Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Lily Evans
Lily Evans Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs Original Female Witch
Romance Drama
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 08/26/2005
Updated: 06/20/2006
Words: 5,637
Chapters: 5
Hits: 7,912

Shades of Perfection


Story Summary:
Lily and James are in their seventh year at Hogwarts, and there's something different about James this year. Written in first person, this story tells how Lily endures James's sadness and makes the best of their last year. Throughout the anguish and frustration of the year, Lily and her friends find a way to make the best of their busy lives. "I glanced down the hall at James. He was lost in thought, slumped against the wall, looking defeated. It was as though his arrogance and self-confidence had been replaced with helplessness."

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Lily's confusion deepens as she wanders her way through her first night back at Hogwarts. After a puzzling speech from Dumbledore and threats from troublemaking Slytherins, she's ready for answers. Little does she know how much she doesn't understand.

Chapter Three

Threats and Mysteries

Everyone filed into the Great Hall, James and I leading the students to their places at the welcoming house tables. I sank into my seat, hungry and exhausted. I hadn't eaten since that morning and the train ride had been stressful. I was ready to dig into the savory treats associated with the brilliant welcoming feast. I could almost smell the potatoes and corn I had longed for all summer. It sounded delicious, but I was to have no success in my desperate quest for food for quite a while.

The Sorting Hat sang of peace found in unity and support, echoing my conversation with Caffrey and Ari on the train. Then it sorted the forty or so new first years into their houses, ending with "Whitman, Chase-HUFFLEPUFF!"

Then, of course, Dumbledore had to give a quite long speech. By the time he was half finished, however, I had completely forgotten my hunger. It was the most somber speech I had yet witnessed at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore kept hinting at something. Whatever the fact was, I couldn't figure it out, though it seemed important.

He rose and spread his hands for silence. It descended, and he began.

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts. I would like to take this chance to warn all students that, as you most likely already know, there is increasing violence directed at the wizarding world and coming from Lord Voldemort and his followers, some of it very closely connected to students at this school. Each and every one of you is, I am loathe to inform you, in grave danger at all times. School is the best place to be, with all of our wizarding abilities and powers in one place. I'm sure all of your families are aware of the danger, but, especially those of you with Muggle parents--" I could have sworn he looked straight at me. I bit my lip, glancing around nervously to see if anyone else had noticed. "--Be warned that Lord Voldemort's strength is waxing, and more followers are joining him by the day, their incentive fear and promise of power. Just, please, be careful.

"Also, as usual, I would like to remind you to try your hardest to follow school rules." I was sure this time that he looked straight at James and Sirius, both of whom stared back innocently. "The Forbidden Forest, is, clearly, forbidden, and all students are to follow every command of your prefects and new Head Boy and Girl, James Potter and Lily Evans. Now, let the year begin!"

For the first time anyone could remember, we merely picked at the feast laid before us and were too preoccupied to chat. I detected many an exchange of nervous, worried whispers. I glanced over at the Slytherin table, and the most common expression amongst them was a confident smirk. It figures, I thought, rolling my eyes, considering Dumbledore had just warned the entirety of the school that their master was becoming more and more powerful. But was it possible that every Slytherin was his follower?

"That is not a good sign," Caffrey groaned. She had followed my gaze and saw the distinct lack of worry on the Slytherin's faces. Rudolphus Lestrange, his brother Rastaban, and their friend Bellatrix Black, all looking aloof and vaguely detached, were there, intimidating the new first years.

Everyone headed to bed early. James and I saw to it that all the Prefects took their students to their houses and at last we made our way out of the Great Hall, wearied. Caff, Ari ,and Sirius had remained behind to keep us company. Remus had needed to usher the Gryffindors to the Tower. As we left the Great Hall and dragged our tired feet up the stone steps, we heard a sneering voice behind us. Slowly, we turned around. None of us were particularly surprised to see the pale, white-haired menace below us on the stairs.

Rudolphus Lestrange.

And cronies.

"Gryffindors," he growled, glaring at us. "You need to watch your backs. You and your filthy blood traitor parents. Or, in some cases...." He glanced pointedly at me, and I knew what he was thinking. I was the Mudblood, the one with Muggle parents, and that put my parents in more danger than the wizarding families. They could protect themselves. I was vulnerable and Lestrange knew it.

The last thing I was going to do is let it show in my response.

"The last thing I need is your threats, Lestrange. I'm warned, okay? I get it. And I'm sure you have so much influence over your master that you can simply command him to do your bidding. Honestly! Surely you know you aren't anything to him! He probably doesn't even know your name. What do you think?" I goaded.

I was shaking with anger, and, of course, worry for my Muggle family. I knew I'd hit him, though. To his master, if that's what Lord Voldemort was to him, he was just another warm body, a mere puppet like all of the rest of them. Rudolphus was talking again, so I pulled myself together and turned flashing eyes on him, glaring my hardest.

"The Dark Lord's power is not expendable. He is very nearly all-powerful, taking over family...after...family. As some of us--," and his eyes flicked to James, "--have already discovered."

I never thought I'd see the day that James Potter would look down, break the gaze, after a face-off with Lestrange. But James indeed, looked at his feet as though they alone could console him. Then he turned and walked away.

I thought the world was coming to an end. James, wait! I thought. Where was he going? Even if the world wasn't ending right yet, there was something going on that I didn't know about, that much was for sure.

"Shove off, Lestrange," Sirius snapped challengingly, taking a step towards him. He was clearly angrier at James's display than he was disappointed or embarrassed. His frustration was like electricity, tangible in the air. I, on the other hand, was simply shocked.

Lestrange turned to go, but paused and called over his shoulder a parting remark. "You've been warned," he said menacingly

I was the first of all of us to find my voice.

"All right, what was that all about?" I demanded shakily. My own voice sounded unfamiliar, and I turned to each of my friends in turn, looking for answers. Instead of the comfort for which I was desperately searching in their faces, I saw only my own expression mirrored in their concerned eyes.

Author notes: I'm dreadfully sorry about the long wait. I hope you forgive me and review anyway! Soon you will be seeing the long-awaited chapter four, in which Lily discovers what exactly happened to James this summer. I know, you can't wait...