Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ron Weasley
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 12/20/2004
Updated: 12/20/2004
Words: 4,640
Chapters: 1
Hits: 798

Memories and Firewhisky


Story Summary:
Memories and Firewhisky - two things that should never be mixed! Just add Ron, the Weasley twins, Christmas dinner and a pair of boxer shorts and what do you get? A DISASTER!

Author's Note:
This is my attempt at being hilariously funny so if you don't laugh I'll get ron to do his "big brother" speech. (plz dn't ask) It's loosely related to my other fic which should be up once i've mastered spelling and grammar. (A little help frm some1 wld b greatly appriciated!) It shows how some of the characters' parents got together and ... I shouldn't have said that!

A pretty woman, in her mid-twenties, sat on a veranda of a house. It was a beautiful house, painted a bright white like the houses of the Mediterranean, it wasn't immensely large or ornate but it was her home and it had an air of warmth and love around the whole building. It was the woman's first and only home and she loved it dearly, for really she knew it so well it was a part of her soul.

The woman was smiling at a tiny child, barely older than four, playing about half way down the garden, swinging back and forth on the same old rope swing which she had once swung on. The garden itself was bathed in the golden warm light of a late summer evening and looked as thought it had been painted all the rich warm colours of autumn. The woman's smile widened as the sight of who the child was playing with, pushing him higher and higher on the swing, made her think of all the memories connected with them. And sitting there on the small veranda the woman began to remember...


The first shot of Firewhisky hit the back of her throat, burning it as if someone had cast a infernous spell in her mouth. This was quickly followed by a second, a third and a fourth. It wasn't difficult to come by, this stuff, especially if you knew Fred and George Weasley like she did. No, she definitely didn't drink to seem cool, as she was sat on her bed in the dorm, completely alone. In fact she drank to forget, as many people did. She wasn't an alcoholic though, far from it. She would never do anything to harm herself, she despised that type of people and thought them weak and selfish in fact, she only did it when there was no other way to forget, once every three months or so, she guessed.

The fact that at this point in time she was only sixteen years old never crossed her mind once. It wasn't as if she was any stranger to doing dangerous things. No. Don't think about that. Forget. Her brain suddenly penetrated her thoughts. This time she was in definite need of a drink. So he's going out with Hermione is he? Selfish, stupid, ignorant, red-haired prat of a...a... WEASLEY!

She didn't know how long she had liked Ron. Probably since she had first got to know him in fifth year. He was having major problems in Potions, one of her best subjects, and as Hermione was being to pious to help, she had agreed that three times a week she would give him review sessions.

That was the beginning of fifth year and now, nearing the October half term of sixth year, she still hadn't told Ron how she felt. She would have been surprised if the ignorant prat had even noticed she existed, other than to help him with Potions!

Well you've missed your chance now, she thought, lying back miserably on her bed. Unless... Hold on! Yes that's it! She sat up abruptly as a plan began to form in her slightly tipsy mind. There's only one thing that will always annoy and get a reaction out of any Weasley, especially this Weasley, and that's a...


"MALFOY!" yelled Ron, his voice echoing across the great hall at dinner the next day, "What are you doing with your arm round one of my best friends?"

"We're just back from a date, Weasley, what does it look like?" replied Draco Malfoy with his trademark sneer, "Although I wouldn't suppose you'd know what one of those was would you?" He laughed unpleasantly. "See you later sweetheart." said Malfoy to Cassie and proceeded to kiss her deeply, much to the disgust of Harry, and most importantly, Ron.

Cassie had been surprised at how easily Malfoy was persuaded to go along with the plan. She supposed he was mainly doing it to embarrass Ron, although the reason he had given her had been quite different, the way she remembered. "That sounds like a reasonable plan," he had drawled. "Might actually stop him trying to get with Pansy at every chance possible. And god only knows the Weasel needs someone to sort him out."

So now that that part of the plan was complete all she had to do was wait for Ron to react. She counted mentally as she sat down, five, four, three, two, one...

"Cassandra Alice West! Why on earth are you suddenly going on dates with Malfoy?"

As Cassie helped herself to roast potatoes, she had never been gladder she had picked someone so predictable and transparent to fancy.

"Well," she answered, as if discussing something as everyday as the weather. "I've already got through all the reasonable guys in Gryffindor so I thought I'd start on the other houses. And seeing as Malfoy's second on the list of guys he seemed like a good start."

"Since when was Malfoy only second?" mused Hermione, her nose in an absurdly thick book. "Last time I heard he was first. Who over took him?"

"Well he's actually sitting next to you," said Cassie with a smile.

"Me???" said Ron, shocked.

"No not you, you idiot," said Cassie scornfully. "Harry."

"Oh, what, me?" said Harry vaguely, looking up from his Transfiguration home work. "Maybe I should try asking some pretty girls out again then."

"So if Harry's one and Malfoy's two then where am I?" Ron asked in a would-be-calm-if-the-top-of-his-ears-weren't-red voice.

"Well..." began Hermione cautiously. "You do realise that there's five hundred boys in this school don't you? So you won't get upset when we tell you, erm... we tell you..."

"We tell you that you're number three hundred and ninety-eight." finished Cassie, and seeing the look on Rons face added, "Well, I had best be off. Herbology homework and such. See you later," and almost ran out the Great Hall.

And as she heard the shouts of, "THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY EIGHT! THAT'S ALL?" echo all the way down the corridor from the hall she was, for the first time ever, almost glad she wasn't Hermione.


Cassie sighed as she slumped onto the mess she called her bed. It wasn't working. Two months later and although Ron had split up with Hermione after a month, because after all they did argue a lot, she was no closer to going out with him herself. Even worse was the fact that that meant she still had to 'go out' with Malfoy, whom she was actually beginning to think was as bad as Ron made out. But the worst of all was the conversation that she had just had with said Ferret in which he had said that if she hadn't 'snogged' (well what he had said had been ruder but...) Ron by the end of the week then he would call the whole thing off. Things were beginning to look a lot like Cassie's thoughts, worse and worse.

A sudden voice jolted her out of her troubled thoughts.

"Are you all right, Cassie?" asked Lavender. Her and Parvati had just come through the dormitory door and it was obvious that they had come up to get ready for bed.

Cassie snapped shut the deep burgundy hangings around her bed, rolled over thinking, Oh yeah I'm great. Everything's just peachy thanks, and left the two girls standing, very confused, a few feet away.


The next morning Cassie woke up, opened the hangings, and saw Hermione up and dressed, sitting on her bed reading a different absurdly thick book from the one she was reading yesterday.

"Morning," Hermione greeted cheerfully.

"Mornin 'Mione," replied Cassie, quickly dressing. After she was dressed she walked over to the old dresser in the corner of the room and peered in the mirror, as she did every morning. As she stared at her reflection something stood out from normal. Something different. Suddenly Cassie realised what it was and jumped back from the dresser, yelping a distressed, "BLOODY HELL!" in the process.

"What's wrong?" Hermione said, looking up from her book quickly.

"Well," said Cassie, flushing a bright red, "It's my boobs. Do they... I mean to say... Do they look any bigger this morning? I mean t-to you?"

"Well now you come to mention it the do look a lot bigger," replied Hermione matter-of-factly. "Do you know someone that would charm you?"

It was only then that it dawned on Cassie. "Malfoy," she muttered darkly, narrowing her eyes. "I'll catch you later 'Mione."

And without a further word she strode out of the dorm leaving a quite amused looking Hermione behind.

If Hermione was amused it was nothing compared to the reactions she got after she left the dorm. By the time she had got to the Great Hall she was used to the gasps, leering and most of all the wolf-whistles. She spotted Malfoy at the furthest most end of the Slytherin table and marched straight up to him, trying to ignore the obvious gapes.

"Draco, can I have a word please? In private if you don't mind." said Cassie, trying to conjure her most menacing voice. Obviously it worked as Malfoy looked almost scared and got up, steering Cassie into a classroom off the corridor leading from the Great Hall.

"What in the bloody hell did you think you were playing at?" yelled Cassie as soon as Malfoy had shut the door.

"It worked then?" he asked simply. "Calm down, woman, it's only a simple engorgement spell. Easy enough to reverse."

"But...but... WHY???" Cassie was fast losing patience with him.

"Well, as you going out with me clearly is not making Weasley want to shag your brains out I thought that it was time for more drastic action. Voila, gigantic knockers."

"And you really think that'll work do you, Malfoy?"

"Well, I know it works for me," Draco leered.

"Oh piss off Malfoy," sighed Cassie. "I've had enough of that this morning to last a life time. So it really is easy to reverse?"

"Yup. I could reverse it now if you wanted me to. Although I think you should see if it works first."

And, not for the first time, he quickly left the room, leaving a spluttering and temporarily speechless girl to make her way to breakfast and explain her absence.

It wasn't what Malfoy had done that made Cassie splutter so much as why he had done it. Am I really that bad looking that I have to have huge boobs? She tried to think back to what her reflection had looked like that morning. Ok so her eyes were a little on the large side but they were a very nice shade of brown. And her might have been a little thick but it was in nice curls and a lovely dark red, almost auburn in fact. She was very tall as well, six foot and the tallest girl in the school actually which could seem intimidating to some boys but, at six foot one, it never bothered Ron, being the tallest person in sixth year, well the school actually. She had always thought that apart from her chest her figure was nice as well. Many girls would kill to have it. She snorted. Especially now, she thought as she walked out of the room and into the Great Hall again, over to where Harry Hermione and Ron sat. I must look preposterous, being so skinny with such a big chest.

Her thoughts were only confirmed when, as she sat down, Harry spat out, "Who did this to you? Whoever it was I'll get them." Ron on the other hand could only gape.

"It was Malfoy," said Cassie airily. "No Harry sit down. SIT DOWN! I quite like them actually. Might keep them." This statement was met by a resounding gulp from Ron and by Harry, finally, sitting down and shrugging.

"Good for you," said Hermione, attempting a bright smile but for some reason failing. "Well if I'm right Harry and I have Arithmancy whereas you two," She pointed at Ron and Cassie, "have the unenviable task of sitting in Trelawnys stifling hot room for an hour and a half of torture otherwise known as Divination."

Cassie grinned at this as she knew that this was a lame attempt at a joke on Hermiones part but the grin soon slid off her face as she saw that a certain someone with red hair and too many freckles was looking, quite frankly, terrified at the idea.


Six lessons with Ron later and things weren't looking much better. She had been in all of Rons lessons and nothing had happened. Also as it was Friday she was grimacing at the thought of the upcoming talk with Malfoy after dinner. She wanted to get it over with as soon as possible which was mainly responsible for the fact she was eating even faster than Ron, a feat she never thought possible.

"What's up with you?" said Hermione, looking at Cassie from over the top of her latest book.

"Got to 'eet 'alfoy after 'ea," she said with as much dignity as she could with her mouth full. She swallowed the last mouthful and stood up, noticing the surprised glances from people around her. Well you did only sit down five minutes ago she thought reasonably.

"See ya later!" she said in what she hoped was a cheerful way and then rushed out of the hall and into the classroom in which she had cornered Malfoy earlier.

"Well?" came the voice as soon as she had shut the door.

"Well what?" she asked quietly. She knew that playing dumb antagonised Malfoy and if he was going to break up with her he might as well have a good reason.

"You bloody well know what, West!" Good he was getting annoyed already. "What happened with the Weasel? More to the point why aren't you up in Gryffindor tower fucking him right now?"

And with that Cassie exploded. She didn't know what it was that did it. Probably the annoying fact that Malfoy was right. Why wasn't she? What she did know, however, is that she was so angry she wasn't capable of rational thought, which was possibly the reason that she found herself shoving Malfoy up against the wall by his robes, her wand pointing at his head.

"Give me one reason, Malfoy, just one, why I shouldn't kill you right now." she asked in a chilling whisper, surprisingly calm.

"You... you wouldn't..."

"Really?" Cassie snarled. "Try me."

"You... you'd get done for murder." A small part of Cassies brain noticed with a pang of satisfaction that Malfoy sounded scared beyond all reason but a much larger part realised that unfortunately he was right and, with a sigh, she dropped him to the floor where he fell in a shaking pile.

"You should watch your language Malfoy," she said calmly, standing above him, tapping her foot impatiently. "You should also consider stopping being such a bastard."

Malfoy had, by this time, picked himself off the floor and his trademark sneer had appeared again.

"Now who needs to watch their language?" he asked with a smirk.

"SHUT UP!!!" screamed Cassie, a shower of red and gold sparkles bursting from the end of her wand as the lights flickered.

"Temper, temper," Malfoy muttered but seemed to scared to actually insult her. "So are you actually saying that the Weasel didn't sweep you off your feet?"

"No," muttered Cassie sadly, her temper disappearing instantly as she remembered why she was so mad at Malfoy, other than the fact he existed.

"Well then you'll be wanting me to take the charm off," he said, taking out his wand distractedly.

"No," said Cassie quickly. "I... I think I'll keep it on thanks. I quite like them."

"Or the attention they get you," Malfoy said with a smile, an actual smile noted Cassie vaguely, still breathing heavily from her outburst. "Well then as I remember we had a deal and as it's Friday," Malfoy cleared his throat loudly, "Cassandra West you are officially dumped." And with that he spun on his heel and left quickly.

What the hell, Cassie thought, I could have some fun with this, insult Malfoy, make it look real and get my temper out all at the same time. So she followed Malfoy out the door and yelled "FUCK YOU MALFOY!!!" at his retreating back, much to the surprise of the people watching. As most of them knew about her and Malfoys relationship she knew it would be round the school by lights out, but right now really wasn't the time to care.

Right now, she thought as she marched quickly up to Gryffindor Tower, still putting on her annoyed act, is a time to drink large amounts of Firewhisky.


This is ridiculous, thought Cassie sadly. She was sitting on her bed with a glass of Firewhisky in her hand trying to make herself drink it. She had been doing exactly the same thing for at least an hour. She sighed and looked over at the empty bed next to hers, trying desperately to forget, but without the alcohol numbing her brain it was too hard.

She almost jumped out of her skin as she heard a tired sounding voice come from the door.

"Pour me out one. Cheers."

Oh great, thought Cassie, distractedly pouring out another glass. Exactly who I wanted to see. Not.

Ron Weasley took the glass from her and sat heavily on the bed next to her.

"Tut-tut, perfect prefect Ron Weasley drinking Firewhisky, whatever would your mother say?"

"As my mother isn't here I don't care. The point is why are you up here drinking all on your own? What's the matter hmm?"

Oh god he sounded concerned.

"I erm..." Oh christ what am I going to say? Ah perfect! "Malfoy broke up with me. What's your excuse?"

"Harry and Hermione are going out. Told me shortly after you left. I had to try and be happy for them," Ron said bitterly.

"Oh Ron I am sorry," she said and to her surprise she did sound like she meant it.

"Yeah well it had to happen sooner or later didn't it?"

"Hmm," muttered Cassie, her attention once again on the empty bed in front of her. Empty, said her mind cruelly as she downed her drink along with Ron, It's empty now and it always will be...

Ron watched her for about a minute before speaking gently.

"You shouldn't let it make you mad you know," he began softly. "You were the best friend she ever had."

"I know but..." and to her horror Cassie suddenly found she was crying loudly, leant against Rons shoulder and he was hugging her. "I want to forget so badly but..."

No, you can't forget, cut in her mind again, sounding suspiciously like Malfoy. I won't let you.

And she couldn't forget that night. She couldn't forget the graveyard, and the silence. She couldn't forget that she had thought she was invincible, with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Lucia with her. She couldn't forget the high, chilling voice of Lord Voldemort and how it had yelled "Avada Kedavra!" the same time as five other voices had. She couldn't forget the look on Voldemorts face as he had been reduced to some ghost-like form and how it had only taken the five of them, united, to do that. She couldn't forget the triumphant look on Lucias face as she had been hit by Voldemorts curse. But most of all she couldn't forget the peaceful look on her best friends face as she had slumped on the ground, dead.

That's right, her mind was at it again, she's dead. Gone. And nothing will bring her back. Nothing.

Cassie suddenly realised that she should be saying something to Ron and continued, talking distortedly into his chest.

"I want to forget but I'm scared, I'm so scared Ron. I want to forget but I don't want to act like she was never here."

"But that's easy," said Ron gently. "That's so simple. You just remember all the good things about her, like how her smile seemed to make everything better, and how she always had time for everyone else and how she always wanted to be on the Quidditch team but was so awful at flying that she always ended up on her bum on the ground."

Cassie laughed at this, and in her laughter realised something, something that not just shocked her to the core, but also lifted the great weight off her stomach that she had seemed to carry round since that night little more than a month ago. She decided to voice this realisation with Ron.

"She's not gone! And she never will be if I remember all the good things about her!"

"Well done," Ron said, smiling. "Now a your room mates will be up here shortly and I don't suppose you want them to see you crying I think we had better move ok?" Cassie nodded and Ron took her hand and lead her out of the room on the fourth floor and into his private room on the next floor. Damned prefect advantages, she thought as he sat her down on the bed and hugged her tightly. He pulled away from her and put a hand on either side of her face, playing with a dark red curl. "I'll always be here for you, you know. After the pain has gone."

"Thank you," she said looking into those deep blue eyes of his. "That means an awful lot to me. More than you'll ever know."

"Oh believe me I know," Ron said. Hold on, those eyes were too close. Far too close.

Oh help! screamed the Malfoy in Cassies brain. He's going to kiss you!

And suddenly he was there, kissing her, tenderly at first, gently, waiting for her reaction. And as soon as he got one, passionately, fiercely, until suddenly he stopped, gasping.

"So-sorry," he stuttered, blushing profusely. "I thought... well actually I didn't think." He grinned sheepishly.

Cassies mind hadn't recovered from the shock as quickly as her mouth, or else she would never had done what she did next.

"I like you when you don't think," she said stubbornly, reaching over and kissing him.

Oh god we shouldn't be doing this, she thought as Ron laid her gently back on the bed. This, however, happened to be the last rational thought that her brain was capable of because, as Ron kissed her again, she managed to sink fully into the bliss...


Cassie awoke the next morning to a pounding, not only in her head (I will never, never drink again, she half thought.), but to one on the door to the room.

"Alright, alright I'm coming!" she said loudly to the door and climbed out of bed. Realising she was only in her underwear she grabbed the nearest piece of clothing, a mans shirt, far too big for her.

That's strange, her mind half registered as pulled it on, but was interrupted by another loud knock at the door.

"ALL RIGHT!" she yelled, marching over to the door and yanking it open.

"CASSIE???" came two very surprised voices.

"Fred, George?" Cassie replied as she saw who it was. "What are you doing in my..." she suddenly realised, "Oh shit," she said, groaning. "This isn't my room is it?"

"Nope," said Fred, looking immensely pleased with what he had walked in on. "This is 'ickle Ronniekins room and won't he be surprised when he wakes up?"

Suddenly a mouth nuzzled into Cassie's neck and murmured,

"Come back to bed sexy, huh?"

"Or maybe not so surprised." said George, laughing.

Ron looked up at the voices and as his eyes focussed you could almost see the shock forming until...

"Fred? George? What in the bloody hell are you two doing here? I'm only in my boxer shorts! And Cassies only in my..." He too groaned when he realised why the twins were looking so happy.

"We were only here to wish you a Happy Christmas." said George, pretending to look hurt.

"Although it looks as though Ron's having a happy enough Christmas already!" said Fred with an evil grin. "Me thinks that Cassie and Ron decided to exchange presents a little early..."

And after laughing both twins walked off, singing violently Christmas carols, all of which had the words, "Ron got laid." in them somewhere.

"Oh great they'll sing them all the way down to the Great Hall now," said Ron with another groan. "Any way," he brightened considerably. "Like I said are you coming back to bed?"

"What?" said Cassie, confused. "You mean that last night wasn't a mistake or because you were drunk or..."

"If I remember correctly," said Ron with a smile, pulling on his clothes. "You were the only one who was drunk last night and it definitely wasn't a mistake. I love you Cassandra West. Always have done and always will do."

And, right then and there, he swept her into a kiss.

"Right then," he said, a bit out of breath, putting his arm around Cassies waist and opening the door. "Time to go and face the music don't you think?"

"But Ron," began Cassie in an outraged voice. "I'm still only wearing your boxers and shirt!"

"Ah well, does it really matter? There's only a few people down there, being Christmas, and if I know Fred and George, which I do pretty well, they all already know 'bout it anyway."

And with that he dragged Cassie, protesting, all the way down to the Great Hall, where Christmas dinner that year, although filled with much laughter as always, was certainly, erm... interesting.


Cassies thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a large amount of red hair coming into view, followed quickly by the amused face of Ron Weasley.

"Hello? Earth calling Cassie Weasley? Is anyone home?"

Cassie blushed quickly. "Sorry," she stammered. "Was thinking."

"About...?" Ron was curious. Cassie could tell he wouldn't give up until she told him.

"Sixth year when you and me got together."

"Oh yeah!" said Ron, remembering. "And I dragged you down to Christmas dinner in my boxers and shirt!" He laughed loudly. He had a nice laugh, kind and caring. Suddenly he stopped laughing and Cassie knew instantly why.

"Harry?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah," said Ron, his face now solemn. "It just brought it all back, remembering him in sixth year, happy and laughing..."

He trailed off and Cassie let him have a minute of wistful memories before she laid a gentle hand on either side of his face, just as he had done in sixth year when she had lost someone, and said,

"But he's still smiling and laughing, wherever he is. It's just like Luna used to say isn't it? 'It's not like they're gone forever. You can hear them, just behind the curtain, laughing and joking' He's not gone, Ron. He's never completely gone."

Ron looked into her eyes and smiled.

"Of course he's not, Cas. I just needed reminding for a moment."

He got up and took her hand, hoisting her up with him.

"Now I've just put Jack to bed and the girls are all over at friends houses, although I feel sorry for whoever's got the twins, so why don't we go upstairs and recreate that night?"

Ron waggled his eyebrows teasingly.

"Ronald Weasley!" scolded Cassie, doing her best Hermione impression as she shoved him up the stairs. "You should use that tone of voice more often, you know I like it!" And laughing at the shocked look on his face she ran up the stairs, Ron following closely behind...

The End.

Author notes: You see the little Review button up there? Press it. Seriously it's not hard or anything. If I can do it you definatley can. Go on you know you want to...