The Dark Arts
James Potter Lily Evans Tom Riddle
Angst Romance
Multiple Eras
Published: 05/02/2004
Updated: 12/26/2004
Words: 21,423
Chapters: 11
Hits: 4,872

Evil's Kiss

Bella St. James

Story Summary:
A forbidden kiss, a caress of danger, and a night of pleasures. Would Lily Evans be able to break the cycle of darkness with a mysterious stranger? Or, could decisions she makes lead to a relationship that would mold her future and affect all of those she holds dear?

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
A forbidden kiss, a caress of danger, and a night of pleasures. Would Lily Evens be able to break the cycle darkness with a mysterious stranger? Or, could decisions she makes lead to a relationship that would mold her future and affect all of those she holds dear?
Author's Note:
Enjoy, I promise more action in the next chapter. Trust me things are going to heat up quite nicely.

Chapter Five

A rush of emotion took Lily by surprise. Tom's lips were soft and sweet, deceiving the hard, grim line they were usually puckered in. Anger, amazement, shock, and a bit of uncertainty played in her mind. But one other thought wouldn't leave her alone. He tasted of pumpkin juice. Why in the world would I think of what he tastes like in a situation like this? Lily thought. Common sense finally interrupted and Lily's thoughts took another path. Instead of thinking of what he tasted like, her sense of logic began analyzing the situation and the results were not favorable. How dare he treat me like some common criminal? I am not a fucking whore. What is his problem? So why wasn't she pushing him away?

Chocolate and peppermint? That's all Tom's brain would let him think of. To his immense pleasure, he explored the cavern of her mouth and its inviting warmth. But his brain began to function normally again and his thoughts took a decidedly bad turn. This wasn't what he had planned. He was just going to teach her that there are always repercussions with actions. But something happened, something went wrong. He needed to keep a clear mind, so why was he still kissing her? Lily's hands timidly crept up on his neck, her fingers intermingled with his hair and drew lazy circles with her fingertips, and with pleasure, he heard her sigh into his mouth. How do I complete my plan when my thoughts are scattered? Chocolate and peppermint...delicious! Oh bloody hell, what am I doing? He thought and ...

"Ms. Evans! Mr. Riddle! Good heavens what on Earth are you two doing?" Professor McGonagall said loudly. The special moment shattered. The two broke apart and just stood there.

"OH! Professor, ummm...well..." Lily trailed off in an embarrassed silence.

"Hello professor," Tom said quietly. "Ms. Evens and I were, as you saw, kissing." His voice took on a sarcastic tone. "Now if you will kindly excuse us, I will escort Lily back to her house so that she may prepare for our date at the Halloween Ball. Is their any problem with that?" Obviously, he was angered by having to end the kiss short, or that it didn't progress to the level of intensity he had hoped for.

"No, that's quite alright Mr. Riddle. Since I am head of Gryffindor house, I will take Ms. Evans back. You however, you shall go down to your own house without further comment. Do I make myself clear?" Professor McGonagall said in a tight voice. She didn't like being disrespected.

"Quite," Tom said. Turning to Lily he put on his most charming smile and blew her another kiss. "Until tonight." His eyes held another smile that would not play upon his lips. After all he at least had shreds of a bad boy reputation protect, and bad boys did not smile in front of authority. He strode from the room, and Lily found her voice again. Cheeks aflame with a rosy blush, she spoke to the professor.

"I'm sorry for that misconduct, ma'am. It shan't happen again," Lily said quietly. McGonagall didn't say anything; instead she walked out of the classroom and waited for Lily to come. They began walking and a couple of minutes later; the professor broke the silence.

"Lily, I personally don't mind students showing affection once in awhile, away from prying eyes, but it's the people who make up the party that I worry about," she said and stopped in front of the entrance to the Gryffindor Tower. " I will have to write you mother about this. Only because I want her informed of whom her daughter is dallying with. Do you know Mr. Riddle's reputation?" she said, a strong note of warning in her voice. " He is said to be highly advanced in the dark arts. You don't know what a boy like that could do. In addition, he is two years older than you are. Lily, you're one of my best students. I don't think dating Mr. Riddle would be a wise decision." She finished and looked down at Lily.

"I know you mean well, but I really like Tom. He's sweet and has a sensitive side that he only allows a certain few to see. He has really had a rough past and sometimes it shows in his actions, but I think I can help him. I thought you were above just listening to what other people say," Lily said in a tone that expressed that matter closed. She gathered her things and went into the common room. She got to her dorm without any surprise and lay down on the bed. Without warning, tears came to her jewel-colored eyes, and she let them flow. She cried about Tom, because she had no idea what to do about him. She cried about James because she had led him on- without saying that her thoughts lied with someone else. She cried for herself too. She couldn't bear not having James as a friend or Tom as a boyfriend. But without them getting along, she didn't see how she cold keep both of them close to her without driving herself insane. Her heart wrenching sobs echoed in the empty room. They finally stopped when no more tears would come. Lily got up and sat infront of the little vanity beside her bed. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled a bit. Her eyes were red and swollen, lips red and full, (still from Tom's devastating kiss) and her hair was a frizzled mess. She reached for her brush and began to brush her hair. She saw her wrists when her gaze traveled back to her reflection in the mirror. There were vivid black and purple marks on them form where Tom had cruelly handled her. Thank goodness, I'll be wearing long sleeves tonight, she thought. James would kill him with his bare hands if he found out. I'm sure he didn't mean to do it, Lily thought.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. Lily quickly pulled on a long sleeved sweater to cover her battered wrists and went to answer the door.

"Hello Poppy, what can I do for you?" Lily asked James's date for the night.

"Oh, hi Lily, I was just wondering, is Tavia in there?" Poppy said, a bit reserved.

"Um, no it's just me, could I help you with something though? I don't know when she will be back. I think she went on a walk with Sirius before the ball. You never know what kind of trouble they will get in when they are together," Lily said with a laugh.

Poppy laughed as well. "I quite agree. Well, if you don't mind, I was wondering which color would go best with James' dress robes. Since he hasn't told me what color they are, I thought you might know and could help me to decide. I have this gold one here," Poppy paused and showed her a small square of golden cloth that complemented her complexion. "Or this one that I got in Italy last summer holiday," Poppy said pulling out another small square of fabric, this one a light gray, almost silver that complemented her eyes.

"Well, I prefer the gold on you. It complements you skin complexion and hair; better then the other one does. But ultimately, it's your choice. But I'm sorry, James hasn't said anything about his choice of dress robes," Lily said, and put on a bit of a pained smile. The thought of her and James together tonight, it made her feel a bit queasy.

"Oh, well that doesn't help me much, but yes, the gold color was what I was thinking about wearing also. Thank you for your advice. I want to look my best for the ball," Poppy said and began to descend the stairs. Just before Lily closed the door, however, Poppy turned back around. "I hope that this date between myself and James doesn't interfere with our friendship. I just want you to know that James and I are just friends, and nothing more," Poppy told Lily as if she needed to explain it.

"Yes, I totally understand, Poppy, and I just want you to know that I wish you the best of luck. I hope we all have a wonderful time," Lily replied with a smile.

"Well, I guess we will see each other tonight then. Thank you again for you advice." Poppy smiled and finally left Lily to peace. Just friends, my bum, Lily thought as she started on the frizz pot on top of her head that most people called hair. At first, she tried yanking viciously on her brush to try to claim her wild hair because of her anger at herself and at Jam... herself, but her hair only got worse. So, with a sigh, she resigned herself to gently brushing and pouring ungodly amounts of stuff into her hair. It took Lily over a half an hour to de-tangle and de-frizz her tresses. With the help of several muggle products such as Suave mousse, Suave hairspray, and Suave gel, her hair had finally submitted to what Lily wanted to do. She said a few hair charms and her hair arranged itself nicely atop her head. Finally, when she was finished with her hair, and her eyes had cleared up from the effects of crying, she was ready to dress. As she stood in front of the mirror only fifteen minutes later, everything was back to normal. She had put on the dress and looked incredibly beautiful. Earlier, she had done a curling charm on her hair and the mat on top of her head had arranged itself into beautifully red ringlets; piled elegantly atop her head. Her hair framed her high cheekbones and clear features. Some runaway curls escaped the clips and accented the 'do perfectly. She stood up straight, gave herself a mental shake to tell herself to perk-up, and topped it off with a dazzling smile that could charm the socks off any wizard. She glanced at the mirror once more to make sure she looked fine.

"If I looked like you, honey, I'd quit school, get a high-paid modeling job and live in Milan." The mirror said in a rather nasal New York accent.

" Awww... thank you so much. You're really too kind." Lily flushed with embarrassment.

"No, really toots, you look gorgeous, now go get 'um!"

Lily smiled at the mirror and then walked out of the room with a delicate air of grace and poise. With a quick prayer, she went down the stairs to the common room to wait for the others.


"Have you gone insane, Riddle?" Professor Orlando nearly shouted. Tom was seated in his office, not really paying attention. He was preoccupied thinking about Lily and the forbidden kiss. A thump on the head brought Tom out of his dream world.

"You weren't even listening to me, were you?" The professor exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, sir, but no, I wasn't. All I heard was Lily Evans is a mudblood and is from Gryffindor. Personally, I think it's rubbish." Tom finished with a smirk. Professor Orlando's face colored with anger and a bit of embarrassment.

"Riddle, you're walking on thin ice here; I would be extremely cautious if I were you." His tone of voice low.

In response, all he said was, "I'm not you, professor." He got up swiftly before the professor had a chance to speak, and left the office, slamming the door behind him. He ended up at the Slytherin common room. On the long walk there however, his thoughts turned to an illicit subject. He thought of several ways he could use Lily in his master plan, but not involve his emotions. Although he was evil to the core, no one had rocked him more that Lily. Things weren't supposed to happen this way. His plan was simple. He was to find a girl, make her fall in love with him, and then be able to manipulate her to serve his ultimate purpose. The girl wasn't supposed to have an effect on him. Lily did. She was fun, light-hearted, and always laughing. That smile of hers, that was his downfall. To make matters worse, he would need to learn all he could in his last remaining year at Hogwarts before he could efficiently put his plan into action. But could he still make room - however small - and actually love the one person who tried to get to know him and befriend him because genuinely she cared? Yes, I could, he thought

Bloody hell, couldn't he?

Author notes: Please review! I know you want to! Thanks.