The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch Severus Snape
Drama Alternate Universe
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/18/2007
Updated: 11/26/2007
Words: 382,191
Chapters: 73
Hits: 33,140


Coral Grace

Story Summary:
Follows the troubled path of fifth year Ravenclaw student, Armilla Kemp, when she is suddenly placed in the care of Professor Snape. NOT a romance fic or cliched story. Set in OotP.

Chapter 45 - I Know You Know


Chapter 45

On New Year's Day I awoke a lot later than usual. I thought I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw that it was after nine thirty. I had missed breakfast! Oh, I hoped Father was not going to be mad...it was strange that Rougier hadn't come to wake me like she usually did. But then, I had offended her enough the night before; I didn't think that she cared now whether I got into more trouble or not.

My head throbbed as I got out of bed, but it was nothing to the pain in my back from where Father had hexed me. Further attempts to subdue the pain failed - that hex must have been a speciality of Father's. Git.

Though I rose late, I had barely slept at all, probably three hours at the most. After I had gotten Snape's message I hadn't tried so hard to occlude properly before sleeping. As a result, I had nightmares all night long and I spent long periods of time just staring into the darkness, too nervous to fall asleep in case I dreamt again that Snape was killed by the Dark Lord and I had to go and live with Father and his new wife, Zita Rougier. Just thinking about such a pairing made me shudder.

I spent half an hour in the shower, still feeling half asleep and trying my best to ignore my back pain, my headache and my sore eyes from the conjunctivitis hex. I got an appalling shock when I looked into the mirror. I looked terrible! I looked as if I had...well, just stood by while someone had hexed me for the fun of it. And I looked as if I hadn't slept in days. For the first time since I had been at my Father's house, I actually applied make up because I wanted to - I didn't want to look like a complete failure when Snape showed up.

Speaking of Snape, he should have been arriving at any moment. I could go back to Hogwarts today! Everything would be alright, as long as You Know Who didn't fancy me joining his Death Eater ranks. I hastily did my hair, dressed and made sure I had packed all of my belongings. Through all the pain I was currently feeling, my strongest feeling was happiness...I was leaving!

As I was making my bed, Rougier sauntered into the room, a slight smirk playing about her lips. She stopped in front of my bed and just folded her arms.

I knew she was being dramatic. She was waiting for me to inquire why she was there. I chose to ignore her as I straightened the bedspread.

"I bet you're in a sad mood this morning," she said finally, clapping her hands together with a big smile. She put on a baby voice. "You're leaving Daddy behind and going back to school."

"C'est la vie," I said airily and I placed the pillows back on the bed.

"Do you miss your brother then?" She now had such a huge smile on her face that I wondered what she was playing at.

I shrugged. "I suppose I miss him like any other sister would miss her brother."

She took a step closer to me. "Oh, but I know he's more than a brother to you. He wouldn't really play the role of brother to you now, would he? A lot more I would say. What is it like to have two fathers?"

I ignored her, choosing instead to concentrate on placing the bolster in exactly the right position. Really, the old nitwit was unnecessarily talkative this morning.

Rougier sighed dramatically. "Though, since you don't have a mother, I suppose one couldn't begrudge you having two fathers. But what a negative influence on your adolescent years, to be brought up by two men. I shudder when I think what you will be like when you're eighteen or nineteen. You'll be a wild tomboy!"

"Is there something you wanted?" I asked harshly. "Or would you like me to get started on my opinion of you?"

Rougier raised her eyebrows. "I couldn't give a knut what you think of me. Who cares what an uncouth, untalented, spoilt rich girl like you thinks of them!"

As annoyed as I was at the woman, I laughed. I knew she wanted me to get more and more offended, so I laughed.

"Uncouth?" I repeated. "Good one."

"I-" she paused, looking confused. Excellent. I was successful.

"Yes?" I said smoothly. "You were about to tell me what you came for, no?"

"Don't get smart with me, miss," she said coldly. "I came to tell you not to expect to see your dear brother this morning."

I suddenly felt cold. My heart started to pump faster.

"Why...why not?" I stammered.

Rougier smiled nastily. "Dear, dear, little one. Think he can't be bothered coming for you? Think he'd rather leave you here? Think he might have stopped loving you?"

Love? The old hag was being absurd.

She let out a high pitched cold laugh. "But who could love you?"

"Are you going to answer me or not?" I said, trying my best to sound indifferent.

Rougier could barely contain her glee. "It would seem that Severus is too busy to bother himself with collecting you this morning. He has delegated the task to someone else. An acquaintance of his is coming to meet you in London. I am to take you there myself in a little over an hour."

I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I didn't have to stay. But then, I was not sure about leaving the house with Rougier again. And I wasn't sure about whoever this acquaintance was. What if it was someone in disguise for the Dark Lord and Snape had nothing to do with this new arrangement?

"Oh the shame," said Rougier as she made her way to the door. "To not be wanted by one's own brother."

"Who are you talking to?" I said coldly. "I hope not me, because I stopped listening to your dribble a long time ago."

Rougier's eyes flashed angrily. She was so easy to upset. I knew it was risky for me to torment her, but I was already in a considerable amount of pain...it couldn't get a great deal worse. And the satisfaction I felt every time I won a verbal fight was so wonderful.

"Don't entertain the idea of coming down for breakfast," she said angrily. "Breakfast was a couple of hours ago. Your father decided that since you were so rude to miss it, you won't eat at all."

I shrugged. "Okay. I'm not hungry. I didn't want breakfast anyway, but thanks very much for your concern." What I really wanted was a good pain-killing potion, a dreamless sleep potion and my bed in the dungeons at Hogwarts.

Rougier didn't bother answering. She slammed the door behind her and I heard her footsteps approach the stairs.

I went into the bathroom and took out my chocolate frog card. It was to risky to view it in my bedroom in case someone came in. I was relieved when I saw the wizard waving to me. Snape had sent another message.

I'm sorry. Some Order related issues have come up, preventing me from coming to get you this morning. Tonks will meet you in London, so don't worry. I am hoping to see you before the day is out.

I felt better that I had gotten the news directly from Snape, but I couldn't help feeling disappointed. I knew it was selfish, but I was in such a lot of pain and Snape was the only person I wanted to talk to. He was the only one who really understood. I couldn't tell Tonks or anyone else about the nature of my back injury or why my eyes were so sore because it would lead to too many questions. I had to communicate the events of the day before to Snape before anyone else.

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

"Hurry up! It's time to go," Rougier called from the hall.

I slipped my shrunken bag and Morag's cage into the pocket of my cloak. Morag hadn't returned from Hogwarts. I wasn't annoyed at her at all. I would have preferred to stay there too. I just hoped that her cheerful hooting hadn't driven Snape insane...I wouldn't have put it past him to cast a silencing charm on her.

With every movement, I tried not to wince from the pain. My eyes were a little clearer, but still sore. I hoped it wasn't obvious that my eyes were suffering from a charm-induced form of conjunctivitis. I had spent the remainder of my time at Father's house repeatedly applying soothing charms to my eyes and back. My back simply refused to heal...if anything, it was getting worse.

I followed Rougier down the stairs and into the entrance hall where Father was waiting by the door. Vile, odious man. I loathed every bit of him. He didn't want to stop me being a Death Eater for my own piece of mind, but for his.

"And so your short stay with me has come to an end, my dear," he said, reaching out to take my hand. Short stay? Really? It felt like a lifetime.

"I do hope that you will remember everything you have learnt over the past week," he continued, raising his head slightly so that he looked down his hooked nose at me. "It is my earnest desire that you apply your learning in every situation that presents itself to you, even at school."

"Yes, Father." I must remember to curtesy to Snape, Malfoy and every other male I came into contact with. Though maybe not the Gryffindors...Snape would be furious if I curtsied to a Gryffindor...though then again, I doubt he would approve of me curtseying at all. Unnecessary attention.

Father sighed. "Though if I could, I would withdraw you from Hogwarts so I could send you to Beauxbatons Academy." He paused, scowling. "But Severus will not hear of it."

"I am happy at Hogwarts, Father," I said.

"Happiness at school only occurs by chance," he snapped. "I am not interested in your happiness at school, but your proper upbringing and education in what is proper."

Well, excuse me. How dare I speak? Shut up, Armilla, you'll give yourself another injury.

"Well, then," said Father, after he had kissed me on the cheek (and I tried not to vomit), "at least you remain a quiet child, that is a virtue. Is it not so, Zita?"

"Of course," crooned Zita, smiling cheerfully. "I recommend that Armilla continues to practise being quiet during her next stay here." Hmph, and I recommend that Zita practises not talking through her-

"Unfortunately, I don't believe that will be for some time," Father answered, interrupting my unladylike thoughts. He inclined his head. "Well, until next time, Armilla."

"Goodbye, Father," I said. I hope I never have to see you again. I walked out the front door without a backwards glance, not even to see if Rougier was following me. I was going home!

Rougier caught up with me before we got to the front gate. Once we were back in an apparition zone, I had to take her arm so we could disapparate and apparate in London. I cringed just touching her arm. But at least this wasn't my first time at apparition - I could have really made a fool of myself.

We appeared in a street not far from Diagon Alley. Rougier hadn't bothered to tell me where the meeting place actually was. It was a very busy street, full of people shopping and I caught sight of many Hogwarts students with their families.

"This Tonks lady had better show up soon," Rougier grumbled. "I have things to do."

I wanted to laugh. Rougier had no idea that she had met Tonks as Mary Donahey a few times now.

"So leave," I said. "I'll be alright."

Rougier shook her head. "And bear the wrath of your Father if anything happened to you?"

I laughed. "Not that you'd care if anything happened to me."

Rougier turned and gave me her sweetest smile. "I may spare a second of remorse for you, dearest child. But then I would be distracted by something more interesting."

I opened my mouth to retort, but I closed it as soon as I heard an all too familiar voice behind me.

"Wotcha, Armilla!"

I turned around to see Tonks smiling face. She looked more formal than usual, probably for Rougier's sake. Her hair was golden blonde, and extremely long and her eyes were chocolate brown.

"Hi Tonks," I said, grinning. We didn't hug each other in front of Rougier in case Rougier reported back to Father that we were close. I wasn't really close to Tonks anyway, but I didn't want her on my Father's investigation list.

Rougier cleared her throat. I sighed.

"Tonks, this is my governess, Madame Rougier. Madame Rougier, this is an acquaintance of mine, Tonks."

Rougier shook Tonks' hand. "Tonks is your first name?" she asked, wrinkling her nose.

Tonks grinned broadly. "No, my first name is Nymphadora, but Armilla knows I don't like to acknowledge it as such."

"Oh," said Rougier, staring at Tonks as if she had a bad smell.

Tonks clapped her hands together. "Alright then," she said brightly, "best be going, Armilla."

"Okay," I said. I turned to face Rougier. "Bye then," I said, completely nonchalant.

She nodded at me and then at Tonks before turning on her heal and sweeping off in the opposite direction.

"Lovely old bird, isn't she?" said Tonks, staring after her.

"The best," I agreed. "I'm personally going to nominate her for an Order of Merlin."

"Excellent," Tonks laughed. "First class, of course."

I stared at her for a moment. "Shouldn't I be asking you something to make sure it is you?"

"Ah, very perceptive," she said, nodding. "Alright then, ask away."

I frowned, trying to think of a fitting question.

"My brother wasn't keen for you to undertake a certain role recently. What was the reason for his disapproval?"

Tonks grinned, her eyes shining. "Too clumsy? Ha! I certainly proved him wrong, didn't I?"

I laughed. "You certainly did."

Tonks frowned as she looked at me closely. "But you don't look well at all, Armilla. Are you feeling alright?"

I shrugged. "I don't feel the best. I'm really tired."

Tonks nodded seriously. "You look as if you haven't slept in days."

"I'll be alright," I said. "Just knowing I don't have to go back there for awhile is enough to make me feel better." I looked around me. "Though, I suppose this isn't the place to ask the nature of why you had to come and get me?" I whispered.

Tonks shook her head. She looked closely at me again. "I know you're tired, but are you up for some shopping?"

"Shopping?" I repeated. "You have shopping to do?"

Tonks shook her head. "No, but you do."

"I do? I wasn't aware of it."

Tonks smiled slyly.

"What's up?" I asked curiously. "Are you trying to point out that I need to change my look?"

She laughed. "No, there's nothing wrong with your look. I managed to convince Severus a few days ago that while you're still on holidays you might have some shopping that you would prefer to do in the company of a woman, and I simply offered my services..." she looked at me significantly, and I suddenly understood.

"Tonks," I said, blushing. "You told Severus that I needed to shop for...girl stuff?"

Tonks grinned. "Well, I didn't actually use those words. I pointed out that his sister was fifteen and probably had shopping to do that she wouldn't feel comfortable doing with him."

"And what did he say to that?" My face must have been so red.

"He sneered at me, Armilla!" she replied indignantly. "So I immediately put it to him that, fine, he could take you shopping for such items at first available opportunity. I was only offering my services as one of the only women he knows that you might feel comfortable with. As far as I was concerned, he could be seen by all his students at Hogwarts, taking his sister shopping in lingerie shops!"

"And what did he said to that?" I asked, my eyes wide.

Tonks let out a triumphant laugh. "He didn't say anything! He reached into his pocket, pulled out some money and thrust it into my hand."

I stared at her incredulously. "You'll never live that down, Tonks."

Tonks smirked. "No, he'll never live that down, Armilla. As skilled a wizard as he is, Armilla, he's a man. I bet he never even thought about it."

"Well...thanks...for going to that trouble for me." I said. I felt so embarrassed, but so grateful to Tonks at the same time. I could not imagine what it would have been like to ask Snape if I could go shopping by myself. Snape always had to know everything.

"No problem," she replied airily. "Now, let's go."

We spent an hour in another street near Diagon Alley, buying enough new things so that I wouldn't have to worry about going to Snape about it for a long time. By the time we left the last shop, I was feeling really grateful that Tonks had had the guts to bring it up to Snape. I got the feeling that Tonks liked to annoy him.

"Right, and on we go!" said Tonks finally, as we walked into a deserted alley. "We're going to apparate Armilla, so hold on to me."

I held on tightly and before long we appeared in a street full of big houses. I looked around me, confused. I hadn't been here before.

"I thought we were going to Hogsmeade," I said. "So we could walk back to Hogwarts."

Tonks shook her head. "I'm taking you to the Order's Headquarters. When Severus finishes the Order business he is doing, he is going to return to Headquarters to give a report to other members. We deemed it best that we don't desert you at Hogwarts. Severus will take you there later."

"Oh," I said, feeling a bit disappointed, but curious all the same. I had never been to the Order's Headquarters before. Merle had been there a couple of times, just before she had died.

"Here," said Tonks, handing me a bit of parchment. "Memorise this."

I stared down at it.

The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.

"Got it?" Tonks asked quietly.

I nodded and she took the parchment from me. Tonks ignited the parchment with the tip of her wand and a moment later it was completely destroyed. I looked around me, trying to place number twelve. It didn't take long to realise that the house must be hidden.

"Now," she continued, her voice low. "Can you see the parchment in your mind? Yes? Concentrate on it."

A split second later, the houses in front of us seemed to push themselves apart and I saw a shabby looking door appear our of nowhere, closely followed by the rest of the house. It was very dirty and looked as if it hadn't been cared for, or for that matter, lived in for years. I noticed that no one in the neighbourhood had come screaming out of their houses about having just been pushed aside. Magic was a wonderful thing.

We ascended the stone steps leading up to the black front door. The silver doorknocker took my notice straightaway. It was in the shape of a serpent.

"Is this a Slytherin's house?" I asked quietly.

Tonks smiled grimly. "Used to be," she replied. "But the current owner is a Gryffindor."

Oh. Well that was a surprise.

Tonks tapped the door once with her wand and we heard a series of clicks and a rattling chain. A moment later, the door gave a low groan as it opened.

"I should tell you," Tonks whispered, "to keep noise to a minimum once you're in the hall...we don't want to wake up...well, just be really careful."

Wondering what on earth she was talking about, I followed Tonks inside. The house was a bit cleaner inside, but it still carried an air of neglect. The dark hallway was quite long, and a huge chandelier hung overhead. I noted the Slytherin touch on the serpent shaped chandelier.

Tonks held a finger to her lips and we tiptoed down the hall, through a doorway and down some stairs to what I guessed was the basement.

"The kitchen," Tonks whispered, as we descended the last few steps. "I just want to let Molly Weasley know that we're here."

Molly Weasley? I wondered for a moment why Molly Weasley would be expecting us, but then I remembered Merle telling me that the Weasley family had been looking after the headquarters for the Order. I had met Mr and Mrs Weasley once when I was very little at someone's birthday party - a friend of Merle's and the Weasleys.

I heard voices as we approached the door. I followed Tonks into the kitchen, feeling nervous.

Seated at the table was Mrs Weasley, Lupin, and...Sirius Black. I might have been alarmed at the sight of Black, had Merle not told me about his innocence.

Mrs Weasley jumped up when she noticed our presence. Lupin stood up as well. Sirius Black looked around and stared at me, his face impassive.

"It's nice to see you, Armilla, dear," said Mrs Weasley. "I haven't seen you since you were a small child, but how you've grown!"

I smiled. I liked Mrs Weasley. She was such a nice, motherly woman.

"Hello, Armilla," said Lupin, nodding at me.

I nodded back, giving a small smile. It must have been a shock for Lupin to have found out that one of his former students was Snape's sister. I had never known why, but Snape had seemed to loathe Lupin while he was teaching when I was in third year.

"Armilla?" Black repeated quietly, staring from me to Lupin. He suddenly stood up looking furious.

"That's Armilla?" he said heatedly, now looking between Lupin and Mrs Weasley. "As in Snape's sister?"

"Yes, she is," said Tonks in a hard voice. "And before you start judging, Sirius Black, you might do well to remember that you come from a dark family that has produced Death Eaters too."

Black scowled. "I wasn't going to judge her because of that," he said, folding his arms.

"Well, you shouldn't judge Armilla because of her brother then," said Lupin firmly. "I taught Armilla, Sirius, and she was one of my best students. I should also mention that she is a Ravenclaw."

Black's face softened. "Oh," he said, looking at me curiously. I wondered what he had against my brother. "Well, you could at least have told me that she was coming," he grumbled.

"You're looking a bit peaky, dear," said Mrs Weasley, looking closely at me like Tonks had done before.

"That's what I think," said Tonks. "Looks like she hasn't slept in days."

"How could she?" muttered Black, "knowing who her brother is..."

"Sirius," Lupin said mildly. "For once in your life, close your mouth."

Black glared at him. He picked up a copy of The Daily Prophet and his face disappeared behind it.

"Are you sure you're alright, Mill?" asked Tonks.

"Yes," I said calmly. I actually felt pretty awful. I couldn't tell if it was just my imagination or the pain in my back was really getting worse.

"Are you hungry?" asked Mrs Weasley, "have you had lunch?"

I shook my head. "No, but I'm not hungry."

"Well there's a third bed in the girl's room," she said. "Why don't you go to bed for awhile? You might be hungry a little later."

I nodded. "Thanks Mrs Weasley."

"My pleasure. The children are all upstairs in Harry and Ron's room. I'll tell them not to disturb you."

"I'll show you where Ginny and Hermione's room is," said Tonks, leading me out of the room. As soon as we left, I heard a newspaper rustling as Black put his newspaper back on the table. Tonks reached back and closed the door, muffling the whispers between Black and Lupin.

"What does Black have against Severus?" I asked as we made our way up the stairs.

"Oh," said Tonks, looking a little distracted, "they just have their differences, that's all. They're both happier when they can have as little to do with each other as possible."

That answer didn't really help me at all, but I supposed that Tonks didn't want to start discussing the affairs of other people when it wasn't her place to.

"Here we are," she said, opening a door to a bedroom. It was a long room, with three beds in it. The wallpaper had started to peel and the room seemed a bit dreary, but it was clean nonetheless.

"I'm pretty sure that's the bed that's not used," said Tonks, pointing to a bed near the wardrobe.

"Thanks, Tonks," I said. "I know I've already said thankyou, but I'm so grateful you've been around the last week. It's really meant a lot to me."

"Oh," said Tonks, pulling me into a hug. I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from gasping when Tonks' arm brushed against the wound on my back.

"I think you should get some sleep, Armilla," she said when she had released me.

"Okay," I said, sitting down on the bed. "Are all the Weasleys here?"

"Well, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny are here," she said. "And Arthur is still in hospital, but we're hoping he can come home on the weekend. Hermione Granger is here too, as well as Harry Potter."

"Do Harry and Hermione always spend Christmas with the Weasleys?" I asked.

"I know Harry generally does," said Tonks. "This is Sirius' house. Harry is Sirius' godson, you know."

I nodded. "I know."

"Well, get some rest then," she said, walking to the door. "You might find it easier to sleep now that you're not at your Father's place."

"I hope so."

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

As much as I wanted to sleep for hours on end, I couldn't quite manage it. Every time I drifted off, I would roll onto my back in my sleep and the pain would wake me up. It got worse as the hours went by and by the time six-thirty came I had barely gotten any sleep at all.

Finally I just got out of bed, completely resigned to the fact that I wasn't going to get any sleep while I was here. As I was putting my shoes back on, the door opened and Hermione came in.

"Oh," she said, looking relieved to find me awake. "Hi, Armilla. I was just sneaking in to get a book."

"That's okay," I said, watching as she retrieved a book out of her trunk.

"A book for studying or to read for pleasure?" I asked, smiling as her eyes lit up when she viewed the cover. I felt the same way about books, though I didn't memorise them to the extent that she did.

Hermione smiled shyly. "Both really," she said. "My parents gave me money to order anything I wanted from Flourish and Blotts for Christmas. I had a hard time choosing."

"I bet you did," I laughed. "I'd have felt the same way."

"Ron and Harry don't understand my passion for books," she said, rolling her eyes. "Unless it's a book on Quidditch."

"Funny," I said. "Quidditch books are of the few that I won't read. I mean, I like Quidditch and everything, but I draw the line on having to read about it."

"I agree," Hermione replied, sitting down on her bed, seemingly happy to talk to me. I was grateful - I didn't feel comfortable roaming the house by myself looking for Tonks, especially in the house owned by a man who seemed to dislike my brother.

"You know," Hermione said, frowning. "I don't want to be rude...and I know that I don't know you very well, but you look like you don't feel very well at all."

Well. That felt great. I wondered how many people were going to tell me that today. So much for applying make up. Maybe I hadn't put enough on.

It wasn't Hermione's fault though; I couldn't be annoyed at her for saying that. From the classes that I had had with her over the years, I knew her to be a genuine, caring sort of person, though very studious. I had always wondered why she was not in Ravenclaw.

"I'm probably just tired still," I said. "I'll feel better when I get back to Hogwarts."

"Mrs Weasley said you had been staying at your father's house for the past week," she said, putting her book down on the bed next to her.

"Yeah, I have. I'm supposed to spend a certain amount of holidays with him."

"Did you have a nice time?"

I shrugged. "It was okay."

"I would have been nervous though," she went on. "I mean, you don't know your father very well, do you?"

I shook my head. "No, I had only met him once before." I smiled at her. "I thought all the Gryffindors would stay at least ten feet away from me when they found out that I was Snape's sister."

Hermione laughed. "Well..." she said, looking down at the bedspread. "It was certainly the big news, wasn't it?"

"I suppose," I said, thinking back to the day in the Great Hall when Malfoy had spread the news about Snape and I.

"So...you're happy, aren't you?" she said, looking worried.

"Happy?" I repeated.

"Well, I mean, before all this happened, wasn't he just...Professor Snape to you as well, Armilla? Wasn't he awful to you all the time as well?"

"Oh yeah," I said. "I remember him mocking me in front of the whole class and saying that I couldn't comprehend the potions instructions. He also asked me if I needed additional lessons in fractions and if I wanted to be the first in his remedial potions class." I paused for a moment. I hadn't thought about those memories in a long time...

"But...things are different now?" Hermione asked. "I don't mean to be nosy..."

"No, that's okay," I said. "I knew people would be curious. He is the formidable Head of Slytherin after all." I smiled, thinking of the time when Snape had described himself to me using those words.

Hermione laughed. "I suppose he is," she said.

"Everything's fine," I said. "It was a shock for us both and it took some getting used to...I think we're still getting used to it. But I can honestly say that I am happy."

She smiled. "That's the main thing," she said. "You know, I've been trying to tell Ron and Harry that Snape wouldn't be making your life hell, but they're not convinced. Ron thinks that Snape has you down there as his servant, chopping up potions ingredients for him every night."

"Oy! That was a private conversation," said an indignant voice from the doorway. I turned to see Ron, Harry and Ginny coming into the room. Ron and Harry sat down on Ginny's bed, both looking a little wary of me, but Ginny came and sat down next to me on my bed.

"Hi, Armilla," she said brightly. "Have a nice Christmas?"

"I did," I said, returning her smile. "You?"

"Well not too bad," she said.

"I was sorry to hear about your dad," I said. "He's coming home soon?"

"Yeah, hopefully on Saturday."

I continued to talk to both Ginny and Hermione for another five minutes, while the boys just sat there, taking in every word and watching me suspiciously. Ron had seemed genuinely surprised that I had bothered to ask about his dad. I couldn't really blame them for being wary. I'd have probably felt the same way if I had been in their place. I'd have still thought Snape was a greasy git like they did.

Finally, Hermione rolled her eyes again as she turned to the boys. "Are you going to say anything?" she demanded. They both remained silent.

Hermione sighed and turned back to me. "Perhaps they will talk to you Armilla, if you answer Ron's question about spending all your spare time chopping up potions ingredients for Snape."

I smiled. "I'm not his servant," I said, looking at Ron, who had the grace to blush. "The only time I chop up potions ingredients is during Potions. I have never been made to chop ingredients for him for the sake of it."

"But...um...isn't he really...sarcastic and nasty to you?" he asked.

"Sarcasm doesn't bother me much," I said. "And he's not nasty to me at all." I wasn't about to tell them that Snape was simply a dear just to see their faces. Snape wouldn't like that at all - he wanted to maintain his fearsome façade.

"Oh," he said, his mouth hanging open slightly.

"Any more questions?" I said, looking at the boys. "Just because I'm his sister doesn't mean I'll bite your head off. Well, not straightaway."

Harry smiled. "It must have been a huge shock," he said. "We were all pitying you."

"Were?" I repeated. "I would have thought that you still do."

Harry shrugged. "Well..."

"I understand," I said. "Trust me, not long ago I was in the same place you were, remember? I was just another Ravenclaw student to him."

Harry nodded. "I guess so. Aren't you uncomfortable with him though?"

"I used to be...not so much anymore."

"You don't mind if we still hate him, do you?" asked Ron.

"Ron!" said Hermione.

"Nah, that's okay," I said. "I wouldn't expect you to suddenly like him just because I'm related to him."

"See?" Ron said, looking at Hermione. "Well this settles everything. We can stop trying to imagine what awful things Snape makes Armilla do to punish her for daring to be his sister-"

"- and we can talk to Armilla without feeling guilty about hating Snape," Harry finished.

Hermione pursed her lips, glaring at the two of them.

"Have you eaten?" Ginny asked. "We've had dinner, but Mum left some down there for you in case you were hungry."

"Thanks," I said. "But I'm not hungry." I hadn't eaten a thing that day, but I didn't have an appetite at all. The amount of pain that I was in was enough to subdue any hungriness.

"That's fine," she said. "Though we all have to stay upstairs when the meeting starts."

"The meeting?"

"Yeah, the Order holds meetings every now and then and we know that there's one on tonight. We're never allowed to go anywhere near the kitchen while the meeting's running."

"It's probably not that important," Ron said, stretching. "I heard Sirius saying that not that many people were coming. Too many people are already involved in other things tonight." He nodded towards me. "I suppose Snape's coming though, seeing that you are here."

"What does Sirius have against Snape anyway?" I asked, looking around at them all. They all exchanged dark glances.

"Ah, well," said Ron. "They loathe each other, see? Each detests the ground that the other walks on."

"But why?"

Harry shrugged. "Snape was in the same year as my mum and dad, Sirius and Lupin. Sirius and my dad were best friends, but Snape loathed them and the feeling was mutual. I don't really know a lot about why...I do know that Snape was really into the Dark Arts at school though."

"Yeah," I said, nodding, "I knew that."

"I wouldn't ask him about Harry's dad and Sirius though," said Ron, his eyes wide. "He'd kill you."

"It's the sort of subject that makes the vein in his temple start throbbing," Harry agreed, nodding.

"I won't mention it then," I replied. Well, there was a piece of bitter history I didn't know about...

We continued to talk for another hour, by which time we were certain that the meeting had started downstairs. We had heard the doorbell ring several times. At nine-thirty, the meeting was still going and the boys said goodnight and went back to their room. The girls got changed and got into bed and we talked through the darkness. My head had started to throb at this stage from the lack of food and sleep, but it was nothing compared to my back. Hmph, forget the Order of Merlin for the governess - I was going to nominate my father. He was really Father of the Year.

Sometime after ten o'clock, the door creaked open and I saw the silhouette of Tonks creep into the room.

"No need to tiptoe, Tonks," Ginny yawned. "We're all awake."

"I hope you have been entertaining Armilla tonight," she said as she came to a stop at my bed.

"Course we have," Ginny said, still muffling a yawn. "We're charming, delightful people."

"Mm," said Hermione, sounding half asleep.

"Well, the meeting is over Armilla," said Tonks, "and everyone else has gone home. Severus is waiting downstairs for you."

"Okay," I said, sitting up again. I put my cloak back on and picked up my scarf and gloves. "See you later," I said to Ginny and Hermione.

"Bye," said Ginny.

"See you at school," Hermione yawned.

I followed Tonks out into the dimly lit corridor. For some reason my heart started to thump at the thought of seeing Snape. I had no idea why and it really bothered me.

The entrance hall was a little bit brighter and as I followed Tonks downstairs, I could see the forms of Dumbledore and Snape near the foot of the stairs. They both had their backs to us, conversing in low tones.

Upon hearing our footsteps, they both stopped and turned around, both looking straight past Tonks and right at me instead. I suddenly became very self conscious.

Dumbledore had turned to look at me with a bright smile on his face. Snape, however, was frowning, just like I had expected. He didn't take his eyes off me as I came to stand next to him. I gave him a tiny smile and his face softened slightly.

"See, Severus?" said Dumbledore chuckling. "You owe me a sickle."

Snape looked back at the Headmaster, glaring.

"Well I did tell you, Severus, that no matter how bad a time Armilla had while she was away, she would still smile upon seeing you again."

Snape scoffed as he turned back to me. "Let me have a look at you," he said, taking my arm and pulling me into a brighter part of the hall, under a lantern on the wall. I stayed silent while he studied me in the light. "When was the last time you slept, Armilla?"

"This afternoon."

"Let me rephrase that," he said, narrowing his eyes. "When was the last time you had a full night's sleep?"

"The night before last maybe...or the one before that..."

Snape shook his head. He seemed furious.

"Perhaps you should take her back to Hogwarts, Severus," said Dumbledore softly. "It's after ten o'clock after all."

Snape sighed, but nodded. "Very well. I will see you tomorrow," he said, nodding at Dumbledore. He nodded at Tonks. "Thankyou for collecting Armilla today."

"No problem," she said, grinning.

"Come," said Snape, glancing back at me as he moved towards the door. I said my goodbyes to Dumbledore and Tonks and followed, feeling sicker than before. Snape seemed in a terrible mood.

We went outside and I watched as the house disappeared from view again. Snape didn't say anything until we had moved behind a tall bush, hiding us from the view of the street.

"We're apparating," he said shortly, holding out his hands. I didn't know what was wrong. I had been so happy at the thought of seeing him, but he seemed so distant. My hands shook slightly as I placed them in his hands. If he noticed, he didn't say anything.

A moment later, we were on the border on the apparition zone outside Hogwarts.

"We'll talk inside," Snape said quietly, gesturing for me to follow him. We walked in silence all the way back up to the school. By this stage, my head was banging and my back hurt like hell. It hurt even more than the moment when Father's spell had hit it. It didn't help that we had to walk in silence. It gave my aching head more time to try and work out what was irritating Snape.

We went into the Entrance Hall, and even through my pain, I felt a slight pang of happiness at the thought of being back at Hogwarts. I was home.

We were just about to descend the stairs when we heard a movement behind us.

"Hem hem," said a high-pitched girly voice.

Snape pursed his lips and turned around.

Umbridge was standing a few feet away from us, wearing what I supposed she thought was a sweet expression.

"Do you realise what time it is, Professor Snape?" she asked.

"I do," he replied, keeping his tone even.

"You do realise that it is well after curfew for students. It is a bad example to set, to be coming into the castle at this hour with a student."

"Indeed it is," Snape agreed, his black eyes glittering. "However I must point out that Armilla is not standing here as a student at the moment. I have yet to sign her back in as a returning student, therefore she is merely standing here as my sister, who goes to bed when her brother deems it suitable."

Umbridge opened her mouth, and then closed it again. Clearly, she couldn't outsmart Snape and had just realised it.

"Do excuse us, Dolores," said Snape. "For I do believe that Armilla should have been in bed a long time ago. I do not wish to detain her any longer."

Umbridge opened her mouth again, but Snape gestured for me to go down the stairs and we soon left her standing alone in the Entrance Hall.

A minute or so later, we were standing in the sitting room in our quarters in the dungeons.

We took off our travelling cloaks, scarves and gloves in silence.

"Come," Snape said briskly, crossing the room. I followed him down the hallway and into his office/lab. He pointed at the work bench in the middle of the room. "Sit."

Trying to ignore my back pain, I got onto the bench, wondering why we were in here. Snape lit a few more candles that hung overhead with his wand to make the room brighter.

At length, he sat down on a stool near me and just stared at me for awhile. "You look awful," he remarked.

I stared at him. We sat in silence for a moment. "I feel awful," I said finally.

"You're pale and you look exhausted," he said quietly. "I will put that down to fatigue and perhaps hunger. Tell me, have you eaten today?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"No," I answered softly.

"Mm," he said. "Let's see. I also believe you are currently suffering from a charm-induced form of conjunctivitis. What do you think?"

I nodded.

"I suspect a headache that has been bothering you all day?"

Again, I nodded. God, the man was good. I was occluding.

"And finally, I suspect some sort of secret injury that you have told no one about because you acquired it in circumstances that you would prefer not to be made public. Correct?"

"Yes," I whispered. "How did you know?"

"I could tell by the way you were breathing and the way you were walking," he replied. "I do recognise symptoms displayed by someone who has been hexed."

I said nothing.

"Well," he said, standing up. "What shall we do first, Armilla? See how serious this injury is? Give you a headache potion? Cure your eyes? Give you a sleeping potion? Berate you for not eating today?"

I looked away. Thankfully I was still occluding. I felt sure that if I stopped, I would cry like I did the night before.

"No answer then? Perhaps I should add another option to the list of tasks," he said harshly. "How about you stop occluding? You're home."

I shook my head. "I can't stop," I whispered.

Snape stared at me, his face unfathomable. "Well then," he said quietly. "What to heal first?"

"My back," I whispered.

Snape moved closer to me. "Show me," he said, his face still unreadable.

I lifted up the back of my top to reveal whatever it was that Father had created on my lower back.

Snape's expression became severe as he examined it. "Armilla," he said, a moment later. "It's infected. No wonder you're in pain."

"I tried to heal it," I said. "But it wouldn't work."

"I've no doubt. It's a highly complicated hex," he said. "This isn't the work of Coleman. Father did this, didn't he?"

I nodded. I gasped in pain as Snape ran a long finger along the edge of it.

"What did you do to warrant such a hex?" he asked, taking his hand away.

"He thought I was rude to the governess. You know about Coleman then?" I asked, as Snape went to retrieve some potions out of his store cupboard.

"I do," he replied darkly. "But I would like to hear your version of the tale."

"He came to test my duelling skills," I said. "Father told me that if I was good, I would-"

"- be considered a potential Death Eater?" Snape volunteered.

I nodded. "Father didn't want that so he told me to fake everything."

"I see," he said, uncorking a bottle. "And I take it you were quite injured yesterday?"

"Yeah. I managed to heal nearly everything."

"I'm glad to hear it," he said. "Hold still." He took out his wand and pointed it at my back, muttering some sort of charm. I tried not to cringe as I felt the wound open again and Snape reached out and placed a hand on my upper arm so I wouldn't move and spoil his work.

I closed my eyes in pain as I felt the wound open wider. Why was he opening it?

Finally Snape stopped. Offering no explanation, he picked up a potion and poured a few drops of it into the open wound. My back suddenly felt like it was on fire and I would have jumped off the bench if Snape hadn't held me down. He picked up his wand again and started muttering a different charm. Soon afterwards, I felt the wound close again, and the pain dulled, but didn't vanish.

"My, wasn't that pleasant?" Snape remarked dryly, putting the stopper back in the bottle. "It may take a few days for the pain to go away completely, but rest assured that it will."

"Why did you open it again?" I asked, letting out my breath.

"Father created a type of hex that lingers inside the skin, and will remain there after you heal the surface," he explained as he put the potion away. "I had to open the wound again and cancel out the curse that was lingering there under the skin. Don't you have a lovely Father?"

"The best," I muttered.

"Put your head back," he said as he opened another bottle. Complying, I allowed him to pour drops of a smelly potion into my eyes to heal the conjunctivitis. "Here," he said, thrusting a tissue into my lap to stop my eyes from streaming from the potion.

"You know," he said. "It's lucky you can take such a combination of potions without them cancelling out the effects. Here, last two, which I'm sure you'll recognise."

I recognised them at once. There was a light green one for my headache, and a milky blue one for...nutrition...or not eating. I knew I was in trouble for that.

"Right," Snape said, taking the glasses from me. "Feel better?"

"Yes. Thankyou." Except for the dull ache in my back and being tired, I really did feel better. "Are you going to tell me about Coleman...or what happened?"

Snape shook his head. "No, things aren't clear to me at the moment and I don't want to fill your head with vague ideas."

"But-" That wasn't fair. I had been waiting all day to find out what went on.

"No, Armilla!" he snapped. "Do not argue with me. If I say no, I mean it and you will not push the subject further."

I tried not to look resentful as I looked back at him. I failed.

"Don't look at me like that," he said harshly. "Leave the subject alone. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes," I said quietly.

"And I know you can stop occluding, so you had better stop at once. You have been occluding for nearly a week and I will not permit you to do so any longer. You will burn yourself out." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Have you stopped?"

I took the entire mental guard down, as much as I didn't want to. As soon as I did, emotions came flooding into the front of my mind and it was all I could do to keep them at bay. "Yes, I stopped," I answered quietly.

"Good. Now why didn't you eat today?" he asked, standing back and folding his arms.

"I slept past breakfast, so Father decided I was too rude to eat at all. I wasn't feeling well the rest of the day and I didn't want any food," I said honestly.

Snape sighed. "Too rude to eat? That's a new one. From tomorrow you will start a proper diet again, where no meals will be missed or left uneaten. Understood?"

"Yes," I said shakily, trying to keep the emotions away.

"You can get down then," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder as a sign to make me move away. I winced at the touch. Something hurt under there.

"On second thoughts," he said in a hard voice, pushing me back as I made to hop down. "Why did you just flinch? What's there?"

I moved my top to reveal a dark bruise which had formed on my shoulder. I hadn't knocked that part of my shoulder all day and had completely forgotten that bruise was there.

"Hmm, just a bruise," said Snape, looking at me pointedly. "And not the result of magical activity I might add."

I said nothing.

"Ah, so secretive," he sneered. "Are you going to tell me the truth or some imaginative tale like the time you cut your hand in the Secret Wing when you went exploring, and told me you cut it on a protruding tile in the bathroom?"

"I didn't think you believed that," I muttered.

"Of course I didn't," he scoffed. "But I did plan on finding proof where you cut it and giving you detention." He narrowed his eyes at me. "But then, things took a little turn."

I stared back at him, feeling guilty. "If I tell you what happened, you'll only get angry at me."

Snape glared at me. "Well, you've got a higher chance of a more fearsome wrath if you don't."

"Rougier hit me with her wand," I said quietly.

"I beg your pardon?" he said in a hard voice.

"She hit me-"

"- I heard you. Explain what happened," he snapped. "Oh wait," he said, narrowing his eyes. "I take it this bruise has something to do with the injury I just healed on your back? You said that you had been rude to the governess and then conveniently changed the subject. Don't tell me that this infection may have been unnecessary, Armilla."

I swallowed, trying to keep the tears away.

"Well?" he demanded angrily.

Slowly, I nodded, wishing that I could be out of his sight.

"You were rude to Rougier, and then she went to Father I take it, who then took it upon himself to punish you in a more creative way?" Snape looked livid.

Again, I nodded slowly, biting my lip.

"This happened last night?"

"Yes," I whispered.

Snape glared at me. "What did you say to her, Armilla?"

I couldn't answer. He'd kill me.

"Armilla!" he snapped, moving closer to me. "Answer me at once! What did you say?"

"I called her a painted old hag!" I shrieked, tears pouring down my face. "And she deserved it too! She is a painted old hag!"

Snape stepped back, staring at me.

"I know I shouldn't have!" I yelled. "I had held off for so long. I snapped! I know I shouldn't have,' I sobbed. I know I deserved that hex! I know I asked for it! I know-"

My ranting was cut short as Snape slowly moved forward and pulled me into his arms. He held me tightly and I continued to sob with my head against his shoulder.

"I know you know many things," he said quietly, pushing my hair out of my face, "but indeed you are mistaken. You did not deserve such a hex and you will find yourself gutting toads if I ever hear you say so again."

I sniffed and Snape held me tighter.

"You shouldn't have snapped," he went on, speaking softly. "We both know it. You must never snap, Armilla. That is an important lesson. That is why I am angry."

He sighed. "But that aside," he said, "you have done very well over the past week and I think you know that."

I didn't answer. I merely tried to stifle my sobs.

"We will say no more about it then," he said. "What do you think?"

"I won't snap again," I said softly. "I promise."

"We are in dangerous times, Armilla," he continued, "you can't afford to snap when a governess has a go at you. That's why I trained you in Occlumency."

"I'm sorry," I sobbed. "I shouldn't have, I know-"

"Yes, we've established what you know," he said.

We were both silent for a moment, before Snape spoke again.

"You have no idea how much I feared for you while you were gone, Armilla."

"I didn't think you were happy to see me back at all."

"I wasn't happy to see you in such a state," he answered softly. "It angered me that you were in such a state...and I couldn't have prevented it. It's no joy to stand on the sidelines and watch you get abused by our father."

"All I wanted to do was come back here."

"Believe me, I wanted to bring you back after talking to you every night."

"I didn't want to come back just because he was hexing me."


"No...if he wasn't hexing me I'd still want to be here."

"...I'm glad to hear it. I couldn't say that it was quiet around here without you," he said, resting a hand on my head, "because it's always quiet even when you are here."

I smiled through my tears. "I'm sure Morag will make up for that."

"Indeed. She has already given me a preview, I assure you."

"For what it's worth," I said, reaching a hand up to wipe my eyes, "I missed you."

Snape caught my hand in his before I lowered it and squeezed it.

"I missed you too," he whispered.