Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Lily Evans
Lily Evans Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs Original Female Witch
Romance Drama
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Published: 08/26/2005
Updated: 06/20/2006
Words: 5,637
Chapters: 5
Hits: 7,912

Shades of Perfection


Story Summary:
Lily and James are in their seventh year at Hogwarts, and there's something different about James this year. Written in first person, this story tells how Lily endures James's sadness and makes the best of their last year. Throughout the anguish and frustration of the year, Lily and her friends find a way to make the best of their busy lives. "I glanced down the hall at James. He was lost in thought, slumped against the wall, looking defeated. It was as though his arrogance and self-confidence had been replaced with helplessness."

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Lily and James are in their seventh year at Hogwarts, and there's something different about James this year. Written in first person, this story tells how Lily endures James's sadness and makes the best of their last year. Throughout the anguish and frustration of the year, Lily and her friends find a way to make the best of their busy lives.

Chapter One


I hugged my parents goodbye and headed towards the wall separating the rest of the muggle world from the wizarding world, aware that it would be the last time. I remembered the first time I had ventured onto the mysterious Platform 9 ¾ and my awe at everything new. Now, as I burst through the wall, the sounds and faces around me were all familiar, surrounding me in a sense of protection I knew I could never feel at home, even with my family.

I was to be head girl this year, so I made my way over to the Head's compartment, wondering who would join me there on the trip to Hogwarts. I was fairly early, but my two best friends, Caffrey and Arianna, were already waiting for me. After the three of us embraced (it had been a long summer apart), I stepped back to look at them. Caffrey's waves of golden-blonde hair had its usual bleached highlights from the sun, and the camera that never left her side was hanging from her neck. Her mom was a photographer too, one of the very few born and raised a witch. The family had a passion for muggle cameras. Her dad being a muggle made it easier, even though it was hard for him to cope with two witches in the house.

Arianna was beaming as usual, her violet-blue eyes twinkling as she chatted about her travels during the summer. It was becoming increasingly hard to go anywhere with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his followers around every corner. Arianna, however, always managed to rise above the hardships of the time. Her quick laugh and ready humor could brighten even the gloomiest of days.

My friends insisted to walk me to my compartment, so we strolled alongside the train to the opposite end, where the prefect's and head's compartments were. Then I saw him. James Potter was the last person I wanted to see, but I could already tell there was no avoiding him. In fact, he seemed to be heading the same way we were.

"Lily! How was your summer?" All of a sudden, Sirius had swept Caffrey, Arianna and I into a welcoming hug. Then he snatched Arianna's hands and whirled her around, clearly delighted to see her.

"Stop it!" Arianna insisted, enjoying herself as she protested. Sirius reminded me of Arianna: always ready to make me happy. She proceeded to pinch and tickle him as he fled along the platform.

Peter had wandered away and Remus, after saying hello, was deep in conversation with Caffrey, leaving James and I alone. There was an awkward moment of silence during which, shockingly, James didn't try to ask me on several dates, I couldn't stand it. There must be something wrong.

"So...." When there was no response from James, I proceeded, "how did your summer go?"

He just sighed, but whether he was deciding to answer or not or what to say I'll never know because we were interrupted by an "Allll Aboard!" and the whistle from the conductor. I resignedly made my way to my compartment, followed by a morose James. I tried to surreptitiously glance back at him, but he caught my questioning glance.

"Apparently, I've been made Head Boy," James explained.

I didn't quite know how to react. "But...but...What about Remus?" I questioned unintelligently.

James only shrugged.

On any other day, I would have been annoyed and frustrated, but today was different. What was wrong with James?...Maybe I could find out?

"We have to announce the rules and duties for the new prefects," James directed.

Wait. Wait. Since when was he the responsible type? This was giving me a headache. This was NOT the James I knew and loathed.


"There's definitely something up with him, but I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe it has something to do with his dad. I heard from my mom that something happened to him, but she didn't know what it was." Caffrey and I were finding a place to put our luggage before James and I would head to the Prefect's meeting to give out instructions.

I glanced down the hall at James. He was lost in thought, slumped against the wall, looking defeated. It was as though his arrogance and self-confidence had been replaced with helplessness.

And, for the first time in my life, I admitted to myself that I was worried about James Potter.

Author notes: Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it. I have several more chapters written, and you'll get them if you review! Many thanks to my amazing beta Roaming Badger, who put in many hours on planes and by the pool helping me. So if you enjoyed it-or if you didn't-leave a meaningful review!