The Dark Arts
James Potter/Lily Evans Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Albus Dumbledore Lily Evans Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
Drama Friendship
The First War Against Voldemort (Cir. 1970-1981)
Published: 08/20/2012
Updated: 08/20/2012
Words: 5,754
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0

Marauder's Moments: The Last Day Pt. 2


Story Summary:
Marauder’s Moments is a series of one shots that span the time after the Marauders graduate from Hogwarts until the day Lily and James are killed. They can be read as one long story or as individual one shots. This story is the tale of the Marauders' last day. The story includes some romantic James and Lily moments, skinny dipping and secrets. Enjoy!

Chapter 01


The Leaving Feast was spectacular, as usual. Hufflepuff had won the House Cup by a land slide. Their Quidditch team this year was phenomenal and the extra points they gained from matches put them well over the top of Ravenclaw who came in second. James, Lily, Sirius and Remus were tucking into steak and kidney pie when Peter came waddling up the isle waving a piece of parchment in his hands.

"Look, fellas," he squeaked. "I passed. McGonagall passed me, Flitwick passed me but Professor Brooks failed me in Defense. So I get to graduate this year!"

"Way to go, Wormtail!" James exclaimed, slapping the smaller boy on the back. Peter flinched as James thwacked him.

No one stated the obvious, that Peter might need all the Defense skills he could get to survive the next several years of his life. Lily pasted a smile on her face even though she was worried for Peter.

"Excellent, Peter. I'm really happy for you." Lily elbowed Sirius who moved over to make room for their friend.

As Peter helped himself to dinner Remus leaned over. "Peter, I don't want you to leave after the feast."

Peter looked up from his food, gravy dripping down his face. "Why not?" he asked through his mouthful of food.

"Dumbledore wants to talk to us. I'll side along apparate with you back to your place when we're done. Don't worry about missing the train."

"What's he got to talk to us about?" Peter saw his four friends exchange looks. "What is it?"

"I'm not sure," Remus lied. "We'll just have to find out."

"I'm not in trouble, am I?" Peter squeaked, terrified. "I'm not going to be held back after all, right? You'd tell me if I were, right fellas?"

"I don't think you're getting held back," Sirius said, trying at a reassuring tone.

Peter deflated. "Good, I spent hours and hours studying for my retake exams."

Everyone continued with dinner, joking around and poking fun of each other. Sirius asked James if he thought they could get away with a food fight on the last day of classes. In response, James flung a spoonful of potatoes at Sirius's face. He ducked and the potatoes hit a fifth year Ravenclaw in the back of the head. Lily banished the potatoes as the girl reached up to figure out what had hit her. "Behave, you two," she said, scolding Sirius and James. "We need to grow up now. We're graduating and going to be-" Lily cleared her throat "-going to have to show some maturity here soon."

"Yea, stop being so childish," Peter said, throwing a few peas at James. Lily shook her head as James caught the peas in his mouth.

"Nice throw, Wormtail," James said, as he chewed his peas. Peter grinned like it was his birthday come early.

"So, fellas, my mum wrote today and says congratulations on graduating. She wants to know if you guys want to come visit this summer, you know, stay a couple weeks at the house and enjoy the summer. Do you want to come?" Peter asked, expectantly.

James cleared his throat, Sirius took a huge bite of food and Remus sighed.

"No, Peter. We're not going to be able to visit this summer, tell your mum we're sorry."

Peter look hurt. "Why not? Don't you want to visit? I swear it's safe. Mum's got all the latest protections on the place."

"It's not that, Peter-" Lily said, looking for the right words. It was obvious that Peter had never considered fighting against You-Know-Who. He just wanted to go home where he was safe.

"Bloody Hell, Wormtail. There's a war going on out there," Sirius said, pointing out the high windows that framed the Great Hall.

"I-I-I know, that's why I said it was safe. The Dea-ea-eath Eaters won't be able to get in."

"Let the bloody Death Eaters get in," Sirius said, fuming. "I'll tear them limb from limb." Sirius growled low in his throat.

Remus sighed and took pity on Peter. "We're going to be occupied this summer Peter. We'll talk about it after dinner, okay?"

Peter shook his head and became very focused on his food.

Lily pushed the creamed corn around on her plate and sighed. James leaned over and whispered, "What is it, love?"

"I still haven't decided where I am going to go after our meeting tonight," Lily said sadly. "I guess I am going to have to get a room at the Three Broomsticks."

James leaned in closer to Lily. "You can come and stay with me," he whispered. Lily barely heard him.

"No, James. I can't intrude on your man-pad. Sirius would be devastated."

"You don't understand, Lily. I don't want you to just come and stay with me. I want you to come live with me." James's breath against her neck made Lily shiver. Her heart beat faster and faster as James took her left hand. His voice grew low and husky. "Lily Marie Evans, would you do the honor of becoming my wife?" James asked, still whispering in her ear. He slipped a delicate golden ring on her hand. It was adorned with a single diamond. It shone brilliantly under the candle light. Lily's breath caught.

"Of course," she whispered back. Lily's heart felt like it was going to explode in her chest. She turned her head and kissed James like she had never kissed him before. Those around the couple got quiet very quickly as the couple deepened the kiss. Lily wasn't sure how long they were glued together at the lips but someone whistled a cat call and then Lily heard a few nervous chuckles. When she parted from James and looked around, much of the student body was looking at them. Most of the teachers were pointedly ignoring them and Dumbledore was smiling, his blue eyes boring into her own. He lifted his goblet in her direction in toast and took a deep sip of his wine. Lily blushed and grinned.

"Alright, Prongs!" Sirius yelled, standing up and hugging his best friend. "Our man James Potter is getting married!" he announced. Most of the Gryffindor table burst into a round of applause. People were shaking James's hand and Lily was being hugged by the other girls in her year. When Lily was finally free of the tangle of friends and house mates, she looked up and caught Severus Snape's eyes. The look on his face practically broke her heart but she smiled at him anyways; he looked broken. Disgust filled his eyes as he threw down his napkin and stomped from the Great Hall. Lily's heart felt heavy, but only for a moment. James had grabbed her hand and pulled her back down onto the bench with him. Nothing could spoil her happiness tonight.

"Now you have to come," James said as Lily admired the beautiful ring on her finger. "Sirius and I already talked about it. We're getting our own place and Sirius is going to rent a flat not far from us. I was thinking we could move to Godric's Hollow. I want to buy us a cottage in town, near my parent's house. You can pick it out and decorate it how you like."

"It's beautiful, James. I love it." Lily wrapped her arms around James again.

"I love you," James said, emphasizing the word 'you'. "So you'll have me then?"

"Of course," Lily said, laughing. "Now what's this I hear about a cottage?"

Lily's heart felt light as James prattled on about the house he wanted to buy, or build, for her. It was almost as if the war wasn't looming over their heads. It was almost as if they were two people who had nothing to worry about except where they were going to live together for the rest of their lives.

The rest of the Leaving Feast passed quickly. It seemed like in no time at all, Lily was wiping the crumbs from her mouth and Headmaster Dumbledore was standing up to address the student body one last time.

Holding up his hands, as if embracing the entire Great Hall, Dumbledore began his end of the year speech and said, "Students, staff, ghost and ghouls, the time has come once again for us to bid one another farewell and step out into the world. For some of us, we will only be gone for a few short months. For others, you may never see the inside of Hogwarts again. Whether you are leaving these halls of knowledge forever or will be spending the next six years here, I have something to say to each of you." He looked around the Great Hall and seemed to catch the eye of every student. "A Muggle once quoted a proverb to me that said 'the darkest hour is just before the dawn' and now I pass on that bit of wisdom to you. Be strong. Know that the wizarding world may be shrouded in darkness now, but dawn always comes. During these dark times we must ban together to fight for the good of the wizarding world and to protect the innocent Muggles who do not realize the danger they are in. I beseech you to continue to work together, uniting the strengths of each of our houses to stand against the injustice Voldemort inflicts upon our world. Look out for one another and protect one another, here and at home. United we can persevere through the toughest storms but if we scatter at the slightest provocation, we are useless." The Great Hall was completely silent as Dumbledore finished his speech. His face broke out into a warm smile. "Remember children, there are those who are fighting against Voldemort. Our world has not surrendered to him yet, nor do we plan to. As long as there are those willing to fight, there is freedom. Now go and enjoy your summer holiday and don't forget to wear plenty of sunscreen potion. We wouldn't want any lobsters returning back for the fall term."

The Headmaster's joke broke the tension in the room and the students laughed.

"Now I would like to say something specifically to those of you who are graduating. The staff and I are extremely proud of your accomplishments the last seven years. You have completed your magical instruction but your education is never over. Continue to pursue knowledge after you leave these walls. Seek to grow your magical abilities for the rest of your life. Learn from those around you and take every opportunity to hone your skills. After you leave this school, you will be considered an adult. You are capable of making your own choices. Always remember that those choices you make not only affect yourself but those around you. You can make those choices to benefit others or for their destruction. It is up to you to change our world for the better for you are the future of the wizarding world. Go and step out into the night and follow your dreams. I wish you all the best of luck."

With that Dumbledore stepped down from the podium and sat down. The student body rose as one and started mobbing towards the Entrance Hall, eager to start their summer hols or the rest of their lives. When the Great Hall had emptied out, Lily noticed there were a small number of students left sitting. They were all seventh year students. There was at least one student from each house, even Slytherin.

"Thank you for staying," Dumbledore said, standing up. "Shall we retire to a more comfortable location, perhaps my office?"

The remaining students stood up. Lily grabbed James's hand and the pair followed Dumbledore out of the Great Hall with Sirius, Remus and Peter.

After everyone was seated comfortably in Dumbledore's office he began. "I have asked each of you here today because I have something very important I want to discuss with you. You each have shown exceptional skills in various areas of magical ability. You have also demonstrated to me, and the rest of the staff, that you are young people of high integrity. You have each served your school faithfully in some capacity: as a prefect, head boy and girl, Quidditch captain and other student leadership positions. You have done a wonderful job serving your school and now we hope that you can serve the wizarding community as well."

Everyone in the room shifted uncomfortably. Lily tried to sit as still as possible; after all, she was an adult now. Even though she knew what Dumbledore was going to ask her, it did not make her any less nervous. To hide her nerves she pushed her hair behind her ears and sat up straighter. When she looked over at James and Sirius they were both grinning like maniacs, Lupin looked bored and Peter looked terrified.

"I am sure you are all aware that there is a war being waged in the wizarding world. Lord Voldemort," -a collective cringe swept through the room- "has openly declared himself and is very publically attacking Muggle and Muggle-borns all across Britain. You may also realize, though may not have heard, that there are people fighting back. One group in particular is the Order of the Phoenix."

Dumbledore let the gravity of the situation and the name of his secret society sink in. As if Fawkes the Phoenix knew his namesake was being discussed, he let out a trilling note that hung in the air. As the phoenix's song died away Dumbledore continued. "This organization focuses on covert infiltration of Voldemort's ranks."

"Excuse me Professor," Frank Longbottom said, cringing. "Could you please not use that name?"

Dumbledore smiled knowingly but firmly said, "A fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself, Frank. I would advise each and every one of you to confront your fear and call him by his name."

Half the students in the room looked like that was the last thing they wanted to do. Peter was absolutely shaking. Lily shook her head, determined to take Dumbledore's advice.

"As I was saying," Dumbledore said, stepping around his desk and settling into a chair by the fire. "We are a covert group. A secret society and all of our lives depend on that secret being kept. I hand choose each member who joins based on his or her magical strengths. Each of you holds a unique talent that I seek. Some of you have great courage; others have mastered subjects like Charms," -Lily smiled when he said that- "or Transfiguration. Some of you have mastered Animagus forms and others are experts in Defense." James and Sirius sat up straighter. "Others have dedicated their lives to protecting the magical community by joining the elite rank of Aurors." Frank Longbottom and Alice Jorkins shared a small smile.

"As I called on you to serve the school, I now am going to call upon you to serve the wizarding community. I've invited you all here to discuss how you could be of use in the fight against Voldemort. If you agree, you will need to dedicate your life to the cause because your life may be exactly what is required. I cannot promise that you will live in safety or that there is any honor in being a warrior for the Light but I can promise you that you are fighting for the greater good of the wizarding and Muggle world alike."

Silence blanketed the room. Every ear was attentive to what Dumbledore was saying.

"Now I am going to ask you each to come back into my private office and discuss how you could be of use to the Order of the Phoenix. If you decide to join I will let you know when our next meeting is and you will be expected to attend regularly for check-ins and mission assignments. If you decide that you would rather not join then you are free to leave. Mr. Frank Longbottom, would you please follow me?"

When Dumbledore led Frank to his personal office, the room fell silent. Most of the other students looked uncomfortable sitting alone in Dumbledore's office. No one said anything until finally Sirius broke the silence. "Well, that was interesting. I don't know about the rest of you blokes but I'm signing up."

"You-you-you are?" stuttered Peter.

Sirius gave Peter a horrified look. "Of course I am. I'm no coward, Peter."

"Well, I don't know about this, fellas. This sounds d-d-dangerous," he squeaked, nervously running his hands down his trouser legs.

"Of course it's going to be dangerous," Sirius replied. "It wouldn't be any fun if it weren't."

"Fun?" a female voice interrupted. The Marauders, and Lily, turned around to stare at Rory, who had been the Quidditch captain of Slytherin. "You think this is going to be fun? We could get killed, Black." Rory spit Sirius's surname like it was poison. "You think you're going to go out there and be some hero as you face off with Death Eaters? Do you really think it's going to be like Defense class?" Rory's face screwed up into an ugly grimace. "I've seen them, Black. I've seen them fight. I've seen them kill innocent woman and children. I've seen them do things more horrible than death to those Muggle women. They treat them worse than dogs." By the end of her tirade, Rory was on her feet stalking towards Sirius. She looked like she was going to deck him.

Sirius on the other hand looked like she had already hit him. He was leaning back in his chair, a look of shock on his face. Rory had always been a quiet girl, especially for a Slytherin. She had kept to herself at school, focusing on studying and Quidditch, rather than student politics.

"I do know that, Rory," Sirius said standing up and putting his hands in his robe pockets. "You of all people should know where I grew up; we are cousins of sorts, after all. We've all heard the stories."

"We're not cousins, Black. Not anymore. Didn't you hear? My mum and dad disowned me. Kicked me out on my rump last year, they did. I've been living on my own ever since. I had to go and get myself emancipated because none of the rest of the family would take me in."

"Well that makes two of us," Sirius said, sitting back down. It seemed the wind had left Rory's sails as well. She flopped back into her own chair. "After third year, I just stopped going home. Didn't Reg tell you? I thought he told his mates everything. I heard him boasting about it to them, you know. The Disreputable Sirius Black, shunned, left home, abandoned his family and everything they stood for. I'm surprised he didn't tell you. I thought the whole Quidditch team knew." Sirius's voice had turned sour and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't hang out with the other Slytherin Quidditch players outside of practice, especially your brother. I saw enough of Death Eaters when dear old Dad took me to a meeting back in sixth year. I want nothing to do with the rest of them, ever, or their children."

"Well good for you then," Sirius said, nodding in approval. "That makes two of us. I've been living with James here in the summer. I've never looked back."

"Well, I'm glad there are a few of us still with some sense in our brains. Merlin knows the rest of our family is bat shit crazy."

That last phrase made James and Sirius burst out into ruckus laughter. Rory grinned slyly. "I picked that little bit of slang up in the Muggle world. My flat mates last summer were Muggle university students."

Just then Frank came strutting back into the room. "You're up Prewitt," Frank said, waving a hand at Rory. "See the rest of you guys next week," he said, slipping into the fire place. "I'll see you at home, Alice," he said smoothly, before disappearing in a flash of green flames. Alice's cheeks burned red.

"Looks like I'm not the only one moving out after graduation," Sirius snickered, making Alice blush even more.

Lily reached over and slapped Sirius playfully. Then she turned to Alice, a quiet, round faced girl from Ravenclaw. "Don't you worry about him, Alice. He's just jealous you have someone special to go home to. He'll be sleeping by himself tonight, no warm body to share a bed with, unless he's planning on snuggling up with Moony tonight." Lily threw a grin Remus's way, he blushed and Sirius laughed.

That just made Alice blush even more.

"That's right, Alice, didn't you hear? Moony and I will be shacking up together after Hogwarts as well." His face broke into a ridiculous grin as stood up and took Remus by the arm. Remus just looked at his shoes, his neck and ears red.

Lily back peddled, she was trying to make Alice feel more comfortable, not more embarrassed. "James and I are moving in together," Lily said hastily. Alice looked up surprised. "We're sharing a flat with Sirius here, for a while, until we can arrange our own place. Although I have half a mind to kick him out already and we haven't even moved in yet."

"You're moving in with James, too?" Alice asked, the redness fading from her cheeks.

"Of course," Lily replied. "James is the only family I have left. I have nowhere else to go."

"Me too," Alice said. "My mother raised me by herself. My Da left when he found out she was a witch. I don't think he liked it much. Thought it was evil and unnatural. He was a devout Catholic, you know. Then Mum died, she was killed by Death Eaters for coming to the aid of some Muggles being tortured in our village." Alice said all this with little emotion in her voice. Her face was a mask of disinterest. "That's why I decided to become an Auror. I want to kill the person who did that to my mother."

"Who did it?" Lily whispered.

"Bellatrix Lastrange, my dear second cousin. I hate that bitch." Alice said this with the same voice of disinterest.

Lily was shocked. What happened to that quiet, blushing girl who had been sitting beside her moments ago? She had been replaced by a soldier on a mission to kill.

Luckily she was saved by Rory who came walking out of Dumbledore's office. She waved at the rest of them. "Funny, I don't remember the headmaster personally congratulating recent graduates in the past. I wonder why he decided to start this year." The rest of the room just stared at her in confusion. When no one answered her, she shrugged and headed out the door, down the revolving stair case.

"What was that all about?" Peter asked. "I thought we were her-r-r-re to talk to Dumbledore about the Ord-d-d-der of the Phoen-n-nix."

The rest of them just shrugged. "Ms. Lavelle, I'll see you now," Dumbledore said kindly from the doorway. The next hour passed quietly as one by one the other seventh year graduates passed through Dumbledore's office then out through the revolving staircase or through the Floo. Most of them came out spouting the same story about Dumbledore wanting to congratulate the recent graduates. Only one or two said anything about the Order or seeing them at a meeting some time. Lily was starting to suspect the Headmaster was Obliviating the students who declined his invitation to join the Order. It made sense really. They couldn't have people gossiping about Albus Dumbledore's super secret fighting society now could they?

Sirius and James were quietly whispering about what kind of missions they would go on when the last person to be called in walked out of Dumbledore's office and left. The Marauders and Lily were the only students left after that. Instead of calling someone else's name, Dumbledore took a seat by the fire again and crossed his legs, gazing at the five people in front of him.

"Now, for the four of you," Dumbledore said, his eyes sweeping over Sirius, Lily, James and Peter. "Remus tells me that all four of you have consented to join the Order, am I correct?"

Lily, James and Sirius nodded. "What about you Mr. Pettigrew? I noticed you did not consent as easily as your friends. Do you wish to join the Order or not. I assure you, young man, that no one will force this decision upon you. I simply thought that the five of you would wish to fight together, as a unit. You all seemed to perform better in school when you were grouped together. I am hoping the same will be true outside these walls."

Peter just sat there, staring at his feet.

"Peter," Dumbledore said, using a more authoritative voice, "you have a great talent that I think will be very helpful to the side of Light."

"I-I-I do?" Peter asked, looking up and meeting the Headmaster's gaze.

"You do. Am I wrong in hearing that your Animagus form is a rat?"

Peter just shook his head.

"Quite the unique creatures, rats," Dumbledore said, conjuring a plate of cucumber sandwiches and a flask of wine. He set it on the table and offered goblets to his guests. Looking unsure, each of the Marauders, and Lily, took one. "They can squeeze into small places, hide in dark corners, and are relatively ignored as there are so many of them around. Yes, Peter, you could be very useful indeed if you are up to the task."

Peter just nodded his head in astonishment. It was obvious that he was shocked that anyone would find him useful; after all, he had barely passed his seventh year at Hogwarts.

"Okay, I'll join," Peter finally said.

Dumbledore nodded his head and continued. "As for the rest of you, Remus tells me you are all interested in joining the Order, am I right?"

Everyone shook their heads again. "Wonderful. Has Remus discussed what I had in mind for the four of you?"

"Not really," James replied. They hadn't discussed what would be expected of them at all. Each one just knew that it was the right thing to do, to join the Order and to fight for the freedom of the wizarding and Muggle world alike.

"Well then," Dumbledore said, rotating his cup in his hand, "let's get down to business. I must say that I am extremely happy that you have all decided to join our ban of warriors." Peter flushed and looked at his shoes. Dumbledore smiled kindly. "Yes, even you Peter." Peter turned even redder.

"My assignment for you is simple really. Lily, I would like to use your talent in Charms, naturally. I need some assistance in fortifying certain strong holds around Britain. You will not only be fortifying cities but also places like Gringotts and other important Wizarding facilities. While you're out on mission, I would like James and Sirius to accompany you. Think of them as your body guards. Should any Death Eaters attack you while you are working, I want you to finish your task at all costs. James and Sirius are there to fight for you while you finish what you were sent to do."

Lily nodded gravely. Dumbledore had a lot of faith in her Charms abilities. Lily wasn't sure she was up to the task. "Sir, am I going to have some kind of mentor with me during my first missions?"

Dumbledore smiled sadly and said, "I am sorry Lily, but you are the replacement for my last Charms Specialist. He died in the field just two weeks ago. I am afraid you are on your own."

Lily's heart dropped. Someone had already died doing what she was about to go out and do. "I'll do my best then to stay alive," she said gravely.

"I hope you do that. I am always at your service should you need help preparing for your missions, of course. Please Floo me if you need anything at all, my dear."

Dumbledore's eyes lingered on Lily, passing over her expressive green eyes and fiery auburn hair. His eyes were filled with sadness, as if he was already facing her eminent demise. Dumbledore was not oblivious to the fact that he was sending one of his favorite students off to some of the most dangerous places in Britain.

Dumbledore turned his blue eyes to James and Sirius. The haunting look that had filled them as he stared at Lily hadn't left. James shivered. It was as if Dumbledore was looking into his soul.

"As for you two," Dumbledore said, "protecting Lily will not be your only mission. I will send you out on raids as well. I may also use you as messengers in remote areas as your
Animagus forms are swift and agile. Also, no one would take note of a stag running through the woods during a battle."

Sirius snorted and said, "Yea, they may not notice a stag but they sure as he- well, they will notice a huge shaggy black dog."

"I may have a solution to that yet, my boy. We will see, when the time comes, if my potions expert has developed something to camouflage you. If not, a certain invisibility cloak might come in handy," Dumbledore said with a knowing look in his twinkling eyes.

James, Remus and Sirius exchanged shocked looks. Lily grinned smugly. How many times had she tried to tell those three that Dumbledore knew everything that went on inside Hogwarts and there wasn't an invisibility cloak in the world that could hide them from him?

"I assume you still have your father's cloak tucked away safely?" Dumbledore asked.

James nodded, still dumbfounded. "How did you know it was my da's?"

"We've seen that particular cloak inside this school more than once, James. Or did you think you inherited your natural tendency towards mischief from your mother?" Dumbledore chuckled softly. "As Headmaster, I have inherited decades of stories of troublemakers and rule breakers. I remember hearing stories about Nicolas Potter after I started school here; he graduated a number of years before I did but his legacy had outlived his time here. I heard even more stories about him after I became a teacher and yet more when I became Headmaster. I very much expected you to follow in his mischief making footsteps. As the Muggles say, 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.' You've lived up to my expectations spectacularly, James."

James grinned like a maniac. "Ta, Headmaster."

Dumbledore inclined his head in response. "Now, Peter. The job I have for you is very important."

Peter's head flew up and his eyes grew wide. "Im-im-important?" Peter stuttered. "Ar-Are you sure you mean it for me?"

"Oh yes, dear boy. Your job is just as important as Ms. Evan's. It may be more so. I need you to be my eyes and ears in town. I would like you to use your Animagus form to gather intelligence on Death Eaters stationed in Hogsmeade. Each day I will be giving you a new assignment. You will check in with me regularly and I will let you know where I need you. At the end of every day you will report back to me and tell me what you've heard. If there is something of dire importance, you will return at once to inform me."

Peter squeaked, acknowledging he'd heard Dumbledore.

"What about Moony?" James asked. "What is he going to be doing? You haven't mentioned that yet."

Dumbledore's eyes got sad again. "I am sorry boys but as of right now, I cannot disclose what Mr. Lupin will be doing. It's of the utmost importance that his mission stay as secret as possible."

"You can trust us!" Sirius said indignantly, crossing his arms and legs, glaring at Dumbledore. "You trust us enough to send us out to fight for you but you won't tell us what our best friend will be doing. That's not fair."

Dumbledore's eyes clouded and grew sharp. "Mr. Black, I'll have you remember that you are now a soldier and as such you will not be permitted to talk to me in such a manner concerning Order business. You will accept that there are things I am not going to be able to tell you and you will do it without complaint. Is that clear?"

Sirius stared wide eyed at his old Headmaster. "You can't expect me to just sit around while Moony goes off doing Merlin knows wh-"

"Sirius, that is enough!" Remus said, speaking up for the first time. "Do not raise your voice to the Headmaster. He has been gracious enough to tell you that I have joined at all. That will not be common knowledge with the Order members. It was simply a courtesy to me." Remus took a deep breath. "I couldn't just disappear after graduation and have you all think me a coward, or worse, dead. I am going to be out of contact for a while with you four. I don't know when I'll be able to visit or write but I wanted you to know that I was at least fighting. That I hadn't run off to let you do it all alone."

"We would never think that of you, Remus," Sirius said, standing up and embracing his friend. "We know you're no coward."

"You guys give me too much credit," Remus said, stepping away from Sirius.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention again. "Now that we have that settled, I will send you on your way. I am giving you all a week to get settled before the next Order meeting, after that you will start missions full time. Please return here a week from today at 11 p.m. sharp. Feel free to use the Floo to leave or you may walk to the apparition boundary and leave that way." Dumbledore got up and walked towards his private quarters. Before he got to the door though, he turned around and said, "One more thing, I just wanted to let you four know how very proud of you I am. You truly have been a great asset to the school." When he disappeared through the door the four Marauders looked at one another, and Lily, and grinned like idiots.