The Dark Arts
Horror Romance
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/06/2003
Updated: 07/26/2003
Words: 4,075
Chapters: 4
Hits: 1,572

I'll Wait For You Forever...


Story Summary:
The Final Battle with Voldemort is over. Harry has disappeared, the Weasleys are dead, and Hermione has withdrawn from all things magic. And now she is having recurring nightmares of a man who frightens and entrances her at the same time... who is he and why does he keep getting more and more vivid with each passing night...

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Slowly he lifted his hood...It was him. It was REALLY him....
Author's Note:
Who is the masked man...now we know....=) leave me reviews...reviews make me happy and more inclined to write...=)

"Have you showed anyone else this, 'Mione?" Dr. Skanovich asked quietly, rolling the vial over his palm, examining it closely.

"No...I told Ginny I had another nightmare, but, I didn't show her the necklace...I didn't even tell her about it." Hermione let out a sigh and shook her head. "What does it mean?"

"Well," the doctor sat down and handed her back her necklace, "what we're looking at is a very ancient form of magic. I haven't heard or seen it used since before the fifteenth century. According to medieval wizards, if a person, and most of the time it was a woman, wore a vial filled with the blood of someone who loved them more than life, the wearer would be protected from all evil."

"All evil?" she asked confusedly.

"Vampires, werewolves, even Satan himself if the love was strong enough. Did you see the man's face this time?"

"No...I went to lift his hood but he wouldn't let me."

"Do you know who he is?"

She shook her head sadly. "I want it to be Harry...if he can give me a necklace in the dead of night, then...he'd be alive..."

"'Mione, listen to me...I know you love and miss Harry very much...but he's gone...he's dead."

"THEY NEVER FOUND HIS BODY!" she exclaimed, jumping out of her seat and putting the necklace back around her neck.

"Why did you put the necklace back on, Hermione?" he changed the subject quickly.

"He told me to wear it always...he said it would protect me..."

"What do you think you need protected from? Why do you trust him?"

"I don't know..."

"Well....I'd be careful if I were you, Hermione. I don't know anything but what you've told me, however, I have a feeling that there is something Dark involved with all of this..."


"I can't believe how damn cold it is already," Ginny shivered as she and Hermione walked into the Roadhouse that evening.

"Agreed...it's only October and it's already snowing a bit," Hermione nodded.

"That little bit is gonna turn into a blizzard before the night's over...you mark my words," Will nodded, joining their conversation.

"We're still open tonight, though?" Ginny asked him, tying on her apron.

"Course we are...you don't think the big guy would let six feet of snow keep him from selling his whiskey and beers, now do you?" Will flashed his signature smile.

The evening went slowly despite the fact that the bar was packed. Seemed all the locals felt that a drink was the quickest way to warm them up.

At nearly half past twelve, a man walked into the bar, grabbing everyone's attention. He was tall, and a black hooded cloak hid his face. He quickly walked to the back of the bar and sat a small table in the corner.

"That's your table...have fun," Ginny grinned at her friend.

Hermione rolled her eyes then walked over to the man. "What can I get for you?" she asked sweetly.

"Something warm..." he replied, keeping his head down.

Hermione froze. That voice...

"What kind of warm..." she pressed, hoping to get him to speak again.

"Coffee...do you have coffee here?"

He had an English accent. The voice...so familiar, but she couldn't place it.

"Sure...cream and sugar?" she regained her composure, not wanting to be rude.


"Coming right up," she agreed. Hermione quickly turned on her heel and headed back to the bar.

"You alright? You seem a bit spooked." Will furrowed his brow in concern.

"No...I'm okay." She smiled as she poured the coffee. "Just a bit of déjà vu, that's all."

"Alright..." he bit his lip, not believing her.

Hermione walked back over and set the coffee down on the table. "Anything else?"

"No...thank you," he replied quietly. His hands snaked out of the sleeves of the cloak, grasping the cup. His fingers were pale, smooth.

"You can take your cloak off if you'd like...let it dry out by the fire..."

"Are you wearing the necklace, Hermione?" he asked suddenly.

She felt her heart leap to her throat. Her legs threatened to give out. She grabbed the chair for support.

"Who are you?" she choked out quietly.

"Do you really want to know? Are you ready to know?" he asked in reply. His voice was low, almost challenging.

"You've haunted my dreams for years...tell me who you are...why me?" she begged.

He let go of his cup suddenly and drew back his hood. A mop of unruly black hair. Hermione felt tears sting her eyes. He looked up. Emerald green eyes. She put her hand to her mouth. Hermione let her eyes travel to his forehead. It was there. The Scar. It was him. It was really him.

"Harry," she gasped. And then she fainted on the spot.