Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Lily Evans Lily Evans/Severus Snape
James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black Severus Snape
Drama Romance
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Philosopher's Stone Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/29/2002
Updated: 11/26/2004
Words: 2,375
Chapters: 2
Hits: 3,050

Blossom Of Love


Story Summary:
Will the raven-haired, bespectacled young would-be wizard express his love towards the red-haired girl? Don’t run into conclusions.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Finally see, which house, Lily is sorted into and Jamie's reaction.
Author's Note:
This chapter is not long, but I assure you short chapters are easier to read;)

Chapter: 2

"Lily Evans"
After what seemed eternity to lily, the hat shouted:


Too shocked, Lily took off the hat and looked at James and Sirius. They both were equally shocked, or perhaps more shocked! Different thoughts were swimming in her head..."WHAT WILL SIRIUS SAY ABOUT ME BEING IN SLYTHERIN? WHAT WILL JAMES SAY? WILL WE BE SAME WAY AS WE HAD BEEN?" With such thoughts she did not even understand when she made her way to the Slytherin table. Seeing the high ceiling above... the moon shining amidst the stars. That day was a full moon day. It was the bewitched ceiling... James or Sirius mentioned it once or twice during their journey She suddenly came back into senses when she heard a familiar name... " James Potter" The hat immediately cried " GRYFFINDOR". Lily caught a glimpse of James. But James was busy with Sirius. She felt her stomach dropping away. She turned her sight away... and saw Peter Pettigrew. Peter was grinning nervously, when Lily looked at him. Lily forced a smile on her face...She wondered why Sirius' eyes are continuously flickering Ravenclaw table. After scanning the table she understood the reason. Narcissa Harker was sitting there.... Lily thought she must have missed her sorting.... Slytherin table started applauding when Severus Snape joined their table.... Severus gave a sneer that she returned with a venomous glance... Later the headmaster of the school, Albus Dumbledore stood up and told the students that the forest adjacent to the grounds of Hogwarts was forbidden to all the students and that Hogsmeade is only for students who are above fifth year and that Head Boy and Head girl will take care of the students, showing a burly 7th year boy from Slytherin and a sleek girl from Ravenclaw, both with shining badges matching their house colours as well as with Hogwarts crest. He ended the talk with the words that all the older students and younger alike were eagerly waiting for, "now let the feast begin!" The golden plates and goblets were magically filled with sumptuous food and drinks. Though Lily was famished, she couldn't let a morsel slip through her tight throat. She managed a glance at Gryffindor, but it did not improve her moods anyway. James and Sirius were talking with some boy. Sirius was talking jovially. James a bit depressed, she wouldn't have known that unless she knew James as well as she knows! Because, he was not showing the signs. How could they do this?? 6yrs of friendship counted for nothing? NOTHING AT ALL??? Sirius was ok. It looked like he will come over. James seemed she did not exist anymore! How could James do this to her? Lily hadn't even done anything wrong. After the dinner, she couldn't even sleep well in her dormitory. If her sister was bad...WHAT WERE THESE TWO????? These two were worse!!! Making a mental note of teaching those both a thorough lesson. She turned to one side of her bed...

"AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Lily shouted with all the strength she could muster...but stopped abruptly seeing the other faces.... She had just seen the most frightening monster and next moment it was an innocent girl? Then she understood... this is just a magsk...as Sirius calls it...a magical version of muggle mask. Which is more frightening and more menacing!!! Both the girls were laughing with all fours... and banging the floor... Lily took up her pillow and started hitting both of them.... even those both took up their pillows and continued the fight, pillow fight was not new to her... she always had such fights with James or Sirius. The very thought made her stop... which resulted in two strong blows from both of her dorm mates. 'Well may be, being a Slytherin is not bad, 'she thought to herself.

" Hi Lily, I am Jeanne. You can call me Jo."

" And I am Caitlin. You can call me Cait."

" Hi both, are you both from wizard parentage?"

" Oh yeah. We are, forget that for some time. Why are you so sad, as if you are on a date with basilisk??"

"Basilisk...what is that?"

" Oh you donno a basilisk...oh you won't know.... you are from muggle parentage. A basilisk is a BIG snake very big indeed...which kills just by eye contact.... also.... its fangs are very poisonous..."

" Oh Cait...never mind her! She always gets technical.... tell us, what is bothering you.... you look very sad. What's the matter?"

"Oh. Never mind me...you two know each other already? I mean, are you both friends before you started at Hogwarts? Or are you friends now that you both are dorm mates?"

" Us?? We have been friends from our childhood... our parents know each other from their jobs at ministry."

"Oh really? Even my friends' fathers work at ministry as aurors. You might know them.... Mr. Black and Mr. Potter."

"Those two are your friends? Who did not even seem happy with your sorting, now that you got sorted into the best house of the four? We were seeing you from quite some time...Lily...if I ask you the password of our common room, I doubt a lot whether you would be able to tell that...you were in such a state after your sorting"

"Yes...now don't support your idiotic friends. They do not deserve your support. What Jo said is true. You did not seem to know anything after your sorting."

"I am not supporting them. But why did they have to do that way? I did not do anything. It was the hat that placed me here " Saying this she started weeping silently...the entire burden that was weighing on her since the night's sorting seemed to wear off. And she felt miraculously clear.

"There there, we are always there for you...let us be the trio of the school"

" Yes. Now have a beauty sleep. Dear me! It is already 1.00. Let us sleep soon. We do not want to lose the house points on the very fist day of our school!"

" Yea... and both of you thanks for listening me and getting me out."

" Oh dear... that was nothing."


"How can she be a Slytherin, Sirius??"

"Geez James. Don't start on it again.... she is better Slytherin than Hufflepuff (A/N: no offence to the Hufflepuff lovers.) Well, think of it this way Jamie baby, being in Slytherin, she can let us enter into her common room. Think of the possibilities, we can play enough tricks on Snape! Of course there can never be enough tricks to be played on Snape!!"

"How can you take it so easily?? It is not all that easy as it seems... to accept her for what now she is. Well a Slytherin. You know I love her. And now she is a Slytherin. We know all Slytherins turn evil."

"Not necessarily. How can you even suspect Lily to be evil after knowing her for so many years??"

"She need not be evil now. She will become one of them eventually."

"I am surprised to see the confidence you have on Lily. Can't u even trust her?"

"Well. Thanks a bunch mate for your great words of comfort. Good night."

"Though I wish you sweet dreams, I doubt whether you'll get any. Well, goodnight and hope you come to your senses in the morning "

Author notes: Please please review. This chapter was done long back and I got it back from schnoogle and then I lost it and finally found it back recently. I made few changes for good. Next chapter would be good. Here is a sneak preview of the next chap:
*Albus Dumbledore stood up and summoned sorting hat to the great hall and placed it on a thin boy, who looked as if he just came out of death!*

I'm sure you can guess who that is!

Review please!