James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black
General Romance
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/18/2003
Updated: 11/18/2003
Words: 686
Chapters: 1
Hits: 666

Confessions of Two Hearts


Story Summary:
Two ordinary girls with extraordinary powers discuss boys and relationships in general...but come to odd conclusions. Just who is cuter, James or Sirius? Who can make the better insults? And is Lily really going out with Snivellus?

Author's Note:
To Courtney

Confessions of Two Hearts

"Aw, Lily, why do you spend so much time getting dressed?" complained Divana, lying on the bed and waving her wand around in little circles.

"Because I think it's important to look nice, even if some people don't," said Lily, fastening an earring and looking pointedly at Divana, who was wearing an old, holey t-shirt with patched jeans.

"No, you don't," Divana replied with a knowing grin. "Any other day you would be a little rag-tag, like me. Let's face it Lily--you only care what you look like when James is around."

"I DO NOT!" shouted Lily, blushing furiously. "We're just friends, that's all!"

"We're just friends, that's all," mimicked Divana in a high voice. "You're 'just friends', who have been dating for a year and a half--not that anyone's counting, of course."

"Divana, I like James. He's funny.... and nice.... and incredibly sweet.... and sensitive...." She trailed off in a dreamy way.

"Not to mention incomparably ugly," Divana remarked.

"Divana! He is not. He's a nice guy--but he's just a nice guy. I mean--I don't--I certainly don't.... he's just a friend, for heaven's sake!"

"Yeah, I know, I know Lily. He's just a friend--who you happen to spend every waking moment- and probably some sleeping ones as well--with."

"DIVANA MOON!! That is--how low--first you insult him, and then you insult me!"

"Hey, don't razz me for a matter of opinion and the statement of a fact. You get so defensive about your relationship with your friend, I guess I better just back off." Divana waved her hand with a slight smirk on her face. Lily blushed. "Anyway," she continued, now with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I guess I'm just biased. After all, I am rather smitten with someone else."

"Really?" asked Lily, obviously intrigued. "Is it someone I know?" She sat down on the bed, next to Divana.

"Oh, yes." She smiled a glittering smile.

"Who is it? Tell me!"

"Sirius Black"

Lily gaped. She simply gaped. Absolute silence rang in the air for ten whole seconds before she recovered. And still, all she could do was whisper, "Sirius Black?"

"Mmmm-hmmm." Divana was fairly glowing. "So, what do you think?"

Those words were all that were needed. Lily collapsed on the floor, howling with raucous laughter. "Sirius Black!" she choked, beset by giggles. "SIRIUS BLACK!"

"Well, what's wrong with him?" queried Divana, a little annoyed at her friend's reaction.

Lily tried to get herself under control. "Nothing--giggle--nothing at--giggle--all. He's a nice--giggle--person, and he's really--giggle--not too bad. What--giggle--do you like--giggle--about him?"

Divana made a 'tsk-ing' noise, and then grinned. " To start, he is incredibly, amazingly cute."

"And--?" Lily prompted.

"Well--that's basically all I know about him. But that's enough." She waggled her eyebrows up and down.

"You mean you don't even know him?' Lily asked incredulously.


"I do." Lily pulled a face. "Unfortunately."

"What are you talking about?"

"Listen. Sirius is a nice guy, but your completely wrong for each other. I mean, he's irresponsible, reckless, crazy, disrespectful, a show-off--" she paused. "Maybe you guys are meant to be, after all."

"Hey!" In a second, Divana was on her feet with her wand out. "I'll hex you for that!"

"And I'll report you to Professor McGonagall. I am a prefect, you know."


"Reckless dueller!"




Lily glanced her watch. "I would love to stay and continue this session of insults, but I have other plans."

"Fine! Go on your date then!" Divana smiled. "And don't forget to put a good word for me to Sirius!"

Lily paused at the door. "Just how would I do that?"

Divana gave her a withering look. "Come on, Lily. Wherever there's a James, there's a Sirius."

"Maybe I'm not going out with James," Lily said mysteriously. "Maybe I'm going out with.... Severus Snape!"

Divana screeched. "The grease puddle! As if!"

Lily looked offended. "What's wrong with Severus?"

"Nothing is wrong with Snivellus. Nothing at all. Now go on, get going! Your Prince James awaits!"

Lily laughed. "Some Prince!" she said, and without another word, was out the door.


Author notes: There it is. After being sent back two times for editing, it's finally done.

This is my second fic, and I would like to thank all the wonderful critics of my first one, but especially EowynJade, for making me confident enough to write another. You guys are fantastic!

To the Courtney mentioned in the header--well, you know who you are. Your frivilous girl talk inspired me to write this story.

My next fic is called Banished. Look for it in about a week or so.

Avisa ;-)