too?' Hermione asked.

He shook his head.

'Oh, gosh, then it must be even scarier for you! Do you think you'll be able to learn in time?'

Draco stared at her. 'Learn to dance? Me?'

'Well, I just thought that you might like to... with me...'

He laughed. 'Hermione, I've been dancing since I could walk. There won't be a problem with that part. In fact, I could give you some pointers, if you like.'

'Oh, could you? That would be lovely! I do so want to dance well, in front of all those people.'

She beamed at him, and he grinned back.

'We could give it a try now, if you like,' he said.

'Alright!' she said, standing up and taking his hand. 'Lead on, Mister Malfoy...'

He put his right hand on her waist, and she put her left hand on his shoulder. Their free hands clasped together.

'It's very easy, really,' he said. 'It's just: one, two, three; one, two, three. Let's try it.'

And they began to move, awkwardly at first. They kicked over Draco's chair, and bumped into the bed before they got into a rhythm.

'Don't try to lead,' said Draco. 'And don't keep looking at my feet! I know how to lead, just trust me. It works, I promise.'

Hermione giggled, and lifted her head to watch Draco's eyes instead of his feet. He hadn't been boasting - he was a good dancer, and she felt the steps begin to come more easily as he led her across the small floor space that they had. It was easier than she had thought to move in harmony with Draco, and she began to really enjoy the feeling of dancing, just dancing.

'What about Viktor?' Draco asked, abruptly.

Hermione stopped.

'He asked me to the ball with him, the other day,' she said. 'And I told him that I was already going with somebody.'

'And... he was alright about it?'

'Well... not exactly. He said I'd been leading him on, and I tried to explain about it, without letting him know who it was I was taking... I tried to tell him how I was taking somebody who wouldn't have the chance to go otherwise, and it didn't mean that I didn't like him, but he was still angry...'

'Do you still like him?' Draco asked.

'Well... yes... but it's all so mixed up! I think Viktor's lovely, really I do. I enjoy spending time with him, he's very attentive, and he can be quite romantic sometimes. But... I'm not saying that he isn't intelligent, but he's so quiet! He doesn't like to discuss things the way I do, he isn't really interested in theories and things like that. I can't talk to him like... like I can to you.'

An awkward silence fell over them.

'Shall I show you that step again?' Draco asked, after several long seconds had passed.

'Yes, please!' said Hermione, and they got up and carried on.

* * *

Dear Draco,

Are you sure you aren't seeing this Hermione? You will tell me if there are any developments, won't you?I don't want to seem interfering, but I care about you and I'm interested to know what your friends are like. Even if there is no prospect of romance with Hermione, which I find hard to credit considering your looks and manners, do tell me more about her!

I enclose your new robes - if you don't like them you must say and I'll get you some other ones, but I think these will suit you very well. Try them on right away before you forget - you wouldn't want to discover half an hour before the Ball that they aren't right.

Are you sure I can't drop in on you for just an hour or two? I'm sure you're very busy indeed, but I wouldn't take up much of your time. I'd just like to see you if it's at all possible. Of course, if you'd rather not, that's fine too. I'm happy that you're being so independent.

All my love,



Draco tried the robes on to show Hermione when she came to visit, two days before Christmas. They were pale blue, and went perfectly with his ivory skin and blond hair. Out of the drab uniform of Durmstrang and in something more suited to his temperament, he suddenly felt more confident, and carried himself taller.

'You look very dashing!' said Hermione. 'I hardly recognise you!'

He bowed to her, and grinned, and she giggled.

'I don't know if I'll be able to get away again before the Ball,' she said. 'Are we clear on the plan of action?'

He nodded. 'I help Viktor get ready, wait until they're all gone, and then get ready myself.'

'It means we'll probably miss the first dance,' Hermione said. 'But it can't be helped.'

'Then I'll come down from the ship secretly, meet you in the grounds, and we'll arrive at the Ball together.'

'We'll sneak in while everyone's dancing and just blend in.'

'By the time anyone notices I'm there it will be too late to send me away.'

'And we'll have a wonderful, magical evening!' Hermione beamed.

Draco grinned back. He could hardly wait.